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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
"TOE HERM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Japan understands that America’s Notice is hereby given that the un of Umatilla, Oregon. er of the Honorable I. M. Schannep. I Said Geo. W. Reed, as the owner fled as the law directs. All persons Chinese policy has no changing dersigned has been appointed admin C. S. Dunn, Judge of the County Court of the of the legal title of the above de having claims against said estate are istrator of the estate of Corwin Hughes.— Greenville (S. C.) Pied Register. state of Oregon, for the County of scribed property as the same appears required to present the same to me Chamberlain, deceased, and has qual mont. Umatilla, and said order was made of record, and each of the other per- with proper vouchers, at the office ified as the law directs. All per and dated this 9th day day of July, sons above named arc hereby furthor W. J. Warner, my attorney In sons having claims against Raid es SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN 1921, and the date of the first putv notified that C. M. Giddings will ap- of _____ ___ _ Oregon within „ Hermiston. six months FORECLOSURE OF TAX H E N tate are required to present the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lication of this summons is the 28th ply to the Circuit Court of the Comi-1 from the iter hereof, same to me with proper vouchers, at In the Circuit Court of the State of uay of July, 1921. I ty and State aforesaid for a decree Department of the Interior. U. S. Dated thte 7th day of July, 1921. Oregon, for the County of Umatil All process and papers In this pro- foreclosing the lien against the pro Laud Office at La Grande, Oregon the office of W. J. Warner, my at James H. Schram. torney in Hermiston, Oregon within la C. M. Giddings Plaintiff vs. ceeding may be served upon the un- perty above described and mentioned 43-5tc, • July 16. 1921. Administrator. six months from the date hereof. Home Orchard Company, and any dersigned residing within the State in said certificate. And, you are Notice is hereby given that Prank Dated this 7th day of July, 1921. other person or persons claiming of Oregon, at the address hereafter hereby summoned to appear within H. Donaldson, of Hermiston, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION John N. Smith any right, title, lien or interest in mentioned. I sixty days after the first publication who, on March 6, 1917, made Home 43-5tc. Administrator. or to the within described proper- Keator & Randall I of the summons exclusive of the day Department of the Interior, U. S. stead Entry. No. 016997, for Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, ey. Defendants. Attorneys of the Plaintiff, of said first publication, azid defend SEVi (Unit “N” ), Section 22, Town July 15, 1921. To Home Orchard Company et al 46-7tc, Address: Pendleton, Oregon I this action or pay the amount due ship 5 North. Range 29 East, Wil NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the above named defendant: SUMMONS FOR PIIRT ICATTilW IN I “8 abov® shown together with costs I „ N"*lco *H bereby <lvc" that Roy C, lamette Meridian, has filed notice of FOR PUBLICATION IN and accrued intercst and in casp f I Rogers, of Hermiston. Oregon, who, intention to make Pinal three-year Department of the Interior, U. S. In the Name of the State of Oregon: SUltUlOKb FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN your failure to do so a decree win l,,n De^mber 1 1917 made Home- You am hereby notified that C. M. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Proof, to establish claim to the land Giddings the holder of Certificate of Ill the Circuit Court of the State of be rendered foreclosing the lien o f|''£ ? d n w iT /r r °i. July 13, 1921. above described, before United States Notice is hereby given that Les Delinquency numbered 1430 issued Oregon, for the County of Umatll- said taxes and costs against the land ~ W 4 h Se' t,oP 3J’ Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon la' lie Packard, of Boardman, Oregon, on the 7th day of May, 1917, by the ■ - C. M. Giddings Plaintiff vs. and premises above named. • ™ lI"Bh,.P. 6. . N° i t,h’ Ran<e, 29 Ett8' ’ on the 7th day of September, 1921. 