Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, IERMISTON, ÖREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY IS ONE OF OUR HOBBÌES HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M *1 meets in Masonic Hall on First and Third Tuesday evenings at each month. V isiting breth- T. D. Worster, W. M C. W. Kellogg. Secy. 206, 1. O. O. F, VINEYARD LODGE NO • meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn, Sec. G. H Myers. N.G. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Is it any satisfaction to you to know that your Insurance Policy Never Ex pires while in our care until you order it discontinued? Phone 641 DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon WANTED UMATILLA Co. farm wanted in ex change for 50 acres hill land in Washington Co. and $2,500 cash. Write J. H. DeMoss, Banks, Ore. 26-3tp LOST AND FOUND 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. MISCELLANEOUS J. D. ZURCHER OREGON Prunes—Choice orchard run Oregon Italian prunes, 1920 LAWYER crop, in 25 or 50 lb. boxes, or more Stanfield Oregon delivered anywhere in Oregon by parcel post or express prepaid, at 12 cents lb.; by freight to any railroad station in state, at 11 cents, .in 100 lb. lots or more. Quality guaranteed. Send remit Optometrist and Optician tance with order to Oregon Prune Glasses ground to fit your eyes Co., 732 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 26-2tc Fifteen years experience at your service Dr. Dale Rothwell American Nat. Bank Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon Carpentering Repair Work Cabinet Work L. L. BOYNTON FORDSON Tractor complete with CASH Paid for second hand goods. pulley and two way plow, $650.00. Correll's Shop. 17-tfc Hermiston Auto Co. 25-tfc FOR SALE—Aeromoter Wind Mill T. L. Hall, transfer. Call Elliott’s Tire shop, phone 192. 19-tfc and steel tower, wheel 8 ft. in di ameter, tower 20 ft. high. W. A. Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and Ford, Umatilla. 24-tfc ranges bought, sold, exchanged or FOR SALE—40 acres of Irrigated repaired. Correll’s shop. 7-tfc land, 13 acres of it in a good stand of alfalfa. Construction charges Elliott’s Tire Shop. paid to date. Should purchaser desire employment for part of his THE feeling of security is well worth How about the premium paid, time we will use him when pos that Fire Insurance? See the E. sible. Erie-Oregon Fruit Co. Rt. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc 25-tfc phone 42-F13. Insurance. First National Bank, tfc FOR SALE—My 35 acre Crystal Springs farm, built for a dairy WHEN your subscription expires for Saturday Evening Post farm, concrete silo, running water, $2.50 five room house, farm is SE of city Ladies Home Journal . 2.00 Country Gentleman .... • limits. Also have for sale 60 acres 1.00 send your renewals to me. I only 11 miles SW of town. Will sell get credit for the subscriptions I any part or all of the 60, acres, send in. If you send it in I get no Also have a few good, young colta credit. Leave part of the money fit to work. P. P. Sullivan, Her- 23-tfc home. Ed. H. Graham. 47-tfc miston, Oregon. Get Your PUBLIC AUCTION FOR SALE— 31 in. Webber wagon Saturday. March 12. 1921. at 1 D. m. with hay rack on. O. O. Felthouse. Good as new. I will offer for sale at public auc 25-tfc tion at the Mendenhall place on the Meadows one mile south of Stanfield FOR SALE—15 h. p. Alamo engine; the following described property: Ford delivery body. See Harry 8 Head work horses. 51-tfc Kelley. 2 Two-year-old mules. 2 Yearling mules. FOR SALE—Good dairy churn. In- Cow. 24-tfc Two-year-old heifer. quire at this office. 3 1 in. Studebaker wagon. Sets harness. FOR SALE—50 second hand sewing Four section harrow. machines in good condition, or will 1 Two bottom Oliver chilled plow. trade for hay, chickens, furniture, 1 Cook stove. Heating stove. or anything else we can handle. C. 1 Extension dining table. E. Henley, Pendleton, or leave word New Perfection coal oil, 3 bur- with Mrs. W. B. Beasley, Hermiston. ner 1 cook stove. two ovens. 14 tfc. 1 Five gallon barrel churn. 10 dozen fruit jars, bedsteads, FOR SALE—Royal Typewriter, No. dishes, blacksmith tools, and other 10 in first class condition $50.00 articles too numerous to mention. 10 tfc A. H. Moore, George Riseling, Auctioneer. 25-2tp FOR SALE—20 acres, Stanfield pro Pendleton and Umatilla Stage ject, 10 aerea alfalfa, all fenced In effect March 15th, 1921. rabbit wire, buildings and well. For Pendleton—7:50 a. m.; 12:20 Stock and furniture also for sale. D. m.; 2:20 p. m. 42-tfe Inquire this office. For Umatilla—9:55 a. m.; 12:55 p. m ; 5.10 p. m. Fare Pendleton to Echo. 1.10 WE have some plan books out that Pendleton to Stanfield........... $1.35 we need. If you have one of these Pendleton to Hermiston ........ $1.75 please return it. Tum-A-Lum 92.15 Pendleton to Umatilla Lumber Co. 19-tfc 26-3tc Beautiful THE PLAY HOUSE Cosmopolitan Production The picture with a soul. More pathos than ‘ ‘The Music Master” 2:30, 7 and 9 FOR SALE Musical Instruments Two new mandolin-guitar harps, six chords and key board of 25 but tons, valued at $22 each, selling for $15 each. One mandolin harp, same as above, used two years, $10. One small mandolin harp, five chords and key board of 21 buttons, regular $15, selling at $7.00. One mando- lin, regular $12, selling at $5.00. Will give free harp instructions. Call or write to Miss Clara Kersting, Col umbia school. PHONE 263 FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING From Your Local Dealer PENDLETON BAKING CO BARBERING By Skilled Journeymen Barben SHOWER BATHS WM. SHAAR TRANSFER PHONE 192 Elliott’s Tire Shop HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER PHONE 152 Hollia Percey, Prop. Hermiston, O n . The French Restaurant BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY Elegantly Furnished Rooms In Connection STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Pendleton, Oregon 25-50C Sunday, March 13 WILL ROGERS IN Almost A Husband MUTT AND JEFF FOX NEWS 2:30, 7 and 9.p. m 15-35c Wednesday, March 16 ETHEL CLAYTON ----- IN------ The 13th Commandment” A picture with a soul, “Humor esque.” At the Play House Satur day. We have a large stock of adding ma chine rolls of paper. Call or write for a supply for your machine. Oregon Humoresque Mrs. W. G. Rodda and son, Wil- liam, are laid up with the mumps. Mrs. W. H. Hesser returned to the ranch after spending the winter in Stanfield. Mr. Hesser and Frederick will remain in Stanfield for a time. Hermiston Saturday, March 12 PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE 7 and 9 15-35c COMING—“Told in The Hills” Bring in Your Watch and Have It Demagnetized EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING No Job too large ór too small for us to handle ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR SALE—Canned fruit including A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, wash bowles, and hot water tanks peaches, prunes, berries, also ap and fixtures. It we havent what ple butter and mince meat. Mrs. W, D. Gordon, at what is known you want, we’ll get It. Repairing as the B. S. Savage ranch 25-2tp and installing. I. E. Putman. FOR SALE—Sharpless Cream Sep LEGAL Blanks of call descriptions arator In first class condition. Ivan for sale at The Herald Office. W. Dunning, Stanfield, Ore. 25-3tc Bring in your temporary coupon FOR SALE—Five room • bungalow bonds to be exchanged for perman nicely finished (built in features) ent bonds. Frist National Bank. very reasonable. Albert Smith 23-tfc The Theatre Mrs. J. L. Shippe left Monday for her home at Plentywood, Montana, after a visit of several weeks with relatives. Elmer McElroy narrowly escaped a serious accident last Sunday when something went wrong with the Day or night calls answered promptly steering gear on the car he was driv ing and landed him in the Maxwell ditch. The car was badly smashed DR. W. W. ILLSLEY but he“escaped without a scratch. Residence Phono LOST—Child's chain handle purse between Tuesday after school f Kingsley’s store and ball park. Finder please Contained silver. 26-ltp ALL Who want plants and bulbs leave at this office. write for our price list or call at Mrs. Peed’s greenhouse where we FOR RENT will keep a stock of all plants we grow. We have this spring, Roses, FOR RENT—Nice furnished room. Dahlias, Gladiolus blubs, Phlax, 23-4tp Mrs. C. D. Hay. Camas, Snapdragon, Geraniums, also fine big Pansies and plants FOR SALE of vines for porch boxes. Good big plants of best varieties, veg etable plants in May. Pelmul- TEN Acre tract for sale cheap, close der’s Floral Gardens’, Walla Walla in. Make me an offer. Box 104, Washington. 26-2tc Glasgow, Mont. 26-5tp Ora McElroy returned to school this week after two weeks absence caused by mumps. Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over First National Bank OFFICE PHONE. 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 595 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:30 p. m. Dr. Freeze makea HAVING Purchased the Bennett Office over First National Bank place together with equipment, I regular visita to Her- Osteopathy Medicine Surgery have the following property for miston. Consult him Calls answered at all hours sale: 1 wide wheel McCormick free and be assured of Residence phone 711 mower; 1 McCormick rake; 1 new Office phone 561 iron wheel truck; 1 8 in. vineyard good eye service. 36 plow; 1 one-seated hack; 1 team mares; 1 set double work harness; 2 cows; one 3 h. p. “Z” type ker DENTISTRY osine engine, and one power chop Hermiston, Oregon per No. 10. W. A. Ford, Umatilla, Office. Bank Bldg. Oregon. 25-tfc Office Phone. 93 Office Hours (WANT ADS. Mrs. W. K. Jackson and daughter. Mrs. I. L. Shippee, entertained at ! dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. | Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. c. M. Jackson and son and Mr. Harold K. Dean. Mrs. Ellen McMartin had a stroke of apoplexy Monday morning and is House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore in a very serious condition. Mrs McMartin is an aunt of Mrs. W. H Stirr with whom she has made her DR. R. G. GALE home for several years. Physician and Surgeon 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. of Hermuton, Oregon Frederic Thom, who is attending High School in Pendleton spent the week-end at home. VETERINARY SURGEON Office— Gladys Ave. near First St. Office Hours: FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ey Cecil McElroy ueen ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, o. b . s .. meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. Visiting members welcome. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Q Attention to Small Details MINNEHAHA NEWS NOTES ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Phone 139 WM. H. OGDEN SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., a Cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. R. W. Hamm, Defendant. To R. W. HAMM, ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby summoned and. required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before the date of the last publication of summons herein, to-wit, on or be- fore‘April 1st, 1921, and if you fall so to appear and answer herein for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of 1150.30 with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from July 22nd, 1920, until paid and for its costs and disbursements of this action and for an order of sale of the following described personal property belonging to the said de fendant heretofore attached in this 11th, 1920. action on August said under and still holden Writ of Attachment, to-wlt, the sum of 1232.75, tbe net pro- ceeds of 701-100 lb. sacks of flour attached in said action and sold as perishable property and the net pro ceeds paid to R. T. Brown, Clerk of the above entitled court and held tn lieu of said flour and in addition thereto; 1 electric fan, 1' bread cup board, 1 show case, 10 tables, 2 coun- tere, 1 oil stove, 1 set of scales, 30 or more cups and saucers, all glasses, 1 typewriter, 1 cash register, 1 % cases powdered milk, 2-30 lb cases of powdered sugar, 23 cans Carnation milk, 1 bbl. lard, 25 bales of bread wrapping paper, 2 rolls at wrapping paper, 17 small bales of paper nap- kins, 8 bundles of paper sacks, sev eral bottles of extract flavoring. 1 large can of baking powder. 20 boxes of corn starch, 4 gallon pails of syr up, and other small kitchen supply items, and for judgment that said moneys and the proceeds of said per sonal property, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, be applied In sat isfaction of the judgment and order of sale with costs and accruing costs. This summons is served upon you pursuant to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered herein on February 9th. 1921, and required and directed pub lication of this summons for six con- secutive weeks beginning with the issue of February 18th, 1921, to and Including the issue of April 1st, 1921 in the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper of Umatilla County. Ore gon. , Dated this 10th day of February, A D. 1921. w Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, Pendleton, Oregon. 23-7tc JEWELER C WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END BUTTER WRAPPER DAY We have designated every Saturday Butter Wrapper Day, and on SATURDAYS ONLY we will print your name on a special prepared form full size 9x12 sheet, for the following prices: $3.00 $2.00 $1.25 500 250 100 CASH WITH ORDER Mail Orders Filled The Herald Pub. Co Hermiston, Oregon