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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1921)
I ^4 • * Œlie Ifermtsfcm ìlnalh VOL. XV Big Field Day This Saturday\ * HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 8. 1921 UNION HIGH SCHOOL NOW A FACT -------- ♦ ♦ « Dairy Meeting On at Boardman ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a No. 52 Hay A ss’n Holds Special Meeting ❖ The Union high school was ❖ Umatilla Experiment Station ❖ formally and officially estab- ❖ EXPERIMENT FARM TO ENTER <• llshed Tuesday pvening with ❖ COMMUNITY IS BOOSTING FOR L. A. HUNT REPORTS SAVINGS ❖ Hermiston, Columbia and West- •> TAIN VISITORS CHEESE FACTORY MADE TO DATE ❖ land as members. M. D. ❖ SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 1921 ❖ Scroggs was elected chairman ❖ ❖ Annnual Event to be Bigger and Bet ❖ of the new board. ARRIVAL Baling Contract is Let at $2.35; I •> School opened Monday with <• Shool Opened Monday W ith Record ter This Year; Bring Your Own 11:00 a. m. to 12:00 a. m. •> the best attendance in its hiB- <• A ttendance; Hay Baling Con Hunt, Savely and Jewett A t tory, indicating that the com Lunch; Coffee Furnished tract Let at $2.35 GAMES tend Meeting at Prosser ❖ muntty is growing steadily in <• For Young and Old—Tryout for Boys Stock Judging Team to go ❖ population. Interesting news to State Fair The plans are all complete and ■> of the schools will be a steady Boardman, Ore.. Sept. 8— Plans The Oregon Cooperative Hay Grow •> feature In The High School Mir- < • the weather man has been "fixed" LUNCH are on foot for abig dairy meeting ers held a special meeting of the as so that field day Is bound to be the •> ror, the first issue of which will 12 to 1 P. M Lunch will not be served Cafeteria style sociation on Saturday to correct a looking toward the establishment of biggest get-together event in the ❖ be found on page 7 today. It Music by Hermiston Boys' Band fault in their by-laws and to provide •> is edited by the high school a cheese factory in Boardman. The history of the Umatilla project. for a more systematic payment to •5 - students. * movement has been brought about The progran will be so varied that ECONOMY FASHION SHOW n embers of the moneys received everyone, young or old. large or >y the low price of hay. Prof 1 to 1:30 P. M. Directed by Mrs. Van Deusen, Home Demon from the sale of bay. small, will find some phase of it o f , stration Agent, Garments from Alexander’s, Pendleton Brandt of 6. A. C. and C. C. Calkins At the meeting the managers made special interest or amusement. Dur-|®®®®' BRYANT DIES AT i report of the achievements of the ing the morning games will occupy I ® THIS MORNING, AGED 79 newly Installed county agent for SPEAKING PROGRAM-1:30 to 3 P. M. issociation to date of which the foll Morrow county, and W. J. Mahoney ihe attention of those not interested "The Farmer,” by Walter M. Pierce, a farmer. owing are outstanding points: in the try-out for the boys club team I Burial Will IProbably Be at Rock >f the First National Bank of Hep "Dairying Advantages on Irrigated Lands,” P. M. Brandt, Chief The association I iuk secured Ihe ap which will represent Umatilla county Island, 111.; Relatives Are pner, will be present. The gather In Dairy Husbandry, Oregon Experiment Station pointment of Btate inspectors thereby at the state fair. on Way Here Now “ Call It a Day,” by Mrs, R. E. Bean mg will be in the school auditorium ilving loading point Inspection on Speaking Program Good Dairy and Hog Show Announcements, Geo. H. Root, President state grades. This is a matter which □n Thursday night. Immediately after lunch the econ Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show Mrs. C. O. Bryant, mother of Mrs the growers have been trying to ac omy fashion show directed by Mrs. I. T. Fraser died here at 8 this "The Dairy Outlook,” C L. Hawley, State Dairy Commissioner complish for several years and will Van Deusen will hold sway. Theli norning. The Columbia Basin Hay Growers be the means of relieving a lot of comes the speaking program which lave awarded the contract for baling INSPECTION FIELD P L A T S -3 to 4 P. M. Mrs. Bryant was a native of II troublesome adjustments in shipping will be composed of live topics on nois having been born at Rock Is he hay on the West Extension to Baling Contract Let farm problems of today. In addi and 79 years ago. She came here John Partlow for Ihe consideration CONTESTS They have made a purchase of tion Mrs. R. E. Bean of Umapine will rom Montana 11 years ago and has if $2.35 per ton. Partlow has sublet Centipede Race, Jumping Relay, Tug-of-War, Women’s Nail bale ties in wholesale lots that will give an enterta'ning talk under the nany friends in