Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1921)
THE ■*“ Ethel Clayton Romance; as INSURANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK • / Hermiston, Oregon Don't (all to Insure that hay. TELEPHONE MEN GUESTS AT DINNER TUESDAY EVENING G. R. Ian son Entertains in Honor of I . E. Meadows, Editor of Company Paper ^>IG HORSES and harnesses to Unde or sell. Will consider cow „n trade. O. O. Felthouse. l-4tc. ;t SALE—Good cull apples, De- ifLus, Winter Banana, Staymen V. ir.esap and Rome Beauty, also ome fine Bell flower apples. Mrs. R. A. Stewart 2-2tp. FRY BHED registered » ersey cows for sale cheap If taken it nee, Gbo. A. Cressy. Phone F5. 2-2tc. — ---------- .----------------.------------ 1 OR SAJ-K—Some fine part Jersey heifers, fresh in spring. G. D. enn, l i i miles N. W. Hormiston. 2-2tp. R SALE—.An entire herd of 38 young, good producing milk cows, mostly Jerseys. Details gladly furnished. H. Veers, Skamokawa, Wash. 2-2tc. SALE— 40 acres in alfalfa, ed very reasonable, W. W. 38-ttc thouse. ____________________ ALE— Young, light pair work.' es, or will (trade for goodj Claude White, Boardman, l-3tc. t»r ’ E— Weaned pigs; Poland s. 85. R. C. Canfield. 3-4tc. Members of the telephone crew working In this vicinity were with a number of local business men guests of G. R. Ianson at a dinner given at the Hermiston hotel Tues day evening. The dinner was given partly la honor of L. E. Meadows, editor of the Oregon Reporter who was In town Tuesday on a visit of th company’i construction crews in eastern Oregon The Reporter is a monthly paper pub lished byb the employes of the Pacific Telephone and Telepraph company in Oregon. Different members of the party were called upon for talks by Mr Ianson. Songs were rendered by Frank S. Hetler, Chas. B. Hill and Dr. F. V. Prime. A talk was given by Mr. Meadows In explanation ol the association Into which the era ployes of the telephone company are organized. Employes of the company in thi. vicinity who attended were G. R Ianson, Chas. B. H ilt Frank S. Het ler, I. W. Anderson, G. H. Spicer, M R. Baker, E ,E. Cooper, J. Pelmuldei of Echo, J. A. Ellis and J. A. Starr Marie, Helen and Pauline Pelmuld er rendered selections on the plan' and furnished accompaniments foi the singing. Defeat of Tax Predicted Independence Enterprise •>TTND MARE to sell or trade The fair Idea, with the other fel w. C. V. Wilson. 3-tfc. low footing the bills, appeals to lot .ALE— 45 head good cows and of folks, but they cannot see Just hov " rs. Holsteins and Jerseys, they should be called upon to hel ee were shipped from Caltforn- pay the fiddler. While the proposer ?t year. All are from choice plan of taxation appears equitable, il cows and registered bulls. Ire Cy Maklnson. Stanfield, , will not receive the indorsement of rgon. on the Burt Mullin place. | the taxpayers outside of Portland, if 3-tfc. the Enterprise is any Judge of sent! ment. The main reason is that th< MISCELLANEOUS average person does not want to as sume additional tax burdens ever I ng to the fact that the Coal (hough It be a small amount. attach sight draft to Bill of nr making all coal strictly cash Large Benefits Forseen •n ival, we are compelled to ln- Oregon City Enterprise o cash with order system to our ■ Beginning Aug. 10th, Oregon Is carrying too great ai -.’1, all orders for fuel must be ac- overhead In taxation, and the waj ranied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. to reduce the burden on tlfe Individ ual now here Is to increase the num ' Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ber of people and the wealth of th- .’ 1 WANTED this winter for the state in order t lower the per caplls feed. N. W. Bloom. 2-2tc. load. We believe our own peopl, will appreciate the vision of the pos N :T,D TO BUY veal and eggs. sibilities to come from the 1925 ex Send your eggs. Write or phone about veal. Earl Brownell, Uma position. tilla. 1-tfc. ELLIOTT’S tires. TIRE SHOP—Gates 52-ltc FOUND—Oregon auto license, No. 5537 and lamp. Inquire at The Herald office. 