1 "Willamette Meridian, has filed notice who, on March 19, 1917, made Home Tax Collector of the County of Uma Joseph E. Thomas and any other I This summons is published by ord- Claimants names as witnesses: person or persons claiming any er of the Honorable I. M. Schannep of intention to make Pinal three-year William O. Whitsett, E. E. Shaw stead Entry, No. 018611, for SE% tilla, State of Oregon for the amount right, title, lien or interest in or Judge of the County Court of the Proof, to establish claim to the land William P. Hanan, James Tabor all 3W*4 (Unit “D” ), Section 18, Town of Sixteen and no-100 ($16.00) ship 4N, Range 25E, Willamette Dollars, the same being the amount to the within described property. State of Oregon, for the County of above described, before U. S. Com of Hermiston, Oregon. Meridian, has filed notice of inten then due and delinquent for taxes Defendant. I Umatilla, and said order was made missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on C. S. Dunn, To Joseph E. Thomas, et al the and dated this 9th day day of July the 7th day of September. 1921, 45-5te. Register tion to make three-year Proof, to for the year 1915, togetiibr with Claimant names as witnesses: establish claim to the lahd above de penalty, interest and costs thereon ibove named defendant: I 1921, and the dale of the first pub- George R. Fisher, Joseph W. scribed, before C. G. Blayden, U. 2?. upon the real property assessed to ■fn the Name of the State of Oregon: I lication of this summons is the 28th NOTICE TO CREDITORS Craik, Charles A. Keller, Henry M. Commisloner, at Boardman, Oregon you, of which you are the owner as You are hereby notified that C. M. Jay of July, 1921, appears of record, situated in said Giddings the holder of Certificate of In the County Court of the State of on the 5th day of September, 1921. All process and papers in this pro- 1 vommerer all of Hermiston, Oregon. County and State, and particularly Delinquency numbered 1413 issued I reeding may be served upon the u n - 1 Oregon for’ Umatilla County. In Claimant names as witnesses: C. S. Dunn, the Matter of the Estate of Maurice Albert W. Cobb, Frank Otto, bounded and described as follows, to- on the 7th day of May, 1917, by the dersigned residing within the State I 45-i^>$. Register. Johnson, deceased. Claude White, Alexander Patton wit: Fax Collector of the County of U m a-|°f Oregon, at the address hereafter* The North one-half of the South Hila, State of Oregon for the amount I mentioned, Notice is hereby given that the Ayers all of Boardman, Oregon. east Quarter of the Southwest Quart of Thirteen and 67-100 ($13.67) undersigned hus been appointed by H. Prank Woodcock Keator & Randall the Judge of the Circuit Court of the 45-5tc. Register. er (N tt of the SE% of the SW % ) Dollars, the same being the amount Attorneys of the Plaintiff Section Twenty-nine (29) Township then due and delinquent for taxes 46-7tc. Address: Pendleton. Oregon State of Oregon, acting in .the ab Five (5) North, Range Twenty-nine for the year 1915, together with sence from the county of the judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (29) East of the Willamette Meridian penalty interest and costs thereon I SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IF of the above entitled court, adminis tratrix of the estate of Maurice John Department of the Interior, U. S in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, upon the real property assessed to | FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, containing Twenty (20) acres. son, deceased, and that she has qual you, of which you are the owner as I . .’UBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION July 15, 1921. You are further notified that said appears of record, situated in said I n ified as the law directs. All persons Circuit Court of the State of ASKS R ELIEF Oregon, for (he County of Umatll Notice is hereby given that Mer C. M. Giddings has paid taxes on said County and State, and particularly having claims against the estate are la C. M, Giddings Plaintiff vs required to present the same, with rill Potter, of Hermiston, Oregon, premises for prior or subsequent bounded and described as follows, to- Jainps Christianson and any othei Local Shippers P ay Much More I lia n proper vouchers, to me at the office who, on June 15, 1917, made Home years with the rate of interest on wit: person or persons claiming an? of my attorney, W’liiiam J. Warner, stead Entry, No. 018302, for Farm said amounts as follows: The Northeast Quarter of the R oseburg Farm ers W ho Are F ar Year’s Tax 1916, Date Paid May Northeast Quarter (NE>4 of the right, title, lien or interest in o in Hermiston, Oregon, within six Unit "B” in KW14, Section 2, Town th er From Portland to the within described property ship 4 North, Range 28 East, Wil 10, 1917, Tax Receipt Number 6092, NE’4 ) of Section Twenty-five (25) months from the date hereof. Hermiston farmers who ure ship- Defendants. Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this lamette Meridian,-has filed notice of Amount $10.74, Rate of Interest 12 Township Five (5) North: Range intention to make Final three-year Per Cent; Year’s Tax 1917, Dale Twenty-eight (28) East of the Wil 18th day of July, 1921, To James Christianson et al th» ting perishable food products to Portland have a prospect to at last Proof, to establish claim to the land Paid Oct. 5, 1918, Tax Receipt Num lamette Meridian, containing Forty I above named defendant: Clara M. Johnson 45 -6tc, Administratrix. above described, before United States ber 9309, Amount $11.90, Rate of In (40) acres, In Umatilla County, State fn the Name of the State of Oregon: ;et more favorable express rates to Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, terest 12 Per Cent; Year’s Tax 1918, of Oregon. You arc hereby notified that C. M Portland. The Oregon Public Ser Date Paid June 1, 1919, Tax Receipt on the 8th day of September, 1921. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION M n ld i ber n°.H s Giddings the holder of Certificate of vice commission has taken up the Number 6502, Amount' $13.00, Rate C Claimants names as witnesses: ^ e m l^ t Pald taxe« ° n 8B,d I Delinquency numbered 1415 issued Department of the Interior, U. S. of Interest 12 Per Cent; Year’s Tax W. E. Potter, Newton Whitford, ven « w./h . s P » ° r 1B\,bH<T 0nt on the 7th day of May, 1917, by the ■udgeis In behalf of the eastern Ore- Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Hagan Miller, I. Embry all of Her 1919, Date Paid April 5, 19 20, Tax July 13, 1921. r .1® lntereBt on rax Collector of the Countymf Uma- ;on growers and has requested tho Receipt Number 6204, Amount $12.- Notice is hereby given that Albert miston, Oregon. H « ’ ’ n I. M State ° f <*•■«» f° r ‘b® a™«"» American Railway Experss company 33, Rate of Interest 12 Per Cent. 11 «ii s taxes 1916, Date Paid May I of Sixteen and 47-100 /<$ £ 471 io make a readjustment of its rates. C. S. Dunn, W. Cobb, of Boardman, Oregon, who, ‘.“• J “ . 7 ’ X boi„, Said Home Orchard Company, as Register. on March 14. 1917, made Homestead 45-5tc. the owner of the legal title of the Growers here nre paying $1.51 per IT a7e the" due a"d delinquent for taxer Entry, No. 018580, for Lot 4 (Unit above described property ns tho same N u m b e r q -!04t mndred pounds for express to Port- - R v c e p t fo r rh e y e a r 1915> t o s e t h e r w ith “C” ), Section 18, Township 4N, appears of record, and each of the Tax 191 s ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ¿»IH1?,6'15!’ VoVo8 lKnalty’ interest and costs thereon 'and while Roseburg growers who Range 25 E., Willamette Meridian, of the Interior. U. S. other persons above named are here ■ i nv nt!.8|\tD P^ d ¿jaa 1919> upon the real property assessed to ire farther from Portland (him Her has filed notice of Intention to make Department by further notified that C. M. Gid J6*(L Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Y c^ « NTmbenMQ9 n you’ of which you are the owner as threo-year Proof, to establish claim dings will apply to the Circuit Com Anril’ qVfiVn August 5, 1921. T nW9i P?ld appears of record, situated in said miston are getting a rate of $1.10. to land above described, before C. G. of the Countyand State aforesaid for In calling the attention of the corn- Notice is hereby given that Effie Blayden , U. 8. Commissioner, at a decree foreclosing the lien against bounded and described as follows, to - 1 aany to this injustice the commis- Boardman, Oregon on the 5th day of E. Bullack, of Umatilla, Oregon, who, the property above described and Said Joseph B. Thomas, et al, a s w¡(, on June 14, 1916, made Reclamation September, 1921. lion sent to the American Express Homestead Entry, No. 016026, for mentioned in said certificate. And bevnWi'èer athe 1°S?1 tU1.efcof the The Northwest Quarter of the lompany the following communica Claimant names as witnesses: you are hereby summoned to appear Quarter of Section Eugene Cumins, Prank Otto, Les SEU N W U , being Unit “A” of Sec within sixty days after the first pub ab° ™ d e b d P,r° Per? a 8 ‘he8a:!,e Southwest lie Packard, Claude White all of tion 22, Township 5N., Range 27E.. lication of the summons exclusive of appears of record, and each of the Twenty-five (NW U of the 8WU tion. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Boardman, Oregon. D iscrim ination is A lleged b v fm Pt h T " S Pbn,’en a» e u of Sec’ 25)’ Township Five North of intention to make three-year proof the day of said first publication, and will nnni« ♦ d «bh8r.|C' ^ 7 .