this vicinity. She >art of the work to E. Westervolt. Driving, Men’s Relay, Potato Race, Sack Race, Pillow Fight, mean a saving of seventy-five cents title of “Call it a Day.” Shoe Race, Watermelon Eating Contest. had been sick several days and hei per bundle. Following the speaking the visit daughter Miss Clara Bryant who wa. A. B. Chaffee of Eugcno, Orc They have succeeded In reducing EXHIBITS ors will be conducted over the experi m her way to Great Falls to teach vho has taken over the Boardman Ihe cost of baling to less than $2.50 Labor Saving Devices for the Housewife by Sappers’ Inc. and the mental plats which will be explained ichool there was recalled and go! elephone exchange, trading in itid have let the contracts for the Oregon Hardware Co. the objects and results being takes ere yesterday. arm near Eugene, has arrived with baling of all the Boardman hay to up in detail. As the field inspec No funeral arrangements have his family. Mr. Chaffee promise: lohn Partlow and Mr. Weaterveldt tion ends tha contests will begin and een made, but it is believed tha' mprovements and extensions as fast from then on there will not be a >urial will be at Rock Island. Ai- is warranted, one of the first being "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I for $2.35 per ton. They have established the fact of quiet moment for anyone. angements are awaiting the arrival he placing of a phone in the school Ihe possibility for the association Bring Your Own Lunch luilding. •f other relatives. to sell hay to the Atlantic seacoast A change will be made this year ia Mrs. Bryant’s children who mori it a profit; that California has been regard to lunch. Visitors will b# her death are Mrs. H. T. Fraser o School opened today with the Ioing this for a number of years, expected to bring their own. Las Hermiston, J. C. Bryant of Los Ange W. R. Nugent returned to Umatil uid for the future the association Dance is Enjoyed argest jfirst day enrollment since year a cafeteria lunch was Berved os who is on his way here now. Mis Umatilla celebrated labor day la from Portland Sunday night. He ’ooks to the Atlantic seacoast for a he district was established. The T his made a lot of work for those Hara Bryant, an! Harry Bryant oi acuity consists of Miss Naomi Rim quietly, but in the evening there was will have charge of a switch engine •ermanent outlet for a large amount who helped. Much food was wasted Inaconda, Montana. er, English and history Miss Glady a dance and show, at Pound'» theater. He has been in Portland about " t its hay, and has already begun and the plan did not seem to be t | ’rice of O. A. C., home economics A. W. Adamson of Hermiston put on month. onslderable shipment toward this satisfactory one. So this year al' tr. II. II. Crawford, Boardman, Ore., ihe show at cost for the commercial WELL KNOWN LOCAL PEOPLE larket thereby relieving the local families will bring their own lunches lanual training and science; Guy club which sponsered the entertain- J. B. Switzler has Jeft for Walla 'lay surplus. ARE MARRIED IN SALEH Coffee will be furnished. 1. Lee, Monmouth, Orb., Junior II. S nent. A packed house saw the Walla where he will take part in thi Trustees go to Prosser Many thrills are expected when the nd orchestra; Miss Crescentia Glatt how and many remained over foi big “ Pioneer Days" show to be helt A meeting of the northwest hay contests begin In the afternoon. Tiler, Irs. Joyce L. Hays Became Bridi >. A. C., third and fourth grades, Ihe dance afterward. ’There were there next week. ales agency was held in Prosser on will be a centepede race, a jumpin, of Frank Guiwits; Couple to be liss Myrtle McNeil, Portland, fifth perhaps 35 couples on the floor. londay at which tho Oregon Hay lelay, a tug-of-war, women's nai at Home After Sept. 10 nd sixth; Mrs. Blanche Watkinr Coe's orchestra furnished the music. Some mighty good work has just ¡rowers were represented by their driving contests and a men's relgy The proceeds of these commercial been done on Railroad avenue th< rustces. F. L. Jewett, Lee Savely and rrlgon, Ore., primary. M. B. Signs potato race, sack race, pillow fight A quiet, but charming weddin; principal. A reception for the club entertainments go to public im past few days. It was paid for by he local manager, L. A. Hunt. At and other contests that are sure t look place Saturday, August 27, a eachcrs is planned by the P. T. A provements In Umatilla. At the public subscriptions. hlH meeting plans were laid for the furnish plenty of amusement to the he home of Mrs. David Wiight, li iresent time the club Is paying for or Friday night. gresslve carrying on of tho selling crowd. A watermelon contest wil alem, when Mrs. Joyce L. Hays be vater piping in the park and when ampaign, the association being un- Mr. and Mrs. John Powell hav< give tha big watermelon eaters o ame hte wife of Frank M. Gulwit nimous in its opinion io make no Programs have been received foi hat Is done it will foster some street returned home from their recent the project a chance to demonstrate .ell known rancher north of Hermli The ladies home ales to wholesalers in the northwest he Field Day at Oregon cxperlmen1 mprovements. trip to Portland. what they can do. on. Only the immediate familie lureau nerved lemonade during the >ut to specialize in sales direct to •ation at Hermiston Saturday, Sept f the bride and groom and a fev Something for Everybody onsumers and local retailers. Oth. There will be games, pieni« ventng. Those serving were Mrs. Altogether the events will be thf lose friends were present, and Rev Harold Benjamin and H. H. Ed The OregonCooperatlve Hay Grow- inch, economy fashion show, speech- I. B. Rennick, Mrs. W. P. Lewellyn, wards have both started work oi, biggest one of its kind ever held 01 dr. Long of the Presbyterian churcl rs will begin immediately the baling s: “The Farmer” by Walter M Mrs. II. II. Edwards and Mrs. W. It. their new houses. the project. It will be both amus ifficlated. f a large quantity of buy for Ini- ’ierce; •'Dairying Advantages on Ir- Nugent. ing and instructive and there will be Just before the ceremony Mrs uedlate shipments. Orders for a igated lands” by Prof. P. M. Brandi, something for everybody to enjoy. Railroad business in Umatilla li Wright, sister of the bride, gave i hief in Dairy Husbandry, O. A. C School Opened Monday Mr. Dean says the best road t« olo, and Miss Lena Dodson of Sal better than ever. Six switch engine: housand tons are now on file lo be Hied from Ihe Hermiston office, and Call it a Day" by Mrs. R. E. Bean The high and grade schools here are now in service. take to the farm is to go ont on the un, played softly through the entiri ihlpments will beghi about Seplem- nd Dairy and Hog Show announce- pened Monday. The pupils were highway three quarters of a mile and ervice. tents by Geo. H. Root; inspection of icld only a short time tho opening* cross the railroad track at the mark Harry Mosby left for Portland an< •er 12. The basic price of these The, bride's party headed by tin; eld plats and an exhibit of labor lay, but regular work was started nearby points on business Monday ales arc $12.00 for standard and cd crossing. Sleanor Wright, bearing the rim 514.00 for choice, f. o. b. shipping aving devices for the housewife. Tuesday. night. n the heart of a rose, and Elols joint. This is considerably above lo- All teachers were in town for I ho SHOTWELL GRAVEL PLANT IS Wright as flower girl, entered thi at market quotatons. pentng, but Miss Jessie Jenks has WORKING SOUTH OF HERMISTON iving room and were met by th< Mrs. Del W. Jackson and litth icen unable to teach yet on account daughter returned Sunday from Port ¡room and his best man, Davh f sickness. She wUl probably be land. DIRECTIONS FOR GIRLS’ BREAD Gravel is Being Furnished the Rec Wright. The bride was given in ble lo work very soon. In tho S r S C l A L C O R S K S f-O N H E N C E BAKING CONTEST SENT OUT lamation Service and Fine marriage by her mother. Mrs. Elolst neantiine Mrs. Benjamin has been N. N. Smith returned from Walh Topping to County Roderick of Salem, her sister, Mrs Friends and neighbors of Mr. and aklng her place In the third and Walia last Saturday night. 110 Offered for Best Loaf of Bread David Wright, acted as matron oi The Ehotwell Contracting Co., has lonor. Irs. R. A. Fisher regret the death fourth grade rooms. Made in Umatilla County; Girls Lunches were served for the first erected its gravel plant on the hili Little Mildred Slruman has been f their son Roscoe which occured From 9 to 18 Included Mrs. Guiwits was a charmin;- time Tuesday. Miss Sara Rix Is between here and Stanfield. ill the past few days. n California last Friday. Anothei iride in white georgette and carrlei irepnring them. Present enrollment They are |aklng up gravel for The prizes arc to be given for the the Reclamation service which is a shower bouquet of rosebuds am on Ray who had been at the bed «idlcnles an attendance for this year Prospects for a drug store here an •est loaf of bread baked by the Indi weet peas. ■ide of Ihe deceased since his Illness f about 125 students. This Is con- reported to be good. lining nearly two miles of irrigation vidual and exhibited Ihe morning of After a wedding supper Ml. am eturned with the remains Wedncs- iderably better than last year. There ditches near here. Four men are em ’eplember 22 at the High school In ployed regularly at the gravel plant I Mr8' Gulwlta left by »«to for Port lay