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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1921)
X-Ray Tube Is Aid to Science Or. Lillienfeld Discovers Principle That Puts Roentgenology on New Plane. EXPERTS PLEASED W ITH* IT Scientists Who Have Experimented W ith New Tube Believe W ith Doc tor Lilienfeld T hat It Makes Roentgenology Exact Science. New York.—By tlie Invention of an X-ray tube bused on u comparatively simple principle, roentgenology prom ises, for the first time since Roentgen discovered the mysterious ruys that bear his name, u quarter of u century ugo, to be an exact science. The In ventor Is Dr. Julius Lillienfeld, pro fessor of physics at the University of Leipzig, lie is also iiiventor of the X-ray tube that has been in general Use In Europe for the lust decade, and which from now ou will lie superseded by hts more recent discovery. Ex perts who huve experimented with It believe as he does. Doctor Lillienfeld is In New York, having arrived from Europe a few weeks ago. He has already given a public demonstration of his new tube In the presence of Prof, George Pe gram and Professor Duvls at the de partment of physics of Columblu uni versity and before the New York Roentgen society. Doctor Lillienfeld explained the principles of Ids Invention to u Times teporter. He suid hts discovery was not only of Interest to the medical pro fession and physicists, but to makers of wireless and all audion apparatus and amplifying devices. "In order to explain the (irinclple of this new tuts*," said Doctor Lillienfeld, "it will be necessary to recapitulate the history of X-ray tubes and to tell the manner in which X-rays are gener ated. ing the electrons, which. In turn, flew to and impigned upon the anode or tar get, from which they were tlirowu off us X-rays which penetrated the glass tube and scattered. "The method of producing X-rays by the gas tube did not prove satis factory. "In lu ll I made my first tube on a new principle. There was absolute vacuum In the tube, and I got the elec trons out of the cathode by means of applying heat to It. With the combi nation of the heated cathode and the extremely high vacuum, the electrons would fly to the anode, or target, where they were given off as X-rays. "In 1913, Coolidge, In this country, applied the same Idea to the tube now in general use here. , New Method Discovered. "Two years ago I discovered a new method of effecting the release of the electrons from the cathode. This method has nothing In common with either of the two older ones. I start ed the electrons from a cold, unheated cathode in the presence of a high elec tro-static field. This actually pulls the electrons out of the cathode. The sec ond distinctive characteristic of the new method Is the shape of the ca thode. I use a sharp-pointed or sharp- edged one, on the theory that the lines of electric force are concentrated on the sharp point or edge of the cathode. This proved to be the case In actual practice and the electron* were readily pulled out. I might add that in this method the electrodes (cathode und anode) are brought very Closely together. "The application of the principle Is not limited to the production of X- rays. It can be applied to all ampli fying anil audion devices and for gen erating electro-magnetic waves for wireless. The tube is less expensive than the heated ones because It con tains no hot filaments and, therefore, no transformer Is needed to supply h ea t” Majestic, the Largest Ship in the World Lay Bandit’s Career to Slant in Skull Tacoma, Wash.—Roy Gard ner, mail train robber, In the federal penitentiary after two very sensational escapes from guards, may be operated on to "reform" him. according to "Mother McColl, woman agent of the Department of Justice. “I want to be operated on and lead the life God Intended me to lead," Gardner told Mrs. Mc Coll. "Gardner Is a wonderful speci men of manhood," Mrs. McColl continued. "His tendency to crime is caused by a deflection of the cranium, aud It (s possi ble that surgical care will elim inate It. “He Is to be X-rayed, and the physician at the prison will send to Los Angeles for X-ray plates which are said to show the seat of bis trouble.” Where Railroads Are Not Wanted *1 This picture, based on the builder’s drawings. Is the first to be published of tlie world's biggest ship—the Majes tic, now being completed at Hamburg. The Majestic registers 56.000 tons—about 50 times as large as any of the packet ships of a century ago and nearly equal to the entire tonnage of tlie 132 ships which formed the famed Spanish armada. Its dimensions; length overall, 956 fe e t; breadth, 100 fe e t; draft, 40 feet. It will accommodate 3,536 pas sengers, and will carry a crew of 1,200. Turbine engines d rive four screws and the boilers are heated by oil flame. Will Use Lethal Gas on Convidts Nevada Law Provides Peculiar Form of Execution for Men Convicted of Murder. CHAMBER IN NEW PRISON use of the law. We are not a very populous state and we have no one waiting the death penalty. For this reason we are not making great haste In getting ready for executions which may not occur for many years. The ticklish Job of providing the conveniences for sending a human be ing across the great divide by lethal.