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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON.’ _ 1 J - - " ! . * THINNING DEMONSTRATION TO BE HELD IN HERMISTON Oregon Students Self-Supporting University ot Oregon. Eugene- Of ihe 230 students -re graduating this year from the University, eighty per cent have earned more than third of their own way during four years of study, according to state ments made by members of the class this week. Twenty per cent have been entirely self-supporting. Many and interesting are the Job which have yielded an income to these young men and jvomen while' they studied; The hop yards, log ging camps, ship yards, fishin grounds, saw mills, highway con struction. harvest fields, farms, ware houses, and the forest service— all have been the source of pay checks carefully saved during the summer to pay school expenses in the winter Dishwashing, mowing lawns, putting in wood, cooking, waiting on tables, sweeping floors, have been homely tasks willingly and even eagerly per formed by the young men and wonici wearing caps and gowns on tbe campus this week. A graduate from Klamath Fall tells how he got up at four o’clock in the morning to do janitor work A girl from Washington trolled for salmon In the Columbia. Another girl has bean a cook for harvest hands. Two young men were oiler.- un a ship. Another was foreman of 9000 acre farm. A girl carried the mail and earned 25 per cent of her own way. Still another girl work ed at a soda fountain. The work that will be taken up by these 230 young men and women upon graduation is almost as varied as the tasks by which they earned their way. A large number will be high school teachers, sc—ral will teach in college. Rome will practice law. Others will take up medicine. Many will continue their studies for higher degrees. A few have been ordained as ministers and will preach. Banks, life Insurance, fo r elgn trade, the diplomatic Service, architecture, farms, engineering music, newspaper, publishing hous ts and many other lines will claim the services of those who are grad nating from the University of Ore -on on June 20. ■ . - , .■■!g,1".1.11 ■ . J .J S J 8 I I . ........ ..............211Ü dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place, when and where hearing thereon shall be had. All persons In terested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the final report shall not be approved, the adminis tratrix discharged, and her bonds men exhonorated. Dated this Xth day of June, 1921. Ruth E. Chamberlain, 39-ltc Administratrix. THOUSANDS WILL 0 0 BACK EAST THIS SUMMER BECAUSE OF THE , Fred Bennion, county agent for bloom. Practically all apple trees Umatilla county, will hold a thin that are consistent annual bearers NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ning demonstration in the A. W. have 25 per cent or more of their Department of the Interior, U. S. Prann orchard next Tuesday, July 6. fruit spurs too vigorous each year to Land Office at Lagrande, Oisgon. At this demonstration the questions form fruit buds. - This will-Insure June 15. 1921. Notice is hereby given that Milton will be asked: “What will thin enough vigor In the tree as a whole II. Smith, of Umatilla, Oregon, who, ning do?” “Will Jt Increase the to make a good annual grow th with a on July 15, 1919, made Reclamation size and color of fruit and vigor of good number of new spurs forming Homestead Entry, No. 019941, for the tree?” "Will It effect alternate fruit buds ou the one year old wood. Unit "D” NEK or the SEK NEK Section 22, Township 5 North, Range bearing habits of the tree?” These This condition cannot be brought 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has questions and answers In the follow about in over-bearing trees, by filed notice of Intention to make ing article by C. L. Long, will be thinning the fruit no matter how se three-year I*roof, to establish claim discussed at the coming meeting. vere the treatent. The trouble is Offered by the big cross continent railorad to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Her Thinning apples in the early more deeply seated than this years miston, Oregon, on ihe 26th day of summer will do more to increase the crop of fruit. It is an unbalanced July. 1921. size and color of the fruit and the to relationship of the “soil foods” and Claimant names as witnesses: tal value of the crop than any other the “air foods” with the latter grrat- William E. Kennedy, William T. Serving the transportation needs of the operation supplementary to the ly predominating. This unbalanced Roberts, William C. Kik of Hermis ton, Oregon, R. F. Palulu of Umatilla, Great Pacific Northwest other common orchard practices. It condition may be of short or long Oregon. is also the mast satisfactory as well standing, but continually growing C. S. Dunn, and giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt Lake as profitable way to prevent loss of worse as the natural tendency of the Register, branches from breakage on tree, (ice Is to increase rather than to City, Denver. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago bearing full crops. Although It. will diminish it. In fact this plight may NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE on these two strictly first class trains Notice is hereby given that under not increase the vigor of the tree it ‘lecome so extreme that the tree will and by virtue of a writ of execution will be a very Important factor in get beyond this alternate bearing “ Oregon-Washington Limited” and “ Continental Limited” issued out of the Circuit Court of the maintaining that which the tree al ‘tage to a seldom bearing or even to State of Oregon in and for the Coun a never bearing stage. Artificial ready has. ty of Umatilla, under the seal there The activity of an apple tree, means that tend to increase the “soil of, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgement and decree rend whether for fruit bud formation, foods” and decrease the “air foods” ered and entered in said court on the Until and including August 15th. fruit production or growth is con nfuUl be used and used strcnously 2StlTday of June, 1921, in favor of F. Return limit 90 days, but not later than October 31st. trolled largely by relationship of the The natural tendency of the tree B. Swayze and W. II. Simpson as Re raw food materials as furnished by must be overcome, the unbalanced ceivers of the Western Land & Ir $106.80 Memphis $111.60 Pueblo $ 77.40 Chicago rigation Company as pluintlffs and its cnvlroments and utilized by It iclatlonshlp of these two groups of 77.40 Minneapolis 87.60 St. Paul 87.60 Denver against Elmer E. Cleaver, et als as self. The soil furnishes the moisture foods must be rectified and the ac defendants whereby the plaintiffs 87.60 Omaha 87.60 St. Louis 101.40 Kansas City and “soil foods” and the atmosphere cumulation of the over-abundant did recover a personal decree against 8 per cent War Tax to be Added furnishes the "air foodB." If the "air foods” of previous years must Hie defendant Elmer E. Cleaver for tlie sum of $3455.b0 with interest rainfall is ample or irrigation prac be matched. The combined influence Proportionate reductions to many points East. ¡¡Stop-overs at pleas thereon at tbe rate of 6 per cent per ticed, the soil properly drained ytt of pruning, fertilizbxg,' cultivating ure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellotv^tone, Zion annum from the 28th day of June, capable of holding moisture and ex and covercropping (or mulching.) and Rocky Mountain National Parks. 1921 and the further sum of $300.90 cessive evaporation prevented by pro and thinning at their very best will ittorney’s fees, and the costs and dis For complete details as to routings, tratn schedules, side trips, sleep bursements taxed at $41.00, and per cultivation of mulching, the soil be required to get this tree out of whereby it was decreed that the mol'Hire will not be the limiting its alternate bearing habit back to ing car rates and reservations, and other travel information desired, inortgage dated on the 5th day of fuctor. If these conditions are nut the proper state of vigor. * It will be call on or telephone May, 1908, executed by Elmer E. right, and a uniform moisture sup a much harder task to get old trees Cleaver and Hattie B. Cleaver to F. C. WOUGHTER, Local Agent, Hermiston, Oregon ply is not available during the grow out of their alternate bearing habit Hinkle Ditclt Company and assigned to Western Land & Irrigation Comp ing season, here Is where our first than it will be to keep young, vigor Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent— Portland, Oregon any, upon the following described attention I b needed. If the soil needs ous trees from getting into it. In real property in Umatilla County, draining, thisl should come first and either case the tendency of the tree Oregon, to-wit: NEK of the NWK nothing else can take «its place, if It will have to be annually fought of Sec. 18, Tp. 4,N. R. 28, E. W. M. and a tract of land described as fol- will not retain enough water to against. In the older trees, with the ows: Commencing at a point 33J mature the crop, organic matter alternate bearing habit fixed, tile un teet east of the Northwest corner of should be incorporated and other talanced condition and its uccumula said Sec. 18, and running thence mean» of increasing the water hold tion must be overcome as well. east 330 feet; thence south 1320 feet The effects of thinning may be more or less to the South line of the ing capacity of fhs soil practiced. If NWK of the NWK of said Section: these corrections, together with pre- big factor In keeping young, vigor thence west 330 fee:; thence North ventatlort lOf evaporation from the ous trees from forming the alternate Husband's Story W ill UMATILLA, OREGON 13 20 feet more or less to the point surface soil, do not supply the tree bearing habit but it is not enough Amaze Hermiston of beginning. Also a tract of land » — ■■n«— I—■ r ' l TT with a sufficient supply of moisture to get trees with the habit establish He says: “Adler-i ka helped my described as follows: Commencing a condition •ften met in unlrrlated ed back into annual bearing hubits wife for gas on the stomach and sour at a point 990 feet east of the NW. semi-arid sections, nothing can be It will help to conserve the vigor itomach in TWENTY MINUTER. Il corner of said Sec. 18, running 100 p o u n d s c a n e s u g a r thence east 330 feet more or less to done other than that of reducing the already there, but it will not Instill works beyond greatest expectations.” the west line of the NEK of the NW- top of the tree, by pruning, to fit new vitality into the tree. Th» Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and K of said Section; thence south 1320 this shortage. gteutest benefit from fhranfag will lower bowel removing foul matter feet more or less to the South line of After this moisture supply is be on this years fruit. It will pay which posioned stomach. Brings out Ihe