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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1921)
PORTLANDMARKET 1 _ Please Mention This Paper When Answering These Adw INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogues supplied end com mercial Inquiries cheerfully answered. Write any firm below I Do It now I ACCORDIAN PLEATING " Knife and box pleating, hemstitching, 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mtg. Co., 85 % Fifth street, Portland. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS " New and Second hand Farm machinery and Im- plements. PE. Esbenshade, Portland, _______ ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Leggina, Traveling Baga, Trunks, ---MEIRO PLAYS Portland Leather Co., 226 Washington. BOILER WORKS—New— Repairing East Side Boiler Wks, East Water & Main BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Cot, 88 lot Bi CLEANERS, TAILORS AND OVERS Special attention given to mall orders. REGAL TAILORS, 127 North Sixth St. CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk, Cream and Esga Wo pay cash, 483 Union Av.N Oregon Creamery for Eggs, Cream 180 tad ALDER HOTEL YOU KNOW THAT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Dr. Augusta E. Clesse, 501 Dekum Bldg. Will CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. A good place to Eat and Live Well. DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Remarkable 50c luncheon at noon. Oriental Cafe. Chinese- American Kitchen Open 7 a, m. to 2 a, m.. 326 Stark St Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND DEFORMITY APPLIANCES K. E. Karison & Co., 452 Burnside St. Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and Al Duckback Waterproofing Preservative der street opposite Meir & Frank’s. The Bost Guaranteed for auto tops Spring lubri Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee cant and gasket compound. 306 Pine St. and Pastry a Specialty. ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwin-Hodson, Stationers, Portland, Ore. FARM LOANS Now is the time to market Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 Sth St capons. We are the pioneers FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION and largest handlers of these Geo. Beta & Son, 697 Williams Ave. ___ in the Northwest. Write Us. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. BAB’S RESTAURANT E L Cafeteria Page & Son Portland, Oregon Capons Pre-War Prices NEW PERKINS HOTEL Portland, Oregon Washington and Fifth Sts., Room with Bath Privilege, 01 . Room with 01 rA — 01 Up Private Bath, P1.U UP DO YOUR OWN PLASTERING WITH A HAMMER AND A SAW USE PERFECTION WALL BOARD PERFECTION Plaster Walls That Will Not Grack ASK FOR SAMPLE AND INFORMATION. SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS TE/ Are painful and often dangerous. Our Hand-woven-to-fit Elastic Stockings, Belts and Bandages always give relief. Home Comforts Abound” Fitters and Makers for Fifty-five Years PORTLAND, ORE. Satisfaction or Money Back. Send for Book and Measure Blank Today. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Portland. Woodlark Building Alder at West Park RUBBER STAMPS and DEVICES. MARKING Garage in Connection. theOfliee" Northwest Rug Co., 1%8.E.RM2"S.St Glen Haven Rest Home C oro NA Electricity The Personal Writing Machine. Weight 6 lbs. Price $50.00 case included Fold h Up Take with You; Typewrite Anywhere. E. W. PEASE, 110 Sixth, Portland, Ore. Write for folder “G” BATTLE Hydrotherapy CREEK METHODS Applied as your physician directs. Transient patients treated. 115 EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET Corner of Alder Phone East 4222 Portland. Oregon AUTO REPAIR PARTS Send for free catalog PISTONS—PISTON PINS—RINGS 0 R. E 2.N.17, AND 8 MORRISON STS. FIREX * SUCCESS ,, Every auto, truck, tractor and home should be equipped with FlreX. the new $2.50 Instantaneous Fire Extin- guisher—harms nothing but FIRE. Complete Extinguisher ready for use mailed to any address in Oregon or Washington on receipt of price. Needed everywhere, any climate, guaranteed. Agents wanted. FlreX Company, Portland, Oregon. DR. E. H. EAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Multnomah Hotel Garage, 2d and Ankeny Commercial Garage E 11th and Rurneide guaranteed rebuilt MACHINES Oregon Typewriter Co., 94-A 6th SL HARO WOOD FLOORING Elaman Hardwood Floor Co. $89 E Wash. Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 E. 76th SL N. Floora electric sanded. East Side Hardwood Floor Co., Inc., 410 E. Burnaide.