Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
THE HIEEMISTON HERALD, LOCAL TRAIN SERVICE 7 HAS BEEN CURTAILED FARM LOANS We are now in position to take your application for a loan on your land. NO COMMISSIONS First National Bank OF HERMISTON Tilden’s Tire Shop Fully equipped to do all kinds of vulcanizing and retreading. Bring us your work and become a satisfied cus tomer. First Class Work is Our Motto Backed By Our Guarantee E. G. TILDEN, PROP. Last Sunday witnessed another I change in the train service through ' this city. On that day passenger trains Nos, 20 and 21, known as the Umatilla- Baker swing around, was discontinued, and Nos. 1 and 2, which operated over the cutoff between Portland and Walla Walla, I was cut to a run only as far out of Portland as Biggs. The curtail ment of this train service came through necessity to conserve fuel, and does not mean that it is per manent. Trains Nos. 4, 6 and 18, east- bound, and 5. 19 and 17, westbound. | remain on the same old schedule, but none of them are running any- | where near true to form lately on account of the storms. As a result no one here knows when they can go any place by train, and when they do they arc ' In the same fix if they wish to come back. No censure can be attached to the railroad management, however, for they arc doing their utmost to main tain a semblance of efficiency under the trying ordeal of shortness of i fuel, combined with the bad weather conditions now prevailing all over Oregon. Shop located Opposite Telephone Building on Main Street LEGISLATURE TO CON VENE NEXT MONTH Hermiston Warehouse Co Word comes from Salem to the effect that Governor Olcott has an nounced that he will call a special session of the legislature on the second Monday in January. His decision to call a special ses sion it is said was reached after he had been informed by members of the state industrial accident com mission that the present low rates of compensation are inadequate to meet the needs of injured workmen who have families dependent on them for support.. It is stated that the governor was advised by the commission that a large number of complaints are be ing received from injured workmen who are dependent upon their com pensation allowance for meeting liv ing expenses while they are incapa citated for work. These workmen say it is impossible for them to meet the bare living costs with the com pensation allowed. WHOLESALE and RETAIL FLOUR FEED MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY SCRATCH FOOD GROUND BARLEY RYE AND WHEAT ROLLED OATS HOG FEED WHOLE OATS COW FEED BARLEY AND CORN SHORTS MILL FEED CALF MEAL SHORTS POULTRY SUPPLIES TABLE MIDDLINGS PORTLAND CEMENT Baled Alfalfa Hay by the Bale, Ton or Car Lot SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASH Warehouse Phone 581 Near Depot Recorder’s Financial Report Alfalfa Hay WE SELL IN CAR LOTS Alfalfa Hay OF THE CITY OF HERMISTON Statement of the fund balances as of November 1st, 1919. Debit Credit Name of Fund $314.13 Generoi fund...... .............. 620.16 Water fund $ 9.16 Irrigation Diat. No. 1. . 78.11 Irrigation Dist. No. 2. 49.35 Library fund ----............... 343.89 Street fund...................... .... 1240.26 Treasurer’s cash $1327.53 $1327.53 Statement of General Fund from May 21st. to Nov. 1st. 1919 Baled or Chopped and RECEIPTS $ 468.87 Balance in fund May 1 Licenses -- ------- From County Treas Alfalfa Meal 2.50 562.88 disbursements We are always in the market for loose hay delivered at the mill GET OUR PRICES C.S.McNAUCHT Co. Salaries, Recorder, City Atty., Police, Fire Dept 388.00 Street lights and lamps 285.00 Miscellaneous . ......... — 47.12 Nov. 1 balance in fund FEED ALL BIRDS, BUT QUAIL ESPECIALLY The heavy fall of snow is work ing a hardship on the farmers’ friend--the quail. Every rancher should do all he can to nourish these birds in those trying times, when their food supply is cut off. Pheasants fare better than the quail, being a stronger and hardier bird and more able to take care of them- selves in this kind of weather. They will forage for an existence In any kind of weather, but this the quail cannot do. and therefore need the help of the rancher at this time. 720.12 314.13 »1034.25 BOARDMAN NEWS $1034.25 Statement of Water Fund from May 21. to Nov. 1,1919 RECEIPTS 2018.82 Water collections....................... 1048.02 From County Treas Percey Sisters New Styles and Colors in BLOUSES and WAISTS just arrived in time for Christmas Gifts Just what the ladies all like. Come in and see them SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE A rousing Farm Bureau meeting was held Wednesday evening. The disbursements membership campaign is progressing $ 550.00 Supt. salary satisfactorily, over 400 farmers now 527.61 Distillate ............... 107.28 being enrolled in Morrow county A Labor and Drayage 357.45 Merchandise literary and musical program pre- 675.00 Water works coupons the business session, and a ceded 2217.34 229.34 May 21. deficit supper of coffee, cake and sand- 620.16 Nov. 1 balance wiche» followed. Much interest Is $3066.84 $3066.84 being taken in the rabbit poisoning from May campaign and in cooperative mar Statement of Irrigation Fund No. 21. to Nov. 1, 1919. keting of the alfalfa hay crop of the RECEIPTS Nine cars have been offer 417.50 project. Collections 9.16 ed at $26 per ton F. O. B. Board- Nov. 1 deficit DISBURSEMENTS man. and It is possible that more ... $ 275.00 Labor, drayage ...