NWK of the NWK of said Sec W h ite L a u n d r y S o a p , 20 b a rs tion; thence west to a point 990 feet made to fit the tree or the tree to big dividends on the increased size all gasses and sour, decaying food. cast of the west line of said section; fit the moisture, our text step is to and color of the fruit and contlntie EXCELLENT for chronic constipa thence north 1320 feet more or less properly balance the two groups of to pay for years to come on branches tion. Guards against appendicitis. to point of beginning, together with foods, the soil foods and the air saved from breaking off thaj so of Adler-t-ka removes matter you never the water rights appurtenant thereto L a u n d r y S o a p , b r o w n , 22 b a r s a water right of one miners' foods, to bring about such activity ten takes place in heavily loaded thought was In your system and lo-wit: inch per acre for each acre of said of the tree as is desired. It the soil trees. Time will bo saved in the which may have been poisoning you lands capable of irrigation from the is thin or worn out and should be picking, grading and packing of the for months. Mitchell Drug Co. I’d. ditches and canals of the Western Land & Irrigation Company which given next («oaslderation. Annual crop equal at least to that required Adv. B e s t g r a d e F r u i t J a r R in g s , d o z e n mortgage was recorded on May 5th, application of nitrogen will be a for thinning. / ___: 1908, at page 578 of book 39 of the NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE The most economical time to do temporary remedy but the incorpor ecords of mortgages in the office of UNDER EXECUTION ation of orgalc matter, by plowing this thinning is immediately uftei Notice 1 h hereby given that by vir he County Recorder of Umatilla E n d ic o tt-J o h n s O n W o rk S h o e s, a r m y la s t, » A down straw, jrough manure, cover (he Juno drop, after nature has done tue of an execution issued out of the County, Oregon, should be foreclos a p a i r ........ ..... ........................................................ «p4.O U crop, etc., are necessary in any long her thinning. At this time most of Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for ed, and the said real property sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Ore time solution of this soil problem. Ihe apples left will mnture and on« Umatilla County, and to me direct gon, to satisfy said Judgment and The nitrogen of the soil, which Is need not hesitate to do all necessari ed and delivered, upon the Judgment all costs; therefore I will, on Mon tnd decree rendered and entered in the limiting factor in the group of Ihlnlng at one time. It is far cheap mid Court of the 27th day of Juno day the 1st day of August, 1921, at Y o u r p ick 9 p a ir s B o y s S h o e s, siz e s 13, 1 Poll foods, Is carried In the organic er to remove all surplus fruit thi 1921 in favor of F. B. Swhyzc and 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that a n d 2, p e r p a i r .............. ...................... day, at the front door of the court matter of the soil and can to matn- flrsl time over the tree, than it h W. H. Simpson, as Receivers of the house in the City of Pendleton, Uma Western Land & Irrigation Company, llalned only by annual contributions to make two or more thinnings. In s Plaintiffs and against Adeline tilla County, Oregon, sell all the of organic matter forming materials. practice all Imperfect fruit should Hayes as Defendant, for tho sum of right, title, interest and estate which The growing of caich crops should be removed. Each cluster should be $50.00 with Intehest thereon at the he said defendants, and a D'-persons and to claim by. through or be an annual practice in cultivated reduced to not more than one fruit rate of 6 per cent per annum front claiming under them, or nny of them, had on June 1st, 1920, and for $11.70 cost orchards. and then enough others removed un 5th day of May, 1908. or since ind disbursements, which said decree the The "air foods” are abundant in 111, those remaining are at a desir Judgement hava had, or npw have, in and and order of sale has been to hen B la c k B a lb r ig g a m U n io n S u its , a ll siz e s, the above described real property proportion to the area of leaf surface able distance apart. Variety as well docketed and enrolled in tbe office of b e s t g r a d e , s u m m e r w e i g h t .................. . and every part thereof, at public of the tree together with the as vigor of the tree should be consid Ihe Clerk of said Court; and where auction to the highest bidder for as by said Judgement, decree and strength of the light playing upon ered in determining the right dis cash in hand, ihe proceeds of such this- leaf surface. These foods may lance apart to leave the fruit. On order of sale It was directed that the lie to he applied in satisfaction of following described real property in said execution and all costs. be ihe limiting factor where the noil vigorous trees the smaller varieties Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wit: Dated this 28th dav of June, 1921. is extremely fertile or the orehard- will net most If left six or seven in The Southeast quarter of the ZOETH HOUSER. Ist a heavy pruner or where a com ches apart while eight or ten Is none Southeast quarter of Section 30, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon. C o m e in a n d h e a r t h e N e w Township 4 North of Range 28, E. bination of Ihe two exist. In thin too fai- for the large varieties. Those