Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1921)
TH E HERM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. The High School Mirror y 0| 2 , I Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools - No. 4 DAREELL CANNON WINNER OF POLICE GAZETTE BELT Lakes Naval Training station was TEDDY STEWART RETURNS HOME AFTER NAVAL SERVICE with them. He is home now on a Cruise Takes Him From San Francis' co Across Pacific and Into the Mediterranean Sea month’s furlough from the service. He recently received a silver medal from the government for being second in a class of 68 men in avia tion mechanics. This Is considered notable for a boy of 19 in competi tion with many older and matured men. Young Mathews has one more year to serve. Teddy Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. as It will have about eight pieces. Tom Stewart, who has been two The junior class has shown its years in the navy stationed at Mare A meeting of the student executive sympathy for Mary Currie one of the Ideal Weather Contributes to the Island, California arrived home Mon Success of Show, No Serious council was called Monday morning prominent ljunloTS, who has been day of last week having been honor “UNSEEN FORCES” COMING recently by sending her Accidents This Tear by Miss Swayxe, president of the ill ably discharged from the service. TO PLAY HOUSE SATUDRAY student body. Among much other beautiful flowers. Since the 4th of April he has been business was a plan of having high at sea and visited many points in the Darrell Cannon proved to be the Orient. The supply ship Celtic up Sylvia Breamer Heads All-Star Cast; Miss Wilma Waugaman the midget school parties twice a month if pos Is Girl “Who Sees Around sible. Amusements of the right of the freshman class entered the winner of the Police Gazette belt at on which he left "Frisco” made the the Corners” the Pendlleton Round-Up this year bread baking contest last week at the kind are essential to good work. first stop at Honolula. From there These high school parties will pro Hay and Grain Show in Pendleton instead of Yakima Canutt who was they went to Guam and Manilla, and 'Heralded as one of the most re vide the right kind of amusements and was successful In carrying off expected to win. Cannon’s victories from there along the Chinese coast markable photodramas of the season, The game with Athena high school and give the students better chance first prize with Stanfield second and in the races piled up the necessary stopping for a few weeks at Nagaski “Unseen Forces,” with an all-star points to make him the best all round at which place he enjoyed seeing has been fully arranged for and the to know each other, and the mem Pendleton third. cast headed by beautiful Sylvia cow boy in the show. the manners and customs of the Breamer, will be the attraction next Athena foot ball team will play our bers of the faculty. The tentative George Gardinier, John Palmer Strickland W ins Again team here on October 7th, the open programs which was drawn up in Chinese people. at the Play House Saturday and at Hugh Strickland won the world’s The vessel made several trips up Pound’s Friday. ing day of the dairy and hog show. cludes a short picture show, games and Lyle Palmer former Baker high Although this is the first game of and dancing, and of course refresh school boys called on Mr. Voelker at .bucking championship, being the only and down this coast from Hong Directed by Sidney A. Franklin, the school Friday morning. The I contestant in the finals to ride clean Kong to Manilla. Here he was trans- , ' the season our boys are out to win, ments. recognized as one of the most able boys were on their way to Eugene ly. Canutt pulled leather while Ray fered to the cruiser Albany and sail and they have been practicing for men in his profession, it is a May Bell and’Cheyenne Kiser were thrown ed the Indian ocean, the Red sea and flower production and Is released nearly three weeks. Charles Bergman and Everett where they will enter the U. of O. Strickland rode “You Tell-em,” in the Mediterranean to the mouth of the through Associated First National Everett Parker last year’s tackle Parker are the latest students who The school is planinng to take finals. Nile River stopping at the city of Pictures. has started to school. His coming entered high school. This brings Yakima Canutt won the bulldogg- the same name. has been a great help to the*team. as the total number of students In high part in the dairy and bog show Supporting Miss Breamer In the Here he had the opportunity to cast are such well known celluloid he started In practicing at once. school to 106, 49 girls and 56 boys. parade next Friday morning. We Ing championship and Tom Grimes an make no announcements now Just took the roping honors. Canutt was visit the wonderful pyranflds of celebrities as Conrad Nagel, who Is On October 15 our foot ball team The high orchestra under the di what will be the features but it goes also second In the bucking finals. Egypt also the great Sphinx which her leading man; Rosemary Theby, will play Heppner high school at rection of Mr. Voelker was reorgan without saying, that the boys and Mabie Strickland who was the fav is 125 feet long and 63 feet high. Robert Caln, famed for his port-.