Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1920)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. MlllllllillllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllHIHt: Kingsley Mercantile Co The House of Quality and Service” HERMISTON. Su : LOCALS a : E 3 — úlllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIUi> Jarvis Durfey is here from U. of O. to pass Easter with his mother. F. A. Chezik returned Wednesday after passing several days in Port land on business. Don’t put off Looking Born, to Mr .and Mrs. L. P. Keith, on the Watson ranch, on March 31, 1920, a nine pound boy. at our 1.8. Hire CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Snna Jnuntain And J. D. Watson and family motored to Pendleton last Saturday, and passed the day visiting friends there. New Assortment Mrs. E. W. Mack, accompanied by her two grandsons, Dan and Jack Crimins, visited in Pendleton Sun day. ******** Miss Ruth Scott has accepted a position with the Liberty Bakery, entering upon her duties last Mon day morning. ******* Mrs. C. J. Voliva left Monday for Cambridge, Ohio, where she will pass the next two months visiting her father and mother. of Ginghams and Percales for Summer wear Logan Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Todd, returned Sunday from Portland, where he passed a week visiting with friends. Kingsley Mercantile Co The House of Quality and Service' Phono 171 4P. M Two Deliveries Daily 11 A. M. PHELPS CASH GROCERY The Monopole Store - ------ .---- ===== Phone 413 - - : ......... “MONOPOLE” goods are first-class in every respect Our Guarantee Back of Every Purchase Royal Bakery Goods from Portland Cakes, Doughnuts, Rollt, etc., Wednesdays and Saturdays Afternoon Delivery to Any Part of City Fresh Vegetables Tuesdays and Fridays Percey Sisters’ Millinery has just received a new line of Georgette waists and some new aprons in dif ferent sizes and colors. Mrs. F. M. Bryant returned to her home in Rieth Saturday last after passing several days here with her daughter, Mrs. Hollis Percey. Mrs. H. Edwards, who with her husband conducts a daug and con fectionery store at Umatilla, was a Hermiston business visitor Monday. Miss Marian Briggs arrived In Hermiston Monday morning from Eugene, where she is attending the U. of O., to pass Easter week with her parents. P. E. Jackson of Boise, Idaho, was here a few days last and this week visiting at thehome of his parents in Minnehaha district and with his brothers, Ed. and Clint. A good sized audience attended the moving picture play, "The Way farer,” put on at the Auditorium Wednesday night under the auspices of the Epworth League. Mrs. R. D. Miller spent last week in Portland visiting friends and rela tives. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Martha McDan iel, and little nephew,. Harold Byers. The Best Machinery Investment You Can Make A ll Popular Soft ‘Drinks ICE CREAM In Cones and Packages . News stand - Cigars and Tobacco SEE HITT -FOR- under-fertilized or over-fer tilized spots. Ask any user of the John Deere Spreader, and he will tell you it is the best ma chinery investment he ever made—not only because it saves hard work and valu able time, but because it makes every forkful of manure count for a bigger crop yield. Come in and see this spreader. We want to show you why it will do better work, why it will last longer than others, why it will cost less for repairs, and why it is easier to load and operate. Manure goes farther and does more good when you use a John Deere Spreader. You can spread manure evenly, heavy or light—no Mounting the beater on the axle of the John Deere gives you a combination of advantages you can’t get in any other spreader. Come in and know the reason» why there are so many satisfied users of John Deere Spreaders, GUNS We Have a Machine Set Up for Your Inspection OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. —and— AMMUNITION A FULL LINE Are You Going to SPECIALS Plant Italian Prunes? We can deliver fine trees in Home Cured Hams, per lb Breakfast Bacon, per lb Back Bacon, per lb Bacon Butts, per lb the 4-6 and 3-4 foot grades, for imme diate delivery Can Also supply you with a General Assortment of Fruit, Nut and Ornamen Tilden’s Tire Shop Fully equipped to do all kinds of vulcanizing and retreading. Bring us your work and become a satisfied cus tomer. ( First Class Work is Our Motto Backed By Our Guarantee E. G. TILDEN, PROP. Shop located Opposite Telephone Building on Main Street AUTO-FEED OIL STOVE The M. E. Ladies Aid will hold a cooked food sale Saturday, April 3, in the building east of bank. A "Cerex" demonstration will be given in connection with it. Everybody invited. The Baptist Ladies Aid will have a silver tea at the home of Mrs. West Thursday afternoon, April 8, Mrs. Correll and Mrs. Longhorn as- sisting. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. tal Trees, Small Fruit and Roses Mrs. J. W. McElroy Saturday | night of last week had the misfor tune to lose a fine three year old Jersey cow from bloat after it had got out of the barn lot and partaken of a quantity of green alfalfa. J. C. Downey is this week start ing the construction of a new two room house on his property on Gladys avenue. Albert Smith has the contract. Later on Mr. Downing expects to build an addition to this structure. congee* New Madden. F. N. Whitney. E. P. Dodd, P. P. Sullivan and Ed. Miles are having their sheep sheared this week by Ralph Atchison of Uma tilla. The total number owned by the above ranchers is between 400 and 500 head. The student body of the local A new and better oil stove, without wick, no valves and therefore high school announce the presenta leak proof, yet they cost no more thrn other oil stoves. Let us show you tion of a two act Japanese comedy why these are better, safer and easier to operate, yet giving maximum entitled "The Revenge of Shari-Hot- heat at all times. Also good to look at. aa they are neatly finished We , Su" at the high school auditorium have them in two. three and four burner, with or without top shelf, Friday evening. April 9. There are ' seven characters in the play, and with or without oven. 1 these young people have worked hard under the direction of Miss Madge Wire to present this take-off on American and Japanese customs. Phone 671 Phone 671 You will enjoy the show. Tickets HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS i for adults are 50 cents, and may be secured at Mitchell's Drug Store. MOONEY & SIKEY, Props. Try It SALESMEN WANTED llllllllllllliyiimilllllllllllAllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIII Full Line of Ladies’ Shoes = Salem Nursery Co. 1030 Chemeketa St., The Embroidery Club passed a pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. Win. Shaar on the West Side Tues day. All present enjoyed a nice time. During the evening refresh- i ments were served. City Meat Market Our Stock Will Give Satisfaction $ ‘% ly NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C. S. DUNN, Register Real dressy ones and made ) “4 = SALEM, OREGON Department of the Interior. U. 3. land office at La Grande, Oregon, February 14th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Theodore C. Parks, of Hermiston, Oregon who, on February 1st, 1919. became assignee of Desert Land Assignment No. 015125, for El SEY section 22. township 5 north, range 28 East Willemette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Anal proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore United States commissioner, st Hermiston, Oregon, on the 12th day of April. 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: William C. Kik. Smiths. Palmer. William T. Roberts. William J. Dobler, all of Hermiston. Oregon. % - = for comfort; all sizes - = we ===== s Full Line of Girls’ and Boys’ § and Small Children’s Shoes. = The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or express and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. = — = = The Oak Tan Shoe Store = Hermiston, Oregon Sam Rodgers. Proprietor = liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinH Phone Your Orders for all kindstof Transfer Work “We ought to make a hit" Stand at StecoTs. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W.B.BEASLEY PIONEER —Chesterfield ND why not? Never ■ were fine tobaccos so skillfully blended! Chesterfields bring you the best of Turkish and Domestic leaf, blended - to bring out new de lights of flavor. A ARBER SHOP K. MILES. PROP SAPPERS’ INC BATHS IN CONNECTION hesterfield