Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1921)
THE HEBM18TOH HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. K IN G S L E Y • M I« M H T O N M E R C A N T IL E > M O U »« O F Q U A L IT Y A N O along w ith them in their long Journ ey. C Q : T. P. Campbell returned Mr. and Mra. C. H. Rodgers of | c h ic ° S ° W ednesday evening. • ■ R iZ IC « * from W alla W alla were here Staurday and Sunday With th eir daughter Mrs. I An eleven pound boy w as born to H. Pelm ulder. T hey were on their Mr- and Mr8- W lu- H- Ogden Tues- w ay to California. p a y . A ugust 23. This is “REPUTATION” Week A t The Play House Sam Oldaker, pioneer real estate I The reclam ation office is pu ttin g man here, is In town. *n ■“■’e attractive im provem ents In the form of a new side walk and L. A. Hunt made a trip to P e n d le -Icurb a,oi,n d the tw o sides of the I ton Monday and to Heppner Tues- Property that front on the street, day. | J. N. Sm ith Is doing the work. We have our Fall Leather Vests and Coats Dan Barlow, who is sign in g up grow ers for the hay association, can- vassed the M innehaha district th is week. on display this week. PERPETUAL CALORIC NEAT SUMMER in y o u r CUTS BUILDING COSTS THE CALORIC REQUIRES BUT ONE C H IM N E Y — NO EXTRA CHIMNEY» M AN TLE S OR FIXTURES NEEOIO OHLY 6 FOOT CELLAR REQUIRED NEW HOME Put a heating system in your new home that will bean investment—that will pay dividends in comfort and convenience— that will positively pay its own cost in the saving of " fuel. ; famous patented ’ T h ef I Gordon Shotw ell left for Vale and I Ontario W ednesday to be gone about [ a w eek - He le Interested In some | | contracting work there. They are all “Summits” A party of young folks serenaded I 1 A- Berger of Boardman w as a Mr. and | Mrs. Raymond Longhorn Herm iston visitor Monday. Mr. Berg-1 1er is a director in the Oregon C o-| Monday evening. operative Hay Growers. E verett Cosar, who has been sick Jim Todd left for W alla W alla for tw o w eeks at the home of Mrs. Rena W aterman is rapidly recover W ednesday afternoon. ing. Rev. F aiher Luke of Bend is visit- Rev. F. R. Jackson of the Metho- | kerc- fo n t mit dist church expects to leave for con A. N. Raymond w as taken to the fcrence next Tuesday. Spokane is The “REPUTATION” of this Line is Unsurpassed hospital in P endleton W ednesday the m eeting place. m orning by Joctor Illsley. H is | M. M. Shockey left for Hood River | case is not considered serious. W ednesday m orning. He expects to locate there. | Tw o ton o t niail arrived at the | H erm iston post o ffice W ednesday Frank Otto o f Boardman w as in I m orning. It came in 39 sacks and I town Monday. ’ m ade the day an unsually busy one | around the office. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K eller left F. M. G uitw itz and sister May Monday for Jonesboro. Arkansas. They have been v isitin g Charles left for Portland W ednesday morn- I lag. It is rumored that an interest-1 Keller here for several weeks. ing social event is to come off next The J. K. Shotw ell fam ily and Mr. I * eek > in « hi<-h Mr. G uiw itz w ill be and Mrs. George Prindle left here Ia Participant. Thursday on a motor trip to Crater I i ----------- Lake. | Prospects are at last good for a tourist park here, as Claude Kellogg yt j r it a T W O D E L IV E R IE S D A IL Y P H O N E O N E -S E V E N -O N E Mrs. Ellen Lancaster of Spokane nf th e H erm iston A uto Co., has and Miss Viola Flanagan of C hicago lea8ed Part of the c - u - H ays place] are v isitin g at the home of Mrs. E. Newport avenue and w ill put in R. Crocker. | w ater service, toilets and a wood ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■H supply. The place has shade and is | The Shotw ell gravel plant has been I near en o,,Kh t° the business section [set up on the h ill between here and | to bri,'B tla d e to the cfty. I S tanfield. It Is tak in g up gravel for topping (lie road between here I Mr- and Mrs- Henry Jacobson of I land U m atilla and also for the reclam - 1>eiltl|eton « e r e here Sunday v isitin g i l i t ion service for lin in g the A line. | at tbe bome ° f Mr. and Mrs. John I They w ill be able to furnlsli some | ’Leck- The latter are in Pendleton gravel for private Individuals who | this | may w ant It. Vests as low as $6.75 and as high as $15.00. They are just about half what they were last year. ’l l Fu R N A C E Caloric in stallatio n , are made I r o n blue prints prepared by C aloriC engineers who have had years of unequalled experi ence in pipeless heating. N o charge for this v ita lly im portant Send rough sketch of your floor plana lo ia y . has a proven record of saving to the fuelover oW systems. H eatsalltheroom ! in buildings of 18 roomsor less, through one register. An unequalled success in hornet in every state. Many in this community. The money-back guarantee of the manu facturers, The Monitor Stove Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and over 125,(MX) satis fied users, protect you and back up your judgement in buying a CaloriC. Now, before house-cleaning is the best time to put in a CaloriC. Quick installa tion in old homes or new. No plumbing nor alterations. And remember—your satisfaction or m on ey back. For Hunting and Fishing Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. All kinds For Sport Wear as well as Work . P1PELESS FUfcMACL T U T U • MG MTENT T b c M .S .C . K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E C O . 30x32l Ford Wheels $6.00 while they last C A S H ¿ü? C A R R Y A 7- Two doors enst Ore. Hdwe. Co. FLOYD KNERR T w o door* east O re . H d w e . Co. W e Handle Farms Change Hands “Monopole” Brand Dr. H. C. Curry the eye specialist I A real estate deal of considerable [o f S ea ttle was In tow n Tuesday. [im portance w as put through th is w eek when H arvey Payne and Burt The Sunday Journal hotel column Nation traded places. The Payne [reports th at “Joe H inkle the H erm it- farm is Just south east of town and | ton Irrigation expert Is in town." (he Nation place is on B utter Creek The consideration w as not m ade] E ugene Cumins and T. E. Hend Public. The Dodd agency handled [lic k s of Boardman were visitors o f l ' b e transfer. Herm iston Tuesday. Quality Goods STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. PHELPS cash GROCERY I a« *========P hone 413 ============ When you bake a pie do you ever »top to « in s id e r th a t fo r th e tam e money and no w o rk a t all you can buy a high grad e pie fro m ua? When you bake a cake it coat* you as m uch a * you would pay ua to hake It 'f o r you and w e g u a ra n te e t h a t our ra k e w ill please your m oat faatidioua gueat. When you bake bread aonte o f th a t bread w ilO>eaold before you ra n poaaihly uae it up. You get our bread fresh eve ry day anti you |»ay no more. C IT Y B A K E R Y SPECIALS! 1 Good Maty mock. regular »1.25, Special $ 3.10 1 Graak Rocker, regular 129.35, Special 14.00 1 I .urge iM rlg era lo r. regular 64.35, Special 45.00 1 VacuettQ Carpet Sweeper, regular 28.15, Special 1 ElectfiV ........ 18.75 Flat Iron, regular 17.50. Special .......................... 1 Family Scale, regular 14.50, Special 6.20 R. F. liaw son , Stan field , was 'n town Tuesday. An eig h t pound girl was born to I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown of Board | man W ednesday even in g. August 17. Oil Stoves 15 per cent discount. Lawn Sprlnklort 1-3 off. CARD OF THANKS We w ish to thank the O. W. R ft N. em ployes for Iheir beautiful silver Henry Hanby reports that he is >et and the good w ishes that accom p shipping 25 boxes of pears a day to anied the gift. It w ill alw ays be Baker. He has about five acres and am ong our treasured possessions. Is h avin g no trouble sellin g them at Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Sm ith. good prices. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Scroggs and baby returned from Pendleton Mon- | day m orning. John Hanby who lives in the John Day country stopped off here last week to visit his brother Henry Hanby. 335 1 Brass Hand Spray Pump, (B ucket T ype.) regular 12.60 Mpertwb .,v -.;z-.......................................... .......................................... 1.65 Goodyear 3 0 ^ 1 Tubes at. each 2.00 ANNOUNCEMENT » For the benefit of those who may I desire my services. I w ish to a n R. A. Allen of Irrigon was here nounce that I have returned to Her | W ednesday. miston to resum e my practice. Of fice hours arc from 2 to 5 and 7:31) F. C. McKenzie and fam ily were In io 9 p. m. In the future these hours j Pendleton Tuesday and Wednesday. [ w ill be kepi w ith strict regularity. | except w hen called out In an em Jim Beebe of Stan field w as here ergency. Phone 641. C alls w ill be [ W ednesday. given prompt atten tion both day and [ night. I)r. R. G. Gale. R. O. H orning left the middle of this w eek on a cam ping trip to Des To Music Students olation lake in the Blue inountuins. Mrs. Harry B. Reese w ill be in Hermiston the week school begins to I Mrs. E. J. K ingsley left for Red- [mond Sunday m orning. She w ill he resume her m usic teaching. She w ill ] be glad to m eet all old stu d en ts and gone about tw o weeks. any new ones. Mrs. Ashmun left last Friday at m idnight for Snoqualm ie, W ashing ton to be w ith her m other who was to he operated on Monday. Mrs. Neth. the mother, recently suffered a severe attack of a crontc trouble thought to be turner or cancer. Elberta peaches for canning, large size put up in lug boxes, can be had now at Page Ranch, Stanfield Adv. 4 th annual Qarámoun t t4 = W E E K - SEPTEM BER Famous Thomas Drills NOW AVAILABLE In 16x7 and 20x7 sizes Farmers who have wanted hoe or single disc drills in 16x7 and 20x7 sizes can now obtain them in the popular Thomas Grain Drill. We are stocking these two in addition to the regular sizes and can make prompt shipment. Thomas Drills are sold at prices based on present factory costs which are lower than for several years. ’ T(ie Not|hw„,,, Gr„ te, t We carry the most com- lm|l|eiI, „ t „„„„ píete line of Farm Machin ery, Implements, Pumps, Engines and Water Systems carried in the Northwest and we will gladly mail catalogs on anything that may interest you. Portland a id Spokane. We have installed New Electrical Equipment and are in a position to give expert service in anything electrical We have just installed an Andruss Electric Test and will locate any electrical trouble on any make of car. Garden llo ee 1-4 oft. See our stock of Alarm Clocks and the new Kveready 300 foot F lash ligh ts. SAPPERS’ INC. T h e House Tkot Does Things First HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS The women ot tne Baptist ladles aid are m eeting w ith their husbands Hot Weather Diseases at the Callahan home for Dinner. A Disorders o f the bow els are ex good tim e Is expected. trem ely dangerous, particularly dur ing the hot w eather o f the summer I A ear from M ontclair. New Jersey m onths, and in order to protect was seen on the streets o f Hermiston yourself and fam ily against a su d Thursday o t last w eek. It had a den attack, get a h ottie of Chamber trailer attached w hich w as really lain ’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. a house on w heels. The tourists It enn be depended upon. Many were tak in g home conveniences right have testified to Its excellence.. Hermiston Auto Co.