1-ltc. CASH Paid for second hand goods. Correll’s Shop. 17-tfc WANTED— A place near Hermiston that can be bought with a soldier’? loan as first payment. Address Carl Hufford, Klondike, Oregon. 3-2tc. FOUND— A ring of keys in front of Nell * Barker’s garage. Lqee» Inquire there. 3-lt. I'E feeling of security Is well wortn the premium paid. How about that Fire Insurance? See the E. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc is Star* in Chinese Goes to Orient Secretary She had stomach trouble for years ADDING machine rolls at the Herald office. \fter giving her simple buckthorr bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Ad- PRICES REDUCED FOR er-i-ka, her husband says: "My wife The Ladles Home Journal ____ 81.(0 feels fine now and has gained weight, Saturday Evening Poet --------- 2.00 Country Gentleman _______ 1.00 ft Is wonderful stomach medicine.’’ Renew your subscriptions through Vdler-l-ka acts on BOTH upper and H.'Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon, ower bowel, removing foul matter Phone 312. 3»-tfc vhlch poisoned stomach and which TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon ou never thought was In your sys- em. EXCELLENT for gas on the paper at the Herald office. tpmach or chronic constipation, E. L. HALL Transfer. Call Elliott’s "luards against appendicitis. The Tire Shop, phone 1(2. 48-tfe ’mpuritles it brings out will sur- •»riae you. Mitchell Drug Company. WE WANT a few cara of hay W Paid Adv. A. Leathers. 52-tfe. Remember the Dairy and Hog show TTPEW RITU Ribbons and car boa October 7 and 8. for sale at the Herald, L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y UKEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. E. S.. mewl« second Tuesday evening of each month at MOO sharp in Masonic hall. V isitina mem hers welcome. Sue I) Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Gamer. Sec. UERM ISTO N LODGE NO. 138. 1 1 m eet. in M im m i ic Hall on Tuesday sven in g. o f < ch month. ren welcome. C. W. Kellogg, Secy. T. D. A F . A AM First and Third Viettinä breth- Ethels Clayton’s latest photoplay, Woreter. W. M "Crooked Streets” will be the attrac- ton at thé Play House Wednesday. It l/I N E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206. I. O. O. F, I ” meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows | Is an adventure-romance of China hall. Viaitinjg members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N G . and was adapted front an original story by Samuel Merwin. Miss Clayton has the role of Gail P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S Ellis, who, answering an advertise ment, becomes secretary to an anti quarian on a trip to China in search of rare vases. In Shanghai, Gall V K T JSK I N A R Y S U R G E O N I becomes suspicious that her employ House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. er's errand is not an honest one. Venturing alone into the native sec D R . R. G. G A L E tion of the city, she Is involved n a P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n bbrawl between some Chinamen and Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. roistering French sailors on leave. Office Hours: Phone 641 An Irish adventurer named O'Dare 10 to 12; 2 to 5: 7:30 to ». rescues her with difficulty, but the D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S adventurer Is not half so startling a? Physician and Surgeon the one which follows. Suffice it to Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted say that the picture ends happily Office over First National Bank foT Gail and her rescuer. OFFICE PHONE, 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 696 An evcellent cast, including Jack Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:30 p. m. Holt and Clyde Flmore, supports Mis: Day or night calls answered promptly Clayton In “Crooked Streets.” Pau Powell, who recently directed Mary DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Pickford in "Pollyanna," was the di Office over First National Bank rector. The picture Is a