Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1921)
-T H E H E R M IS T O N HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , OREGON, L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y IFe Jo a General Line of Banking Business FIRST NATIONAL BANK POUND’S THEATER-THE PLAY HOUSE U M A T IL L A , O R E G O N PEARS FOR SALE Bartletts, De Anjou. Robb Bros, or chard. 49-4tc H E R M IS T O N , OREGO N U m a tilla F rid ay, A u g u st 2 6 T. D. Worster. W. M V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206. I. O. O. F. ” meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall. V isitins members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N .G . H erm isto n S atu rd ay, A u g u st 2 7 V E T E R IN A R Y SURG EO N House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. T h e C o m e d y S e n s a tio n o f th e y e a r ■Sr'A'yV J. A . P E E D FOR RENT—Two sleeping rooms one first floor, private entrance Bath and all modern conveniences Mrs. Mumma. corner 3rd and Mail 49-ltp 5 H ER M ISTO N I*ODGE NO. 138. A. F. A A. M • * meets in Masonic Hall ou First and Third Tuesday even inss of each month. V isiting breth- P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S o f Hermiston, Oregon Don’t fail to insure that hay. FOR SALE Q C. W\ k 35£*<. Secy. INSURANCE WANT ADS ueen E sther chapter N o . io i . o. e . s „ meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8*00 sharp in Maaonic hall. V isitinx members welcome. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. “UP IN MARY’S ATTIC •- •• . \ M 6 ó 7 g 15c an d 3 5 c D R . R . G. G A L E H e r m is to n S u n d a y a n d M o n d a y — U m a ti ll a T u e s d a y P h y s ic ia n a n d B u rg e o n P riscilla D ea n in “ R E P U T A T IO N ” Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. Office Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. 25c a n d 55c Phone 641 FOR SALE— Bartlett pears, 5 cents CASH Paid for second hand goods D R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S a pound. Henry Hanby. 48-4tc. Correll's Shop. 17-U> Physician and Surgeon Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted FOR SALE—A'few well bred heifer THE feeling of security Is well worth Office over First National Bank calves. See Correll. 48-tfc. How about the premium paid, OFFICE PHONE. 92 that Fire Insurance? See the E RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 FOR SALE.—Llnollum, kitchen cabi 11-tfc P. Dodd Agency. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. net, fruit jars, pump jack, bee sup plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 48tfc. A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, Day or night calls answered promptly wash bowles, and hot water tankr FANCY GRAPEfTbeginnlng to ripen DR. W. W. ILLSLEY and fixtures. If we havent what now. See Correll. 4-8-tfc. Office over First National Bank PRISCILLA DEAN’S PICTURE you want, we'll get it. Repairing Medicine Surgery and installing. I. E. Putman Osteopathy “REPUTATION” COMING HERE Peaches for Sale We have good Elberta peaches ripe Phone 763. Calls answered at all hours Office phone 651 Residence phone 711 now. Page ranch, two miles east of Stanfield. 60-ltc. ADDING machine rolls a. the Herald Big Film Feature Will be at Play office. W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 31 H . B. W a rn er in “ T H E P A G A N G O D ” DR. C. 0. WAINSCOTT FOR SALE— Good two year old full HOUSE FOR SALE blood Holstein bull. J. E. Mun Good five room bungalovz for sal, sey, two miles east of Stanfield. or will trade for light car. Albert 50-ltp. Smith, Hermiston. 47-tfc FOR SALE— Reed Phone 187. baby b u g g y . R. B. SPENCER WILL BUY YOUR 50-ltp. fruit, eggs and poultry for cash Three trips a week. Phone 18F2 FOR SALE— Reasonable. 5 acre tract 46-Stp well located near Irrigon. Fl>r particulars address 18 Barnum PRICES REDUCED FOR Apts., Medford, Ore. 5O-tfc. The Ladies Home Journal ........ J1.50 Saturday Evening Post ............. 2.00 WICKER BABY BUGGY for sale Country Gentleman ..................... 1.00 cheap, also Hughes electric Two Renew your subscriptions through Plate stove. Mrs. C. M. Jackson. H. Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon, 50-ltp. Phone 312. 39-tfc PRUNES ARE RIPE— Bring your TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon container. F. W. Kuhn, 2% paper at the Herald office. miles north of Hermiston opposite Judge Embrys. 50-ltc. ELLIOTT’S TIRE SHOP-Amerlcan Akron Tires. 48-tfc FOR SALE— Young pigs, >5. Inquire at jewelry store. 50-ltc. E. L. HALL Transfer. Call Elliott’.- Tire Shop, phone 192. 48-tfc FOR SALE— Concord grapes at N. W. Bloom’s ranch. 