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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919)
Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show, Oct 22, 23, 24 THE State Dairy Convention, October 24 and 25 H ermiston H erald HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 5. 1919 VOL. XIII WO BIG FARM SALES THIS WEEK AT TOP-NOTCH PRICES Another Home-Coming NO. 42 79 79 IS SWINGING RIGHT ALONG The Shotwell Construction has been moving right along on it i The newly elected board of direc contract east from this city Columbia high tors of the West Extension Irriga Echo on the Starting in al Echo It has graveled tion District, the members of which The weekly Commercial Club are A. E. McFarland of Umatilla. J. and graded about two miles, and dinner held at the Hotel Oregon G. Camp of Irrigon and Col. E. Cal has finished ill of the heavy and Cafe last Tuesday was. conducive of lahan of Boardman. held their first nw si of the light grading between the accomplishment o tone good meeting in this city Monday. Tills here and that town. A rock crush- thing among the many- others that was in the nature of a preliminary | er has been erected near the Beebe are now under way—and that is the session, no organization ot the board ranch two miles sonili of Hermiston. movement to have public drinking taking place. The meeting was held and another camp has been estab fountains installed on the corner roeperity and reinvested. at the reclamation offices, and Pro lished at this end and graveling op- But of course anyone would sell of certain streets in this city. Those ject Manager Schilling furnished all eiations between here and Stanfield roviding the price set on the hold- assembled round the banquet board The company now has two the data required. Adjournment begun. also discussed the securing of a kgs were received—that is human was taken until the first of August, complete construction outfits on the ature, seemingly—and that’s how night operator at the depot and more when organization will take place work. The camp at Echo is to be ¡happened that B. J. Nation sold room for team hauling in the local and a detailed working program moved to Stanfield, and that crew is 20 acres of orchard and alfalfa railway yards, The committees ap- formulated to meet the purposes will work on the road between the and that he bought a little over a pointed to look after these matters and objects for which the board latter town and Echo. The com- ear ago from E E. Smith, and by Chairman F. B. Swayze are ex- pany is talking of putting on two was elected. Public Spirit Needed In Full Swing thich Is situated a short distance pected to report at the meeting on t night hour crews on tills end of the Chautau- A committee named from the The five day Cadmean orthwest of town. E. C. Knotts of Tuesday next at 12:30 at the Hotel work In order o finish graveling Auxiliary King ilot Rock while here a week ago Hermiston. The committees on the Commercial Club was authorized to qua is in full swing in Umatilla. of the highway as quickly as poi - Have you ever heard of an auxi- ot a glimpse of it, looked It over, Y. M. C. A. and Salvation Army secure a site for a public camping and all indications arc that it will liary king? No, nor we never did the. bund it was just what he wanted, drives reported the quotas would be ground for auto tourists. Several be a grami successi There is to he a until Sunday night, when wc dis Const riict ion The Newport nd on Tuesday last closed a deal all subscribed and turned In by the locations have been under consider- change of program every day, and covered that there Is one right here which has the contract for gradin atU n, but to date the owners have some really high class entertain or its purchase from Mr. Nation following evening. in our midst. If would be amusing and graveling the stretch of the or $6000. A resolution carried that all mem not become cognizant of the bene- ers have been billed to appear. There to know just how this king or pre highway between here and the Mor- About the same time a gentleman bers who do not attend regularly fit of such a place and have not is on the program concerts, clay sident—of the auxiliary society of ow county line, reports good pro- This modeling and cartooning, harp re y the name of J. M. Akers came hereafter shall pungle up the price been willing to grant a lease The office and blacksmith which he Is the head ascended the tress. the citals, lectures, orchestral concert, well located for site must be torn Independence, Oregon. He was of their dinner just the same—and throne, and If you really want to hop of the company has been mov- convenience of the public and ac- sketches and impersonations, and a eking a healthy climate and a this goes, see ! know we would kindly refer you to nd from Hermiston to Umatilla, at cessible to the business part of lot of other amusing comedies that which place headquarters of the lace to make money growing al- J. D Watson for this Information. town. The plan is to install city will he well worth going to see. -oncern will be made