Paramount Osteopathy Medicine Surgery | Artcraft. Calls answered at all hours Office phone 661 Residence phone 711 The Mountain Hog ! P o u n d ’s T h ea ter ¡J ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■£ T h e P la y H ou se ■ U m a t il la , O r e g o n Hermiston, O regon U m a tilla F r id a y H e r m is to n S a tu r d a y “Unseen Forces” “T h e T o o n e rv ille T ro lle y M e e ts a ll T ra in » ” 15-35c Sunday Clara Kimball Young -IN - “Eyes of Youth” W ed n èsd ay Ethel Clayton — IN— << Crooked Streets” H e r m is to n , 7:15-9 P . M . Corraled in the sooty roundhouse DR. C. 0 . WAINSCOTT The steel ribbed Titan stands Physician and Surgeon Its nerves alert, its muscles tensed X-Ray Specialist Awaiting its m ister’s hand Phones, Res. 889-J—Office 866 A big clock booms on the stillness Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld’g. The Titan springs with a scream Pendleton, Oregon And the monster leaps from the roundhouse gloom r In a swelter of singing steam. D E N T IS T R Y The semaphores gleam like demons Hermiston, Oregon And the rails like ribbons of steel Office, Bank Bldg. Office Hours Office Phone, 93 Writhe and twist like tortured 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Residence Phone snakes When they feel the Titan’s wheel.- J. D . Z Ü R C H E R Boom Boom goes the boilers As the sullen monster glides LAW YER To the powerful swing of the drive Stanfield • • O regon rods That shimmer along its sides. U m a tiila , 7:45 P . M. £ The GOOD Maxwell D . P. V . P R I M P A lantern forms a flaming arc H .S .M c K E N Z I E , M . D . The slack goes out of the train EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT] \nd the Titan starts on her journey Has removed from his former location in the Bond Bldft. to Far out where the West begins Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire|Bank Bldg. Click click and faster Till the click Is a steady pound PEN D LETO N : OREGON Till she leaps like a rowled steed And measures the fleeting ground H R . H. C. R I C H E Y Flash Flash so regular OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTICIAN The heavy fire door clangs Eyes Scientifically Examined While a snarling protest fills the ait Lenses Ground and Fitted As the rails grip the flangs Pendleton American National Bank The Titan shreaks a warning Oregon Bldg. And faster the drive wheels fly As if a herald of the coming dawn A sunbeam flecks the sky. Alkali Ike Irrigon, Oregon E. L. H A L L TR ANSFER P H O N E 192 POCAHONTAS NOT REAL NAME Literally Means "Tomboy" and Was Given to Indian Child aa a Term of Ridicule. The story of John Smith and Pocn- hontas Is known to everyone who hat- attended school in the United States, but few know that the name Pocahon tas was only u nickname, and inettm so unpoetlcul a thing as ’•tomboy.’ Her real name was Ma-ta-oka. When No Subititute Offered Say what you will about druggist: she was about ten or eleven years olo she wus engaged In turning a series ol offering something ‘‘Just as good handsprings at the door of her father*! because It pays a better profit, th- hut. He was the chief of the tribe, fact still stands that ninety nine ou and was known as Pow-ha-tan, al if a hundred druggists recommenr though his real uume was A-buu-so-nu Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoe; cook. Ka-bun-ta, an Indian runner .tune leaping through the forest will Remedy, when the beet medicine f c i message for the chief. He turnec liarrhoea is asked for, and do so be the corner of the hut Just as the littl« ?ause they know from what tliel ustomers say of it, that It can be daughter of the chief made one of het most vigorous wheels. Her (lying feet lepended upon. struck him In the chest and knocked him down. A Pronounced Success I.sllans dearly love a rough Joke, The uniform success that has at and a great shout of laughter went up ’ended the use of Chamberlain’s Colir although the chief was anything but ind Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief pleased, and called his daughter