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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
THE — H E B M IS T O K H E R A L D , H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N . L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y Hay There!! HOOD RIVER WINS IN NEWS CONTEST no . wi . o. e . s .. u e e n E s t h e r c h a p t e r meet* Mscond Tuesday evening of each month at 8*00 sharp in Masonic hall. V isiting members si coroe. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Q Pound’s TheaterlThe Play House The Oregon weekly newspaper sural service contest. Judged at UMATILLA. OREGON HERMISTON. OREGON Farmers’ Week, was won by the H ER M IST O N LODGE NO. 138. A P A A M m eeu in Masonic Hal) on First and Third Hood River Glacier with an almost Tuesday avsnings of each month. V isiting breth- perfect score. As a basis of awards I f t h e in s u r a n c e is n e e d e d f o r o n ly a f e w SATURDAY. JULY 2 OPENING NIGHT C. W. Kallo««, Secy. T. D. Worater, W. M the committee considered the amount w e e k s o r a f e w m o n th s y o u p a y o n ly f o r and quality of rural news, features, FRIDAY JULY 1ST. 8 F. M. V * n e y a b d LODGE N O . 20«. 1. O. O. F. ” meets each Monday even in« in Odd Fellowa and editorials— wrlten to “play-up" t h e tim e i t is in fo rc e . hall. Viaitin« members cordially invited. IN W .R. Longhorn. Sec. G. H. Myer». N. G. the farm or the country "doings." The Glacier was finally selected as PROFESSIONAL CARDS the winner of the loving cup, first placet fl16 contest. The contest IN was conducted by the department o f Hermiston, Oregon J. A . P E E D of industrial journalism under the V E T E R I N A R Y S U R G E O N personal direction of C. J. McIntosh, House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. agricultural press editor. Second place was easily taken by FOR SALE— Good work horse cheap Wm. H. Ogden. 40-tfc. another Hood River Paper— the IN D R . R . G. G A L E News. It took the judges consider »• P h y a i o i a n a n d l u r g a o n MISCELLANEOUS able time and thought to decide be Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. tween ths News and the Glacier for WANTED— Second hand tent or Office Hours ifrst prize place, as both were de camping outfit, Notify this of- IO to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone §41 SUNDAY, JULY 3 clared to be "excellent,’’ the second fice or call 251. 41-2tp. Dr. Freeze the eye prize was $10 cash. specialist will be at D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S The Record-Cbelftaln of Enter- > the Oregon Hotel, Her- . Elliott’s Tire Shop. Physician and Surgeon pirse, Wallowa county, was well in __ mlston, Tuesday, July IN Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted advance of all others for third, and 5th to practice his profession. Why LOST— On June 12th at the Crab- Office over First National Bank apple tree swimming hole one suffer from headaches, eyeaches and won the $6 cash prize offered. For OFFICE PHONE. 92 quarter mile above the Benedict other eye troubles when there is per RESIDENCE PHONE. 595 fourth place five awards were given, place an IS size Jewel open face manent relief for you. One day only Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. sliver Waltham watch. Reward Day or night calls anaweied promptly $4.50 fountain pens. These were July 5th. 42-ltc. “SKIPPFRS’ T1>T ASURE for return. Hollis Gordon. 40-2tc. awarded, after a great deal of dis GARDEN” cusión on relative values of rural D I . W. W. ILLSLEY LOST AND FOUND CASH Paid for second hand goods service to find which of seven or Office over First National Bank Correll’s Shop. 17-tfc FOUND— On the High Line road be WEDNESDAY. JULY 5 Osteopathy Medicine Surgery eight had to be put out, t^ th e Polk IN tween Crosland and Jay ) places T. L. Hall, transfer. Call Elliott County Observer, Dallas; Argus Calls answered at all hours a violin In black case. Enquire Residence phone 711 Tire shop, phone 192. 19-tfc Office phone 551 Ontario; Graphic, Newberg; Wash of Ell Winesett or at The Herald ington County News Times, Forest office. 41-3tc. Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and IN Grove, and the News-Reporter, Mc DR. C. 0 . WAINSCOTT LOST—On road between Hermiston ranges bough,, sold, exchanged or Minnville. Physician and Surgeon and Heppner, Goodyear tire mount repaired. Correll’s shop. 7-tfc The agricultural committee of the ed on Buick rim. Finder please X-Ray Specialist 35c Portland Chamber of Commerce gave leave at Kingsley Mercantile Co. THE feeling of security Is well worth Phones, Res. 889-J— Office 866 Suitable reward. E. W. Montgom $25 for prizes, the state editorial the premium paid, How about Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld'g. Eddie Polo “King of the Circuí" ery. 4 2-2tp. asoclation gave $10, and the staff of that Fire Insurance? See the E Pendleton, Oregon P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc the department of industrial Journal 7 :3 0 —9:15 A Good Show Every Friday 15— 35c FOR SALE ism $10. The judges of the contest I have taken the agency for the Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Even D r . F . V . P R I M E were C. E. Ingalls, editor of the Cor FARM FOR SALE 40 acres fine land joining the main ing Post anr the Country Gentleman. vallis Gaiette-Times, and president D E N T IS T R Y irrigation canal, ones mile east of Anyone wishing to renew their sub- of the State Editorial association; Hermiston. Oregon Boardman. Will take car as part pay pcriptions can do so through me. Office. Bank Bid«. E. E. Favelle, Editor of the Western Donald B. Parsons. Office Phone. 93 ment. Price $35.00 per acre. E. F. 37-4tp Office Hours Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Farmer, and chairman of the agricul Fagerstron, Irrigon, Oregon. 42-ltc. tural committee of the Portland A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, FOR SALEi—Linoleum, dressers, wash bowles, and hot water tanks Chamber of Commerce; and W. F. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R kitchen cabinet, tent and folding and fixtures. If we havent what Kennedy, advertising specialist for cot, forks, shovels, pump jack, you want, we’ll get It. Repairing J. M Nolan & Son, Corvallis. L A W Y E R fruit jars, work harness, etc. Coi- and Installing. I. E. Putman. The number of rural stories. Inch rells Shop. 42-tfc. Phone 763. Stanfield - • Oregon es rural service, Inches reading mat FOR SALE—or will trade for cows ter, and ratio of rural to total news PRICES REDUCED FOR or young cattle, one Ford Road matter of each of the three highest | ster, one team about 1200 pounds The Ladles Home Journal ........$1.50 is as follows: Glacier, 51 rural stor and harness, one 3 Vi Studebaker Saturday Evening Poet ........... 2.00 Renew your subscriptions through ies, 241 inches rural service, 441 Wagon with hay rack and one 3- ton truck. W. A. Leathers. 34-tfc. H. Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon, Optometrist and Optician inches reading matter, 54 per cent Phone 312. 39-tfc rural service; News 37 stories, 178 G laues ground to fit your eyes FOR SALE—Good'team 5-year-old mares. Price is right. See A. W. Fifteen years experience at your service inches rural service, 359 inches read NOTICE Agnew. 34-tfc. We are In the market for several ing matter, 50 per cent rural service; car loads of hay, for immediate ship American Nat. Bank Bldg. ltecord-Chieftain, 36 stories, 201 FOR SALE— Aeromoter Wind Mill ment. Phone 4022 morning, noon inches rural service, 4 45 inches read Pendleton, Oregon and steel tower, wheel 8 ft. In di or evening. We have an Auto Truck ing matter, 40 per cent rural service. ameter, tower 20 ft. high. W. A. and will do the hauling, when truck The Herald was a participant in Ford, Umatilla. 24-tfc is used. We take all kinds of goods for stor this contest but did not learn of the FOR SALE— 3 ’4 in. Webber wagon age in our warehouse. Fire and contest until late and our copy did with hay rack on. Good as new. Automobile Insurance (agency. We not arrive in Corvallis in time to be O. O. Felthouse. 25-tfc buy and Rell any kind of cattle. Good judged. The Herald has Just re pasture at the Farm $3.00 per month FOR SALE— 15 h. p. Alamo engine; per head, grown stock only. Three ceived a letter from Mr. C. J. McIn Ford delivery body. See Harry 40 acre tracts of land partly improv PH O N E 192 \ tosh of the Department of Journalism Kelley. 