Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1920)
ACCORDIAN PLEATING “Knife and box pleating, hemstitching, 10c yd Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mig, Co, 854 Fifth street, Portland. 000990999990009900900009 STATE NEWS : aererenenn Oregon . for Catalo 99990000990999000 AUTO AC Plessa Mention This Paper When Answering These A - Oliai 110 KI f J DPVIVIA If you Must sell your LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds—sell to us. If you can buy more LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell at the New York market 15th A Alder ate.. Portland MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., PORTLAND. OREGON Homemade Specials, $1.25 ver * Mt Hood Chocolates, $1, 2, 3 & 5, box. Hazelwood Candy - ; By Parcel Post, Prepaid. Oregon Chocolates, $2.00 per pound. 388 Washington Street, CYLINDER GRINDING i Portland, Oregon. FRED DUNDEE Motor Car Repairing & Machine Worts Portland, Oregon. preferred Stock • GROCERIES Hotel Alder TIT A in. HAYNES-FOSTER BAKING CO. Portland. Ora. Dixie Co., Arteria. Ore. SALEM Ask Your Grocer AUTO SPRING co T A 11.12. 9 Aïiennoni We can use unlimited amounts of Strictly Fresh, full size White Eggs at a premium over market quotations. Write us advising amount you have to offer each week during the season. MUTUAL CREAMERY co., PORTLAND, OREGON Egg Department, OuNow THE Salm Ore. You Can’t Break ’Em! 1, Poultrymen • baking co , BEST IN VAUDEVILLE .4 uni if Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Nights ai Meu Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Afternoon TUV A TED in LA1U\ Show Wed. Night Occasionally, Nickis, 15e to $1.00; Matinees. 15e to 75c. L] (T/TDC TON SETH FLORAL CO. LLUMIEI The House of Flowers FOB ALL OCCASIONS Phones Main 5103 257 WaMngton St, —BROOMS THE PEPPER BOX DES Parttant Ongan Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. When in Portland try this RESTAURANT Good Service—Moderate Prices. Right Down I*»- ' " BISSINGER & CO., 108 Fifth St, ' - Next "..... — Wool, Pelts, Tallow. to New Perkins Had Wool Pullers Largest dealers on the Coast. 148-154 North‘15th St., P. O. box 4378 Portland, Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., Portland. * Ship us your goods; highest prices paid at all times. T WM The U M U IV VI 1C Rag run, all sizes. Mall orders prompt Rugs and carpets steam and dry cleaned Cleaning Phone or write for price list Save solic Ice send parcela to us. We pay return itor’s commission. postage. Information and prices given upon requeat. ENKE’S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland 188 EL Eighth St East EMO. CARPET WEAVING AND CLEANING "For reliable Fellows! Look Here!! Listen!!! Which is better—work every day—8 hours at 450 and have a good place to stop, and eat at minimum cost; or to be laid off every time it rains and get a few cents more pay? You can work every day with us and we pay 67 He per hour for Sunday work if you care to work Sundays. Splendid opportuni ties for promotion. Apply at Crown-Willamette Paper Co., Employment Department at West Linn, Ore., at Camas, Wash., or 210 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Ore. RIVERVIEW DAIRY COMPANY, -add We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Comforts Ahead” PORTLAND. ORA The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cosy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE OFFICE F urniture & APPLIANCES printing : E ngra ving : bookbinding A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit CLIFFORD HOTEL ■art Morrison BL and East Sixth MODERN TORCH CO. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Equipment and Supplies. Write for catalogue 329% East Morrison St. Portland, Ore. SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO. • wlt 144 Front St. Portland J E INFORMATION DEPARTMENT $100 will be paid for say case Commerciai Information furnished free of Bad Smelling Feet that the of charge. Catalogues supplied and com R. M. R. Foot Remedy will not mercial Inquiries cheerfully answered. Write any firm below I Do It now I •^REPAID BY MAIL. $3.00 PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Bakers, Confectioners, Fountain Supplies Rheumatism and lumbago In their wont forms can be permanently re lieved by taking SALGRENE Drink It and get well. Carpenters Wanted Ground Gripper Shoes B. E. Wright, 808 Raleigh Bldg., 6 A Wn. ELECTRIC & ADVERTISING