- gas has been assigned to the state architect. He must build a chamber in which the victim may be housed while the watchers and witnesses pro vided by law are present while he is put to death. As Is well known in connection with the lethal gases used during the war, the slightest diffusion of these elements caused widespread havoc. It is not possible to build a cham ber which Is relatively hermetically sealed, because it will not permit that the provision of the law be carried out. Neither Is a glnss chamber feasible. The likelihood Is that the death chamber will be so built that the gases will be blown away from tlie necessary witnesses and watchers If any fumes should escape. Lightning Photographs Tree on Boy’s Back Eastman, Ga.—Struck by a bolt of lightning, Travis, young est son of J. J. Grimsley, lives and Is carrying on his back a photograph of a cedar tree. The boy was sitting In a swing on the front porch of hls home when a flash shattered a cedar tree a few feet from the house. The current passed through the boy's body, render ing the youth unconscious. He recovered In a few minutes and members of the family found a photographic plate of a tree on hls back. Jakle Burch, fifteen, son of 0. C. Burch, was also struck by lightning. A round hole was burned In hls cap. He was un conscious for only a few min utes Itself Is no more exclusive than brood State Architect Ordered to Plan Cham ber Where Witnessee In Safety ing, suspicious Kabul, the capital of May See Man Die— Some Say this Isolate, unfriendly realm of Method le Cruel and fanatic tribes, of rocks, deserts, Irri gated valleys, and towering unsur- Barbarous. What Electrons Are. veyed ranges. Carson City, Nev.—In this capital "Let us begin with the electron: It “For reasons of foreign policy, the Is the smallest known component of amir has long left the necessity of city of Nevada they are building a mutter and Is always associated with secluding his little-known land to the new state penitentiary which will con an unvarying unit charge of negative greatest possible extent from the out tain a lethal gas chamber for the exe electricity. The atom of hydrogen is Believed That Policy of Absolute Isola side world. Only a few Europeans, cution of condemned criminals. be administered In the subsequent tion From Rest of World Long Under a law passed at the recent the smallest atom known. Yet an mostly Rrltlsh, but occasionally also slumber. The claim that no gas can Followed by Moslem Kingdom electron Is but 1-2000 part of the hy an American and now and then a few session of the state legislature all per be administered without awakening Is to Be Modified. drogen atom. These electrons are al Russians or Germans, have had per sons condemned to death In this state the sleeper Is disputed. ways In motion. It Is supposed by mission to come into this country and must be killed by the administration World-wide Interest has already Washington.—The arrival In Wash to sojourn for a while in Its curious of lethal gas. some thut chemical atoms consist of focused upon the state with Its vast Tlie laws affecting the death pen collections of electrons huving orbital ington of un envoy from Afghanistan, capital. Rut even on such rare occa area and Its small population on ac motions In a sphere of positive elec now perhnps the most mysterious sions as when n foreign engineer, or alty have been out of the ordinary In count of this extraordinary death pen trification. Dlliers ascribe them to country In the world, seeking the rec a doctor whose survlces are badly this state for a number of years past alty. Students of prison reform are Absolutely Painless. ognition of Ills home land and the es disturbance of the ether. needed, Is admitted by the grace of Under certain restrictions the con divided concerning the humanity ol It Is anticipated the gas will be ad “An electron striking nny nintter, tablishment of diplomatic relations the amir, the visitor Is subject to a demned criminal has been able to ministered much as gus Is adminis the measure. Its application will be target or surface produces X-rays. with the United States, seems to In surveillance that amounts almost to choose his own method of execution. tered to a patient In a dental chair watched with exceptional Interest by The electrons must have speed, and, dicate that the policy of absolute Isola Imprisonment. The last man to die at the hands of or to a person preparing for a surgical scientific organizations and colleges. « Indeed, they move with Incredible ra tion from the rest of the world long “No ambassadors or ministers, not the state was one Mlrcovich, who, In operation. In other words, It will be There Is little likelihood, however, pidity. They are negatively charged followed by this Mosleiii kingdom Is even missionaries, nre permitted to the Innguage of Gov. Emmet D. that Nevada will permit the execution a form of anesthesia, and the admin particles of electricity. There are to he modified. Llglif on conditions reside In this forbidden Moslem land. Boyle, “accepted shooting.” The con istrator will probably be an expert to become a public show. Executions three factors, therefore, connected 111 this little-known region Is shown demned man was seated In a chair "Today no other monarch anywhere anaesthetlciac chosen from among are not popular In Nevada. There Is with the production of X-rays. They by the following communication to the wields such undisputed authority or In the prison yard with his back to physicians or male nurses. Those who a very active sentiment against carry National Geographic society from are electron, motion and the target." wall. A diagram was fixed upon favor this method of dealing death de ing out the death penalty. Since the Is In closer touch with the everyday Doctor Lillienfeld pointed to a knife Frederick Slmplch and Haji Mirza life of Ills subjects. He personally his clothing. A company of men were clare It ¡8 absolutely painless. Most state was admitted to the Union only Hussein : blade. runs his country’s religion, Its foreign engaged to shoot at the living target. “The buffer state of Afghanistan, affairs, and he even supervises much All the riflemen were expert marks of the advocates of the measure be six men have been condemned to "The electrons associated with that lieve that the condemned criminal death, and of these only two were al piece of metal,” he coutluued, "are be historic shock-absorber between Great of Its commerce. He also owns and men. As they entered the prison should be given a sleeping potion In lowed to be executed.—Arnold Britain ami Russia In Middle Asia, neath Its surface and are retained censors the only newspaper printed In yard they were handed loaded weap his food and that the lethal gas should Kruckman In New York World. there by some superficial force. To years ago put up a 'Keep Out’ sign, a all Afghanistan. ons. Some of the guns contained produce X-rays we must get the elec ‘This Means You’ warning, to all white blanks and others were loaded with “From the World war, though he trons out of the nietnl through the co men and Christians. 'She land Is took no active part In it, the amir steel bulleted shells. No member of operation of some additional force. ‘posted’—to use a poacher’s p h r a se- emerged with singular profits. Ills old the firing squad knew what his rifle Ris-ntgen used gas molecules, which posted against trade and concession and once rlvnl neighbors, Grent Brit contained. were Imprisoned In his glass tube In hunters, against missionaries, and Death Was Instantaneous. ain and Russia, drawn together as al a partial vacuum, to get the electrons against nil military and political hunt After the single crash of the volley lies In the world conflict, left him a out of the metal, which, In this case, ers In particular. free hand, and In 1919 Great Britain that snuffed out the forfeited life It "Keep Out” Sign Up. was the cathode by which the electric officially recognized the political In was found the figure “8” traced on current leaves, in contradistinction to “And the ’Keep Out’ sign Is still up. dependence of this much-buffeted buf his breast had been perfectly per SAKHAUH the anode by which the electric cur Today the foreigner Is no more wel fer state, to whose rulers she had so forated by the bullets, which were rent enters, a vessel. The molecule come In Afghanistan than he wns a found to have plugged the back of long paid a fat annuity. < of gas Impigucd ou the cathode free hundred years ago. Forbidden Lliasn the chair on which he sat. The chair “With an area of 245.000 squnre of the state's “shooting gallery” Is miles, Afghanistan Is, next to Tibet, fJAPAM one of the gruesome objects of curi tlie largest country In the world that osity which you can see In the old Is practically closed to the citizens of prison yard. The figure “8” Is very other nations. Rut political life at accurately outlined In the wood where wary, alert Kabul Is In sharp contrast the bullets lodged after they sped to the meditative seclusion and classic through the human body. aloofness of the pious lainns at 'rtlUPPtNClJ Those who witnessed the execution Lhasa. Atnlr Anifinullah Khan, sny that death was practically Instan through his ngents In India and else taneous. The physicians believe that where, Is in close touch with the shooting is the quickest, least painful world’s current even ts; and, as the and most humane method of execution. Inst remaining Independent ruler of The new law has precipitated much a Moslem country, now that the pow discussion. There are many lawyers er of the Caliph at Stamboul Is bro In Nevada who hold that a criminal ken, lie wields a far-reaching Influence may not be legnlly executed by lethal FUI U- throughout the Mohai iniednn world; gas. They say It Is unconstitutional also, because his land happens to II because It violates the constitutional Just as It does on the map of th \U 5 T R A U A prohibition against cruel, barbarous world. It Is plain that for a long time and unusual punishment. There Is to come he will be an active force In sufficient weight to this contention In the political destinies of middle Asia the minds of the members of the Wives Distributed as Gifts. prison board so that they have care NEW ZEALAND "From the Persians the Afghans got fully preserved the gallows for such the Idea of marrying more than one use as may be necessary. wife; but, like the Persians, too, they G ot . Emmet D. Boyle, head of the have found, to their dismay, that state, who signed the bill making the polygamy Is nowndays more expensive lethal gas execution legal, holds that A—By the treaty of Versailles Ger D—Mandate* over the Caroline and than exciting. » » It Is perfectly feasible and constitu man rights In the Chinese province of Marshall Islands were awarded to Ja ••Sometimes, when the amir wants tional. Shantung were transferred to Japan. pan by the allied supreme council. The to favor his faithful officials with "There are a number of lethal The United States senate adopted a American delegation to the peace con presents, or perhaps to play practical gases that may be employed." he told reservation In the treaty withholding ference did not contest these assign Jokea In certain cases, he distributes me. "Any will produce practically American acquiescence In this trans ments. women among them ; but these ’glfta’ Instant death. I satisfied, myself thor fer. China refused to sign the treaty E—Guam Is the most Important often prove so troublesome that no oughly concerning this phase of the because of It. American naval base In the western great degree of gratitude Is apparent proposition before I signed the bill. B—Japanese forces are still occupy half of the Pacific. among the recipients. I am convinced that this me’hod of ing parts of the Siberian coast prov F—Hawaii Is the most Important -Amir llnblbullah Khan (who waa execution can be simply administered inces. Japan has also occupied the assassinated In 1919) had a harem of and will be effective. north or Russian half of the Island of American base In tbe middle Pacific. G—The Philippines, an exposed over 100 women, and among these, Sakhalin. Uae M echanical Methods. strangely enough, were a few Euro C—Yap la the Important cable sta American outpost in the Far East, “The gss will be administered by peans. The present amir, Amauullah some person designs ted by the war tion Islet, a mandate over which was can be held only if the United States Khan has but one wife. • den. It will he administered by me Irregularly awarded to Japan by the can maintain a fleet In the Pacific "The trade of Afghanistan la moved chanical methods. The execution by allied supreme council. President Wil based on Hawaii and Guam. The Avlutlon Club of Chicago Is tasking a ile«|»ernte effort to secure ein- ploymeu.’ for ex-soldiers, sailors aud marines. At the 1‘rlncess theater four entirety by caravans and Is largely In this method will not he painful. H ^The German part of New Guinea son had made a reservation on Yap and ex servile men occupied a box upon which wns a sign stating that Uie men the hands of Hindus amt Tadjiks. “I do not think, however. It Is re the United States has not Relinquished was assigned to Australia. were looking for work. A speaker appealed to the audience to try aud secure There la not a mile of railroad In the lated In any respect to the abolition Its right to participate In the dlspoal- I—The German portion of the Samoa work for these patriots. Many of the audience were moved to tears and those kingdom, the amir fearing that steel of the death penalty. tlon of theae former German poaaes- Islands was assigned to New Zealand. w ho could not offer any suggestions as to whore work could I* secured offered highways would make Isolation Impos "No actual steps have yet been slona. turned over by Germany to the J—Wake Island, which belongs to sible. ~ < money to (he lueu. the United States. taken to provide the facilities for the five allied and associated powers. Afghanistan Years Ago Put Up “ Keep Out.” “ This Means You” Warning. SEND ENVOY TO WASHINGTON SOME OF BIG QUESTIONS IN PACIFIC Trying to Get Jobs for Ex-Fighters