61-tfc ed for sale on reasonable terms. at O. A. C. which we quote: 32-tfc. W. A. Leathers Leave orders at T am sorry that your copy for the FOR SALE— Royal Typewriter, No. 10 in first class condition $50.00 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE contest did not arrive in time to be 10-tfc UNDER EXECUTION judged. The judges met but once Notice is hereby given that by vir and I could not get them together FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro tue of an execution issued out of the gain as the announcement had said ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, to me direct the contest would close Tuesday and rabbit wire, buildings and well. ed and delivered, upon the Judgment your copy did not come till Thursday. Stock and furniture also for sale. and decree rendered and entered In "In my judgement it would have HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Inquire this office. 42-tfc said Court of the 27th day of June been well up amoung (he winners, 1921 In favor of F. B. Swayze and for it has an excellent rural service. HAVING Purchased the Bennett W. H. Simpson, as Receivers of the TRANSFER W e W eld Anything bdt A Broken Heart place together with equipment, I Western Land & Irrigation Company, I had nothing to do with the judg have the following property for • is Plaintiffs and against C. E. Rice ing but' did help in checking over, Hermiston, Oregon Phone 264 sale: 1 wide wheel McCormick as Defendant, for the sum of $90.00 R H O N K 152 md reading thousands of country mower; one new Iron wheel with interest thereon at the rate news items. In extent and quality truck; one 8 inch vineyard plow; of 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1920, and for $12.75 costs and yours is excellent. one DeLaval Separator; one team disbursements, which said decree, Hollis Percey, Prop. “Perhaps a pretty full report of mares; 1 set double work harness; judgment and order of sale has been one 3 h. p. “Z” type kerosine en docketed and enrolled In the office the contest will be given the state Hcraiiton, Ore. gine, one power chopper No. 10 of the Clerk of said Court; and editorial association. For the con whereas by said Judgement, decree W. A. Ford, Umatilla, Ore. 25-tfc. test next year some special classes and order of sale it was directed will be arranged to give all papers that the followin described real pro F o 4 SALE— Newcomb Carpet and an equal chance. perty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- Rug Loom, or will trade for any ■■■■■■■■■■■■■BSBSSSJ “If you wish to quote anything in kind of stock we can use on the wit: The North half of the South half ranch, the machine can be seen at 1his letter you are welcome to do so. the Hahn General Shoe Store. E. of the Northeast quarter of the J J . U . V A U G H A N . I thank you for your Interest Southwest quarter of Section 17, in E. Graham, M. R. 1, Hermiston, K L .K C T R IC F I X T U R E S ■ nd contribution.” A lso w ith e a c h c a s in g b o u g h t in M a y a n d J u n e Township 4 Norih of Range 28, E. Ore. 3 7-tfc. A N U A P P L IA N C E J W. M. together with the water right Truly yours you g e t a F re e T ube Phone 139 gg SOME Small Horses for sale cheap. of 10 miner?’ inches of water ap C. J. McIntosh 2 0 3 3 . C o u r t S t. P e n d lo to n , O re . g purtenant thereto as specified in the Shotweil Contracting Co. 32-tfc. Two doors cbm » Two doors east contract entered into between the Ore. Hdws. Co. Ore. Hdws. Co. THE BEST buy you will ever get in Western Land & Irrigation Company WHEAT HARVEST AT WALLA a good young team of seven year and C. E. Rice on the 15th day of WALLA TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK old mares. Mtfst be sold at once. December, 1911, be sold by the W. T. Roberts ranch. 40-tfc. Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, Spokane, Wash.—Wheat harvest to satisfy said Judgement and all W hen you bake a pie n Walla Walla district starts about AT McNurlen’s farm. % mile west of costs; do you svsr nt op to ronsider that for the u m e I will on the 1st day of August. Umatilla, after June 13th, Royal July 4, which is said to be 10 days monry and no work at all you can buy a high Ann and Bing cherries for sale at A. D. 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock grade pis from us? earlier than usual. Wheat bay Is 12 rents pound. 