sharp and cure of bowel complaints, botl ly to him. "This is not maiden's play,” for children and adults, has brough he said. "Will you never cease to be t into almost universal use, so tha a po-ca-hun-tas?” The children caught up the name, and it clung to the little 't Is practically without a rival and girl ever afterward. The English w everyone who has used It knowi changed the spelling a bit, but the it is without an equal. name haa come down In history almost aa It was given away back in 1007. A complete stock of bath tube, toilets, wash bowleg, and hot water tank? and fixtures. If we hsvent whst you want, we’ll get It. Repairing and. Installing. I. E. Putman. MAN GIVES WIFE Phone 762. GLYCERINE MIXTURE OREGON. J. A . P E E D =4= OR SALE—Linolium, kitchen cabi net, fruit Jars, pump Jack, bee sup plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 48tfc, H E R M IS T O N , Q General Line of Banking Business FOR SALE HERALD, "CROOKED STREET" COMING TO PLAY HOUSE WEDNESDAY We Jo a w H E B M IS T O N Chang Smoked Pipe. LI Hung Chang wag the first to pay roe a visit In my capacity of minister of finance, Count Sergius Witte late Russian diplomat, writes in the World’s Work. When we had taken our tea, I inquired of Li Hung Chang whether he did not want to smoke. He emitted a sound not unlike the neighing of a horse. Immediately two Chinamen came running from the ad jacent room, one carrying a narghile and the other tobacco. Then began the ceremony of smoking. LI llung • 'hang eat quietly Inhaling and ex haling the smoke, while his attendants with great awe lighted the narghile, held the pipe, took It from his mouth, and put It back. It was apparent that Li Hung Chang wanted to Impress me with all these ceremonies. On my part, I made believe that I did not pay the Slightest attention to the proceedings Leave o rd er, at New Maxwell Prices $1035 F o r e i t h e r r o a d s t e r o r to u r in g c a r s d e liv e re d a t H e r m is to n . W e have a fe w cars a v a ila b le fo r im m e d ia te d elivery Neil & Barker Co. We Weld Anything but A Broken Heart Hermiston, Oregon Phone'264 E llio tt’s T ire S h op HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER! P H O N E OREGON HARDW ARE N o . 431 H. Robinett, Prop. BUSINESS IS GOOD a n d w e h a v e a n ice s to c k o f Good. Merchandise Henni «ton. Ore. J F o r y o u r in s p e c tio n —C o m e a n d se e Service Speed Economy F r u it , B a le d H a y a n d L iv e s to c k T r a n s f e r 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 WM. H. OGDEN JEW ELER & WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END H s r m ls to n , O re g o n FRIED CHICKEN DINNER S u n d a y N o o n a n d E v e n in g P r ic e 60 c e n ts H erm iston Barber S h op UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Oregon Hotel Cafe M RS. M IL L IE D ECK , P ro p . BERT MULLINS, Fiep. Agrst fav Dewertk Lieadry B.»k<-t k * ,M Tuesday. return. Saturday A «har. of Yaur Patrona*. SoHrltwl S H O W E R B A TH S Big Type DUROC-JERSEYS L a r g e S p r in g B o a rs f o r s a le o f M a rc h f a r r o w . Gee. Strohm, Hermiston, Ore. An Historic Forest. T h e historical associations connected Taught by Experience. Dr. Samuel Johnson, the man who first snlal. "Hell la paved with go od In* tentlona, ” win a man who endured the severest poverty, and was always put off hy those whom he aaked for sup port. only to he told after he became famous that they bad Intended to help him. with the forest of Vallotnhroaa ere very Interesting. It waa founded In (he Twelfth century and given Ita name which, literally translated, meats “Shadowed Valley,” by Saint Glorvannl Gaullierto, aeya Nelsoo Conrtlandt Brown In the American Forestry Magazine. It waa founded One Explanation. aa a monaatery and retreat for one of Jud Tunklna aeya the renson so the Benedictine order of monks, and from ifc early Inceptloo the roonka many of ns are afraid of work la took great prlda In caring for, culti that we are to« baihful 'o get ac quainted. vating and replanting the forests.