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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTOK. ORXOOÏM. !■■■■■■■ 5 TW O CARS THE BERNARD MAINWARING, EDITOR — of the best— HOW FORD DID IT ________ O n th e T ra ck One of Lump and one of Egg ■ Will be on track at Storage s Price Friday and Saturday ! ■ ■ ■ ■ TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A . B row n ton , Mgr. ■ ■ s*c<»n<l-<*laMi m atter, D ecem ber .. Um»», a t tn e i<M»tuttice a t H ertaiatoa. Oregon Subscription Rates: One Year, 1 2 .0 0 ; Six Months, $1 00 UTAH COAL ■ ■ ■ ma PHONE 111 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a FALL SUITS Now In the time to have your fall suit made and as you know the Ed V. Price Suits are the last word In fabrics and tailoring at ........................................................................................ »25 to »50 WE CARRY THE GORDON HATS AND CAPS Statements filed recently by the Ford Motor company show a »38,- 000,000 profit in the last year and bhow a greater production at the present time than at any time in the company's history. Last winter Ford was reported hard up. He tried to borrow »76.- 000,000 hut was unable to do so on teasonable terms so he decided to get along without borrowing. Mean while his taxes were coming due and there were other debts which he had no money to pay. Did he get discouraged and quit? Hardly! The first thing he did was to reduce prices on all his cars. It will be remembered that the Ford was the first car to do this. People said he was crazy. He then forced his dealers to buy the cars he had in stock. Many of them thought this would break them for they were already aarrylng cars they couldn’t sell. But they had to do it and the price cut immediately speeded up business. In Detroit the Ford plant was overhauled and is now said by bank ers to be the most efficient industrial establishment in America. FYird’s profits during the last year were »38,000,000 and his cash balance in creased by over »20,000,000, though In the winter he was wondering where he would get enough cash t< pay his bills. The Ford plant ii now running to full capacity. Ii the month of April it turned out 90,- 000 cars, but 100.000 were sold. Once more Ford has startled tin industrial world by doing the Impos sible. Once more he has demonstrat ed his ability to pay better wage than his competitor (his vigorous economics did not include wage re ductions) make a cheaper product than his competitor and then mak< bigger profit than his compositor It is a proof that there arc oppor tunities now for good business de spite what we hear about hard times And Ford has no patent or monopoly on his methods. Anyone who want to may copy them to whatever extern he can use them in his own business which are standard all over this country. NEED OF MORE DAIRYING at CLUETT SHIRTS »1.50 to »3.00 In the bent styles at ........................................... :......................... 25c CARHARTT OVERALLS none better at any price In both nummer weights and early fall yeighta at greatly reduc- de prices. Nothing quite bo good nt the price................................ 35c to »1.50 QUEEN QUALITY SHOES WARNER’S CORSETS CHASE A SANBORN'S TEAS AND COFFEES J. A. Foigers Teas, Coffees, Extracts, Spices and Baking Powder. A man has been arrested in Port land for stealing a bag full of empty milk bett'es. He was caught hold ing the bag in more ways than one. On a bill board in Pendleton there is a slogan, “Keep the dollars at home and you will see them again.*’ It applies to Hermiston too. The superior building service ren dered by this company has been obtain ed for the exclusive use of customers. This makes it possible for you to step into this office and inspect hundreds of designs of modern homes and other buildings before you build. All the guesswork has been eliminated because the designs have actually been built and many of them are hand colored photo graphs. A complete set of blue prints, specifications and ail accurate and com plete bill of material will be supplied with any design. All this is fiee to customers. For your individual satis faction call at this office. No obliga tion. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. Brief and to the Point Ti e best we can say for the dry •hampions who went in to knock but John Barleycorn is that they have him groggy.— Columbia (S. C.) Record. There was some doubt about last pring on account of the weather but this summer is easily identified is the genuine article.—Detroit Journal. Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau SEE |I.ÏÎ Sterri H IT T C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y -F O R - Delicious W hole some Confectionery “What is the chief i cause of di- We arc reprinting in another col umn a story from Monday Morning’s vorce?’ asks a college professor. Oregonian on the Umatilla project Speaking offhand, we should say. This story was written in Tho Heral, natrimony.—Cleveland News. office on the office typewriter by C The Army and Navy Bill for 1922 J. McIntosh of the O. A. C. journal would build 150,000 homes or keep ism department so we feel a sort o! 1,732 used cars in running order.— personal interest in it and beside Jiccnville News. it will be of interest to Hermistoi It's taxation without representa- people. It will be noted that the n,cn win ion when dad stays home while the est of the family go on a vacation.— were here last week arc strongly o the opinion that this country must tVillanisport Sun. N ew s starid abandon its present one crop systen The ideal way would be to give the Cigars and T ohacco and take up diversified farmini ¡onus to everybody who is fighting particularly dairying. for it and exempt everybody else The writer pretends to very Iitti from taxation.— Dallas News. scientific agriculture and still les. to knowledge of the Umatilla project, It is tS be hoped in the Irish nego so we pass this along for what it i. tiations that the Orange factor will worth. The argument for dairying not prove a lemon.— Baltimore Amer is that our soil must be built up. At ican. • present we take our hay off the land The thing the tired business man continually and It Is clnimrd that a cow will put back into the soil more needs to give him a renewed interest in life Is a little business.—Toledo than she takes off. News-Bee. A country that is dependent on one crop is easily crippled when the price Having peace by resolution lets Make our store your headquarters when in Pendleton of that one crop collapses, while a make a resolution to keep It.—Green country that produces several crop, ville |S. C.) Piedmont. can easily stand a loss on one of its crops. The same applies to some ex " Prosperity is a buy-product.— tent at least to partial crop failures. Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont. P e n d le to n , O reg o Th« Leading D ruggists Perhaps the biggest argument foi dairying is the profit there is In it. The writer was brought up in Wis Yesterday we saw a pretty sight. consin and saw In a comparatively It was not so sacred as Balaam riding few years, a poor struggling common up the streets of Jerusalem on a bur wealth built into a wonderful rich row. But it was a handsome woman one. The little cross road cheese The editor recently received from riding a handsome mule with a hand factory has made Wisconsin one of the richest states of the union and it a publishing house a pamphlet on some harness on.—■—Tualatin Valley Is generally claimed that that state "How to Correct One’s English." NewB. is the best off of any in the middle From a meager study of pure English Caruso left an estate estimated at he ha« failed to find language expres west nt the present time. 39.000.000 lire. Not including, we Thad’s why it would be When one compares Wisconsin, sive enough to say the things he take It, the liar who announced a profitable for you to with its rocky hills and Its cold wint wants to say and will retain the week or so a<*o that he would get ers, with this country which can modernized slang In writing about well.—Euge-ie Register. advertise in it raisu an abundance of grass one some folks and many things.—Polk = • « wonders why Wisconsin should make County Itemizer. The partnt telephone company is I f yoa quant a fob third of the cheese of the United A return to gold and silver mining taking Ihe cretin and zompiainlng I f you quant to hire somebody States. Certainly It Is not their is inevitable and soon. Gold and that the Pacific Ftates company is I f yo a quant to sell something superior facilities for dairying, for silver the world needs and any part of not getting fat on skimmed milk.— I f you tuani to bay something they haven't got them. It was in of the country containing these pre Pendleton East Oregonian. getting started ahead of the others cious metals will attract capital. If you quant to rent yoar boast and In keeping a monopoly on a good Baker eour\ty is ihe one field of the I f y o a quant to sell y o a r hoase Cause of Appendicitis thing. I f yo a quant to sell yoar farm northwest where these metals are to When ihe bowels are constipated, This Is Just a starter. It repre he found in great wealth.— Baker I f yo a quant to bay property the lower bowels or large intestines sents the views of a lot of people in Democrat. I f there is anything that yo a become parked with refuge matter, and around Hermiston and the Judge •want ihe quickest and best quay Secretary Mellon advocate« a 2- that Is made up largely of germs. ment of most every expert In agri to supply that quant is by placing nt tax on every bank check written These germs enter the vermiform ap cultural lines who has looked over an advertisement in this paper our project. It te something we will and 3-eent letter pontage, but would pendix and set up inflammation, which Is commonly known as ap lake the tr.X off ice cream and soda need to be thinking about. The Take Chamberlain's Herald would like to hear from some water. Bully for Mellon— what do pendicitis. The results will surprise farmer« and business men about this we care about the business of the Tablets when needed and keep your and please you question, and will print any con country If the things that taste good bowels regular and you have little to tribution» received. It is a question going down are free.— Eugene Guard. |fea r from appendiciti Tasty Stationery For Women TALLMAN & CO. H e r m is to n Produce & Supply Co. Oregon Press Comment "The Beit o f Good Service* People Read This Newspaper OUR M EATS MEET f A VOR MOONEY A 5IKEY. Prep* News of one of the biggest marine disaster that has ever occurred on the Pacific coast comes with a shock to Oregon people this week. We have lead ourselves to believe that the development of ships In the last few years has made ocean trav el safe, but every few years some big disaster proves that the grim old ocean is not to be cheated of its prey. The Alaska sailed from Portland Friday forenoon and struck a reef on the California coast about 40 miles south of Eureka late Saturday even ing. A heavy fog caused the ship to lose its way. Just how many lives have been lost is not known at this writing, but it will be devoutly hoped that most of the missing will have been rescued. It will be recalled that the steam er Bear was wjecked in 1916 at al most the same spot as the Alaska. The Bear merely struck on the reef however while the Alaska backed off into deep water and sank within a few minutes after striking. Homes, Churches, Schools, Gar ages, Barns and other buildings Films developed-- Enlargements made ................................ 1 ........................................... »1.50 to »5.00 We are exclusive selling agents for these goods here and the names will Indicate the class of goods we furnish. al City M eat M arket A GREAT MARINE DISASTER AKSCO K O D A K S for the ladles In staple lasts at reduced prices. For the best in meat, come to the house that sells the best. It vitally A FULL U N E MEN’S HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Beef, Pork, Mutton, Fisk and Cured Meats that we need to consider. affects our future. AMMUNITION COOPER’S UNDERWEAR - Over 500 Designs from Which to Choose GUNS ARROW COLLARS There is meat —and meat. Just the looks of some meat is ________________ __ ___ _ enough to take away the appetite. Our meats meet the approval of all buyers. Our animals are properly slaughtered and from the pen to the customer the meat is handled with a view to keeping it perfectly clean and sanitary. We specialize in the finest — HERALD Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla C ouaty, Oregon, In the heart of Eastern Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. tMJlrred ■ ■ H E R M IS T O N I