for the next Boat Damaged By Rock ilta and dairying. He found it water, cooking ovens and toilets on The old town of Umatilla is sure two months. During that time rrav ere in a very short time, and he R. L. Tipple while here on busi- the ground and then advertise the putting on youth, for it Is gaily ‘ling operations will be conducted so found that good alfalfa land on ness from Umatilla the first of the place so that it will be generally deeorated in Fourth of July attire on four miles of the highway be- lis project at the present time, week reported that the steamship known, that the traveler may plan for Chautauqua week. Hermiston SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE tween Umatilla and the Morrow pecially where it Is in a high state company for which he is the agent to hit Hermiston for his stop. A and Umatilla played baseball there county line. A rock crusher Is be ' cultivation, costs money to ac- In the above city is having hard Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Stillings and little reflection will convince the Friday.which was a good game wit ing installed two miles below Uma- lire. But, like Mr. Knotts, he did luck, this being brought about by people of the necessity of such a nessed by a multitude of people, and children left Sunday for Fairfield. Ulla, where the construction rump ot quibble over the price set when a severe injury to its freight and move, and anyone who has a site to tomorrow (Sunday) Heppner and Idaho, where. Mrs. Stillings and the is to he established after Ils re- e was told by Ed. Jackson, the passenger boat Gramona, plying be offer will confer a favor by notify- Umatilla will cross bats on the dia- children expect to remain for the «noval from its present location wner, that he had set a price of tween Portland and Lewiston, Ida of the mond. Dancing In the pavilion and summer. near the above city. 12,500 on his well improved forty ho. The steamer made its maiden ing- E. W. Mack; chairman bathing In the Columbia is at its committee. Miss Margaret Stillings, daughter What no other company has ever tres out in Minnehaha district. He trip without mishap, and had re height as we go to press, and from of Or. and Mrs. J. L. Stillings, is 'one, it Is said, the Newports have turned to Lewiston and unloaded 1st planked down a good payment, those that were in attendance the here from London, Ky., where she done—and that is the inauguration Pining for the Seaside ying that he wanted it and that It cargo on the second voyage. Leav first day of the Chautauqua we just graduated from the Sue Ben of shower baths on the new camp ran- W. T. Roberts, well known ing there the middle of last week it sited him to a T. learn that everyone is seemingly nett Memorial schooke, site for the laborers, the water be It is understood that Mr. Akers wended Its way down the Snake cher north of town, is pining for a having the time of their lives. summer vacation on the seashore, Mr. and Mrs. McKan and Mr. and ing secured from the Irrigation ikes possession right away and that river on its homeward journey to but being strong and healthy can't Mrs. J. Gentry of Holdman, Gedge ditch above by a system of pipes. verything goes with the ranch ex- Portland, but the vessel did not To Build Residence Houses At the end of 60 days the office: find any excuse to go on such an Bedow and son, and Frank and Ed proceed far when it struck a huge ept one cow and the first cutting Contractors Correll & May ran Beddnw left Tuesday afternoon for and camp will be moved to Hermis- outing. He feels, however, that if rock, which tore such a great hole ay crop. When the new owner resi- Hidaway Springs to spend the 4th ton, and work carried on from here loves on the place Mr. and Mrs. in the bottom that the vessel had to he could only beg. borrow or steal have the contract to build a West of July. Mrs. Frank Beddow, whe Io a connect Ion with the finished for Mrs. Reihl on the for (his season only one of the "com dence be beached. The rock was right in ackson and family will wend their the channel, and the belief is that plaints” that make people hike for side. On completion of this new has been visiting In Montana, met highway just this side of Umatilla. ay to California to pay a visit to it was pushed there by a huge ice the beach at this time of year he home they will begin the erection the party at Pendleton and accom Gravel for this part of the road will * lady's mother. They expect to be secured at a point near the drain gorge that formed during the past could then make the journey al of a five room bungalow for Harry panied them on the trip. turn here some time this fall. ditch north of town, where a rock his three acre tract in the right. If there is anyone having straw on winter. The company is making Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bloom have preparations to put on another boat such a disease that • they would southern part of the city. The di- received word that their daughter, crusher will be put In operation. Lawn Party to take the place ‘of the Gramona be willing to lend to him