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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. The Hermiston Herald WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF NUMBER Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL ALL AROUND If you buy your Flume Lumber of us. . We have just received a Complete Stock of the Very Best Flume Lumber See us before buying Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co Phone 111 — ONE^ OREGON Entered as second-elass matter, December i, 1906, at U m postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon Cedar Flume Stock BOARDMAN NEWS Dates have been fixed for an O. A. C. Extension School in connection with the dedication exercises for the new school building March 4, 5 and S. There will be lectures by special ists in farm crops, dairying, irriga- lion and home economics. There will also be evening lectures, a school entertainment, and an Oregon Pro ducts Dinner on March 6. A. G. Clark, manager of associated indus tries of Oregon, will speak at the dinner, and the dedicatory address will be given by Col. Emmet Calla- han. ' Everyone is Invited to all the exercises. Birthday social A Washington was held at the church Monday night. Old fashioned costumes and a New England supper, together with a program, were features of the occasion. The new steel flag pole was dedi cated and Washington's Birthday suitably observed at the same time at 10 o’clock Monday morning. There was no school the rest of the day. While there has been some sick ness in the community it has not been necessary to close school, and attendance is again quite normal. Carl Voyen, who has been ill at his wife’s parents home in Hermis ton, was in Boardman Sunday. GROOMING COWS IS FAVORED Animal Is Naturally Clean and It I* Dairyman’s Duty to Keep Her So— Mean* More Milk. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Sightliness and attractiveness are feminine assets which extend even to the dairy cow. Naturally she is • clean an tidy beast. Unfortunately man has been obliged to confine the dairy cow closely in stables during certain periods of the year, with the consequence that unless he daily brushes and grooms the dairy mat- rons, their sleek, seemly coats soon lose their gloss and luster and be- come densely matted with dirt and litter. For the same reasons that It pays to groom horses—greater effi ciency from neat, spick-span coats—It also proves invaluable to "doll up" the dairy cow dally by vigorous appli cation of brush and curry comb. Cow Comfort—that inexplainable condition of well-being which means animai satisfaction and the economical pro duction of the maximum flow of milk —Is fostered by careful and persistent grooming during the season when the cows need such extra attention, as ordinarily during the pasture period tbe animals of their own accord keep themselves clean. The enthusiastic use of the brush and currycomb, supplemented by a moist cloth, as siege guns against dust and dirt, are good mediums for Increased production, according to the opinions of progressive dairymen re ported to the United States depart ment of agriculture. They maintain that the clean coats and luxurious feelings of contentment induce in creased production of milk. If you doubt the profits from grooming dairy cows, put It up to Bossle and her stable mates via the referendum-vote method. From a sanitary standpoint, the densely matted, filthy and caked coat of the dirty cow is one of the main sources of contamination in milk. Filth dries on the body of the animal, nnd, unless it is removed previous to milking, a portion of it is likely to fall Into the milk pall and carry un desirable bacteria with It. Hence, R. A. BROWNSON, MANAGER ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Japan has 20 women journalists. For Those Who Value Style and Fine Quality To meet your demand for not merely style alone, but undoubted, endur ing style, the most dependable shoe store in the city has selected the very best quality of guaranteed shoes which we are sure will meet your approval In every way, in price as well as quality. We also have a complete repairing outfit in connection. We wish to thank the people for their past patronage and hope to give you better service than ever Hahn’s Shoe Store HAHNS SHOES THAT SATISFY Divorces are unknown to the women in Korea. The pay of cooks In China averages $15 monthly. There are over 600 women physi cians In Japan. Women In the United States now number nearly 30,000.000. The women of Korea are often com pelled to harvest crops in the primi tive way. Elsie Janis, the actress, is an honor ary captain of the American expedi- tionary forces. All the hotels for workers operated by the United States government are run by women. Whereas, the Great and Supreme Ruler of the Universe has in His in- from our finite wisdom removed midst the much beloved brother of Worster, and Slater and Brother from his home the sunshine that his happy disposition radiated; there fore be it Resoved, That we as members of Sunbeam Rebekah Lodge No. 180, I. O. O. F.. and as individuals,' ex tend to Brother and Sister Worster and other members of the family our heartfelt sympathy. We can only extend to them a fraternal hand and bid them look to Him from whom all good cometh and who doeth all things well. Be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Brother and Sister Worster, and also be publish ed and entered in the lodge records. Fraternally submitted, Rena Waterman, Ina Gilbert, Committee. THE GARAGE OF SERVICE OVERLAND DORT for | | ' ! of deceased's family, a copy be given The Hermiston Herald for publies- | tlon and a copy be spread on the records of this Lodge (Signed) J. 8 F. N. Whitney, Committee. H. M. STRAW. MGR. Full Line of Ladies’ Shoes Real dressy ones and made for comfort; all sizes Full Line of Girls’ and Boys’ and Small Children’s Shoes. The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or express and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. The Oak Tan Shoe Store Hermiston, Oregon Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon Tilden’s Tire Shop . resolutions be sent to each member DENTISTRY • The Yard of Best Quality" DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Resolution* of Condolence The Hermiston Auto Co. Phone 331 ■ Whereas, our brother, R. C. Challis, has been bereft of his father, George Payne Challis, by death, and whereas God has seen fit to remove from us the parent of our beloved brother, now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the members of Reclamation Lodge No. 107, Knights of Pythias, join in extending to the bereaved and sorrowing brother their heartfelt sympathy; and be It further Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Brother Challis and his sorrowful mother, a copy sent to The Hermiston Herald I publication and a copy spread on the records of this lodge. (Signed) M. D. O’Connell. Dr. F. P. Adams, E. O. Comegys, Committee. Whereas. God, In His divine win- dom. has taken from our midst Geo Payne Challis, beloved father of R. C. and G. L. Challis, members of this order, be It I Resolved, That Individually and collectively the members of Vine yard Lodge No. 206. I. O. O, F.. ex- tend their purest sympathy to Bros R. C, and O. L. Challis and other members of the family In their hour of sad bereavement; and be it fur- ther I Resolved. That copy at these Inland Empire Lumber Company The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack Fully equipped to do all kinds of vulcanizing and retreading. Bring us your work and become a satisfied cus tomer. Resolution* of Condolence WHEN A TIRE IS PURCHASED OF US it is put on for you free of charge and we see that it is properly inflated to the right pressure. We are equipped to give this service to you. and avoid wasting water. High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour Resolution* of Sympathy We not only sell AUTOS, but all accessor ies essential to the fitting out of AUTO MOBILES. Line Your Ditches With Cement -------------- MANUFACTURERS OF--------------- Practically nil the hard labor done In Bombay, India, is done by the wom en of that country. and On hand now and are ready to supply your needs. We have everything you need for irrigation purposes. W gp p n n eeu p ep een n u n u en n ean en en n u en eaaen au eeu an n u n u en en an u n SATISFACTION HERMISTON First Class Work is Oar Motto Backed By Oar Guarantee Grooming Increases Cow Comfort and Makos for Clean Milk. grooming cows Is a fundamental safe- guard against inferior, germ-laden milk. Where cows are groomed daily during their period of close confine ment an attendant requires only about •wo or three minutes a cow to prepare and gloss up the animals as though for n banquet. On the other hand. It la difficult and time-consuming to clean off cows which have been kept without grooming in a dirty stable. The commendable practice is to groom and clean the cows dully at such a time between the milking periods that there will be abundant opportunity for the dust put into cir- culation to settle so that It will not contaminate the milk as It is drawn from the cows. It Is necessary for best results to wipe off the udder and flanks of each cow with a moist, clean cloth just before milking. In or der to remove all the surface dust I and dirt which has escaped the previ | ou* clean-up processes. It Is recom- mended that dairymen exercise spe- 1 cial care to provide plenty of material so that at all times they may use clean elot ha In preparing the cows for milking, as too commonly tbe wiping cloth, unless carefully handled, be- comes a source of contamination. It is also advisable to clip off the long hairs from udder and flanks of each cow. E. G. TILDEN, PROP. Shop located Opposite Telephone Building on Main Street SEE HITT P.8. marri CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY -FOR- ===== = —= ' ■ == : ===== Suba GUNS Fountain And AH Popular Son Di ICE CREAM AMMUNITION In Cone» and Package» A FULL UNE N om »fand Cigan and Tekään