39-tfc in the forenoon of said day at the MUST BE KEPT BUSY already being cut. Barley in Wal front door of the Court House, in When you bake a cake la Walla and Columbia counties is FOR SALE—Green’s Income Tax Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, I can give you better service and It costs you aa much aa you would pay ua to Record book. Keep your Income sell the right, title and interest the almost ready for cutting. It is stai- bake It for you - and wo «uarantee that our cheaper rates than ever before. tax record straight. Price $4.00, said C. E. Rice had In and to the cake will please your moat fastidious guest. <1 that dealers are offering to con W ill haul anything. retail price $5.00. The Herald. above described property on the 15th tract wheat at $1 per bushel but day of December A. D. 1911 or since When you bake bread Baled hay a specialty. that growers are holding back in the FOR SAT.E—Small range, guaranteed then has acquired, at public auction w m « of that broad will be old before you ran ponlhly a w it up. You got our bread frw h oak diinng table and chairs, ex to the highest bidder for cash in expectation of receiving a higher 0 .0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 «vary d a y - and you pay no nioro. cellent condition. Princess dresser hand, he proceeds to be applied In price. and a few smaller Items. Call satisfaction of said execution and C IT Y B A K E R Y Oregon Hotel. 41-2tp. all costs. Dated this 27th day of June, A. D. FOR SALE— 13 Turkeys. 24 I. R. Recommends Chamberlain’s Tablets. Peter McNab, Sylvan T. Carroll. Ducks. Mrs. Z. Pumphrey. 42-ltp. 1921. ‘Chamberlain's Tablets have been NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff. used by my husband and myself off Department of the Interior, U. 8. Eugene Dexter, Perry Plko, all of 42-5tc. By E. F. B. Ridgway, Deputy FOR SALE OR TRADE^ Small Mo Isanti Office at Lagrande, Oregon. Umatilla. Oregon. «and on for the past five years. Whan gul tractor, gi a antecd In excellent June IE, 1921. C. S. Dunn. my husband goes away from borne he Why Suffer from Rheum atism ! • condition. Will run hay press, Notice is hereby given that Effie Register. Do you know that nine out of always takes a bottle of them along E. Biillack, of Umatilla, Oregon, who. wood saw. water pump. In fact, any kind of bell work, as well as every ten cases of rheumatism are U N DER MEW MANAGEMENT with him. Whenever I have that on June 14, 1916, made Reclamation field work. Will sell cheap or simply rheumatism of the muscles oi | heavy feeling after eating, or feel Homestead Entry, No. 016026, for Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea BUT SUUJNS, Pmp. trade for horses or cattle. Ad Remedy. dull and played out, I take one or SE U . being Unit "A* of Section 22, dress X 25 Herald, Hermiston. chronic rheumatism, neither of Tnwnnhip 5 North, Range 27 East, Every family should keep thia Agcot far P— u tic Laaadry which require any internal treat two of Chamberlain’s Tablets and Oregon. ' 4 I-ltc . Willamette Meridian, haa filed no B a sk et lea v es T u esd a y . returns .Saturday FOR SALE— 40 acres In alfalfa, ment? The pain may be relieved by they fix-ma up line,’’ write« Mrs. tice of Intention to make three-year preparation on hand during the hot of priced very reasonable. W. W. applying Chamberlain's Liniment, It 1« almost Newton Vreeland, Minna, N. Y. Take Proof, to eelabllnh claim to the land the summer month«. A sha re of Year PaCiunaec Solicited Felthouse. 38-tte which makes sleep and rest possible, these tablets when troubled with con above described, before United Statea sure to he needed, and when that Commleeloner, at Hermiston, Oregon, time comes. Is worth many times Its SH O W ER BA TH S stipation or Indigestion end they will on the 26th day of July. 1921. TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon and that certainly means a great deal coat. Buy it now, to any one afflicted with rheumatism paper at the Herald of*'ec, do you good. Claimant name« as wltnteeea: Y o u c a n in s u s e $ 1 0 0 .0 0 w o r th o f h a y f o r c n e y e a r a t a c o s t o f $3 .0 0 . Charles Ray Charles Ray F irst national bank “Homer Comes Home" WANT AOS “Homer Comer Home“ De Haven “Spirits Charles Ray Peaceful Valley De Haven “Spirits" Eva Novak “ The Torrent“ E Q U IP M E N T - Plus Mechanical Skill Dr. Dale Rothwell T. L . H A L L T R A N SFE R Elliott’s Tire Shop That’s the combination that gives satisfaction. A car penter can’t do- good work without good tools, neither can a garage. We have the equipment, - plus mechanical skill, and our work is the best advertisement we have. 20 Per Cent Reduction in Tires Neil & B arker Co. 2 0 Per Cent Drop Pennsylvania Tires and Tubes — FRE E— FLOYD KNERR T w o Trucks V Hermiston Barber Shop