-./al T'eppner, during the older boys con ized Tuesday night. This orchestra girls will put on some interesting orite to win the cow girls’ relay lost From the African coast the vessel up. of lounge lizard parts; Sant De ference. On October 22 our team is remarkable for a school of hte size. stunts and try to outdo their efforts on account of her horse breaking on which the home trip was made Grasse, who has made a big repu through the fence, thus disqualifying was the transport Newport News tation for himself as both an actor her. Lorena Trlckey took first hon making stops at all the former ports | and director; Edward Martindel, The Hermiston Fruit Growers ex The senior B. Y. P. U. will meet 25,000 BOXES OF APPLES TO ors. arriving at San Francisco the 12th Harry Garrty, James O. Barrows, BE SHIPPED FROM HERMISTON pect to ship about 25,000 boxes of at one half hour earlier, beginning The weather looked doubtful early of the month. Teddy considers it Agge Herring, Andrew Arbuckle apples. Shipments this year would Sunday evening, 7:30. Topic, “Thy » ----------- Jiave been far heavier had It not will be done with my time.” This In the week but on Saturday it was lucky that he had the opportunity to Most remarkable of all perhaps is C an Now Being Loaded for Baltimore been for the heavy frost In the early Is a consecration meeting. The great. The crowd Saturday was prob make the ocean voyage ns his Ex the story which has been plcturized, 6,000 Boxes W ill Go to Norway winter of 1919-20. young people of the community not ably the best in the history of the perience will be worth a great deal for, as the title would Indicate, it Quality is Good The directors of Jhe 'Hermiston attending elsewhere are cordially in. Round-Up for It is estimated that to him. deals with "unseen forces." 30,000 people saw the show the Iasi Fruit Growers who handle the ship vlted. Sylvia Breamer has the role of • The Hermiston Fruit Growers have ping are Geo. H. Root, Paul Miller day. Both grandstand and bleachers DR. W. J. CRANDALL MARRIED Miriam Holt, a girl possessed < f The prayer meeting meets Thurs were crowded to capacity. a large force of men and women at and A. W. Prann. RECENTLY AT ASHLAND, ORE. peculiar intuitive powers which en day evening at 7:30 in place of the work in the W. A. Leathers ware able Jier to lorlell certain future No Accidents Mar hour we have been meeting. house packing and loading apples. The Round-Up was especially for Doctor is Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. happenings. She is known M "the Baptist Notices Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Last week there was a crew of 16 girl who sees nround corners.” tunate this year in having no serious Crandall and Lived Here Until R. V. Ashmun, minister. Sunday Theme, "The Challenge of a Dream” at work. The size will vary but A childhood romance developes In accidents. Several riders were thrown He Left For College there will be lots of work done all school 10 o’clock. Fort Worth Tex Mrs. Ashmun will sing at this service Saturday, but none were seriously later years into a real love affair, but through the season. Just now cars as has a Sunday school with 2200 Evening worship at 7:30. Notice hurt. Two Indian girls lell into the Of Interest to many friends here a misunderstanding results in the are being loaded for Baltimore. It attendance. Canton, Ohio has a the change in time. Theme ‘‘Making fence both rose immediately. The will be the marriage at Ashland parting of Mirant and her lover Clyde it expected that a car will be loaded Sunday school with better than Sacred Our Word.” A Christian wel 'ame luck seems to have favored an Thursday, Sept. 15 of Dr. W. J. Burnton. about every two days during the 2300 attendance. The Sunday school come is extended to all. He marries another woman, but imals as well as riders. Crandall to Miss Gladys Anderson. season, most of the shipments going is the most cosmopolitian organiza quickly regrets the step he has taken One of the most attractive features Dr. Crandall Is a son of Mr. and to the Atlantic coast. One ¡order tion in the church. Come and join (his year was furnished by the Indi Mrs. C. H. Crandall of Hermiston and and when he comes upon Miriam In "Coolidge Unhurt as Platform for 6,000 boxes will go to Christiana, the ranks. ans who were out in greater number lived here up to five years ugo when New York, where she has gained The junior B. Y. P. U. meets in the Collapses," says a headline. But Norway and there may be other for lhan ever before. Their parades he went to Los Angelos to enter med. fame for the great services she has basement during the moritlng wor it refers to the platform on which eign shipments. were the best seen In the west for leal college. He is a graduate of the performed for hnmrinlty through her H. F. Davidson of the company of l ship hour. Children six years old he was making a speech Labor Day many years, both as to number and local high school and worked six wonderful gift, he knows that he still that name was here last week and and including the seventh grade are and not the platform on which he to decorations. A tribal dance was years In the reclamation office here loves her. said the local Winesaps were Just invited. This arrangement is a was elected. — Nashville Southern put on by them on Saturday after He finished medical college a year Lumberman. as good as those grown at Wenatchee. happy one from many standpoints. noon. ago nnd began the practice of med BOARDMAN HAY MEN TAKE PRIZES AT PENDLETON SHOW The names of winners of various icine at Ashland. Mrs. Crandall Is events follow: also a physician and the two first met at college. The following account ol Chas. Wicklander Captures the $40 Saturday’s Results the wedding Is quoted from the Ash for Best Bale; Lee Savely Pony Race land Daily Tidings. Gets Fifth Place First, Darrel Cannon. “Dr. W. J. Crandall, of Crandall £ Second, Dave Hearn. Boardman put Itself right on ths tuwyer, was married at noon today Third, Harry Walters. map at the northwest hay and grain to Dr. Gladys Anderson, of Ellens Junior Cowboy Race burg, Wash., at the Methodist Epis ihow In Pendleton last week, taking First, Elwood Kirkpatrick. copal parsonage by Rev. Charles A first, second and fourth In the hay Second, Carlton Luck. Edwards. The bride arrived thb prizes. Third, LewiB Real. Chas. Wicklander took the 240 morning. Dr. and Mrs. Crandall Stage Coach Race left Immediately following the cere prize for the best hale of hay ex First, Joe Cantrell. mony for Crater Lake, where thej hibited. B. L. Dlllabaugh and R. Second, Jim Roach. will remain for % week before re 3. Mitchell, also of Boardman took Cowgirl’s Relay turning to Ashland and their apart econd and fourth respectively. The First, Lorena Trlckey, Saturday lirmiston district got n on the ment home on Glenn Ave. time 3:56 2-5, total time 11:54. "Dr. Crandall has made many noney however, for Loe Savely of Second, Mabld Strickland, Saturday friends here since coming to Ash 3ulter Creek took fifth money in the (penalized.) total time 12:04 4-5. Third, Kitty Canutt, Saturday land a year ago from Los Angelot lay section. Men from here who attended the time 4:09 1-5, total time 12:32 3-5. where he attended a medical collegf My driller with his rigs Is In Walla Walla and wants to get on the The newlyweds first met while at diow report that the exhibits were Cowboy's Relay ixceptionnlly good, though the nt- ground by the first of next month. It depends on you people that have First, Darrell Cannon, Saturday tending college In the southern city ’endance was not as good as was de "The young couple will take up subscribed and given me your word that you would support me. time, 4:06; total 12:16 3-5. sired. Second, Bob Lee, Saturday time, their pratlce here after returning In the grain exhibits Sam Carson We will have plenty of money by the first of the month to get to drilling from their honeymoon. Mrs. Cran 4:15 1-5, total 12:38 3-5. who took fourth on a bushel of Mar- dall formerly practiced In Oregon if you all keep your word and stand behind your signature. So if thete Third, Paul Landrum, Saturday tuis wheat had a bushel whole test City.” are delays don’t blame me but yourself. So please send In your subscrip time, 5:12; total 13:35 1-5. weight was 63.3 pounds. tion at once as we cannot start with out money. Round-Up Derby C. M. Mathews Wins Medal First, Lee Mink on Mysterious Girl Secretary of Labor Davis de And If you could realize the hard work I have done and expense I have Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mathews of Second. Bill Mandels ¡¿n Our Lead clared in a speech that more than Spokane, former residents here were gone to, to make this a success also a square deal for all of you and try to er, i thousand Christian Asiatics are renewing old acquaintances the firs) please you all and what it means to the country you’ll sacrifice Borne to Third, Darrell Cannon on Grayson. 'leclng to the United States. They’ll of this week. They motored down keep your promise with me. Wild Horse Race for the Round-Up. Their 19 year 're trying to Christianize New York First, Bob Erickson. I’ll have some good news and a report that will please you all in a few old son C. M. Mathews who is in tht next thing we hear. Manila Bul Second, Darrell Cannon. navy and is stationed at the Great letin. days. Watch the papers. Third. J. H. Strickland. High School Mirror On Monday and Tuesday noons and Wednesday morning durig the physi. cal training period the boys of the high school turned out to work on thezfoot ball field, clearing off tlie rank growth of weeds which has accumulated during the summer. The manner in which the boyB turn ed out is good evidence of their high school spirit. , X - 30,000 See Last Day of Round-Up plays Pendleton at Pendleton. OIL- OIL-- OIL Steer Bulldogging Believe no false reports you hear. It there is anything you want to know or any references you want. It will be furnished if you will see me or write me. So please get your subscription in by October 1. ' First, Yakima Canutt. Total two steers, 52 1-5. Second, Jim Massey, total two steers, 56. * Third, Frank McCarroll, total two steers. 66 3-5. THINK II OVER AND THEN LET US HEAR FROM YOU First, Tom Grimes, time two steers 1:14. Second, Roy Bell, time two steers 1:26. Third, Johnny Judd, time two steers, 1:35 3-5. Write J. E. Leonard, Box 797, Pen dleton, Oregon and he will come and explain it to you. TRESPASSING Pony Express T h e L e o n a rd O il Leases PENDLETON, OREGON I . M. BIGGS. U ca l A g e « , H e r w e t « NO HUNTING OR Steer Roping First, Harry Walters, Saturday time 2:06; total 6:20 1-5. Second, Darrell Cannon, Saturday time, 2:07 3-5; total 6:21 4-5. Third, Shorty Hall, Saturday time 2:09 4-6; total 6:30 1-5. Signs printed on cardboard — FOR SA L E A T — Quick Change First. Braden Oerklng. Second, Vernon Wade. The Herald Office Cowgirls’ Pony First. Lorena Trlckey. Second, Kitty Canutt. BEH F. YOUNG, A ««,«. P. Cowboys’ Standing Race First, Harry Walters Second, Kenneth Kennedy. / * * • 9