______ 38.95 might be had The tendency of the Merchandise market is upward. Good roads came 313.95 112.71 May 21 deficit in for a just share of the discussion $426.66 9426.66 and some plan to make the amount recently voted by a 10 mill special Statement of Library Fund from May 21. to Nov. 1, 1919 tax Immediately available is under RECEIPTS consideration. A committee will $102.98 May 21 bal. in fund 184.42 meet with the county court to see County Treas ................ DISBU URSEMENT8 what can be done. $150.00 Salary Librarian meeting of the Federal Farm 88.05 Miscl.............. considered loans 238.05 Loan Association — 49.35 aggregating $33,000. and this mat: Nov. 1 bal. ter is being rapidly put in working $287.40 , rdcr Several places are being May 21. to proved up. and as title from the government is received loans for ims RECEIPTS $372.92 provements are requested. DISBURSEMENTS Eighty shares in the Community Boil Association have been sold, and Nov 1. tal $372.92 yards and pens will be built at I Skoub’s for the proper handling of statement of StrnovCirdoiso Percey Sisters Statement of IFNow. i. 1919 Hermiston Hotel Short Order Bill of Fare and Eggs L baked Bacon and Nov 1 deficit Collections May II. deficit Eggs „ (hat of the c. M. Jensen. Recorder the City ata Steaks and Chops Beans Sandwiches Bosten Brown Bread Salads Oysters, any Style Cake Coffee $ 78.11 52.81 "subscribe for The Herald. $130.92 stock J. C. Ballenger is placing a com- ph to stock in his new hardware and furniture stor" Work on th has slackened this week. new school building somewhat owing to the inclement weather. the Christmas vacation and will re- sume again January 5th. NERMISÍON, OREGON. NEW PEORIA DR I EI A Drill that Sows the Seed in the Bottom of the Furrow Get your rye seeded before the heavy winter weather sets in so a good start will have taken place by spring. In the early spring months alfalfa seed can then be drilled into the rye in the utmost safety. WE SELL DRILLS ON TERMS 1 E DESI RED “ SAPPERS’ INC. "SR" HA R DW A RE 1M PLEM KN TB PIONEER The Columbia Garage B arber S hop GEORGE W. MATHAY. Prop. K. MILES. PROP. On the West Side of Town Auto Repairing and BATHS IN CONNECTION Auto Accessories Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Reasonable Prices Good Workmanship Transfer Work Storage Space' Stand at Siscel’s. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. USED CARS FOR SALE The City Transfer Elliott" W.B. BEASLEY <ui Ilie 3rd da y of the first publica- November Ih I he Hermiston lion will be In the Circuit Court of the State of publlshi I at lie - Herald new: Oregon for Umatilla County. miston, Um. Earl L. Smith. Plaintiff, vs. Vivian Saturday, the th day of November. Smith, Defendant. 1919. and the last publication will To Vivian Smith, Defendant above be made on Saturday, the said 201 I sum- named : of Derember, In the name of the Stale of Ore- mons will be published for six con- gon, you are hereby required to ap serutive weeks in said newspaper. Dated this the 3rd day <>f Novem- pear and answer the complaint of the plaint iff filed against you in the Peterson, Bishop & Clark. above entitled suit on or before Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Saturday, the 201 h day of Decem- ber, 1919. that date being within Residence and Postoffice Address: Pendleton, Oregon. six weeks of the date of the first 8-11 publication of this summons. And you will lake notice that If you fail , FOR SALE to appear and answer or otherwise Used Studebaker Six in plead to said complaint within said shape for a ridiculously low price. time the plaintiff for want thereof I AYS' GARAGE. will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in his said complaint, namely, for a decree of the Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and de- fendant, and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pur suant to an order made by Honor able Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, in the above SUMMONS CHURCH NOTICES Baptist Church Every Lord's Day Bible school un der efficient management of Supt. A. E. Bensel, 10 a.m. Preaching the Word by the Pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer and con ference service every Thursday at 8 p. m. Free seats, free gospel and a cordial welcome to all. Ira David Hall, Pastor. Methodist Church 10 a. m. Bible Study. It a. m. Preaching. Subject: "Come and See." 2 p. in. Bible Study Columbia School. 3 p. m. Preaching Columbia School. 7 p. in. Epworth League. 8 p. m. Preaching. Dr H. F. Pemberton of The Dalles will preach. Monday evenlng'7:30 at the home of F. P. Phipps business meeting. Wouldn’t Some of the Following Make Good CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A “Chase” Robe A Red Inner Tube A Spotlight Weed Skid Chains A Foot Warmer A Flashlight Give Something Useful We have a seasonable line LAYS’ GARAGE CHEVROLET CARS SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS