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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. THE HIGH SCHOOL MIRROR Devoted CO Interests of the Hermiston Schools KINGSLEY MERCANTILE • “Hermiston’s • • House of Quality and Service • . V « Under New • ============ s Ownership ■ : ■ ■ : S ■ ■ : ■ ■ : : # Our terms will be absolutely be- fore the tenth of the following month. We haven’t the money to carry an account longer, and trust that purchases will be made with that idea in mind. We do not want to lose our old customers and will try and make our prices reward you for staying with us. E. J. KINGSLEY KINGSLEY MERCANTILE CO. PHONE 171 . • ■ : Mercantile Com : pany The have Kingsley put up a new awning in : front of their store. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carni : Saturday, March 5th, a nine and a half pound baby girl. : Mrs. Frank Bilderback and Mrs : Hogan Miller and Miss Leek attend ed a Christian Science lecture which ; was held in Walla Walla last Sunday Mary Swayze, mother of F ! B. Mrs. Swayze is visiting her son for a few weeks from Portland. : Dr. Van Waters will hold services Library next Sunday morning ■ at in the 11:00 o’clock. All are cordially : invited. : • Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon ----------- MANUFACTURERS OF----------- The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED With each Vacuum Cup Casing Bought This Month I WILL GIVE A NEW TUBE FREE Mrs. Root of Boardman was in the The Hermiston boys and girls city Monday. basket ball teams returned Sunday from a two days trip in Morrow ‘‘Humoresque" is a play you will county where they played four never forget. games, two of which were played in Ione against Ione boys and girls and J. S. Crimins visited his family the other against Lexington girls last Sunday and Monday from Free and Heppner boys at Heppner. water. All four games were lost after hard fights against heavier and well Mrs. J. C. Ballenger of Boardman. coached teams. was in the city for a few days this Everyone reports a good time on week. the trip which ended with a royal reception at the Hotel Heppner. Mrs. F. A. Chezik went to Pendle ton. the first of the week for an op The basket ball game with Pen eration. dleton scheduled for March 11, has been called off so this ends the bas R. V. and V. E. Jones were up ket ball season. Max Warriner and from Irrigon week ago Thursday or Norman Rubner are getting the business. lineup for base ball and track. mnus=m=nmu mn=====nn================? High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour No. 17 VOL 1. "There is nothing either good or bad" But thinking makes it so.” Thus wrote the poet Shakespeare, In the days of long ago. Now lately I’ve been thinking, I’ve schemed and I have wondered. If thinking so would raise my grade From a poor one to a hundred. In my school work I’m not brilliant, I could be a better student. If I’d spend more time in studying, T’would be considered prudent. But will you please inform me That if thinking bad is good, Would it make my grade much bet ter? I only wish it would! O. O. Felthouse has found it nec "There is nothing either good or essary to put on another truck bad hauling hay from Butter Creek and But thinking makes it so.” Columbia. So if thinking so will do the trick. Just watch my credits grow! The sale at Ray Sprague’s ranch —Martha Winslow, last Saturday was largely attended Class of ’21 and Mr. Sprague sold everything he had to offer. Ida Rhodes was given a delightful little surprise Saturday evening H. R. Louglin, former resident of when a number of her friends came the project, was in the city this week in to help her celebrate her birth looking after land interests he has day. on the project. The High School band played at Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heinl and son the Play House Wednesday night as drove to Walla Walla last Sunday to part of the “High School Night” attend the Christian Science lecture program. given in that City. A few of the High School students Dr. C. O. Wainscott was in Hermis that did not go to Ione and Heppner ton the latter part of last week. The enjoyed a pleasant evening at the doctor says he may locate perman home of Phyllis Dyer on Friday even ently at Pendleton. ing. Cards and music were the div ersion o fthe evening after which a More pathos than ‘‘The Music dainty luncheon was serv'd. Master,” is the way they bill Hum oresque, which will be shown at the Norman j Rubner is a zealous Play House Saturday. base ball manager. Last Friday Norman’s zeal reached its height Robt. McLean has moved from his when he stepped in the way of a ball former location at the dam and is coming at full speed, and for a while now occupying the Geo. McLean he saw all the beauties of the zenith. ranch on the Diagonal road. Judging from the serious expres County School Superintendent sion on Lawrence Winslow’s face we W. W. Green was in Hermiston last infer that he is taking the affairs Tuesday and gave a nice talk before of the (Nation) too much to heart. the members of the Commercial club about Union High Schools. Governess—"When did William the Conqueror come to England?” Mrs. Mary E. Slagel, sister of Pupil—“I don’t know.” Madam Belscamper, died in Walla Governess—"But doesn’t it say in Walla last Friday. Mrs. Slagel vis your book, ‘William the Conqueror, ited her sister at her home last year, 1066.’ ’’ and several project people met her. Pupil—"Yes, but I thought that She was buried at Walla Walla Mon was his telephone number.” day morning. Madam Belscamper attended the funeral there. Grade News guter FLOYD KNERR | Zerttzerrer Right Now is the Time for That Spring Tooth Harrow See our stock and compare quality and price with others, especially the teeth. Our harrows have a better shaped tooth for alfalfa than any others offer ed in Hermiston this season. Prices and terms are right too. SAPPERS’ INC. (See u. for WATER GLASS when putting up those eggs you money.) HARDWARE FURNITURE We will save IMPLEMENTS SOCIETY EVENTS OF THE WEEK (Continued from page one) The members of the I. O. 0. F. and Rebekah lodges of Hermiston celebrated the 13th anniversary of the organization of their lodge, Mon day evening at the Odd Fellow’s hall. Music by the High School orchestra and by the Columbia orchestra, reci tations and a demonstration of an old fashioned hoedown dance by Mr. Mortimer added much to the pleas- ure of the evening's entertainment. The refreshment committee composed of members of the Odd Fellows lodge served a hearty two course lunch eon at which Daddy West proved his ability at making oyster stew. Near ly 150 members and guests enjoyed the evening celebration which ended with an informal hour at dancing. Mrs. Bert Haneline entertained the members of the Study Club at her home on Tuesday afternoon. In response to roll call March birthdays of historical Interest and other im portant events on the calendar of March Including Independence Day of Texas. Inauguration Day of Amer ica’s presidents and St. Patrick's Day were given. Mrs. Haneline read an Interesting article on Mexican Students Trade Exchange. Mrs. A. C. Voelker presented the lesson on Social and Moral Inheritances in Mexico, after which tea was served by the hostess, while the guests en gaged in an informal discussion on the common errors in grammar. Third Grade The third grade are planning for a St. Patrick's day party. Fourth Grade Anna Furrier is absent. Maurice Smith has the Mumps. Sixth ' Grade The sixth grade boys’ base ball team has a game scheduled with Columbia at Columbia next Thurs day. The sixth grade girls beat the fifth grade boys in a game of base ball Wednesday with a score of 16 to 10. FLOORLAC The "All Around Varnish Stain" of a Hundred Uses For brightening up the home, renewing chairs, tables, dressers—every article of furniture needing refinishing, the ideal varnish stain is FLOORLAC Stains and varnishes in one operation, giving a perma nent finish and lustre. It is economical to use. For kitchen and bathroom floors, inside floor paint is a durable, long wearing paint It is inexpensive and easy to apply. Family paint—the handy can of paint to have around the house. For cupboards, closets, below stairs—any place where a coat of paint is desirable. A full line of Sherwin-Williams products at our store. A Finish For Every Surface S herwin -W iiui ^ s P aints & V arnishes A Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. CASH and CARRY FIRST CLASS Yakima Onion Sets 12 l-2c lb. Also Garden Seeds “It Pays to Pay Cash” STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. PHELPS cash GROCERY Phone 413 March 23rd. Walter Blessing, former Columbia farmer, but now Hermiston business man, has sold his farm to Will Rhodes, who has of late been in the garage business. In the deal Mr. Blessing has taken over the Rhodes home in Hermiston and P. E. Hall and family who have been living on the Blessing place the past winter, Eighth Grade The eighth grade base ball team will move to their own home in the plays the first game in the league neighborhood. with Umatilla here Friday. Humoresque, one of the greatest pictures ever seen in Hermiston will BOARDMAN NEWS NOTES be the attraction at the Play House (Continued from page one) Saturday. 18th. The school faculty and our popular bus driver will conduct the IRRIGON NEWS NOTES contest. The Neighborhood Club (Continued from page one) will furnish the eats. Henry Som merer will manipulate the gas lights. visit, returning home Monday. He expressed much surprise at our sum Everybody come. The Neighborhood Club met with mer like weather and progress being Mrs. Good, Wednesday afternoon. made. Mrs. Lister, of Portland returned The usual business being transacted cake and coffee was served and in home Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lister addition a birthday cake which was is a daughter of Mrs. C. Dempsey sent Mrs. Good from Dakota by a rel and has spent some two or three ative. waa enjoyed by the 18 ladies weeks visiting her. The Hermiston High School senior present. A vote of thanks was ex tended to the hostess, who Is not a class motoring to Irrigon Friday and elub member for the pleasant after visited our neighborhood part of the noon. The Club will meet at the afternoon. Professor Anderson was home of Mrs. Callahan. Wednesday, pleased to have them come and has : = = extended an invitation to come often. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eggleston. Their newly born child died Sunday after noon. Mrs. Eggleston is doing fairly well now and we wish her a quick recovery. J. E. McCoy, signal maintainer of the U. P. system, Umatilla to Mes sner, was off duty sick a week or ten days, but is able to be on the job again. He was relieved by Thon. Mahoon of Bridal Veil. New Justice of the Peace district has been created for the Irrigon dis trict and the County Court has ap pointed C. E. Glasgow justice with authority to appoint his own con stable. We seldom have any use for a justice of the peace, but It doe* away going to Boardman or Heppner when any papers or action might be necessary. W. A. Ford and E. R. Ash of the first unit, are the first ones to sign up contracts with the railorad com pany for seed corn and agree to build a silo this season. This is going some for the first week after the announcement of furnishing the seed corn. We look for many others to rush in this week while the seed raised in this district is yet avail able