Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1919)
we have a large list of clients want ' ing to rent farms. They will purchase stock and implements and eropa. Write us if you want quick action, we 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, specialize in this line. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., ARTI FICI AL LIMBS Dealers Writ, for Special Proposition AU CT IO NEERS2 HAND FURNT U R5 " Ford Auction Co.—Auctioneers We sell everything. 191 Second St, Portane: AUTO ACCESSOR! ES and“ Wr’an makes or can hair price. David and sen their parts at Hodes Co , N. Broadway and Flanders. PORTLAND. ORE " Motor Parts Mfg Co., 325 Burnside St. Parts forali cars at half price._________ LONG & SILVA—462 Hawthorne Ave Auto Wreckers. We wreck cars and sell good parts 12 list price. See us for En- Produce finest quality No. 1 hard wheat, grass lands produce finest fat cattle at glnes. Magnetos, Carburetors, etc. —__ lowest cost. Mixed farming Insures success by producing grain, hay, cattle, hogs, und sheep. Failures unknown. Price for improved farms cropped and ready to crop, $15 00 to $40.00 per acre. Easy terms offered on both improved and unimproved Prices MS and up. farms. This Is strictly a farmers' co-operative company, owned, controlled and ^4- Burnett & Martin operated by 38,000 farmer shareholders. A demonstrated success proven by 13 years CANADIAN WHEAT FARMS ,)Classy Bug Bodies enee_ _ _ _ experience. AND CLEANING Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets CARPET WEAVING Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Rooms 11 per day and up. Special monthly ratea. Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot In same building. J. W. BUSHONG. Manager. 285 Alder St., cor. 4th. - PORTLAND. OKE. You Can't Break ’Em! HER AUTO SPRING CO. Get Springs with written guarantee for year. Portland, Ore. 15,000 Springs in Stock. @iphewm ORIENTAL CAFE At HEILIG THEATER Presenting at ail times the Biggest American and European Novelties. Every SUN., MON., TUES., WED. Mat. Daily, 10c to 50c. Nights. 10c to 11.00 AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES. Service at all hours. Music and Dancing. Meet your friends here and enjoy your stay in Portland. Upstairs, corner Broadway and Washington Sta. Portland’s Famous Grill A D A A Cleveland Tractors, Studebaker Wagons, Iron Age hand garden cultivators 1 IX IVA and seeders, horse cultivators and potato planters, Braender Bull Dog auto tires. Tungsten spark plugs, Wade drag saws. P. E. Esbenshade, 330 East IMPLEMENTS Morrison at. Portland. Ore. Larse st " tile run Sensor catalogue ... ... We Will Rent You an Auto City Garage and You Drive It Yourself. FEARING & ROBNETT REASONABLE RATES. Also general garage business. 86 Tenth st., near Stark. AUTO Parts The House of Parts and Accessories for Autos. We will send you Parcel Post anything you may want for the Auto if it can be secured in the city. LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon ‘L‘ Cafeteria BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT We especially invite out-of-town visitors to give us a trial. We will make you feel at home. Sixth and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, ORE. CONLEY’S USED CAR CENTER 127 Lownsdale Street. We will pay you cash for late model cars or sell them for you. Remember the place Brick Building, at intersection of Wash., 15th and Burnside. (CNIIINE TALBOT A CASEY. Inc., Authorized Ford Dealers When in town, bring your Ford to us. Exceptional t repairing facilities by first-class Ford mechanics. - Magnetos re-charged in car while you wait. Try (o’ us for parts. No. 1 Grand Avenue. Portland, Or. 0 ULNOIL CADI DADTO I Ali Id TVAD DYEING, CLEANING Mark Your Shipments to BROADWAY, DYE & CLEANING WORKS.. 200 Broadway, Portland, Ort. CA3H JUST OUT Complete History America's War For Humanity BUYERS OF Cream, Eggs, Including peace terms. 600 pages; 100 beautiful illustrations. Cloth bound. $2.00; Buckram. $2.50. Free literature; also large photo Wilson, Pershing. Poultry. PORTLAND, ORE. Veal and Hoge. Creamery and Offices, Front and Ankeny Sts. CRESCENT SUPPLY CO., 312 Swetland Bidg. Agents Wanted "The Izard Generator top at Jhe Por tl a nd H o t e 1 when in Portland making pure Gas from Coal Oil. Fits any stove or range. Has no equal for cooking, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt, soot or odor. AGENTS WANTED IZARD GAS HEATING CO.. 241 Washington St.. Portland. Oregon . In Rates "SO P ciy je n Reartof ha, g J. C. ENGLISH CO. Electric Washing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. 