by means mensions of the house is to be Mrs. W. Wheeler, Is In a hospital In Friday evening of last week Mr. until the vessel comes out of dry- of inoculation for a month or six 38x40, with a full concrete base- Spokane with scarlet fever. Most Pleasing Affair Local ladies of the Altar Society nd Mrs. Lynds D. Lay and Mr. and dock at Portland, where she is be- weeks, he promises to return it In ment. The interior of the residence Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bault and stormed the palatial farm residence 1rs. Phil L. Lay entertained a few ing taken for repairs. as good condition as possible on his is to be magnificently arranged and chidrew from near Elgin, Oregon. Roberts of Mr. and Mrs. W. I their neighbors at a sumptuous finished, and the grounds surround return home from the outing. are visiting the gentleman’s par- a few miles north of town last Sun Incheon spread on the green sward, ing will be converted into a lawn of Casserly Buys More Land Bauli ents, Mr. and Mrs. day evening. Most of them brought he guests were Mrs. Georgia Hen- blue grass and clover. Still on the Move Last week C. S. McNaught, the housenold They have had along their husbands as chauffeurs, erson, .Mr. and Mrs. H. M Straw. alfalfa meal manufacturer, and J. J. goods shipped In Hermiston and ex- the trip being made by auto. The Cily real estate is still on the r. and Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mr. and Casserly, well known rancher north- the To the Beach epet Io reside here permanently. move, this week witnessing host and hostess proved equal to the n. C. H. Young, Elizabeth and west of town . "pulled off a real With the arrival of the summer selling of the Pioneer Barber Shop A very pleasant surprise war occasion, for they entertained their prethy Straw, Roger Young, Mar- estate deal which resulted in J. J heat Seaside and other watering building on the south side of Main last Fri- guests right royally, and also Mr. n and Bobby Henderson and Frank becoming the owner of the Faude street by the owner, C. S. Mc places are beginning to attract resi given Mrs. E. E. Graham gathered Roberts seen to II t hai the "chau day evening. The crowd rime, Jr. After luncheon a minia- ranch two and one-half miles south- Naught. to Frank J. Auseon. and the dents of this city. The first of the and Mrs ffers” had Just ns good a time as on the Waugaman lawn Ire "Round-up” was staged, con- west ot this city and just below buying by Mr. McNaught of the old many that make annual pilgrim- to spend their better-halves. Music, social ting of broncho busting, roping Minnehaha Springs. This tract has hardware building on the north side ages to the Pacific ocean beach In Graham was invited over the evening. The time was passed converse and games wiled away the intests, Indian war dances and more than a half mile of water I of Main street from L. M. Hills of Oregon is Mrs. F. C. McKenzie and very enjoyably with games and hours until 10:30. when all were her stunts. front on the Umatilla, river, has a | Echo. Out in the residence district sons, who left Sunday night for Sea- music and a general good time. Re- fed on all the ice cream, cake and Monday morning Mrs. C. S. dozen springs flowing into the river, on the West Side F. C. Stanley pur- side. freshments, consisting of ice cream coffee they could eat and drink. is partly in alfalfa, and is one of chased of J. H. Reid the residence McNaught and children left for the and cake, were served al 11 o'clock, Clear Up Right-of-Way Those who participated in the at- Attorney J. M. Devers, assistant the many excellent alfalfa tracts 1 house now occupied by R. C. Todd same place. Several other ladies after which the guests wished Mrs fair were Mr. and Mrs. J. J ‘ as- trip, 1 the attorney general, who is as- on the project, needing irrigation land family. Into which the new are making preparation for the Graham many, more happy birthdays serly, Mr and Mrs. Frank Ralph, their to be joined there later by owner expects to move shortly. only about once a month. zed to the state highway depart- M r. and departed for home with memo Mr. and Mrs. F. husbands. lent legal work, was here from ries of a pleasant evening. There and Mrs. J. I» Watson, Mr. and Mrs. ülem the latter part of last week To Become a Benedict wore about 30 present. Crossland and son Leonard. Mrs. 8 Visit in Spokane Sounds a Warning An engagement which Is attract ) endeavor to make amicable set- Henry Judd of Spokane, Wash., a Currie and daughter Mary. Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ralph and fam bee Craig Thom, potato raiser. ement with property owners that ing wide interest among society ily leave Sunday night for Spokane, captain in the army, Mr. and Mrs w. McDermed and daughter Mar- num and general farmer, sounds a laim damages in certain amounts folk of Portland is that of Miss Tom Hays of the same place and guerite, Mrs. Hazen of Stanfield and where they will enjoy their sum- • reason of the Columbia highway Louise Caswell, daughter of Mr. and mer vacation visiting at the home warning to ranchers to be on the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reid of Col- he Herald scribe. watch for potato bugs in their po- bing through their holdings. Where Mrs. Edwin Caswell. to Dale Hinkle, of the gentleman's mother for the tato patches, for he has during the fax. Wash., have been guests at the djustment cannot begrecably son of Attorney and Mrs. J- T. Hin- Reid and Lloyd homes the past Another Meeting Soon next two or three weeks. While lade the attorney will institute kle. of Hermiston. The wedding there they will avail themselves of vast two or three weeks discovered week. They all motored here. At an adjourned meeting of the in his own patch quite a number ondemnation proceedings in order will be an event of Monday. July the opportunity afforded to take in Mr. and Mrs. McKinley and dau Farmers' Exchange held last Satur set a clear right-of-way for the 14, and will be solemnized in the a few of the many excursions on f the real Colorado beetle variety ghter Claire have gone to Portland day night it was decided that when the kind that had to be extermin- beautiful gardens at the Caswell the receiver gets the affairs of the Coeur d'Alene and up the ated in the earlier days by the paris to spend the summer. Although no formal announ- -Lake occur home. ------------- concern straightened out there will .Joe river that green method. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sapper were cement has been made, relatives and - hadowy St be another meeting called, at which Discarded Wooden Fitme thin time of each year. Sunday guests of the gentleman’s intimate friends have been told, the can decide time the stockholders Attorney J. T. Hinkle has mother, Mrs. Anna Sapper. Add New Supplies future action they will take. what ived his ranch on Hermiston Miss Caswell, a graduate of Reed In taking over the stock of the Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy of Port At The Movie Tonight deights at the southern city limits college in the class ot 1918. is one Farmers’ Exchange K. A. Chezik land and Miss Margaret Robbins of Some Alfalfa 7 having 240 feet of concrete irri- of Portland's most popular maids; ays it is his Intention to dispose of Pendleton have been the guests of P. E. Hayden. »ho is operatina atk n pipe installed, this taking She attended Portland academy and the good: on hand and keep up the Mr. and Mrs. McKinley the past the Boone ranch In Minnehaha dir- he place of the old wooden fiume, tater Miss Wheeler’s school in Pro- stock by adding new and fresh sup trict, reported while tn town Mon thich had from long usage become plies In all lines until such time as vidence. B. I She took two years Mrs. Ge« Briggs was in Pendle day on business that he had har- “ten and leaky. Henry Notz had work at the University of Califor- . the plans now In course of formula- vested 80 tons of first cutting al ton one day this week. contract for laying and joining tion for a new Farmers' Exchange nia. specializing In French, and falfa off fifty acres on the place. he pipes, which were secured from then completed her college work | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morrison store are carried out or rejected. he Reclamation Service pipe yards. and Tom Morrison and three daw- with two years at Reed. She was It is not necessary »” build ex ghiere from Morn, Oregon, are vis- surgeon-general’s New Baler stationed in the pensive poultry houses, but they for Hunt Bros, received their new Hing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. should be servicable, fairly roomy. Bought Hay Baling Outfit nursing camp at Camp ventilated. hay baler from the east Monday, Carl Belarhee. weil lighted and ins & Mack of Boardman several months during the war per and have It all net up and adjusted Me. and Mrs. T. Sink of Wasco without drafts. are installed an up-to-date bay I iod. is also a Reed college | ready for operation. It is » Colum ore., are here visiting their daush "ling outfit In that part of the Mr. Hinkle 1 I. After attending the Pre- | bia Mogul, and is said to be by far ter. Mrs Joe Udey and family. Lyle Tilden has taken ■ positi" ••feet They bought the rig while student In the vulcanizing establishment of the largest machine of its hind on — Tuesday, securing a Fordson sidio he was stationed at Camp | Born, to Mr. and Mm. Tom Stew The young couple will make | G. F. Elliott. __ . factor from the Hermiston Auto Oregon. % and the baling machine from their home in Fas I Two sales of ranches in the vicin- I of Hermiston this week denote he high esteem in which this valley i held as a farming center and a faithful climate combined. It lures far and near, and while It is a Lt that people sell out and leave it is seldom that they stay very long. We could enumer- ¡te scores of people that have re- urned to this haven of health and Held Initial Meeting WILL INSTALL TWO PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAINS com ere, way COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES de Virtuous Wives appers’ Inc. Portland Oregonian. "ca"NFiN"operation in a short time lart. July 2, • won.