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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1921)
T THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON. OREGOJl. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■DHU r a ■■■■■■ ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B iia ia i ■ I H E R M IS T O N HERALD ■ Pubttshed every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, In the heart of Eastern Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. & W e have received this week BERNARD MA1NWARING, EDITOR E n te r e d »« w o u n d c h u m m a t te r . D e c e m b e r „ lDOM, a t th e oueUirtlce a t H e n a i a t o a , O re g o n Subscription Rates: One Y e tr , >2.00; Six Months, >1 00 A CAR BOXES ■ ■ ■ KEEP AFTER McKAY CREEK INCLUDING Appie Boxes ■ ■ Peach Boxes Tomato Boxes Grape Crates ■ ■ ■ Honey Cases ■ ■ I f you need any of these you had better ■ ■ ■ place your order before this stock is gone ■ ■ THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A . Brownson, M gr. PHONE 111 f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B aaB B aa aaB a aB aa aaa aS i Fruit Jars are now In Reason, and we can supply your needs in Econom y Kerr S elf S ealin g, w ide mouth and the ordinary Mason Jars. And we keep a special com plete stock of covers for the various makes of Jars, Schram Golden S tate, Kerr, both wide mouth and regular type. Economy and the old sty le MaBon. to be able to g et these when w anted. It 1 b a big advantage We carry the Btock. We have to arrive In a few days a Car of Mill Feed including Olympia Flour T his rill Include, Shorts, M iddlings, Mtllrun, Bran, Rolled Barley and W heat at very reasonable prices. Based on car load delivery If there is one th in g th is end of the county is more Interested In than any other It is the McKay Creek dam to bo built w henever funds are avail able for the work. There ure thousands of acres of land w aitin g for w ater, w hich only the big storage dam can furnish. W hile the cry is, "back to the so il” we have plenty o f money for alm ost everyth in g else but the one th in g th at w ill not be an expense but an investm ent, the developm ent of our arid lands. On th is subject the Pendleton East Oregonian printed an editorial last Friday en titled , "Keep the H arness W arm .” Many of our readers have probably seen it, but for those who did not we ir e quoting from It. “There is belief in officia l circles that by the first o f the year there w ill be su fficien t money in the re clam ation fund to provide for going ahead w ith purchase" o f the righ t of w ay for the McKay reservoir. A. P. Davis, director of the reclam ation service, intim ated as much w hen he was at H erm iston a few w eeks ago. “ T his Is good new s and perhaps there is nothing to do but w ait. But the situ ation is such that the early construction of th is project is o t ex treme Importance ns shown by sentí menta expressed at Stan field and in th at v icin ity. Therefore w h ile we w ait It may be w ell to keep on tin job w ith a view to seein g th at the delay is not unduly prolonged. There are other projects In the sam e cate gory as the McKay reservoir. W e may safely assume that people Interested in those projects w ill use influenci to g et the earliest action possible. I: they do that and we relax in the mat ter of pressing our case we migh lose out. Some tim es those who plead the hardest get the first service. “ L et's keep on the tra il.” There Is an old sayin g th at tin Lord helps those who help them selves. Other section s of the county have been helping them selves to lib eral portions of the governm ent Ir rigation funds for m any years and old Oregon has been too often left holding the sack. Nobody can expect other sections to bo more Interested in McKay creek than we are our selves. Secretary F all Is now In the west and w h ile It seem s nt this w ritin g that he w ill not v isit the Um atilla project it is to be hoped that he wi<! see enough on other projects to con vince him of the v ita l need of de velopm ent In all w estern lands that can be Irrigated. W e do not know ju st w hat can b< done now to speed the McKay creel developm ent, but we must keep in ter ested in It. W e m ust kCep It before the people of other localities and wi must be prepared to fig h t for i' when the tim e comes. MISDIRECTED MAIL here. Gordon Hats and Caps Fall Styles should arrive this week. H e r m i s t o n P ro d u ce & S u p p ly Co. " T h e Ural o f Good Service“ There is meat —and meat. Just the looks of some meat is enough to take Our meats meet the approval of O U R M EATS MEE! f A VOR away the appetite. all buyers. Our animals are properly slaughtered and from the pen to the customer the meat is handled with a view to keeping it perfectly clean and sanitary. We specialize in the finest Beef, Perk, Mutton, Fish and Cured Meats fo r the best in meat, come to the house that sells the best. City M ea t M ark et 3IKCY A HENDERSON, Pre».. Grand Rapids (M ich .) Herald It seem s alm ost lnconceiveable, but it Is reported as an official fact, that 350,000 pieces o f m isdirected mail are handled d ally at the New York o ffice, w h ich includes Man hattan only. T his m eans th at 127,- 500,000 m isdirected pieces are handled every year In th is one metro- politian center. It requires no Im agin ation <to appreciate w h at this m eans by way of ham pering and slo w in g down th e P ostal Service. Great arm ies of postal clerks, who m ight oth erw ise be engaged in fa c ilita tin g the service, are th u s tied down to the problem o f rectifyin g the m istakes and supplying the om is sion s th at are chargeable to care less correspondents. We Americans s o r t , o f take our Postal Service for granted. We kick lik e steers when one letter from the m illion s handled d ally goes astray or Is delayed a few hours: yet we are so n eglectfu l of our ow n resp on sib ilities In th is con nection that we pile thousands of pieces o f m isdirected m all Into the post office and expect th at the post al m achinery can and m ust in some w ay surm ount our negligcnc. Some o f the more common m istakes locally observed. In addressing mall re noted as follow s: Addresses are I w ritten hnstlly and Illegibly, often jin lead pencil: pencil addresses be- j conic obliterated in th e course of h andling: A bbreviations In th e name of firm s, post office, and sta tes are con fu sin g and Invite trouble; for In stance. contem plate th e elm llarlty in the abbreviations of Pa. for P en n sylvania, I ju for L ouisiana, and la. for Io « a ; also Col, for Colorado and Cat. for C alifornia. U nless all the letters In these abbreviations are w ritten very p lain ly, th ere la danger rection— NE.. SE.. NW ., gW ., on city m a il;) and obsolete m ailing lists are the bane of postal existence. A ll th in gs considered. It is really a w onder that the post office m akes as few m istakes as ft does. W hen one th in k s of the 5,000 m isdirected pieces of mail in Grand Rapids daily and 350,000 pieces in New York, and when one m ultiplies an average figure by the number of post offices in the country, it is necessary to confess th at the people do not do their w hole part in the m atter of postal efficien cy. It w e are going to throw stones, we m ustn’t live In glass houses. W e are all demand ing of the Post Office Department that it “turn over a new leaf” under its peppy new W ashington chief. Let us “turn over a new leaf,” too. Over 500 Designs from Which to Choose Homes, Churches, Schools, Gar ages, Barns and other buildings The superior building service ren dered by this company has been obtain ed for the exclusive use of customers. This makes it possible for you to step into this office and inspect hundreds of designs of modem homes and other buildings before you build. AH the guesswork has been eliminated because the designs have actually been built and many of them are hand colored photo graphs. A complete set of blue prints, specifications and an accurate and com plete bill of material will be supplied with any design. All this is free to customers. For your individual satis faction call at this office. No obliga tion. 0H, OH! SEE WHAT WE OWE! W eston Leader In terestin g tables com piled and published by Oregon Vbter show that '.h iity-slx Oregon cities have a per :apita city debt of over >100 per nan, woman and child of the popula tion. Of these, six have a debt of >vcr >200, o t w hich three are over >300. W arrenton heads the list w ith i per capita debt of >734.25. T w en- y-six Oregon c itie s have bonded hem selvcs for more than 30 per cent f their assessed valuation. Prine- ille leads w ith 67 per cent, and little Id Scio has 56 per cent, w h ile Cen tral P oint com es to bat w ith 42 \th< na and W eston do not ow e so much as a good m any of their neigh >ons. A thena’s total debt is >87,500 >r >140 90 per capita. How ever this debt is only 16.08 per cent of her issessed valuation. W eston ow es otal of >44,000, w hich is only >73.85 >er capita hilt is 19.73 per cen t of 'ier valuation. Adams m akes the iost econom ical sh ow in g in U m atilla ounty, w ith a total debt of only ’ 450. Herm istn ranks next w ith ’ 2500. P en d leton ’s d eb t Is >679,300 There are a lot of weeds grow ing a vacant lots In Herm iston that ■light not to be. A little elbow grease plus a scythe or sick le w ill Im ■rove the appearance o f m any va ■ant lots. There are even w eeds on ualn street alon g the side w alks. It <nly takes a little work to cut them nd it w ill make a much better im irersion on visitors not to have hem. It w ill even make us feel etter ourselves. Inland Empire Lumber Company P h o n e 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW . MGR. Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau ■JO. Bistri SEE HITT Delicious Wholesome Confectionery —FOR— GUNS — and— Don't forget about the home b eau tifyin g contest, i t closes Sept I and your entry should be in right iw ay if you don’t w ant to be left cut. Most of the road maps we men Uoqed last week are gone but we till have a few . If you w ant one ,et It at The Herald office. AMMUNITION A FULL LINE Are you practicing for the greas ’d p ig even t at the D airy and Hog how ? . I CONFECTIONERY STA TIONERY Tasty Stationery For Women News aland Cigara and Tobacco AN SCO K O D A K S Films developed-- Enlargements made Oregon Press Comment The fire in the Pioneer district should prove an im pressive lesson as Make our store your headquarters when in Pendleton to the care that should be used w ith fire th is dry w eather. Tho fire, w hich probably started from a d is carded match or cigarette stub, in less than three hours had spread over P e n d le to n , O re g o n T h e Leading D ru g g is t* a m ile o f farm and wood land, cau s ing th e loss of one home and con siderable other property. T hat the "Therefore, as governor of the loss w as not greater is due to the for GET READY FOR 1925 IS tunate nature of the land burned o v 0LC0TTS MESSAGE TO OREGON sta te of Oregon. I ask the people to lay th eir cares aside for the h o u i and er and the valian t work of the fin figh ters.— Polk County Itemixcr. Passage by Congress of Furtlard's join as one in bow ing th eir ac TALLMAN & CO. Exposition Rill Insures Suc T hat party at Hubbard who w ants cess of Great Fair » young man to teach school and coach baseball, basketball and fo o t F ollow in g the announcem ent that ball as w ell as bring 30 pupils nine m iles to school and deliver them President H arding had signed P o l safely home again every (evening, and's exposition bill Governor Ol doesn’t w ant m uch for a nlckle.— cott made public a proclaim ation in which he tells the people of Oregon Banks Herald. to get ready to make th e big fair tho W hen It comes to a show dow n. best ever. The text of liis announce Forest Grove has a host of men and ment follow s: women th at are right on the job 'The sig n in g of the Joint resolu when it com es to p u ttin g over som e tion by President Harding that w as valuable piece o f work for the com recently passed by C ongress, givin g m unity and city .— Forest Grove N ew s the state of Oregon national reco g n i Times. tion to hold a world s expoeition in The Oregon E ditorial association 1925 should be the sign al for a sta te w ill m eet next year in Corvallis. wide dem onstration in recognition The college tow n is a good conven of th e opportunity afforded to pre tion city and the editors there are sent th e resources, scen ic advantage« not the on ly good people In that city, and the civilisation w est of the R ockies to all the world. by a ju g fu l.— Aurora Observer. Oregon has occasion to rejoice to President H arding says the task its fu llest for the opportunity to ahead for th e U nited S tates is to stage the first great peace loving and reform the w orld.Our tax system industrial expoeition sin ce th e close Street addresses are m ight turn th e trick.— B lue Moun o f th e war. w herein the n ation s of of mistake«. * often omitted (also tb« dcglonal dl- tain Eagle. the world win be our guests. V. know ledgem ents to th is w onderful opportunity by p articip atin g wf>h the great m etropolis of the sta te In their varlovs com m unities in hold ing a celebration in k eep in g w ith the sign ifican ce of the occasion. "W ednesday even in g, A ugust 17. 1921. at the hour of 7 :3 0 o ’clock is the tim e set by the E xposition D irect orate for the state to proclaim in unison that the spirit of progress m ay continue to follow “W estw ard, where the course of Em pire takes its s a y .” Cause of Appendicitis W hen the bow els are constipated, the low er bow els or large Intestine« become packed w ith refuge m atter, that is made up largely of germa. These germs enter the vermiform ap pendix and set up inflam m ation, w hich is comm only known as ap pendicitis. Take C ham berlain’s T ablets when needed and keep your bow els regular and you have little to fear from appendicitis.