SIGNS Union Sign Co., 79 West Park at Oak. Lalley Light, 93 let St GOITRE SPECIALIST_______________ 8- M. Erwin, M. D-, 800-01 Journal HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED, Bldg. A. E. Hurwitz, Optometrist, 225 First St. HEMSTITCHING___________________ Ella M. Stevens, and Fir, 350% Morrison. KODAKSAND FOUNTAIN PENS Bandy, Portland's Kodak and Pen man. MILLINERY & EARCLEY CORSET Jones Millinery, 89 Grand Ave. ______ MUSIC SCHOOL Oregon Conservatory ofMusic, 165 4th St. OIL SHAMPOOING A MANICURING Myrtle Clarke, 1U Morgan Bids, Portland PIANOS A TALKING MACHINES Soule Bros., 166 Tenth BL ________ PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS G. F. Johnson Piano Co , 149 6th. PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIES Rose City Novelty Wks., 105 Grand Ava PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith LongService, 310 Bush A Lane Bl REALTORS Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark BL SHEET METAL A RETINNING WKS Union Ave. Metal Wks., 411 Union Ave SANITARIUM— SEND FOR LITERATURE GROUND aura SHOE nom 351% Wash. Street, Portland, Oregon. Bottled by Something Almost as Good. My niece, being an only child, want ed a baby brother. Two of her play- mates had baby brothers. About three weeks ago a boy cousin of hers was born. After visiting her playmate Mil dred’s new brother, she came home and told her mother about It, saying. Mildred has a new baby brother, and Mildred said to me you haven’t a baby brother and I said I have, too; I have a new cousin brother, haven’t I, mother?”—Chicago Tribune. ' Corbett f. Dr. A. V. Downs, 940 TEACHERS AGENCY Yatee- Fieber, free registration, Brdy Big, PRESSURE SYSTIM___________ WATER Duro Pumpe, 93 1st BL CANCER TREATED Lowell M. Rock Remedy Co.. 7 1st St., Portland Or. Vanadium Highly Important. For the latest types of engineering works, such as airplanes, submarines, torpedoes and similar work, the pos session of a material of high resist ance to stresses of all kinds enables some of the most difficult elements of the work to be solved. While the ap plication of vanadium to steel does this, and thcs constitutes at present its most Important use, it has also a marked influence upon cast iron and upon copper. DENTIST, LATE u. »• NAVY__________ Dr. P. G. Brown, 809 Stevens Bl, Portland DENTIST ________________________ Ask your druggist to procure it for ENORAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS you. Mix SALGRENE with olive oil Irwin-Hodson, Stationers, Portland, Ore. ■XPERT OOWN MAKER and take as directed. Miss M. E. Cole, 207 Tilford Bl, 10 & Mor. FARM LIGHTING PLANT___________ POUTRY. HE.rits for Prices and Tars RHEUMATISM-PILES-CONSTIPATION Wild Pigeon Springs Mineral Water Nature's own remedy from the Rock. Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet . $1.50. Rugs, Steam or Dry Clea. WESTERN FLUFF RUG B-1474 54-58 Union Ave. N. East M DENTAL SUPPLIES John Welch Dental Depot. Dental sup- plies of all kinds. Morgan Bldg., Portland. DIAMONDS A JEWELRY BOUGHT All kinds diamonds and jewelry bought; name your price. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 449% Wn St. Portlnd DOORS AND WINDOWS 9x12 Ing, Paint Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash A Door Co., 212 First St, Portland._______ FURS—RAW FURS BOUGHT Highest price. Th op. land Bldg , upstairs. HAIRDRESSING ----=---=--=5=--==-======?==="==??=- Mme. Grenell relieves Itching scalp. Moles, superfluous hair removed. 330 Fliedner Building. HEMSTITCHING Mr —---==-=---=---=----=-----==-==-------==-==---5------==----=---==---=-------=- ) Accordion Pleating, Hemstitching, But- tons covered. Custom made shirts. Art Embroidery A Button Co., Morgan Bldg., Portland. Gold Hill.—David Force, who has been doing extensive development work on his quicksilver mine in the Meadows district north of Gold Hill the past winter, has uncovered a large deposit of cinnabar ore that runs 60 per cent mercury. Salem.—Raising and selling rabbits is the purpose of the Oregon Rabbit company of Baker, which filed articles of incorporation here Friday. The in corporators are A. J. McDannel, H. H. Anderson and S. M. Anderson and the capital stock is $25,000. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” to be genuine must be marked with the safe ty "Bayer Cross." Always buy an un broken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” which contains proper direc tions. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer” packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicyl- icacid.—Adv. Daily Thought. To be trusted is a greater compli Salem.—The state has received a ment than to be loved.—George Mac check for $3388.79 covering the Stand donald. ard Oil sales In Oregon for the month of February. During that month the * There is no excuse for the dyspeptic corporation sold in Oregon 306,219 gal with Garfield Tea accessible at every lons of gasoline and 67,318 gallons of drug store. Adv. distillate, according to the report. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS I ' You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so it can be lifted out, root and all, with out pain. A small bottle of freesone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as it Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freesone tell him to get a small bottle for you PAINLESS DENTISTRY Absolutely performed by nerve-blocking Sutherlin.—A. E. Shiria will begin from his wholesale drug house. It is method without after effects. Let us fine stuff and acts like a charm every rove it to you. We make X-ray exam- the manufacture of apple boxes about time.—Adv. nations and specialise In first-class dent May 1. There Is a promising future istry at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. W. Prehn, Majestic Theatre Bldg., for this new industry. Over 30,000 apple If you need a cork and cannot go 351%2 Washington St, Portland, Oregon. boxes were shipped In here last year, to the store to get the right sise, take PAINTS AND WALL PAPER " Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co., and over 60,000 will be required to an old cork and soak it In boiling 186 First St, Portland.__________________ meet the demand this year, according water for fifteen minutes. It will then PERSONAL ————— to estimates. fit any bottle. "MARRY IF LONELY; for results, try me: best and most successful "HOME Salem.—The total fire loss in Oregon MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; moat reliable; in February, exclusive of Portland, was Freshen a Heavy Skin years of experience; description free. 'The Successful Club,” Mrs. Ball, Box $65,850, according to a report issued With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti- 566, Oakland. California._______ __ _ ______ by A. C. Barber, etate fire marshal. The cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely ^LATINO— NICKtL AND SILVER worst fire occurred at Pleasant, Or., scented convenient, economical face, Write today for prices—we pay raturn e on small parcels. California Plat- resulting in damage to the amount of skin, baby and dusting powder and orks, 314 2nd St, Portland. 15000. Of the 31 fires reported 16 perfume. Renders other perfumes su BINO A PLUMBING SUPPLIES, perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet can supply you with any kind of were in dwellings. Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).—Adv. plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. Canyon City.—At the election to be We will gladly estimate coat of any job. Write for prices. held this fall In Grant county another STARK-DAVIS CO., Optimistic Thought. 212 Third St, Portland. attempt to divide the county will be Suavity will collect more bills than RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE before the voters. Twice within the a dozen lawsuits. Young men and women; best returna for ain’t invented. Position when qualified. lest eight years has this matter come 434 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. up and the last time the matter was No harmful drugs In Garfield Tea. RAZORS ’ voted upon only 27 voters were lacking It is composed wholly of simple, The famous compound for temperini health-giving herbs. Adv. razors without heat Makes shaving i to make the division. 17 (e S h "T‘$100 will be paid far any Corns Short Adjustment Co., 826 N.W.Bnk. Big. I \J 1 between the Toes that R. M. R. delight The Stratanum Co., 609 Chamber ve. . —, will not remove without pain ARTIFICIAL TEETH of Com. ___________ __ DEME TVor knife. PREPAID $1.00 Dr. E. C. Rossman, 807 Journal Bldg, SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR ~~ It A l an V 1 AGENTS WANTED. Robbins-Marr Remedy Co., 314 Steck Exchange Building Gray, McLean A Percy, 4th & Glisan St. for work on new unit of pa per mill at West Linn, $5.20 for 8 hrs. work. Splendid accommodations in new ho tel. Meals 35c; beds 10c, 25c, 35c. Apply Crown Wil- TRUSSES ' lamette Paper Co., West Linn, Oregon. lew, ete., and pay postage. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO., Truss Experts OREGON nad Dyeing serv- United States Senator Miles Poin dexter, candidate for the republican nomination for president, intends to make a speaking tour of Oregon ten Seeing California with Henery RIDES WOOLS A CASCARA BARK. days or two weeks before the presi “We pay highest prices—Write us for dential primary on May 21, according A COLLECTION quotation. Kahn Broa., IM Front St to word received in Seattle. OF HIS FAMOUS hides and J unk STORIES OF WIT "L. Shank & Co., 312 Front St. Pay full Roseburg.—The Tiller Crater lake market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, AND HUMOR metals, etc.______________________________ cut-off and early completion of the —AND A VIEW BOOK MACHINERY project were advocated by the Rose- OF AMERICA’S PLAYGROUND burg realty board at a meeting last Manager of the WESTERN NEWSPA PER ASS’N says: “A brilliant book of week. A resolution was adopted urg- scintillating humor. It reminds one of Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., ing the county court to push con- MANN TWAIN. ' Price 75c post paid. Send check, mon 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. structlon work on the highway. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS ey order or stampa. Address Ross & Co., Inc. Specialorder work. Daily Doings Publishing Co., Fine workmanship. Prompt mall service. Gold Hill.—Ruttencuter A Knox of Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore. Medford have purchased the W. J 311 East 4th St., Los Angeles, Cal Smith sawmills on Sardine creek, six QUEEN CITY Str, Slewe: PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS miles north of Gold Hill. Considerable We make your worn garments look _ ____ 264-344 Fourth St.—Neu Bros. timber is tributary to the mills, but like new. Employ experienced help NATUROPATH and get best results. We pay post " Dr. Geo. W. Crockwell, Specialist in the new owners may move the equip- age one way. Female Diseases—704-6 Dekum Bldg ment to a new site In this district. 288 Grand Ave., Portland. SPECIALIST "Where Home Bend.—Support for the movement to secure larger salaries for forest serv ice employes was pledged in a telegram from Senator McNary to George Jones, hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet- chairnfan of the Deschutes central live ic shop In city. 203 Brdy Bl , Mar. 2207. stock board. CLEANING AND DYEING Northwest Rug Co. THE HAZELWOOD CONFECTIONER & RESTURANT For Colds, Headache, Pain, Neuralgia, Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism SHOPE BRICK CO, face and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1335; Resi- dence. East 1797. 36114 E. Morrison St. Portland. Ore. We will gladly make esti- GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Write for descriptive circulars and booklets. Morris Building, 309-11 Stark Street_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lath mill, outside parties having leased the mill of J. W. Reed of this city for this purpose. NAME ‘BAYER’ MEANS ASPIRIN IS GENUINE Jones, M. D, 111 Morgan Bldg. Few Fat Men Famed. Fat and fame have not very often been combined, perhaps because stout men are generally inclined to be easy going, and therefore lacking in that push which brings a man to the fore, says London Answers. The only great statesman one can recall who was really a fat man was Charles James Fox. as can be seen even by his effigy In the palace of Westminister, where he would make three of his great rival. Pitt the younger. Bsauty vs. Brains. Salem.—“The paramount need of the Many a headliner Is more the re day is efficient, contented, producing Twenty-two inch switch or transforma citizenship, especially In the rural dis sult of her maid’s handiwork than her tion, value $7.00, price $2.45. tricts,” is the foreward of J. A. Church director’s headwork.—Film Fun. 400 to 413 Dekum Bldg.________ ill, state superintendent of public in Retain Cockney Accent. struction, In the 1920 Red Book, which stoves and heaters. has just been Issued preparatory to for In the Bahama Islands, which were Prompt attention to mall ordera. Spokane Stove & Furnace Repair Works, Spokane. distribution throughout the state. settled more than 200 years ago by TAILOR FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Londoners, the Cockney dialect is said Klamath Falls. — Sheep scabies in If you want up-to-date suits see M' Weinstein. Satisfaction guaranteed. 410 Klamath and Lake counties will be to be as strong as it is in the Cheap- Stark St., Portland, Ore. combated by strict inspection and dip side. TEACHERS’ AGENCY “ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers Agency. ping of all flocks, says Dr. H. E. Arm Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former Aaat strong, federal livestock inspector, who Umbrellas. State Supt., mgr. NW. bank bld. Portland. Umbrellas should be washed occa arrived from Salem to take charge of WANTED—FIR PITCH------------------------------ -------------------------- Will buy fir pitch In any quantities. the campaign against the disease. He sionally. Stand them open. In a bath- Write for Schedule of prices. Northwest tub, scrub them with a small hand ern Turpentine Co., 1312 Gaaco Blds, will remain through the summer. Po nd. Ore. scrub brush and rinse with a bath Salem.—The state highway commis spray. sion Friday received notice that Oregon Smith's Wall Paper will get 50 more trucks from the fed Before retiring, a cup of Garfield Second St, Portland. eral government. These trucks will Tea. For good digestion and continued be distributed among the various coun good health. Adv. Insurance. Of the three kinds of insurance, ma ties and will be used in road construc Success Is counted sweetest by those rine Is probably the oldest. The object tion work. The state has received 170 who ne'er succeed.—Emily Dickinson. of these trucks up to the present time. of this Insurance contract is to In Salem.—Lands In the Klamath In TO BREAK IN NEW SHOES ALWAYS USE demnify against loss of property In the course of navigation. A ship, her dian reservation will not be opened Allen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic‘powder. It prevents tightness and blistering. Relieves Corns, cargo, and the ship’s earnings are in for settlement until the timber there Bunions, and Swollen, Sweating, Aching Feet. Gives and comfort. Accept no substitute. sured against fire and the many perils on Is removed and sold for the benefit Sample rest FREE. Address. Allan 8. Olmsted, La of the voyage. Marine Insurance was of the tribe, according to a letter re practiced by the Venetians in the fif- ceived at the executive office from the teenth century. In England is was In department of the Interior following active operation In the sixteenth cen- receipt In Washington of a joint memorial adopted st the recent special tury. session of the Oregon legislature ask ing congress to take action to the end Awful Thought. At Sunday night supper, after Frank of populating these lands with white Soap 2$c, Ointment25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. lin and his parents had been out riding settlers. with some friends, his mother re Salem.—W. H. Savage of Corvallis marked that getting so much fresh air was elected president of the etate fair gave one a big appetite, whereupon board herre last week to succeed M. Franklin observed : mother, L. Jones, who will retire from the Burn, if Sore, Irritated, wouldn’t you hate to cook for a bunch board at expiration of his term on Inflamed or Granulated, of aviators ?” April 1. A. C. Marsters of Roseburg Safe for Infant or Adult Write for Free Eye Book. was named vice-president. The board Company. Chicago, U. S. A. A Pianist. approved plans for improving the fair Why are some folks so set In their grounds through the construction of ways? There's old Opportunity, for a system of macadam driveways and Is the biggest most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North- cement sidewalks at a cost estimated west. Fit yourself tor a higher position has been knocking at people's doors. at between $10,000 and $15,000. An with more money Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Why doesn't the old-fashioned thing arena for the judging of livestock also Write tor catalog—Fourth and Yamhill. use the boll, come around to the back was approved by the board and will Portland. P. N. U. ===No12, 1920 door or else peck on the window ? be installed at a cost of $8000. GTOVF REPAIR) Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful