Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1920)
-------THE, HERMISTON First National Bank OF HERMISTON : ELLIOTT'S VULCANIZING SHOP J 2 I have changed my location from the Columbia Garage on the West Side to the old Oregon Hardware building on Main street on the East Side Hav- ing received complete up-to-date vulcanizing machinery I am now prepared to give first class service in all the various branches of tire vulcanizing. G- F. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR 7 3 7 % J Friday, April 23rd, Dr. Freeze, the Eye Specialist, will be at Oregon Hotel, Her- miston, to practice his profession. For Sale—Brand new house, with lot, on West Side. See A. E. Pierson or call at this office. 26tfc For Sale—Modern 5 room house with bath. ‘ E. W. Mack. 26tfc For Sale—Highly improved alfal fa ranch in Columbia District; two comfortable houses, large barn, gar age, shops, corrals, etc. For further particulars call phone 4072 or see W. W. Felthouse. 26tfc The Troy Laundry will call at house and get laundry Tuesday morning and deliver back to house 160 acrès Yellow Pine timber in on Saturday morning. 26tfc Central Oregon, certified cruise 3,350,000 feet; will exchange for Do You Want to Sell Your Land good land near Hermiston. R. O. We can sell your land for Horning. 22tfc you. Write to us and tell us what you have, and list your For Sale—Big type Duroc-Jersey property with us for quick sale. hogs. Geo. H. Root. 49tfc We have buyers waiting. Oregon-Washington Ranches Wanted—Your subscription for Co., Ross C. Lashley, Manager, The American Boy, $2 per year. Ed. Bowman Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. M. Graham. Itfc Phone 542. 27tfc Fire Insurance, Notary Public and typewriting and stenographic work. For Sale—Baled alfalfa hay by the See Edite M. Johnson at Dodd’s bale, ton or car lots, at the ware office. 3tfc house. Man at warehouse at all times. W. A. Leathers. 28tfc — Wanted—Your subscription for For Sale—Rosaire’s Aida Lad, sir The Saturday Evening Post, $2.50; ed ty Susy’s Twin Maiden’s Lad, The Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; fifteen months old. Registered. R. The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. B. Spencer. 27-3tc H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 35tfc. For Sale—One Poland China brood Spices and Extracts for the House sow, due to farrow in Api 11, and one wife—in fact everything in the fresh cow. John F. Wurster, Uma Watkins line. Mail your orders, or tilla, Ore. 28-2tp call at my home, one door east of For Sale — Good young horse; will Tum-a-Lum lumber yard in Hermis ton, Ore., and make your selections. work wherever hitched. Inquire of 28-2tc W. A. Mikesell. lltfc A. C. Swarner. For Sale — Wagon, 3 fresnos, two Locally grown alfalfa seed for sale. Tests 99.39 purity and Oregon plows, springtooth harrow, McCor standard for germination. J. J. mick rake and mower, and numer Neary, Hermiston, Oregon. 24tfc ous other articles. See or phone W. A. Leathers. 28tfc For Sale or Trade—Two h. p In Fine registered Poland China ternational gasoline engin« R. D. Miller. 24tfc boar, service *2.50. J. H. Wins- low. 28tfc For Sale—Seed artichokes,C02 per Candy Business—We start you at sack. C. M. Jackson. Phone. 24tfc home, or anywhere; everything fur One ton Smith-Farmer truck in nished; *30 weekly, up; men—wo good running order for sale. Inquire men; experience unnecessary. Spe of O. H. Warner, Boardman, Ore.24tc cialty Candymaking Co., 5 South 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 28-8tc Fire Insurance in three strong 15 acres for sale 2 miles from companies. See Edlie M. Johnson at town; nearly all In alfalfa; price Dodd’s office. 3tfc low. Also 20 acres with good house, 14 acres in alfalfa. C. W. LaBarre, For Sale—Windmill and tank. Hermiston. 29tfc Inquire at Miles' Barber Shop. 25tfc Going to build? Then get my Do you want a good Ford for less prices on ready cut lumber for any than |300. Terms. See Lays’ Gar kind of a house. Write me. I will age. 25tfc call. C. W. LaBarre. 29tfc For Sale—Big Type Duroc Jersey For Sale—Light buggy harness. boar, farrowed June 1, 1919; can be C. D. McNurlin, Umatilla, Ore. Phone t 29tfc registered. Inquire of F. N. Whit 4762. For Sale—Piano, almost new; ney, or phone 181. 17-tfc easy terms. Mrs. Wm. Mathers, See Bennett for autioneering. 16tfc East Main St., Hermiston. 29-ltp Lost—On March 25, in or between For Schweizer’s Imported high grade exclusive dress materials and the drug store and Tum-a-Lum lum embroideries for spring and summer ber yard, a purse containing a *10 see Mrs. Burgess. 22tfc bill, a 50 cent piece and some other small change. Finder please leave For Sale—Five acres of apple or at the First National Bank and re 29-ltp chard in good stand of alfalfa. Six ceive a reward. room house and good barn. C. S. Wanted — To sell the following McNaught. 27-tfc used cars: 1 Ford runabout with box, thoroughly overhauled, *285. For Sale—Wheat Land in 1 Ford touring, 1917 model, *250 Oregon and Washington for 1 Ford Sedan, 1919, good as new, trade. Can take good irrigated *725. 1 Studebaker six, seven pas land as a part payment and easy senger, *525. Hermiston Auto Co. terms on balance, or sell with 26tfc small payment down and long Lost—Between Hermiston and time on balance. Oregon-Wash liver bridge west, Y or crotch chain. ington Ranches Co., Roes C. Lashley, Manager, Pendleton, Leave at McNaught chopper and ob Oregon. Bowman Hotel Bldg. lige. W. W. Rogers. 29-ltp Phone 542. 27tfc For Sale—Three shares of stock Ford car in good condition for sale in the Jersey Breeders' Association. 29tf.. cheap. Inquire at this office or see A P. Garner. Harry Kelley. 17tfc WANT ADS. For Sale—17* acres joining Co lumbia school and Columbia Park; ten acres in alfalfa. Finest location in east end of project. Call on or write A. R. Fisher, Hermiston, Ore. 19tfc Who wants the last Ford starter Installed complete for Will have no more to offer this Hermiston Auto Co. self $85. year. 26tfc Weaned pigs for sale. Good ones W. J. Warner. 2«tfc For Sale— 20-inch Revonoc ball bearing lawn mower. $14; 12-inch clothes wringer. $6; *-loaf bread mixer. *3.50; 2-quart fruit and lard press, $2.75; vacuum sweeper. $13; gasoline smoothing iron. *4; 20- year gold filled hunting watch, ladies' 6 size, IS jewelled Elgin. *23; Columbian sewing machine with automatic lift. *40. All are new and below present prices; bank able note accepted. A. D. Smith, on motor route 7 miles 8.W. of Her miston. 29tfc Two houses for sale. J. H. Reid. THE AMERICAN CAFE (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Meals Served From 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. Regular Dinner Every Day From 12 to 2 p. m. Never hungry between meals when you eat here Location next door east of Bank Building Greer & Dir, Props. BARBER SHOP Clean and Sanitary Manufacturing Conrete Pipe The Newport Constrction Com pany has this week started the man ufacture of concrete pipe for the coming season, and is at present using the government yard. The pipe will be made in standard sizes from six inches to twelve inches and the usual 24 inch lengths. In addition to the pipe this firm will make cement blocks, concrete brick and tile. Work on the latter will be commenced just as soon as the necessary machinery arrives and is installed. A Wonderful Machine While in Pendleton last week the editor called at the offices of Dr. R. C. Ellsworth, who recently located In the Smith-Crawford building. At that time we were given an oppor tunity to look over the big Fischer electrical machine he had just receiv ed. This Is the same type of instru ment used in the French, Amercan and German military hospitals for treatment of shell-shock, rheumatic Conditions and wherever inflama- tion is present. The treatment of disease by means of electrical cur rents has become firmly established in the big hospitals, and today the currents are known and appreciat ed for their value in banishing Ills of the human family. Dr. Ellsworth was a railroad and army surgeon for many years. He is a graduate of the National School of Chiroprac tic and Illinois College of Electro- Therapeutics, Chicago. x Rhea Luper, assistant state engi neer residing in Heppner, has an nounced himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Pub lic Service Commissioner for the Eastern Oregon district, believing that as a technically trained man he can be of particular service to the people in this part of the state in that position. OREGON. Drops Every Seed at the Bottom of the Furrow Here is the profit maker for the farmer who grows grain of any kind. Famous Peoria Single Disc Furrow Opener insures even depth planting, uniform yields. Shoe works independently of the disc, on a pivot, allowing it to follow disc at all times. No matter what depth the disc cuts, the seed is always drilled at the very bottom of the furrow. This means all your grain grows and ripens evenly. Peoria Disc Shoe cuts any trash and hardest ground ; double run force feed ; sows all kinds of grain, flax, peas, beans or corn. No seed wasted—none lost to the birds or wind—it is all covered on the bottom of a packed seed bed. Wood Break Pin (an exclusive PEORIA feature) NEW PEORIA SINGLE DISC FURROW OPENER —When foreign matter (nuts, bolts, stones or screws), often found In seed, get toto x.;»"f^iv‘ feature "Die" makes Poor Brinis wortdvs to n""" P eoria D rills are O n D isplay H SAPPERS’ INC. Phone 671 Hardware and Implements French Restaurant Echo Flour Mills UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Most up to date restaurant In Eastern Oregon Echo, Oregon SELECTION OF FRUIT PLANTS Most Profitable to Start on Small Scale and Increase as Expe rience Dictates. In selecting the small fruit plants it pays best to start on a small scale and then Increase the plantings as the ex perience proves that it will be safe. Then the acreage can safely be In creased from the plants grown on the home farm. Small fruit thrives on a great variety of soils and while some soils are better than others, every farm should have a small fruit garden at least for home use. There Is practi cally always a good market for the surplus. PRUNE TREES TO ADMIT SUN Orchardist Should Be Careful to' Re move Considerable Wood on North Side of Tree. Where the foliage is so dense the sun could not get In and the fruit did not color up well last fall, prune out the branches so as to let In the sun. Be especially careful to remove considerable wood on the north side of the larger trees which does not get as much sun as the other three sides and therefore should carry less fo liage—a point that many orchardists overlook. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, March 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Lil lian M. Davies, of Spokane, Wash ington, who. on July 20th, 1910, made Desert Land Entry, No. 08347, for NEY, Section 26, Twnship 4 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof under the Act 3-4-15 by purchase, to estab lish claim to the land above de scribed, before United States, Com missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 11th day of May. 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Skinner. W. F. McLick, E. P. Dodd, Lake Kelly, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN. Register. LODGE DIRECTORY Try our 36 cent dinner HOHBACH'S Bakery, Confectionery. Restaurant Pendleton BETTER LAUNDRY SERVICE Wm. Sharr has taken over the agency of the Troy Laundry, and as sures patrons of prompt • attention and good ser vice. He advises leav ing packages Mondays and Thursdays of each week as there will be a twice a week delivery. ------------- MANUFACTURERS OF-------------- High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED THE TROY LAUNDRY Will Make Twice a Week Delivery to Houses All packages collected by the deliveryman will be delivered by him and all packages going through the agency must be call ed for at Shaar’s Bar ber Shop. THE TROY LAUNDRY T. L. HALL TRANSFER LONG AND SHORT HAULS Leave orders at Just Arrived —New Line of — Georgette Blouses, Apron-dresses & Hats Come and see them PERCEY SISTERS ELLIOTT'S TIRE SHOP Our Repair Shop is Now in Shape to Care for All Your Needs Our Battery Department is fully equipped Prest-O-Lite Tanks always on hand. We Carry the Largest Stock of Accessories West of Pendleton Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. 11 ERMISTON LOBGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M., moots in Masonic Hall ke tinat aa-,. Service Car ready to start any time RACINE TIRES—VEDOL OIL WINEYARD LODGE NO 206, 1. O. O. F, " meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows kail Visiting members cordially invited. W R Longhorn. Sec. W. S. Casady. N. G. Hot and Cold SHOWER BATHS WM. SHAAR HERMISTON, Parent-Teachers’ Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers' Association will be held next Thursday at 2:30 In the school assembly room. There will be the election, of officers for next year, and Cash Wood. the county Y. M. C. A. secretary, will give an address on a subject of in terest to parents. Everybody is in vited. ISN’T RIGHT NOW A GOOD TIME TO TAKE STOCK of your financial condition? During the past two years of prosperity how much of your income have you saved? Not so much as you should? Why not start 1920 right by opening an account with this bank and conserving your future income. 2 • 0 d HERALD, VETERINARY SURGEON House Phone 283 Hermiston, Ore. LAYS GARAGH