° d; ( 5N) Range Twenty-eight (28) East ■ "We are heie submitting the dlf- H. Frank Woodcock defend this action or pay tire amoun 45-5tc. Register. to establish claim to the land above due as above shown together ,with « t h e Con,',tyand Stufe a f X . U tor ?LthT^ fere,,ce ° f . exprcB8 ratca on fruits described, before United States Com .. ,, , i ins Thirty-nine (39) acres, in Uma- md vegetables from Hermiston and costs and accrued interest and in case *i missioner at Hermiston, Oregon, on deci ae foreclosing the lien against tilla County, State of Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of your failure to do so, a decree will the *>- property above described and | You are further notified that said Stanfield ito Portland, Oregon, as In the County Court of the State of the 20th day of September, 1921. be rendertd foreclosing the lien of Z n ^ h J ib certif‘cate’ And IC. M. Giddings has slid j xnnparcd to the rates on the same Claimant names as witnesses: Oregon for Umatilla County. In said taxes and costs against the land ¿ y.™,“'.® b?Se5 L 8U.™??1ud i? _ 5 ? ei ,' k rcml«es for prior or subsequent ■omniodltles from Roseburg to Port the matter of the Estate of Cor Peter McNab, Sylvan T, Carroll, and premises above named. within sixty days after the first pub win Chamberlain, deceased. Eugene Dexter, and Perry Pike, all This summons is published by ord lication of the summons exclusive cf years with the rate of interest on I land. said amounts as follows: the day of said first publication, and According to your miscellaneous Year’s Tax 1916, Date Paid May defend this-action or pay the amount 10, 1917, Tax Receipt Number 6081. mmmodity tariff I. C. C. 1074, P, S. due as above shown together with Amount $6.86, Rate of Interest 12 Or. No, 37, the rate on fruit and costs and accrued interest and in case be yr°eUnrH ^ ,r: ± ± ° uLO- a. ^ Cr,®! „W‘‘i I Pa'd m s ’ Tax’ V e e K Num- igetables is $1,51 from Hermiston be rendered foreclosing the lien of I ^ “9305, Amount $ 9 J o “ r X olTim I ‘nd sta n f,e ld t0 Portland, the dist said taxes and costs against the land terest 12 Per Cent; Year’s Tax 1918 I ince being 190.5 miles and 191 JrThue«i:n^„nb0.Ven"SneK d a K a f)ate Pald 1979, Tax Receipt niles, respectively, while the same This summons is published by ord- dumber 6500, Amount $9.90, Rate lu rtl? r , r S,cha?"eP’ *>f Interest 12 Per Cent; Year’s Tav arjff names a rute of $1.10 per cwt. Judge of the County Court of the 1919, n ate patd Aprji 5 192o Tax in perishables from Roseburg to n n n tiiu a y a «eceipt Number 6305, Amount $10- Portland, a distance -of 198.4 miles. 1 a a a . k ? a0"*6" was. n?ade 96, Rate of Interest 12 Per Cent “The arid section of Eustern Ore- and dated this 9th day day of July, qaia iHniPu rhri»iin„™n 1921, and the date of the first pub- ,he owner of fh e ’ural H t l.^ r ’th !° n’ Par,lcular|y contiguous to Her- lication of this summons Is the 28th abo7e described property as the sam. 'n,Hton and Stanfield, (through Ir- a „ . a ‘^ . .v, appears of record, and each of th< rlgntlon, ‘ is now, we understand, - - - pro- need 2 mnTbn t ? v f a n ? Py°' otbfir P^«0»« above named are here- lucing quite a volume of porlshablo cceding may be served upon the un- I u« further notified that r* m ntd ood products, 1. e., fruit and vego- at tbe addreas hereafter | nf the Countyand State aforesaid fo. ables. It Is the contention of the mentioned. a decree foreclosing the lien agalnsl astern Oregon shippers that tho Keator & Randall the property above described • and ’’ortland market could take care of Attorneys of the Plaintiff. in Haid certificate. Anri 'he distribution in season and when 46-7tc. Address: Pendleton, Oregon mentioned von are hereby summoned to appeal within sixty days after the first pub iffered by that Bection of the state SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN lication of the summons exclusive o! vere it not for the discrimination In FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN the day of said first publication, and xpress rates. In the Circuit Court of the State of I defend this action nr pay the amount Change is R equested Oregon, for the County of Umatilla J»e as above shown together wit) It Is, of course, the desire gener C. M. Giddings Plaintiff vs. Geo. costs and acured Interest and in cast W. Reed and any other person or °f your failure to do so, a decree will ally to encourage agricultural ef- persons claiming any right, title, | he rendjrod foreclosing the lien ol orts throughout the state, and in He.) or Interest in or to the within said taxes and costs against the land /lew of this disparity in rate, wo and premises above named. described property, Defendants, espectfully request that you make This summons Is published by ord To Geo. W. Reed ct al the above r of the Honorable I. M. Schannep mmedlate adjustment. If possible, to named defendant: In the Name of tho State of Oregon: lodge of the County Court of th» nable the shippers of Hermiston and You a^c hereby notified that C. M. lutate of Oregon, for the County of I ttanfield and similar points from the Giddings the holder of Certificate of I Umatilla, and said order was made1 ■last to reach the consuming markets Dellnqency nmbered 1404 isssued on I and dated this 9th day day of July the Seventh day of May, 1917, by I 1921, and the date of the first pub- >n an equality. Your personal attention In effort thc Tax Collector of the County of I lication of this summons Is the 28th Umatilla, State of Oregon, for the I day of July, 1921. it early adjustment will be appreci amount of Sixteen and 33-100 ($16.-1 All process and papers in this pro- ated.” 33) Dollars, the same being the reeding may be served upon the tin- Yours very truly »mount tHen due and delinquent for dersigned residing within the State axes for the year 1915 together of Oregon, at tbe address hereafter Public Service Commission nf Oregon with penalty, interest and costs mentioned. II. H. Corey, there on upon the real property as Commissioner. Keator & Randall sessed to you. of which you are the Attorneys of the Plaintiff owner ns appears of record, situat d in said County and State, and par- 4«-7tc. Address: Pendleton, Oregon POLICE GAZETTE BELT IS ieularly bounded and described as AGAIN PRIZE AT ROUND-UP follows, to-wlt: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The Southwest Quarter of the Southerns* Quarter of the Northeast Department of the Interior, U. 8 The $100 Police Gazette Belt, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Quarter (SW14 of the SE«4 of the much coveted by cowboys each year July 13, 1921. NE*4 ) and the Northwest Quarter of Notica Is hereby given that Frank |a t ,be Pendleton Round-Up will the Northwest Quarter of the South west Quarter (N W '4 of the N W « Otto, of Boardman, Oregon, who, on again be offered as a trophy for the of tho SW*4) of Section One (1), April 28. 1917 , made Homestead all-round championship at the 1921 Township Pour North (4N) Range Entry, No. 018532. for SWUHE'4 show September 22, 23 and 24, ac- Twenty-eight (28) East of Willamet (Unit “C"), Section 18, Township cordlnglo word received by l hit Pen te Meridian contaning 20 acres, in 4N, Range 25E, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make dleton Round-Up jAssociation from Umatilla County, State of Oregon. You are further notified that S"'d three-year Proof, to estahtlsh claim Richard K. Fox Publishing Co,, M. Giddings has paid taxes on gted to the land above described, before which gives the belt each year. premises for prior or subsequent C. G. Blayden. U. 8. Commissioner, The belt will be of handsomely years with the rate of Interest on at Boardman, Oregon, on the 6th day of September, 1921. tooled leather and will be made by aid amounts as follows: Claimant names as witnesses: Hamley A Co., local saddlers. It Year's Tax 1914, Date Paid May I^slle Packard. Albert W. Cobb, 0.1917, Tax Receipt Number 1826, will be finished with a large solid Claude White, Rudolf Wasmer all of Amount $15 20, Rate of Interest 12 gold buckle bearing the engraved Per Cent: Year’s Tax 1916, Date Boardman, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock worda, '’Police Gazette , All Round Paid Oct. 5, 1918, Tax Receipt Num Register. Cowboy Champion.” ber 643. Amount $5.45, Rate of In- 45-5tc. * tereet 12 Per Cent; Years Tax 1917. Laat year the belt was won by Date Paid Oct. 5, 1918, Tax Receipt NOTICE TO CREDITORS Yakima Canntt, The winning of the Number 9302, Amount $4 30. Rate In the County Court of the State of PENDJLETON, OREGON of Interest 12 Per Cent: Year's Tax Oregon for Umatilla County.. In trophy Is a premier event among 1918. Date Paid June 1, 1919, Tax the matter of tbe Estate of Ma cowboys, not because of Its Intrinsic J. M BIG G S, Lacal A geat, Herm iston B E N F. Y O U N G , Agent, Pendleton, Box 763 Receipt Number 6497, Amount $4.70, urice A. Schram, deceased. value but because of the honor at Rate of Interest 12 Per Cent: Year’s Notice is hereby given the the un- to the winning. The winner'« I Tax 1919. Date Paid April I . 1920. derrlgned haa been appointed a d -l_ tached ,.,. . ... ~ ““ .'k. 1 ’hl' ye,r „ - ..___ ___ _____________ ,_____ _ |T a x Receipt Number «308, Amount mlnUtrator of the estate of Maurice Ip ture Rate of in terest u per c e n t. A. Schram, deceased, and h u quail- Pr,nfw’ •«> ’he Ggzette, Growers May Get Lower Rates WE H AVE 130 SIGNED UP We want every one of these Sub scribers to get us one subscription and we will be ready to start work. Don’t be selfish or say I am broke. Just say, I will subscribe $100.00 and I will pay it some way. if we get oil there will be more money coming into this district every day than this well will cost. THINK II OVER AND THEN LET US HEAR FROM YOU Write J. E. Leonard, Box 797, Pen dleton, Oregon and he will come and explain it to you. The Leonard Oil Leases