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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919)
r 0 THE HERMISTON HERALD, Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL HERMISTON OREGON Entered as second class matter. December >. 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES .................... ........ ........... -....... —........... Six months ................ «.................. - Subscriptions must be paid in advance. WILL SAVE 1. One-half the cost of feeding ?. All the forage crop you grow 1. That part Of your crop that evaporates and dries up when shocked or cured in the field. more than its cost the first year. 4. Your money $1.50 too ADVERTISING RATES Display—One time, 25 cents per inch: two inser- tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion, monthly rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers -First insertion. 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy. 5 cents per line. WILL BE lend Water in the Home payer on the farm. ENSILAGE for not 1. Will produce milk n ore than one-half what it is cost- g you now. 2. Will feed from 3 to 5 times as many stock from a given acreage as yr n are now doing. 3. Will fatten beef cattle or sheep for n< t more than one-half what it le costing you now. 4. Will increare the butter fat in your milk (no matter what breed you are keeping) by at least 10 per cent. 5. Will enable you. to get winter ergs in almost summmer quantities if fowls are properly housed. 6 Will save enormous waste that results in curing and feeding forage by old method- in turning your forage crop into a succulent, feed. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co R. A. BROWNSON Manager Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The following paragraph is an ex tract from an article written by the home demonstration agent in Hali fax county, Virginia, and has been sent to. The Herald by Lorene A. Parker, home demonstration agent for this county with headquarters at Pendleton : “By actual figures one woman in Halifax county walked 112 miles in one year carrying water. Since she has been keeping house she has traveled 3808 miles carrying water. Figuie her time at 25 cents an hour. She has spent $238 in carrying wa ter. This is just one specific in stance, and this well was only 46 yards from the house.” It would be an eye-opener for some in our county if they would keep account of the time spent and distance traveled in carrying water for a few days or a week. Many wo- men in this county have added to their already crowded days of car ing for a family of small children and cooking for hired men the task of carrying water from a distance of 20 to 120 feet. The men on the farm do not seem to realize that it takes many gallons of water in a day to do the regular routine work of the kitchen, of washing vegeta- hies, cooking and washing dishes, If your wife is discontented or the farm begin to study her home conveniences and learn the reason why. Carrying water, no sink in the kitchen, bare floors In the kit- chen that are hard to keep clean when linoleum would be so easy to care for—such tasks as these arc the ones that take the life out of many rural women and makes them want to leave the farm. The lo al office of the Pendleto Trov Laundry has been moved from ‘‘ e Rest Room t.o Wm. Shaars’ barber shop. The Suprior Product of Scientific Milling . Makes Better Bread , Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Columbia Highway Garage WEST SIDE PHONE 241 The object of this announcement is to inform the public of a recent meeting of the Eastern Oregon Med- | ical Society. called for the purpose, of revising the schedule of fees for medical and surgical services in this district. Some of the changes made are as follows: Beginning July i, 1919. Day- light calls within the City limits, | $3.00. Night calls between the hours of 9 o’clock p. m. a nd 6 o'clock a. m., $5.00. Out of town calls. $3.00 for the first mile and $1.00 per mile there after. one way. Obstetrical cases within the city limits, $35.00 for normal or ordi- nary cases. For- prolonged cases, I those requiring instrumental I and Interference an additional charge I will be made, the amount depend- ing on the severity of the case. (Signed) GALE. DR R. DR. F. P. ADAMS, DR w W. ILLSLEY. Notice for Publication. Not Coal Land Department of the Interior, U. S. | Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, | June 5. 1919 Noticeis hereby given that Clyde C. D. Hebert, of Hermiston, Oregon, | who. on April 21st. 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014601, for SE1 NEY. NY SEM. SE* SE’, •ec. 24, Township 4N., Range 28, E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three- ear Proof, to establish claim to the and above described, before R. T. Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, t Pendleton, Oregon, on the 14th ’ay of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: C. ?. Mason, John Mason, Jacob L. 'tork, all of Hermiston, Oregon, and ’I, Martin, of Stanfield, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. May 14. Used Ford touring car in good cor- dition for sale at a reasonable price. Sapper»’ Inc. 42tf piano. 42t» L, BRISCOE ANO BUSH 413817 TERMS General Line of Accessories and Auto Supplies REASONABLE PRICES—QUICK WORK And ail with Gasoline WEST SIDE PHONE 241 J ERM ISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. & A. M., ' 1 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday ven ing of each month. Visiting brethren wel- •ome. I. K. Dean, Secy. J. H. Young, W. M INEYARD LODGE NO. 206. 1. O. O. F„ " meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows all. Visiting members cordially invited. V. R. Longhorn, Sec. R. W. Sprague. N.G. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg.] Jffice Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 551 DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon OFFICE PHONE, 92 RESIDENCE PHONE, 182 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. ay or night calls answered promptly DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Some Pull Osteopathic Physician L. M Compton of Umatilla, be Heve» he has the only simon pure and Surgeon pulling auto truck io the Denby PHONE 641 * hieb be recenttly purchased from a Office at Residence all Hours firm in this city. He pins his faith on ns ability to “eat up" any sandy road m the project— loaded or unloaded-- DENTISTRY to such an extent that he is always Hermiston. Oregon ready and willing to back up bis argu Office, Bank Bldg. ment with deeds—not words. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours: Residence Phone 32 This was shown Wednesday when 8 a. m. to 6 p. m, he gave a demonstration of the truck’s pi wer’ul strength out east of He mis. Chiropractic Relieves Where Other Methods Fail I use the Latest Painless Methods ton on a road that was level with sand Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA that had no bottom. He was told by CHIROPRACTOR < he party that selected this sand, Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy road that he might as well “give in’ House Address 703 E. Webb St." before beginning as it was impossible Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton. Ore for any machine to pull through it. Nothing daunted, Mr. Comi ton DALE ROTHWELI "headed in,” and to the utter amaze- OPTICAL SPECIALIST ment of the skeptical one "al d” through the sandy road to a nearby alfalfa fie d. where he loaded on 23 Auto Truck Alfalfa Hay LONG AND SHORT WE SELL IN CAR LOTS HAULS Alfalfa Hay Hermiston Transfer Company Baled or Chopped and Office. Cor Main and Second Sts. Phone tu Res. 29F2 Alfalfa Meal French Restaurant UNDER NEw MANAGEMENT C.S.McNAUGHT Co. HOHBACH’S I tons of baled hay and returned with it j over the same “highway ” The re turn trip with this necessitated some heavy pulling,- but without stop cr pause the 2-ton Denby can e rivi t through and thus Mr. Compton’s judg- I ment of the strength of his auto truck was vindicated. What She Was Looking For. One of the many excellent stories told by Lady Jepson in her “Notes of » Nomad" concerns her godfather. “He came often to our house,” writes the authoress, "having an obvious admira- ton, for the pretty young aunt who j tived with us. One day he called as usual and I at once climbed on his knees and stared searchingly into his ' ear, brown eyes. What’s the matter. ' "Id: said he. 'and what are you look- ' E atr Mamma said to papa,’ quoth at you had a wife in your eye and ’m looking to see if i can find her’" Security Against Pellagra. United States public health reports that the disease, pella- era. la largely, if not entirely, due to a faulty diet. When meat and milk are supplied In adequate quantity there la a practical security against this disease, which last year caused 3,700 deaths. The service I | We invite you to call in any time and look over our new store We hope to make it a pleasure for the public to trade here where they will get "honest goods al, honest pi tees." The. Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or ex. press and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. A full line of men and boys’ guaranteed All-Leathei Shoes both work and dress— that will be sold to you if you investigate when in need of foot wear. The Famous ‘‘Florsheim” you all well ' know. t The Oak Tan Shoe Store Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS et us help you Cenerai Building Constructif !. Plan books at your servici and esti- Lumber Machines--- QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. S., < meets second Tuesday evening of each month t 8:00 sharp in Mack’s hall. Visiting members Estella A. Hitt, W. M. velcome. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. OR F. V. PRIME LIBERTY, SteplouEverTook LODGE DIRECTORY Physician and Surgeon For Sale—No. 10 Smalley ensilage cutter. R. C. Canfield. 42tfc A1 LANTIC OM0 Light Mill Work, Cabinet Work, Bee Supplies. DR. R. G. GALE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY For Sale—New Chickering Mrs. J. S. Mattoon. OREGON: ANNOUNCEMENT The Hermiston Herald To the Farmers and Dairymen HERMISTON, iGlasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon Suppose you were a visitor or a prospective buyer en tering your own house. What would be your first impression? A shabby entrance with a porch bad ly in need of paint? Then why not change it? B-H Porch Floor Paint is prepared especially for this purpose. Assures an unusually durable finish and helps preserve the porch and steps by saving the wear and tear of walk ing on them. « 7 I Porch Floor Paint SAPPERS’ INC. BOARDMAN LUMBER CO. OUR ENDORSEMENT We like to push along the sale of good, honest, reliable mer chandise. That’s why we advertise the perfect fitting, popular priced shoes for Women, Children, and Men. 1 hey please practically all our customers who have given them a trial. We recommend them on account of their unusual durabil ity. They come in every required style and size, without doubt the most economical as well as the most comfortable and enjoyable footwear you can buy. That Satisfies I A IITY9C1 Shoes and Repairing 11 - LI I 1 That Satisfies Phone 691 HITT —FOR— Confectionery Tobacco Soft Drinks Hunting, Fishing and Base Ball Good. First Class Billiard and Pool Tables Here you can buy Nearly every needful household article that is used in the family kitchen. Come in and see our choice line of Alu minum ware. Here you will also find the best of underwear, a fine line of millinery, and toilet articles of every descrip tion to choose from. We have Angorian knitting and cro chet cotton, buttons in all sizes, fancy and plain chinware. etc. ARI ETY STORE LIFE - FIRE INSURANCE AUTO I — J. ------------ ---------- H. YOUNG, AGENT _____ ELECTRIC FIXTURES Phone 139 t 0 d a o