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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
—-1 THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON ADDITIONAL LOCAL ISN’T RIGHT NOW A GOOD TIME TO TAKE STOCK of your financial condition? During the past two years of prosperity how much of your income have you saved? Not so much as you should? Why not start 1920 right by opening an account with this ' conserving your future income. P. F. Ward returned Monday from a short business trip to Pendleton. ROCK ISLAND PLOWS The M. E. Ladles Aid will meet Thursday, March 4, at the home of Mrs. Taylor. A. W. Purdy la around again after having been ill from the flu for a couple of weeks. First National Bank C. S. Paine is building a residence on his 20 acres in the southeastern part of town. OF HERMISTON Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ben- sei on February 17, 1920, an 8% pound baby daughter. We Carry Portland Cement Joe Udey is seen riding in a brand new Ford these days, also Jack Ma- son has a new Dodge car. Get our prices—We can save you money The Neighborhood Club ’ will meet Tuesday afternoon, March 2, at the borne of Mrs. A. R. Fisher. Mrs. Earl Brownell, wife of Uma tilla’s leading storekeeper, was a Hermiston visitor Wednesday. A full line of Poultry Supplies and Feed Imported, Domestic and Montana grown Miss Mary Alice Lambert of Uma tilla has returned home from O. A. C., where she had been atteliding junior college. ALFALFA SEED with purity and germination test. Mrs. J. T. Embry arrived from Chicago Wednesday, where she had been for the past six months visiting with her children. Alfalfa Hay by the Bale, Ton or Car Lot No Credit Leathers’ Warehouse : ELLIOTT'S VULCANIZING SHOP? 2 $ d % 2 I have changed my location from the Columbia Garage on the West Side to the old Oregon Hardware building on Main street on the East Side Hav- ing received complete up-to-date vulcanizing machinery 1 am now prepared to give first class service in ail the various branches of tire vulcanizing. G. F. ELLIOTT NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a peti tion signed by Western Land & Irri gation Company, Adell H. Rose, C. J. Prindle, J. M. Prindle, H. Spinning, D. H. Prindle, Hugh Taylor, Anna E. Taylor, Ina Gilbert, C. F. Ames, Anna L. Ames, Amanda Agnew, J. I. Agnew, Margaret A. Cleaver, J. D. Watson, Matte C. Watson W. G. Drowley, Henry Winsor, B. F. Strohm, Elmer E. Cleaver, Hattie B. Cleaver, H. S. Garfield, J. W. Mesa ner, J. H. Strohm, Arleta White and Clifton Cleaver, was, on the 6th day of February, 1920, filed with the Board of Directors of the John Day -Irrigation District, praying that the boundaries of the John Day Irriga- - tion District may be so changed as to exclude from said John Day Irri gation District the lands of the West land Irrigation District includ ed within the boundaries hereinafter set forth, and that notice of the fil ing of the said petition and of the time and place of hearing thereon be given by publication, as required by law, and that upon such hearing an order be made exeluding from the John Day Irrigation District all of the lands of the Westland Irrigation District included within the follow- ing boundaries: Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of Section 29, Township 5 North. Range 28, E. W. M., and running thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one and one-half miles; thence West one-fourth of a mile thence South one-fourth of a mile thence West one-fourth of a mile thence South one-fourth of a mile thence West to the Northwest cor ner of Sec. 5, Twp. 4 N.. R. 28, E. W. M.; thence South one-half mile; thence West one-half mile; thence South one-half mile; thence West one-half mile to the Northeast cor ner of Sec. 12, Twp. 4 N., R. 27, E. W. M.; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile to the center of said Sec. 12; thence South one-half mile; thenee West one-half mile; thence South one mile; thence East one-half mile; thence South one mile; thence West one-half mile; thence South one mile; thenee West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one-fourth of a mile to the center of Sec. 35 in said township; thenee West one-half mile; thenee South one-half mile; thence West one and one-half miles; thenee South one-fourth of a mile; thenee West one-fourth of a mile; thenee South one-fourth of a mil«; thenee West one-fourth of a mile; thenee South one-half mile to the Southwest corner of Sec. 4, Twp. 3 N„ R. 27. E. W. M ; thence