morning. Other members of the will be 20 students In tho-high school Pendleton. which will operate at its present lo- and and wil1 conGnue on up tin amily, 'Mrs. Harold Sullivan and >r twice as many as there were last BIO PIONEER PRODUCTION “THE All of »he bread that la sent In lo vear. Half of Ihe high school stud- cation for about a month. '1141 way later in the week to Hermis LONG ARM OF MANNISTER" be Judged will be exhibited at Ihe Photwclls are furnishing the gov-I'oft‘ Announcements received hen Mrs. Bert Fisher came to attend the nts are freshmen this year. Northwest Grain and Hay Show lent uneral which is to be held today al ernmrnt 3000 cubic yards of grave' that ’bey will be a* home t- When you see this name Pioneer from the 22nd of September to the 2 p. m. and have in addition sold 1000 yards betr many friends at their home Dr. Ixigan who will locate in Uim on a photoplay you may rest assured 4th. The first prize ia $10, the of fine topping to the county for use l,n' ,h of ,nwn a,,er September 10 illa is a native of The Dalles, Oregon that it Is a corking picture. "Th< eeond prise $7.50, the third prize Miss Bessie and Aloab Hammer on the roads. Some has been used 'lrB G,l,wHl has made manj where his father practiced medicine Arm of Mannister,” which ii $5.00 and the 4th Jrlze $2.50. The with good results on the roads b e-1 OdFnds In Hermiston in the past yeai pent the past two weeks visiting for forty-two years. He was ed lo be shown at Ihe Play House ncxl tria will not be required to be club heir aunt at Freewater returning having been bookkeeper with the In tween here and Umatilla. ucated at Stanford University and the Sunday Is typical of the high quality members In order to compete In thia lunday. I land Empire Lumber company, ant Medical school of the University of of all the pictures handled by the ontest. In order to acquaint each ^Cuiwits has been prominent hen Oregon. He served as house surgeon Pioneer Film Corporation. P. 0. Busy Tuesday ¡lrl with the best method of making lly and as a rancher, having Several of the Columbia ladies at of St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland Tuesdhy was anotjy ^ / "The lying Arm of Mannister” li »read the Home Demonstration 1 here from Minneapolis ten year tended the millinery school held by for eighteen months after his gradu the Hermiston a picture which the great motion pic Agent sends the standard directions Their many friends wish them Mrs. Edith Van Deusen at the library ation from medical school In 1900. seems to be ture loving public has long walled which on account of their length be happiness life has to offer. in Hermiston Monday and Thursday Since that time he has practiced in 1 all road's for. It goes right Into the heart ol an not be published In The Herald i f this week. On account of the busy ■Sherman county and I-a Grande, Ore day ihe fundamental human Impulses hut which those who are interested pounds funeral of Roscoe Fisher who times many were unable to attend. gon. For Ihe past three years he has and Is new In theme, unusual In < bet at our office. Any girls via laf Sacremento last Friday is be acted as senior district surgeon of treatment, and startling in develop who want to enter the bread baking ed 17$ pounds of grapes the »eld this afternoon. Rev. F. R Mr. and Mm. KIous and two child the O. W. R. A. N. Co. at La Grande. ment. eoatnt should get in touch with Mrs. day. M. Phipps Is shipping from Jackson Is conducting the services ren of Salem visited at Ihe home of It is based upon the great novel by Van Deusen and get directions or Burial will he here. An obituary Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Phipps the seven to fifteen crates dally. Miss Ruth Hayes of Wallowa, E. Phillips Oppenheim, and like all they may sew the bulletin of direc will he published next week. past week. Oregon Is expected here this (Thurs of this distinguished author’s works, tions at thia office. An $ 1 -t pound bayb boy was born day) evening. Miss Hayes Is a traln- there runs through It a predominat to Mr..snd Mrs. Tom Stuart Friday B 8. Kingsley wao returnee from The next regular meeting of the ed nurse and will have charge of the ing note of powerful human emotion, C D Porter returned last Saturday tha 2nd. Mother and child are do- hia hunting trip Sunday was one of Neighborhood club will be posponed! boepital Dr. Ray Logan la putting coupled with great ingenuity of plot from a vacatloa »pent at the aoan’ ing wall I the lucky ones and bagged a deer until further notice. | In here In the Edwards building. and liveliness of action. reaorta. He wgs away two weeks. ----------I Held Day Program Umatilla News Items COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES