Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
THE PHELPS CASH GROCERY The Monopole Store Phone 413 59 MONOPOLE” goods are first-class in every respect Our Guarantee back of Every Purchase Royal Bakery Goods from Portland Cakes, Doughnuts, Rolls, etc., Wednesdays and Saturdays Afternoon Delivery to Any Part of City Tuesdays and Fridays Fresh Vegetables Elliott s Vulcanizing Shop I have changed my location from the Columbia Gar age on the West Side to the old Oregon Hardware building on Main street on the East Side. Having just received complete up-to-date vulcanizing machin ery I am now prepared to give first-class service in all the various branches of tire vulcanizing. CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY HER ALD, HERMISTON ; a LOCALS ’ : : Pearl White Soap White Borax Naptha Sunny Monday Soap $6.90 6.90 6.90 Albers Rolled Oats, large package Goldenrod Oats, large package White Satin Flour, every sack guaranteed. Try a sack; it is the best you can get. 30c 35c $3.25 We have a full line of all kinds of Nuts and Candy for Christmas and our prices are right Give us your orders as our * delivery wagon goes all the time twice a day, rain or snow. If it is ser vice you want you can get it here for we have the facilities. BEAN POWER SPRAYER GIANT IDUPLFX HERMISTON, 0 MERCURY DROPPED TO 34 BELOW ZERO wlllllHlllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllii. Thursday night broke all records Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham were for cold weather on this project last week-end visitors in the city since its establishment by the gov ernment in 1908. Daring that night from Boardman. the thermometer at the reclamation The fuel committee of the coun- service registered 34 degrees. The try Is Henry Sommerer, Ed. Jack- closest record to this was in Janu son and W. J. Dobler. ary. 1916. when the mercury went to 29 below. B. W. Smith, Paul Mumma and The maximum temperature dur George Meyers returned the first of ing the week was 30 degrees above, the week from a business visit of a precipitation .89 of an inch and the couple of days in Pendleton. snowfall 14 inches. The local Eastern Star order en- Automobile Owners I joyed a very nice visit Tuesday night Notice: To prevent your radia from Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. tors from freezing use Johnson s Alberta S. McMurphy of Eugene. Freeze Proof. Will not harm any metal. Put up In 7 pound packages. Rev. H. Payne visited here a cou- $2.25, and for, sale by Hermiston | pie of days last week with his rela Auto Co. A trial will convince. tives, H. L. and C. S. Payne. The gentleman’s home is in Payette, CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS Idaho. Notice is hereby given that Dis trict No. 14, Umatilla County, School Warrants. Including Num bers 2032 to 2038, inclusive, will be paid on presentation to me at Her miston, Oregon. Interest ceases from date of this publication, Dec ember 13, 1919. F. L. Jewett, well known north of Earl J. Kingsley, Clerk Dist. No. 14. town rancher, this week sold 100 The tons of hay for $25 per ton Prospective Ford purchasers purchase was made by a Morrow should place their order with the county sheep man. HERMISTON AUTO CO. immedia Mrs. Affie B. Hanna of Joseph, Oregon, is here to spend the Christ as and New Year holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Barnes. tely, as the Ford Motor Co. now re Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neimeyer of quire that for every Ford supplied Touchet, Wash., visited here a few to dealers there must be three or- days this week with his parents. ders booked. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Neimeyer, and with his brother Robert and wife. Everyone should make special ef fort to put out feed for the birds, W. S. Egbers left Tuesday for pheasants, quail and song birds, Ritzville, where he operates a big while this heavy snow remains. wheat ranch, after having been in Hermiston a week, during which PERSONAL time he proved up on his homestead north of town before U. S. Land Frederick Charles of Hesse, brother- Commissioner Warner. in-law of William Hohenzollern, is German candidate for king of Fin Preparations have been begun by land. the library board for the holding of Sergeant James Monroe, having lost the annual ball on New Year’s Eve. The event'this as in former years is an arm, has been returned from France to Brooklyn, N. Y., to do recruiting looked forward to with anticipated duty. pleasure, for the occasion is always synonymous with a good time. Dan Daly, veteran of United States marines, who holds two Medals of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haugeberg en Honor and Distinguished Service joyed a visit last week from Mr. and Cross. Is a New Yorker. Mrs. J. L. Crumley of Buena, Wash., newlyweds who were on their hon eymoon trip. Mrs. Crumley is a sis- ter of Mrs. Haugeberg’s, and I her husband is a well to do fruit raiser and alfalfa rancher of the Buena 1 district. on ! HERMISTON Eli Winesett, extensive bee raiser and alfalfa farmer near this city. enriched the city of Pendleton | while on an auto trip to the county seat last Saturday, the cause of his | having to part with a couple of dol- I !ars being that he parked his car over the white lines. We ought not to tell this on Ell, but really it is too good a joke to keep. r. 10 Put Tour Surplus Straw Back On Your Land The straw that you burn ■ use wastefully can be put tack on your land with big profit. Properly spread, straw acts as a mulch on fall seeded crops. It pre vents soil blowing, prevents winter killing, prevents winter sleet from smoth ering plants — and when turned unde r it has almost as much fertilizing value as manure. Spread your straw — come in and get a John Deere Spreader with Straw Spreading attachment. Get double use and double prof it from it. The John Deere Spreader with a Straw Spreading Attachment spreads straw and spreads Phone 192 IMPLEMENT: Don’t attempt . another year proftablo cqu .... Oregon Hardware & Implement Company For Those Who Value Style and Fine Quality First come, first served.—Dryden. To meet your demand for not merely style alone, but undoubted, endur ing style, the most dependable shoe store in the city has selected the very best quality of guaranteed shoes which we are sure will meet your approval in every way, in price as well as quality. We also have a complete repairing outfit in connection We wish to thank the people for their past patronage and hope to give you better service than ever A little fire burns up a great dea. of corn. Hahn’s Shoe Store WHAT HAS BEEN SAID All the fingers are not alike. HAWN'S SHOES THAT SATISFY A fish should swim three times: In water, in sauce and wine.—German proverb. Babbling, foolish vanity and vain curiosity have the same parentage.— La Fontaine. Orders taken for RUBBER STAMPS Donald Brown is here from Pen dleton visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. McCoy. The lit tle fellow came home with Mr. Mc Coy Tuesday on his return from a business visit to the county seat. His parents expect to be here dur- Ing the Christmas holidays, and at the conclusion of their visit Donald will return home with them. Hermiston Fire Department mem bers received their monthly pay checks at a regular meeting of the organization held last Monday night. There was a new member elected to the department that even ing. the gentleman being Hollis Per- cey. He will be initiated into the department by the water test route as soon as the weather clears or maybe sooner. County Commissioner G. L. Dun ning passed most of Saturday last in Hermiston and vicinity on road business matters. Mr. Dunning is proving to be a keen servant of the county, always on the level- and ever ready to give al) with whom he has dealings which have to do with county affairs a square deal. The gentleman has helped lots in getting our proportion of road work since his advent on the board of county commissioners. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. O'Daniel SAPPERS’ INC. To take oil the Stre Spreading Attachment for manure spreading is cal a 30-minuto job for on man. The change is quickly Come in and let us shou) you an o: aai that will pay for itself in a chart time. of Heat Your Entire House From One Register COMFORTAELE. SIMPLE — WARM — -Just this the one sold large air register. The hot air comes up through the center goes down compartment between the the border. right over the the ether Quaker Pipeless Furnace. rcOTf,/WSF.FeATTn22BoX?"Y.:"—9NVay, ready. To circle and m Quaker Firelass hot t?.Pipc“noeekulz cobd.aiz.returns. Your walls are soft coal The furnace is built of heavy boll- male .. cemented joints to leak gas dust nr " "er Pate St eel. TO xmerast" asept.Es.sO Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Edward we have a large size now in (tock for your inspection and two other sizes en route. All orchard powers in the country know and admit there ii no sprayer EQUAL to the Bean. Look this wonderful machine over and be prepared for the winter spraying, aa well as for next summer, aa Spring deliveries will be out of the question on spray- era. Sold for cash, or terms to suit purchaser. manure—does a fine, even job in cither case. One man opcrates the John Deere either when spreading straw cr manure. After the machine is loaded, get on the scat, put the ma chine in gear, start the team cr tractor, set the machino for heavy or light spread ing as conditions require— that’s all. O'Daniel of Spokane were over-Sun- day guests at the home in this city nt Mayor and Mrs. F. C. McKenzie. The first named are the parents of Mrs. Mc Ken lie and Edward O’Dan- iel is her first cousin. The visitors returned to their respective homes Monday, Mrs. McKenzie accompany- I ing her cousin and wife to Spokane ; tor a short visit, while the boys went to Pendleton with their grandpar- eats for a week’s visit. Get useful Calendar at Sappers'. „.nesheat to every room in the house. Ventilates a. Keep, de «U„ cox1-Ro1"74w"naseceszte eeatoor? NOTICE -We have the most useful Calendar for distribution thi.