East one- half mile; thence South one-half mile: thence East one and one-half miles; thence North one-half mile: thence East one-half mile; thenee North one-fourth of a mile; thence East three-fourths of a mile; thence North one-fourth of a mile; thenee East one-half mile; thence North thence one-fourth of a mile; East one-fourth of a mile to the East line of Townships 3 and 4 North of Range 27, E. W. M.; thence North to the Southwest corner of Section 1*. Township 4 North. Range 28, E. W. M.; thenee running la an Eas terly direction along the South Une of said Section 19, a distance of one- á a d % PROPRIETOR miles, more or less, to the South line of Section 28, Township 5 N., R. 28, E. W. M.; thence running in a west erly direction on the South line of said Section 28, to the Southwest corner of Section 28; thence running along the West line of said Section 28 in a northerly direction to the Northwest corner of said section identical with the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 5 N., R. 28, E. W. M., the place of beginning. All of the lands within the said boundaries except the east half of the east half of Section 20, and that part of Section 16 lying West of the Umatilla river in Township 4 N.. R. 28. E. W. M., arc lands within said Westland Irri gation District. Notice is hereby further given that said petition will come on for hear ing before the Board of Directors of the John Day Irrigation District at the next regular meeting of the said board in Room 6, Robert Building, Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 1920, at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard, at which time and place, all persons interested in or who may be affected by such change of boundaries of the said district may appear and show cause in writing, if any they have, why the change in the boundaries of said district as proposed in said petition should not be made. Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. F. R. BROWN, Secretary Board of Directors 22-3t John Day Irrigation District. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of Louise Glover Root, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, George Harvey Root, as guradian of Louise Glover Root, a minor, under and by virtue of an or der of the Hon. Chas. H. Marsh, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 23rd day of January, 1920, will from and after the 2nd day of March, 1920, offer for sale, and sell at private sale, upon the terms hereinafter described, at the office of Raley, Raley A Stelwer, in the American National Bank Building, in the City'of Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, and subject to confirmation by the above entitled court, to the person making the best and highest offer therefor, all of the estate, right, title and in terest of the estate of‘Louise Glover Root, a minor, in and to the follow ing described real property, situated in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, to-wit That pr t of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 28, E. W. M., described as follows: Beginning on the north line of Section 14 at its intersection with the east line of the O. R. * N. Company’s right of way, 8.69 chains from the Northwest cor ner of Mid Section 14; thence along the Mid right of way soute 2 degrees and 10 minutes west 1.50 chains; thence south 9 degrees 36 minutes west 3.00 chains; thenee south 17 degrees 36 minutes west 3.00 chains; thence south 26 degrees 64 min- utes west 3.00 chains; thenee east 9.25 chains; thence north 10.00 chains to the north lino of running In a northerly and easterly the quarter section; thenee west said Umatilla river a distance of five These plows are made of soft center steel, permitting the outer surface to be highly tempered without sacrificing strength The center layer is very soft and ductile, making a combination steel that is adapted for the hardest kind of work. The shin of the moldboard always receives the most wear, and for this reason Rock Island soft center steel plows have a reinforcing patch at this point. The real appreciation of these features is best realized after giving a Rock Island plow a few years of use. We Sell Them—Terms or Cash Phone 671 IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE Mrs. F. C. McKenzie entertained a number of her friends at a dinner Officials of the Grants Pass Irriga party Thursday evening at her home tion district have filed with the state on East Main street. engineer ‘resolutions outlining a plan of reclamation, request for certifica Gorden Strader, formerly contact tion of approximately $400,000 in bonds ed with Lays’ Garage, has accepted voted for development work, and ap a position in the Maxfield & Rhodes plication for state payment of interest Garage on the West Side. on these bonds. This district com prises about 8000 acres and is located Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Neeedbam, in Josephine county. who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hop buyers in the Salem district Geo. Mathay here, left Friday’morn- have made several contracts recently ing for Colfax, Wash. They expect whereby they agree to take the grow to return later to locate. ers’ product for a term of three years at a stipulated price of 86 cents a County Game Warden W. H. Al pound. As a result of these contracts bee of Helix passed a few days here and the optimistic feeling over the this week superintending the con- future prospects of the hop industry struction ef a fish ladder at the In Marlon county the acreage will be : lower dam between here and Uma materially increased this season. tilla. It Is estimated there will be approxi- mutely 8883,460.22 of state money avail Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzler were able for the construction of market in Hermiston Wednesday on busi roads in the various counties of Ore ness, and before returning to Uma gon during the year 1920, according tilla took occasion to pay a visit to to a report prepared by members of their old friend Pete Sheridan at his the state highway commission. To ranch home on Butter Creek. obtain this money for road construc tion it will first be necessary for the Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Paine arrived several counties to match the state in Hermiston Friday of last week appropriation. from Seattle. Mr. Paine is a brother of H. L. Paine of this city. After a NOTICE visit of a few days here they left for Virginia, in which state they will A meeting of all the members and locate. former members of the Farmers Un ion of Umatilla county will be held at the County Library. Pendleton. Ore.. Tuesday, March 2, 1920, at 10 o’clock, for the purpose of discuss ing the grain and sack situation and to unite the different locals into one Central Local. By order of the Executive Committee A. W. Shumway, , The sincere sympathy of neigh W. W. Harrah. bors and friends is extended to Mr. A. R. Coppock. and Mrs. L. C. Quick in the loss of their little babe on the 14th tnst. Notice for Publication Pastor Hall at the home and the Department of the Interior, U. S. cemetery led the bereaved hearts for Land Office at La Grande, Ore comfort to "Him who gave and who gon, January 16th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Wil taketh away." liam E. Cahill, of Pendleton, Oregon, who, on December 23rd, 1916, made Card of Thanks Homestead Entry, No. 016472, for We wish to .extend our sincere Lots 4, 5 and 8, SW% SE%. Section thanks to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sym pathy during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father, Jerome B. Strader. (Signed) Mrs. J. B. Strader and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Skinner ar rived Thursday morning from Port land to make a short visit with their son, C. H. Skinner, and family. They also will visit at the home of Mrs. Longhorn, who is a sister of Mrs. Skinner. Phone 671 SAPPERS’ INC 25, Township North, Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Pendieton, Oregon, on the 9th day of March, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Greenstreet, Carl Nelson. William Henderson. William Bart- ley, all of Wallula. Washington. C. S. DUNN, Register. Dr. Freeze makes regular visits to Her miston. Consult him free and be assured of good eye service. 36 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, January 15th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Anna A. Swayze, of Hermiston, Oregon, who. on October 27th, 1917. was as signed Desert Land Entry, No. 013499, tor SWY SEU. Sec. 19. and N‘ NEU, Sec. 30, Township 5 North; Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 9th day of March, 1920. • Claimant names as witnesses: A. W. Purdy, W. O. Rotramel, Chas. E. Opel, O. E. Guisinger, all of Her- miston, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN. Register. Want Ads.-Too Late to Classify For Sale—Fifteen-sixteenths Jer sey heifer, 3 weeks old. Cheap if taken at once. M. R. Gallaher. Ite For Sale—Immediately, 1 chiffo nier, three burner oil stove and mahogany bungalow piano, almost new; reasonable if taken at once. 24tfc Phone 396. For stove. Sale—1 Petaluma F. A. Phelps. brooder 24-2tp Team and harness for sale cheap. 2 life M. B. Murchle. Two good fresh cows for sale. M. B. Murchle. 24tfc For Sale—Ford touring car body with windshield complete. Cheap. Sappers’ Inc. 24tfc Wanted—25 head of pigs, six weeks old or more. Inquire at this office. 24-ltc Locally grown alfalfa seed for sale. Tests 99.39 purity and Oregon standard for germination. J. J. 241fc Neary, Hermiston, Oregon. For Sale or Trade—Two h. p In- ternational gasoline engine. R. D. 24tfc Miller. Finder Lost—Buckskin horse, 24-ltc please notify Soren Jensen. For Sale-—Seed artichokes, 32 per sack. C. M. Jackson. Phone. 24tfc Wanted—Woman or girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. 8. A. White. 34-2tc One ton Smith-Farmer truck in good running order for sale. Inquire of O. H. Warner, Boardman, Oro.24tc NOTICE OF SALE Noticeli hereby given that by virtue of theauth- ority of the City Charter of the City of Hermiston and the direction of the City Council authorizing and directing the Treasurer of the City of Hermis- ton to collect the unpaid assessment for the city irrigation water for the year 1919, levied and imposed under the provisions of Ordinance No. 76. passed by the city council and approved by the mayor on July 2, 1913, and ordinance No. 96 passed by the city council and approved by the mayor on April 17. 1918. I will on the 2nd day of March. 1920, at the hour of 10 o’clock In the forenoon of said day at the City Council Chamber In the City of Hermis- ton. Oregon, sell the following described lota, pieces and parcels of land at public auction to the highest bidder for caah In hand, the proceeds from the sale of each lot. piece or parcel of land to be applied in satisfaction of the assessment upon lot, piece or parcel of land with interest thereon from April 10. 1919, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum together with a penalty of 15 per cent of each of said assessments and all costs. Following is a description of each of said lots, pieces or parcela of land with the number of feet frontsge, name of owner or reputed owner, and amount of said assessment. City of Hermiston according to plat filed with County Recorder April 5, 1906. Amount Name Block 1- ...... 2.25 Lot 4. 25 feet, Wm Stuber 2.25 Lot 28. 25 feet. S. R. Oldaker Block 2— 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.70 2.25 Lot 14. 25 feet, H. J. Meyer Lot 18, 25 foot, H. J. Meyer ... Lot 16, 26 foot, Chas. McNamee Lot 17. 30 feet. Chas. McNamee Lot 24, 26 feet. Violet Sillitoe Lot 25, 28 feet, Violet Sillitoe Block 8— Lot 5,25 feet. Chas. McNamee Lot 6, 25 feet. Chas. MeNamee Lot 7. 26 feet. Chas. McNamee 2.25 2.25 2.25 Block g— Lot 8. 25 feet, Erma Walling City of Hermiston according to plat County Rec order November ». 1904. Name 2.25 filed with Amount 2.50 Lot is. 50 feet, w. p. Littlefield Block 9— Lot 4, 80 foot, Mrs. J. R. Anderson Lot 16, 40 foot. R. L. Martin 2.50 .... 2.00 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this 1920. A. L. LARSON. City 80th day of Treasurer January. Subscribe for The Herald. »••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»I Card of Thanks It is with feelings of deepest gratitude that we wish to express in this manner our heartfelt thanks to the many neighbors and friends who so kindly and willingly assisted us during the recent illness and death of our beloved husband and father Mrs. G. P. Challis and family. Christian Science Services, 11 a. m. Subject Feb. 29: Christ Jesus. Subscribe for The Herald. ginning: Also Lot 16 in Block 4, In New port’s Addition to the Town of Hermiston, according to * pint thereof filed in the office of the County Recorder at Pendleton, Oregon. The terms on which said property will be sold by the said guardian are as follows, to-wit: In separate par- eels for cash upon the confirmation of the sale of mid real property by the above entitled court, and upon the execution and delivery of a good and sufficient deed. Dated this 28th day of January, 1920. GEORGE HARVEY ROOT. As Guardian of Louise Glover Root, a Minor. Raley, Raley & Wei wer, Attorneys for Guardian A Carload of “Chevrolets " EXPECTED EVERY MINUTE In the meantime we are offering a rattling good Ford for a very low price There are three Racine tires sold in this town for one of any other make The rea son is that they deliver the mileage LAYS' GARAGH