S. M. Turner, Deputy. W. M. together with the water right I '2-5tc. case the remedy would be a slowing distances should be Increased an In of 10 miners’ inches of water np- up of the pruning, excepting a light ch or two whenever the tree shows pinl\nant thereto as specified In tho contract entered Into between thu thinning ont In very dense IreeH, and lack of vigor. T h e F re n c h R e s ta u ra n t Western Land A Irrigation Company a withdrawal of all nitrogenous fer The time required to do Ibis wor and J. C. 1-awrenee on the 21st dnv I t is a b e a u ty a s to fin ish a s tilizers, manures and leguminous will vhry with the size of the tree, as of May. 1912. be sold by the Sheriff BAKERY aid CONFECTIONERY covercrops. In other words let the well as set of fruit. Trees capable of Umatilla County, Oregon, to satis w e ll a s to n e . , Elegantly Furnished Room» in Connection tree accumulate a larger leaf surface of hearing three or four hoxos of fy said judgment and all costs: I will on the 1st day of August, W ill p la y E d is o n o r P a t h e a s w e ll a s V ic to r, STRICTLY FIRST CLASS and do not add nitrogen to the soil marketable fruit will require about 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock This condition Is seldom met with one-half hour, those equal to ten In D. C o lu m b ia a n d o t h e r m a k e s o f re c o rd s the forenoon of said day at the Hohbach Bro«., Proprietor« In mature trees as their usual lack boxes In the neighborhood of one front door of the Court House, in of vitality shows. Most mature trees hour and those of fifteen to twenty Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon, b y s im p ly t u r n i n g th e r e p r o d u c e r a ro u n d . Pendleton. Oregon wonld he more productive of profthi boxes capacity will require from one sell tho right, title nnd interest the If their vigor was considerably in and one-half to two hours each. In mid Adeline Hayes had in and Io the (hove described properly on Ihe 21st. creased. removing ihe fruit Ihe hand is much day of May A. D. 1912 or since I H B i a i l R I R B I B R I I l l R I Thinning of Ihe fruit becomes nec and should be used with all variet then has acquired, nt public auction ■ JEWELER & W ATCHM AKER TO THE W EST END essary whenever the activity of the ies excepting the very short stemmed Io the highest bidder for cash iti ■ I h a v e t a k e n t h e A g e n c y f o r th e tree Is loo largely consumed In the ones and Those clinging very tenacl- hand, the proceeds to be applied in I Hwcmiat«», Or«(«n satisfaction of said execution and formation of fruit buds and the pro ouly to the spur. Of all orchard all costs. duet Ion of fruit at the expense of practices that lend to increase the Dated this 2?th day of June, A. D. wood growth, a condition brought size and color of the fruit, thinning 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Wash.) ZOETH HOUSER. Sheriff about by an over supply of air foods is the only one under the complete In the County Court of the State of 42-5tc. By E. F. B. Ridgway. Deputy as compared to the soil foods. The control of the grower, Il Is sure Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the Estate of Henry NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT young vigorous tree comes Into par- to Increase ihe value of the crop M. Gunn, deceased. In the County Court of the State tlal bearing, then into full bearing with the least drain upon the tree. Notice is hereby given that the un of Oregon, for Umatilla County. I f I s o o u ld f a il t o c a ll and finally over-bears before It Is dersigned has been appointed execut CLAYTON L. LONO. In the matter of the estate of forcedr, Into .die habit of alternate on y o u d ro p m e a c a rd rix of the last will and testament of Extension Horticulturist. Oregon Russell W. Chamberlain, deceased: Henry M. Gunn, deceased, and has bcarhig. A tree that overbears Is State Agricultural College. Notice is hereby given that the a n d I w ill c a ll a n d t a k e qualified as the law directs. All of your stationery the better undersigned has filed with the Clerk undcrvlgertAs* and carries a large y o u r o rd er. persons having claims against said the impression it w ill create. of the above entitled court her final number p< r*>rI slow Itrowlng fruit estate are required to present the report as administratrix of the estate Swelling New York's Population. spur* tbs I seldom bloom and when same to me with proper vouchers, at of Russell W. Chamberlain, deceased, New York's population would he (M Y- Hermiston. Ore. within six months Moral; H«ve your print« they do itludii) never set fruit, an and that the Court has designated Inste« ’ of ft,Ono.OdO if they from the date hereof. other Mrgb ndibber that blooms and counted all of those who registered Saturday, July 2, 1921, at the hoar M R. A. H erm iete^ O re. ing done here. Dated this 15th day of June, 1921. bears and very few that are vigorous, from New York at the small town h o of 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon, as IH i Roberta M. Gunn the time, and the County Court room making a good growth, that do not te la —Southern Lumberman. Executrix. In the County Court house In Pen- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I 4O-5tC. Low Round-Trip Fares Union Pacific System Tickets on Sale Daily STAHGEBY & GAST $7.45 $1.00 $1.00 5c $2.00 * EXTRA SPECIAL!! 95c Golden Throated Claxtonola WM. H. OGDEN Toppenish Nursery Co. J. M. PACE ------m i ............ The,Better the Printing