50-ltc: ^CORRELL buys wax. 48-tfc FOR SALE— Good cow. on. F. J. Ause- 50-2tp. TELEPHONE IMPROVEMENT FOR SALE— Nice Elberta peaches at J. S. Dyer’s. 50-ltc. FOR SALE—Good residence property at a bargain. E. P. Dodd Agency. 50-ltc. WORK MAKING GOOD HEADWAY Poles Are All in H ere; Heavy Cablet W ill be Put Up; 400 Pair of Wires Go Into Office ______/ FOR SALE— Bartlet Pears. Briggs, Phone 4082. 50-2tc. FOR SALE—-Good team G-year-old mares. Price is right. See A. W. Agnew. 34-tfc. FOR SALE—Royal Typewriter, No. 10 in lirst class condition S50.00 10-tfc FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced rabbit wire, buildings and well Stock and furniture also for sale. Inquire this office. 42-tfc SOME Small Horses for sale cheap. Shotwell Contractisg Co. 32-tfe. FOR SALE— 40 acres in prieed very reasonable. Felthouse. items. Cali Oregon hotel. alfalfa, W. W. 38-ttc 43-tfe. FOR SALE— My 5 acre orchard on Hermiston avenue. F. L. Allen. 49-3 tc. FOR SALE— Aero motor windmill and steel tower, wheel 8 feet in diameter, tower 20 feet high, 1 wide wheel McCormick mower, 1 new iron wheel truck wagon, 1 8 inch vineyard plow, 1 No. 12 De Laval separator, li ‘team of mares and harness. 1 3 horse pow er “Z” type kerosene engine. 1 Acme power chopper, or will trade for cJws, weaned pigs or brood bows . W. A. Ford, Umatilla. 45- tfc. MISCELLANEOUS The telephone improvements her< are going in good shape. All the pole work has been finished in Her miston and Stanfield and has com menced in Echo. The old poles will not be taken down until the new wires are up. As was stated some time ago a cable system Is being installed her< The cable enters town at seventl ind Main. It runs from Main soutl to Brunner avenue. From the office a cable runs through to the Catholic -hurch. Wherever the wires inter sect a high tension electric wire th< telephone cables are run under the ground. The local exchange will be moved down stairs, thus making it more convenient for patrons. There will be 400 pair of cables running lnt< the Hermiston office. Miss Euna H. Keck went to Port land last Thursday. Same Old Story But a Good One Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo., relates an experience, the like oi which has happened in almost every neighborhood In this country, and has been told and related by thous inds of others, as follows: "I used a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine yean tgo and It cured me of flux (dysent cry). I had another attack of the ame complaint three or four years •igo and a few doses of this remedy cured me. I have recommended it to lozens of people since I first used it and shall continue to do so for 1 know it 1s a quick and positive cure for bowel trouble.” Owing to the fact that the Coal Mines attach sight draft to Bill of Lading making all coal strictly cash on arrival, we are compelled to in stall a cash with order system to our efften « i s * Beginning Aug. 10th, 1921. all orders for fuel must be ac companied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. 48-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. What Causes Gas FOR JOB and Cabinet Boynton. Phone 132 It is caused by fermenting, sour waste matter in the Intestines. This old. foul matter should be thorough ly cleaned out with simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad- ler-l-ka. This acts on BOTH tipp'd and lower bowel, removing old ac cumulated matter you never thought was In your system. Adler-l-ka re lieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach EXCELLENT for sour stomaeh and chronic constipation. Guards against appendicitis. Mitchell Drug Co. Pd. work see 47— 4tC- A4v. House ; Based on the Novel, Physician and Surgeon “False Colors” X-Ray Specialist Phones, Res. 889-J—Office 866 “Reputation,” the Universal super flee Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld’g. feature which is to be shown at the Pendleton, Oregon Play House Sunday and Monday will establish Priscilla Dean as the fore most emotional actress of the screen This fs the opinion of reviewers in D E N T IS T R Y ther cities who have seen the pro Hermiston, Oregon duction and who say that it excels ffice, Bank Bid?. Office Hours Office Phone, 93 even ‘‘The Virgin of Stamboul” and 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Residence Phone "Outside the Law,” Universal's re cent pictures with the same star. "Reputation” was filmed at Uni J. D . Z Ü R C H E R versal City under the direction of LAW YER Stuart Paton. It is based on “False Colors,” the sensational novel by - Oregon Stanfield Edwina Levin. The screen adapt'on was by Lucien Hubbard, Universal scenario editor, in collaboration with Doris Schroeder. Playing a dual role, that of mother O ptom etrist an d O p tician and