___ ___________ __________ _ Hemstitching, Buttona Covered, Plaiting B. P. Sanborn, 242 Alder St.____________ HORSES ; BOUGHT AND SOLD Montgomery Stables, 380 Front St mv THE TAILOR. Suits cleaned, $1.25 I S f I________ We pay return Postage. w “ 104 Fourth Sc,_________ Portland. Ora MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAINT New roofa and repairing done. Young and Woods, 1103 E. Caruthers St. MONUMENTS—E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite * Marble Works NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Nervous and chronic diseases a special- ty. Dr. J. W. Batdorf, ,304-10 Dekum Bldg NURSERIES Russellville Nursery, R. F. D. 1. East Side Nursery, 51 Union Ave. N. NURSERY STOCK Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 171 Front St. OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. J. H. Lehmann, Prop. 1984 East Stark SCHOOL OF WELDING Officially recognized by state and fed eral board as The place to learn welding all metala. 511 East Grant, Cor. 11th St., Portland. PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith Long Stevenson 310 Bush & Lane Bldg. _ TIRE REPAIRING AND RETREADING Used and new tires bought and sold. A & B Tire Shop, 389 Hawthorne Ave. TYPEWRITERS—NSW OR REBUILT Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak Street. Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. Auto motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK & GILL CO.. INC. 11th and Burnside Sta. Portland. Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 8281 NO CASH DOWN PAYMENT Make Your Own Terms In Reason. 100 Cars to Select From New and Used Classy Touring Cars. Roadsters, Trucks, Fords and many best makes, ail in good condition, offered at $250.00 to $1000.00 off regular prices for new cars and corresponding reductions on used ones. ______ American Warehouse & Sales Co., - SEWARD HOTEL L CORNELIUS Two of the most homelike hotels in Portland, located in the heart of the shopping and theater district All Oregon Electric trains stop at the Seward Hotel, the House of Cheer. Excellent dining room in connection. The Hotel Cor- nellua, the House of Welcome, is only two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown buses meet all trains. Rates $1.50 and up. W. C. Culbertson, Prop. HOTEL HOYT Sixth and Hoyt Streets Portland, Oregon Convenient to Both Denota Aboolutely Fireproof Rooms 11.00 and up without Bath. Rooms 12 00 and up with Bath ELBERT S. ROBE, Mgr. BUICK ROADSTER 01 or 00 O1LJ.UU CONLEY’S USED .CAR CENTER Good Old Ma- chine for the farm 86 Tenth St., Portland. DR. F. M. STUMP, M. D. HOTEL CUFFORD PORTLAND RUG CO. YOUTH GETS 85-YEAR TERM Nineteen.Year-Old Boy Pleads Guilty of Thirteen Arson Chargea. Uniontown. Pa.—Albert Smith, the nineteen-year-old son of ■ wealthy real estate owner of Fairhope, Pa. pleaded guilty In criminal court here to 13 charges of arsen and was sen- fenced to serve not less than 42 or more than 85 years In the Western penitentiary at Pittsburgh. Years In Portland. Orason Give Wonderful Results. Portland, Ore Smith was arrested several weeks ago after the entire countryside had been aroused by a series of incen diary fires which caused damage es- thmaated at no less than three-quar ters of a million dollars. It was stat ed by the authorities that he had made a complete confession, and soon afterward that the confession had been repudiated. The incendiary fires, which con tinued over a period of three months, not only destroyed farm property and bouses in a number of villages, but Toulouse Is Most Popular on Account of Largo Size—Emden and Chi- ALASKA PLUMBING A HEATING CO: nese Are Liked. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 363 E. Morrison ARTIFICIAL LIMBS------------ Oregon Artificial Limb Co., Inc. Write for Catalog. 201 2nd SL. Portland. AUTO TOPS AND CURTAINS 4th St. Repair & Top Shop. General overhauling, upholstering, new tops and curtains. 4th and Lincoln Sts.________ DIAMON OS A JEWELRY BOUGHT All kinds diamonds and jewelry bought; name your pries. Repairing a specialty. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Nervous and chronic diseases a special- ty. If others have failed give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 13« 13th Street CLEANING ANO DYEING " Forreliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv- Ice eend parcele to us. We pay return poetage. Information and prices given upon requeet. — ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland Accordian side and box Pleating, Hem- stitching. Buttons Covered, Braiding, etc. K. Stephans, 219-20-21 Pittock Block. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEAT! NG Accordian and Bor Pleating. Button and Pleating Shop, 509 Royal Bldg. LARGEST HOMESELLER ON PACIFIC Frank L. McGuire, Abington Bldg._____ A BUSINESS EDUCATION FREI A Position for Each Graduate Write us today.____ ALISKY BUILDING DOORS AND WINDOWS direct at wholesale prices. Write tor prices before buying. Heacock Baah A Door Co., 212 First St, Portland.________ HORSES AND MULES BOUGHT_______ " Crown Stables, Inc., 285 Front St., Port- land. Ore. Horses and mules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con tractors. With or without harness. Phillip Suetter, Pres. U. S. STABLES, 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold.__________________ Horses, wagons and buggies for sale. 302 Front St_____________________________ LEARN MULTIGRAPHING JMAMUR-WA-AAAU- 1 he Callan School, only recognized school on the coast. Experienced opera tors always in demand. 405 Artisans Bldg. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Pioneer Paint Co., 18S First St., Portland. FARMS FOR SALE_____________________ For Sale by Owner. Beautiful Willam ette Valley farm, 140 acres. Half mile west of St. Paul, Oregon, on the main road to Toma’s Ferry and the main road to Newberg. For further information address owner, Jane Connor, 207 Tudor Arms Apartments, Portland, Oregon. MACHINERY Send us your inquiries for anything Is Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors’ Equipment, Loco- motives. Bollere, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or, MEAT AND PRODUCE BOUGHT New Coolers installed tlon to shippers of dressed hogs, butter, eggs, etc. Try us. Brown & Co., 310 HoyL MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS ------------------------------------------------------------- All makes. Easy terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. ____ Expert dentist- i ry. Saving of nearly 12. Out 2 of high rent dis- j trlct. 2nd and m Burnside. Writeus forprices. The Toulouse Is the giant of the geese family. It Is a native of France. Its ordinary weight is from 15 to 20 pounds, but it is not uncommon to find specimens weighing from 25 to 30 pounds. This is the typical gray goose, but beneath and behind these body feathers are white areas In the plu mage. it is said by those who have had experience with this breed that young geese during the first year lay from 15 to 25 eggs, when older they may lay from 25 to 40. The Emden is a popular breed In some places. The bodies of the birds are snowy white, the legs and bills yellow. They have good type and conformation. In size it is the same as standard for the Toulouse, though it is said a smaller number of Em den reach this standard than the Tow louse. The Emden, when well bred, prop erly fed and prepared, makes a car cass that sells well on the market. But It is said that many breeders in this country have not given much at tention to fine quality. There are two varieties of Chinese geese. Brown and White. This breed has different characteristics from the others mentioned. The birds stand more erect and have longer and slen derer necks than the others. The Brown Chinese have at the base of the bill a peculiar dark-colored knob. The Brown is considered the most prolific of all the geese. The stand ard weight for the gander is 15 pounds, goose 12 pounds. The female is said to lay from 40 to 50 eggs, sometimes more. A large per cent of the eggs are generally fertile. The African is not at all common in this country. The color of this breed is dark gray on the back and light beneath. There is a dark stripe on the neck that extends well down the back. The bill is black and has a knob something like that of the Brown Chinese. The color of the eggs Is orange. The geese of this breed lay better than Emden, but not so well as the % B 2 si-tsall the nat urul functions, and it strengthens and builds up the fem inine system in a way of its own. Nursing mothers and women generally, will find it exactly fitted to their needs. It lessens the pains and burdens. • Send ten cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of Favorite Pre scription Tablets. Evening Star. Any planet that rises before mid- night is called an ‘‘evening star.” It it does not rise until after midnight it is a morning star. These terms are never aplied to the real stars, which are called “fixed stars,” but only to planets which are not stars. Fatigue and Production. Curiously, recent