daughter, the star takes every Glasses ground to fit your eyes nfteen years experience at your service hurdle on the emotional steeplechase and brings the story to a climax that A m erica n N at. Bank Bldg. has never been approached for sheer power and soul-stirring effect. The P en d leto n , O regon theme revolves around the fantastic pivot of a girl impersonating her mother, a famous actress; appearing E L S .M c K E N Z IE , M I X in her stead at the opening of a fam EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT ous Broadway production and being Has removed from his former location in the an unconscious witness of the cul Bond Bldg, to mination of her mother’s life tragedy Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bldg. ‘E N D L E T O N O R E G O N I he end of an amazing series of sordid and pictureque adventures along the red lane of unrestrained desire. Niles Welch, Madge Hunt, Rex de Roselll, Spottiwoodo Aitken, William Welsh, Harry Carter, Harry Van Me ter, Mae Glracl, AI Garcia, James Mc Laughlin, Kathlee Myers, Joey Mc- PH O N E 192 Creeny and many other accomplished artists play the principal roles In the Leave order* at s upporting cast. Gorgeous spectacles and magnifi cent scenes follow each other in rapid succession, alternating with humble and sordid backgrounds to give the story its striking contrasts. Scenes behind the footlights, a performance HERMISTON ÀUTO TRUCK of a big dramatic and a scries of Inci dents which range from episodes in a TRANSFER small town orphanage to a Babylon ian feast In a London palace provide S H O S I 18211 constant surprises in every reel. D r . F . V . P R I M E Dr. D a le R o th w ell New Maxwell Prices $1035 F o r e i t h e r r o a d s t e r o r t o u r i n g c a r s d e liv e re d a t H e r m is to n . W e have a f e w cars availab le for im m ed ia te delivery N eil & Barker Co. W e W e ld Anything but A Broken H e a rt Hermiston, Oregon E. L. H A L L E llio tt’s T ire Shop Hollis Percey, Prop. Phone 264 DO IT NOW TR ANSFER H a v e t h a t w a tc h fix e d t h a t h a s b e e n o u t o f o r d e r o r n o t k e e p in g tim e . W h a t g o o d is a w a tc h t h a t d o e s n o t k e e p tim e ? S A T ISF A C T IO N or you r m o n e y b ack WM. H. OGDEN JEW ELER & W A T C H M A K E R TO TH E W E ST EN D H a r*m ***« "i O re g o n Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor have just left on an auto trip to Salenu Hermiston, Ore. Uncalled for Mail Two Trucks MUST BE KEPT BUSY I can give you better service and cheaper rates than eveifbefore. Will haul anything. Baled hay a specialty. 0 . 0 . Felthouie :: Phone 404 On the Stomach CALL FOR BIDS The School Board of Columbia District No. 112 will receive bids up to noon. .Monday. August 29 to give comfortable and adequate transporta tion for seven pupils from the west end of the district, route as follows: From center of section 25 southeast to northwest corner of section 30 township five, range 29 then sooth one mile, then east one mile, the.i northeast on diagonal road to school house. The district reserves the right to reject any and all bids. H. J. Ott. district clerk. 60-lte. The GOOD Maxwell List of letters remaining unclaim ed for the week ending August 20, 1921. Powell, John C. Donivan, Miss Dorothy. Nolan. W. A. Down, Mr. Bert. If not called for within 30 days, will be sent to the Dead Letter of fice at San Francisco, California. Green Apple Collywobbles a n d m any other of the la *■< variety o l dtaturbanra. pop u la rly and w idely kno w n as U niversity of Oregon C O N T A IN S : The College o í Literature. The Science and the A rts. The The School o í Architecture The and Allied A rta . The The School o í Business The Administration- The The School o í Education. The Extension Oi vision. The Graduate School. School o i Journalism. School oi Low. School oi Medic inc School o i Music. School of Physical Education. School of Sociology. Fall Term Opens September 26 A high standard oi cultural and acbolsrabip baa become one o f the outatandinf marks of the Slate U niversity. For a catalogue, folders on (be various schools or for any information, write THE R E G ISffeA R . U N IV E R SIT Y OF O R E G O N . Tugene Ore. ticu iarly to ferm entation in the alim antary canai. H erm iston Barber S h op N y a l M ilk of MAGNESIA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT FRIED CHICKEN DINNER S k n d a y N o o n a n d E v e n in g BEIT MULLINS, Prep. P r ic e 60 c e n ts A ftu f fa r D e a e rile Lauudry R a.k.1 leuve. T u f* jir . return» Saturday A »hare a f M e for infanta. Your Patranaa» Solicited SH O W ER BA THS Oregon Hotel Cafe M RS. MITCHELL DRUG CO. H e ra t, to e . O r t p , M IL L IE D ECK , P ro p . I