observat’ons have shown that production actually in creases with fatigue within certain limits; feverish haste and a dislike of not finishing up are not Infrequent even when the work is not congenial. There is no excuse for the dyspeptic with Garfield Tea accessible at every drug store. Adv. Easter Island. Easter island is in Polynesia, and was so named because it was discov ered on Easter day, April 6, 1722, by a man named Roggeveen. The inhabi tants have no name for It. It haa been an unorganized dependency of Chile since 1888. Something In This. Clothes make the man when people do not know the man. The folks who would not know a man when they see one are the very folks who do know clothes when they see them.—Ex change. Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Adv. Jud Tunkins. Jud Tunkins says there are getting to be so many orators that a patient listener ought to be able to hire a hail and sell tickets. Blessed Quality of Mercy. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.” Does not that re fer to one's mental judgments as well as to one's outward acts, to the spirit with which we view our neighbors as well as to our conduct toward them? MAKER”; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. “The Successful Club,” Mrs. Ball. Box 566, Oakland, California,_________________ PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER Happiness Not All. There is in man a higher than love of happiness; he can do without hap- Toulouse. The carcasses of old birds piness and instead thereof find blessed plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. are rather hard to prepare for mar ness.—Carlyle. We will gladly estimate cost of any job. ket. The skin Is dark and there is Write for prices. down and also pin feathers that give ST ARK-DA VIS CO., No harmful drugs in Garfield Tea. 188-190 4th SL, Portland the carcass a poor appearance on the It is composed wholly of simple, health POULTRY PEP—————— market. giving herbs. Adv. ware refinished. California Plating Wks. Cor. 2nd and Salmon Sta________________ PLUMBING A PLUMBING SUPPLIES lay MORE EGGS; wonderful repeater, big demand, easy to make, cost small—money maker for hustlers, details free. Dollar bill brings sample and guaranteed formu la. E. F. Fisher, 370 E. Morrison, Port land, Oregon. TEACHERS OF TRUTH------------------------------- Send 26 cents and self-addressed envel ope to the Gages, 406 Fleidner Bldg., re- garding Health, Happiness and Success, “ Clean, well-rooted Marshall Strawberry Plants at $2.50 per thousand while they last. Order today. Benedict Nursery Company, 185 E. 87th Street North, Port- land, Ore. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.00, price $2.45. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. 2 J MARVEL SOAP And Powdered Soap at your grocer’a Ask for sample. MADE IN OREGON. 2 J Marvel Soap, 223-25 Russell EL__________ UMBRELLA REPAIRING --------------------------------------------------------------a Recovering, repairing done promptly and mailed back. Samples on application. The Surety Shop. 36012 Alder, Portland. WANTED—FIR PITCH we buy Fir Pitch in any quantity. Highest market price. Payment on de- livery. Write for schedule of prices on pitch and equipment Northwestern Tur pentine Co.. 2M East Ninth Nt Portland. Born, Wed and Died Together. Born together, and married about Disease Is Quito Common and Ie the same date, the twin daughters of Mr. J. D. Smith of Ramsgate, Eng Caused by Quartere Being Poorly land, died within a few days of each Ventilated and Lighted. other. They were thirty-two years of Tuberculosis in poultry results In a age, and heart trouble was the cause loss of weight. The birds may look of death in both cases. all right for a time, but they will tie found to be light. Mr. Barton, of the A narrow-minded man is one who North Dakota Agricultural college, won ’t admit it, but really believes that states that In the later stages the birds become weak, often they cannot fly the world would be-better off if there onto the roosts, but sit in a corner, were no one living on it but himself.— and after a little die. According to Detroit Free Press. Mr. Barton, this disease is quite com- mon, affecting turkeys as well as Before retiring, a cup of Garfield chickens. One way to tell If the birds Tea. For good digestion and continued have tuberculosis Is to cut them open. good health. Adv. If the bird Is light In weight and the The country school does not have liver is enlarged and spotted It may you be quite safe to say that It has been the complete equipment that find in the big city school bouse. suffering from tuberculosis. He states that small quarters, poor But the colleges say the country ly ventilated, poorly lighted, and damp children come out with better furn are conducive to the spread of the dis ished heads. TUBERCULOSIS IN CHICKENS ease. The best remedy is to dispose of all infected birds and if the flock Is badly infected to dispose of all the birds; then thoroughly clean the Burn, if bouse and yards, disinfect and start over again with tuberculosis-free use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult Old Dominion Philosopher. birds. Mr. Barton recommends a dis At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. infectant made up in the ratio of one Murise Eye Remedy Company. Chicace. U. S. A Death is not a welcome guest, but ounce of creolin and one ounce of car- he relieves us of a lot of our troubles. bolic acid to one gallon of water. —Richmond Planet. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES First Street DIFFERENT KINDS OF GEESE D 0 S n Silent Contempt. Silent contempt is the noblest way A man can express himself—when the other fellow is bigger.—From Life. C. GEE WOS’ Manufacturers of FLUFF and RAG RUGS ■ Specialty OABPET CLEANING, LAYING • BIZING 162% 1672-1674 East 17th Street __ _________ Welter System of Suggestive Therapy Dr. T. W. Ayers, 715 Dekum Bldg. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St TREES AND PLANTS East Morrison St, at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 6 minutes from Shopping District. Four blocks from g. P. East Side Station. Established Twenty Specialty.__ 106 N. 3rd BL Aea Auto Work PERSONAL “A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit” D. r Bciory. TINSMITHS Willamette Sheet Metal Wks. g L PENliSTS Physician & Surgeon Specializing in Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, Specialties: Goitres, Diseases of Women Supplea Dock, East End Morrison Street etc.. 502-503 Morgan Bldg., Portland. and Maternity __ Bridge, Portland. Office Morgan Building Portland. Ore. E DEFIER, 420 she assuring protec- NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF COST OF NEW CARPETS. Have your old worn out carpets and woolen clothes made into artistic revers ible FLUFF RUGS. Carpets and rugs re paired, steam cleaned. Rag rugs all sizes. Buy from factory and save money. Write for prices. “Every- thing for GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING for exhausted, nervous, over worked women, nothing can do as much as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regulates and as- AS A SUPPORT SCHOOL OF MASSAGE Office: 711 Swetland Bldg.___________ SILOS AND WATER TANKS _National Tank & Pipe Co., Portland. SHAMPOOING AND MANICURING “Face and Sealp Massage. The Powder Puff, 637 Morgan Bldg.__________________ also valuable school buildings. Noi all of the fires were credited to Smith. PROPER SHELTER FOR GEESE Effective Feed Slogan. A prominent poultry breeder hag the Some Protection Should Be Provided During Winter and Stormy words, “Do not waste,” on his feed Woman Slapped Boss Trying to Kiss. Weather—Have It Dry. hoppers. It Is said that tho slogan New York.—Before calling a patrol has effected a great saving in chicken man to arrest her new employer. Mrs. feed, as English is read readily by— Except in winter or during stormy Russell of New York city, twenty-five the attendants. weather, when some protection should years, and extremely good looking, be provided, mature geese do not usu gave the man a sound slapping after ally need a house. Some kind of shel Worm Is Causo of Gapes. he tried to kiss her. He was also The disease known as gapes In chick ter, such as a shed open on the south fined $25. ens is canned by a small round worm side, a poultry house, or a barn. Is The goose house of a reddish brown color. These worms usually provided. When a democracy falls, It Is be are found In the windpipe or trachea should be kept clean and plenty of cause the majority lacks judgment. of the chicken. clean straw provided for the floor. Cuticura Soap Clear the Skin --------- AND OINTMENT---------- Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Ara Yaa C.6.6,7 BEHNKE WALKER Are 10 Dante: BUSINESS COL I EGE is tha biggest, most perfectly equipped Pusiness Training School in the North- west. Fit yourself for a higher pcaltion with more money Permanent positions write semurod or (Iraduates for catalog— Fourth and Yamhin, Portland. P. N. U. No. 11, 1921