148 Fi th St. Portland. Ore. Second Floor Between Morrison and Alder. Everything for the Dairy. Creamery and Cheese Factory. You WiU Feel Right at Homo. Beautifully Furnished Rooms. Safe Central $1.00 Widhsut Bath $1.50 With THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY Nicholas Cafeteria Bath Rates Monthly Rates Weekly SA 125 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. See what you want and pay for what you got. a A ppliances NORTONIA HOTEL EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE OFFICE F urniture printing 11th and Stark, PORTLAND. ORE. E ngraving bookbinding Excellent Cafe aad Roof Garden KEWANEE WATER SYSTEMS PORTLAND oesee* FIFTH a OAR COMPLETE LINE oF STEEL FILING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS GIRLS! For Cultivating Long, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows and Electric Lighting Plant*, make life worth living on the farm. Easy to install and operate. M. D. Spencer, Distributor. 333 East Morrison, Portland. Ooegon. ACCORDION PLEATING Skirts pleated any style, $1.00. Hem- stitching. 10e per yd Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mig. Co. US Fifth it, Broadway 2000 K Stephan, hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons 219 Pittock block nothing can compare with ! covered. mail orders. AGATE CUTTERS A MFG. JEWELERS • "LASHE," at all Druggists. ORIENTAL LABORATORIES, Portland, Ore. I For Employers’ Consideration. Men can have no hope In their work while they live purely from hand to mouth, and you cannot apread habits of Intelligence among the laboring class If their means are too poor or their leisure too short to enable them to participate in the culture that is going on around them.—Exchange. " For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv ice send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Portland Established 1890 DOORS AND WINDOWS ing, Paint, Glass and Builders’ Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash & Door Co., 212 First St, Portland. DRUGS BY MAIL Anything in Drugs, Rubber goods, Toilet Articles etc. We pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed. Joe M. Ricen, 265 1st St., Portland. ____________ Send to us for anything In Drugs, Rub ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Postage prepaid. Plummer Drug Co., 260 3d St., Portland. FARMS WANTED e US, ou have a farm for sal giving detailed description. We are spe cializing in the sale of farm lands. G. S. Smith Co., Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland.__________________________ FARM TRACTS ~~ Own a farm tract where everything grows year around; fine climate, boating, bathing, fishing, shell roads. Let me send you one hundred views of this wonderful country between Houston and Galveston. Easy monthly payments, over five hundred producing oil wells In sight. Company drilling on this property now. Write or wire today—% sold out. Have parties who will plant your tract on shares. Let me tell you about It. W. E. COGDELL, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. FARM LOANS time If desired, and at lowest current rates. Wm MacMaster, 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg., Portland. HIDES AND JUNK ---------------------A----------------------------------------- L. Shank & Co., 312 Front St. Pay full market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc. HIDES, WOOL, TALLOW . BISSINGER a co., P. o. Box 4378, 148 to 154 13th St. N., Cor. Irving, Portland. Main Office, San Francisco. Branches: Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, Billings, Missoula, Vancouver, B. C. e GLASSES AT A SAVINO. pay Patronage solicited on basis “MA) of capable service and reason- able charges. Thousands of sat isfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison, Portland, Oregon. _ HIDES WOOLS & CASCARA BARK We payhighest prices Write us for quotation Kahn Bros., 198 Front PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICS St. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and female disorders.______________________ PLUMBING 4 PLUMBING SUPPLIES We can supply you with any kind of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any job. Write for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., 212 Third St, Portland PERSONAL ' MARRY IF LONELY; for resuits, try De Laval Separators Distributors of JAMES BARN E QUIPMENT ACME FEED CU TTIRS ALPHA GAS ENGINES EMPIRE MILKING Machines Write for prices or Informa tion. COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO. 92-94 Front St. Portland. Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mall orders prompt Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, »1.50. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 64-68 Union Ave. N East 6516, B-1475 BUI L DIN G M ATE R I A LS___________ . Shope Brick Co., face and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1835; Res., East 1797. 361% E. Morrison St., Portland, Or. Send for booklet on Farm Buildings of Denison Interlocking Tile; It is free. P. L. Cherry Co., 271 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon._______ CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES We protect your interests. Farms, tim- ber, acreage, city, exchanges. Gilson Real ty Co , 431 Ch. of Commerce, Main 1127. CLEANING AND DYEING OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Highest Prices, Prompt Pay Best Service. MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St SÄÄ FQKTENP: 25% 8140: a NP SnAIN."N; tnare Ö SUo CoT’äl BekuñkosR&s. Po«- “Jewelry’sand wateh repairing. Miner’s, 355 Wash. St . Majestic Theater Bldg Putty Substitute. A cheap and effective substitute for putty, to stop the cracks in floors and woodwork, may be obtained by soak- mg newspapers in a paste made of a pound of flour In three quarta of wa ter and adding a teaspoonful of alum me: best and most successful “Home Maker”; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club,” Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland. Calif. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER ---------------=--=----==-=------===--=--------==.--=="=4= Paints and Auto finishes. Wholesale and retail. BOLL8 Wall Paper Co., 339 Morrison St. Write ve tor prices. Pioneer Paint Co., 18« Firs St. Portland PORTALLE DRAG SAW Most highly improved Drag Saw on the market. Has the only real and practical clutch. Write for particulars and special prices. BEAVER MOTOR PRODUCTS CO. 246 Hawthorne Ave, Portland. PORTLAND Bldg , Portland to buy, sell or exchange Real Estate. Frank L. McGuire. FORD STARTER " The new Ford Starter has arrived. Guaranteed to start any Ford at xero weather from driver's seat instantly. Demonstration 600 Burnside St., Portland Distributors wanted Price installed 835 00 SANITARI Ml _________________ WHY THE MILK Twenty-Five Years PEACE CONFERE CURE? Askthe Moore Sanitarium An Institution devoted to doing one thing well. Office 908 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma- tion, value $7.00, price 82 43 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. SCHOOLS ANO COLLEGES ErOLER 8AJ2882 COLLEGE Wants Men, Women to learn the trade; positions waiting: send for catalogue. MISS DECKER S Private Business Col lege Allsky Bldg , Id A Morrison Sts Hawthorne Auto A Gas Engine School, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience in overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine Oxyacetylene welding Established 1907. So Mote It Be. Sareth the Apostle of Horsesense of Potato Hill. Kan., in his latest exposi tion: "I. too, believe in human broth erhood; but a good many of the broth era must be policemen, and do their duty without fear or favor."—Rocky Mountain News. New Patent-Knife J4.65 M ...----- a Wilson Edict on Fiume / Italian Delegation. land, Oregon. TAILORED SUIT! .00 per Suits to order, Co., 104 month. Unique Ta St, Portland. __ _ ___________ WALL PAPER AND PAINTS Wall paper and paint». Wholesale and retail. BOLLS Wall Paper Co., 228 Mor- rison BL____________ . PORK, 25c; VEAL, 21c. We pay those prices for top quality meats. We can use heavy and inferior quality at less. We never charge com- mission FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO 15th & Alder‘sts., Portland Portland, April 23.________ HE UNITED GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES CO., LTD. Pacific Coast Representative, 624 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. BROOMS Hotel Alder The Premier Municipal Bond House 5= “oregon Aruncial Limb co, Inc. Write for Catalog 425 Wash St, Portland, NA-PEER TIRES omesoxsçnir PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, $19.00 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. ITALY QUITS PARIS Two Bites and a Sup. ORLANDO GIVES WOr Entire Delegation Returns Home . Combination Pocket Knife and , Revolver Not merely a novelty but really a useful “gunknife." Jn shape same as ordinary pocket knife. In serv: ice an ingenious revolver and one ot the best hunting knives made. Shoots real .22 caliber cartridges or blanks. EHUNTER,rFISHER OR DEFENSE as any safety revolver. Keen steel blade, handle nicely nickel-plated. When closed, 3% In. long. Cartridge chamber and trigger when not In use lie concealed In knife handle, just like knife blade. The price is 34.65 and 25c for postage extra. Don t send the money. Send 25c In stamps for post age and we ship the huntsmen knife- pistol C. O. D. to your address. Try this wonderful, double utility imple ment 10 days. If you don’t like It, re turn it and we’ll refund your money. and size Result of President’s Stand No Demands Yielded. Paris.—(By the Associated Press. j —Premier Orlando of Italy Wednesday | evening addressed an official con. munication to Premier Clemenceau ! president of the peace conference, say. | ing that as a result of the declaration It Depends. by President Wilson the Italian dele Whether a woman is good-looking gation had decided to leave Paris. depends largely on whether you are It was learned at Italian headquar. speaking of her face or to her face.— 116 E. 7th St., Dept 47, New York, N.Y. Wilmington News. ters that the Italian delegates were first apprised of President Wilson’s ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE DOES IT. Daily Thought. When your shoes pinch or your Corns and Bun statement when it appeared in the ache, get Allen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic His mind his kingdom and his will ions powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled in afternoon papers. Premier Orlando the foot-bath. Gives instant relief to Tired, Ach his law.—Cowper. ing. Tender Feet. Sample FREE. Address Allen at once sent a note to Premiers Lloyd S. Olmsted. LeRoy, New York- George and Clemenceau asking then if they thought it possible, after the Alternative. publication of this document, that the Wifie—"Richard, are we going to Italians could remain in the peace con Burnride. cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. the Blank’s dance or not? If we are, ference. it's time for me to dress. If not, I must put a mustard plaster on my Paris.—It is said that Premier Lloyd chest and go straight to bed.” George of Great Britain approved of President Wilson's statement without Fact and Fancy. Do Your Own Plumbing I Said the facetious observer: “One reserve and that Premier Clemenceau has described it as “admirable” and By buying direct from us at wholesale prices of the principal differences between and save the plamber’s profits. Write as to- has said that he “would not change a the frugal woman and the fat one is day your needs. We will give you our rock- word.” bottom “direct-to-you” prices, f. o. b. rail or that one tries to reduce expenses and It is explained that the reason Mr. boat We actually save you from 10 to 36 per the other expanses.” cent All goods guaranteed. Lloyd George and M. Clemenceau did Northwest headquarters foi Leader Water not join the statement was the fact Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines. Daily Thought. that they were parties to the treaty STARK-DAVIS CO. Be wise worldly, but not worldly of London. 212 Third Street. Portland, Oregon wise.—Quarles. Paris. — President Wilson emphati cally declared Wednesday that he would not yield on the Adriatic ques- tion. His declaration has created the most profound sensation in the peace Asset Worth Millions to New South Wales conference. He has thrown down the gauntlet to the supporters of secret New South Wales has been aptly called “The Empire’s Vineyard” on treaties in a manner which almost account of the wonderful vine-covered slopes dotted about the various portions took away the breath of the delegatee of the State which have attained unfailing successes, and which have been who have been urging compromisea on the means of bringing prosperity to so many fortunate settlers. points covered by many secret docu So far only a very small portion of the vineyard has been exploited, but ments and at variance with the presi one district stands out in the full bloom of success as a glowing example of dent's 14 points. President Wilson’s sweeping decla the State's potentialities in that direction. That district is the Hunter River Valley, about 150 miles north from ration, while aimed directly at the Sydney, where many of the vineyards have been in the possession of the Adriatic problem, also reaches the same families for three generations, and where the State Minister for Lands Kiau-Chau controversy, in which Ja- in his laudable policy ot giving the soldier his best chance of making good, pan relies on secret agreements made with Great Britain, France and Italy has decided to settle 200 returned men in wine-growing. In 1917 to support her in her claim to Vignerons are notably a fine type of people and this certainly applies to the concessions held by Germany in the Hunter River growers and their families. There big families are reared comfortably and happily among the picturesque vineyards. One grower, who Shantung. The peace delegates generally re has a very large and flourishing vineyard, does not need to employ any labor gard President Wilson’s statements as outside his own family circle. a challenge which once for all will dis Another settler whose vineyards and cellars are among the “shows” of pose of the question whether secret the district is a man well on in years who has found wine-growing a safe and documents, of which many nations profitable harborage after years of struggling. Up till ten years ago he went participating in the war were ignorant through all the battling and endeavor that is the lot of so many men faced are to figure in the peace following with the task of rearing a large family on a small area, for he had ten an armistice in which all the allies children. pledged gave no regard to secret The farm was not sufficient and there was the usual dependence upon treaties. contracting and other work away from home. Then this settler managed to enter the ranks of the wine-growers and from then on his life story was a brighter one. He now has 74 acres under vines and they amply support him and seven of his sons, two of whom are married, and he has to employ a fair amount of outside labor during the picking season. These .4 acres furnish a fine proof of the closer settlement capabilities of vine growing, for the same land devoted to any other land industry could Washington, D. C.—Reconstruction not give such satisfactory results. of the national guard was actually This settler says that there has never been a total failure any year as started Thursday when the war de with other crops, and the normal yield in the Hunter River district is put partment, through the bureau of mili down at from two to three tons per acre. tary affairs, authorized the organisa At present wine-growers are being paid from $43 to »53 per ton, as the tion of seven regiments and one extra supply will not meet the demand, and if New South Wales is to benefit by battalion of infantry, one squadron of the magnificent export trades now offering, the area under vines must be cavalry and 18 companies of coast ar. increased a hundredfold. tillery. The state of New York was author Great Britain imports 12,000,000 gallons of wine per annum- the yearly consumption of wine in the East is 30,000,000. These two markets’ are waitin? ized to raise four regiments of infan for Australian wines, and ft is to be expected that future British tariffs will try, one squadron of cavalry and 12 companies of coast artillery. Nev provide for preference within the Empire. Jersey was authorized to organize one Australia is the nearest wine-growing country to the East, and a market for its wines was found there during the war. In pre-war days Germany regiment of infantry and two compa France and California supplied that market * nies of coast artillery, Ohio two regi ments of infantry and Oregon one bat But quality counts with wine; price Is not the main thing. For instance talion of infantry and four companies Noumea. In New Caledonia, is a small place but its population is fepee, coast artillery. French and it consumes about 1.000,000 gallons of wine a year Recentfv X of These new units are intended to re order from Noumea for 2,000 hogsheads of wine for four place state troops, which, under sec at $1.10 the per offer gallon, the limited supply tion 61 of the national defense act and the rich prospects a of year the — trade, could owing not be to accepted cannot be legally maintained by the Australian wine ha. established a favorable name in London and . states in time of peace. That section prohibits the maintenance of an bhu ,. troops except those prescribed in the act—regulars and national guard. While many of our familiar compari sons have been scrapped by modern conditions, new comparisons are tak ing their places—for example: “As quickly over as a movie meal.’’—Bos ton Transcript. HUNTSMEN KNIFE COMPANY 7 ELECTRIC MOTORS BUY DIRECT i. THE EMPIRE’S VINEYARD NATIONAL GUARD TO FORM ON NEW BASIS Sydney firm had an xears..120.009 gallons facdsî.kszmsN"uF.ass,r"purauo" " medie" or deem atheavine grower has the guarantee of a definite price for the next ten years Trade Restrictions Off. It is estimated that there are upwards of . Paria.—The supreme economic cour vested in the wine growing industry in Australia 8 1 ions of dollars in- cil has authorized the abolition of the are waiting to be made out of the yet untilled portion millions of dollars blacklist, licensing and rationing •* in thi. sunlit section of the Continent of the Empire’s Vineyard terns as applied to neutrals, there" crowning the efforts of the America" delegates for the removal of war-time Are You Satisfied? "USKEV UKFB 18 the biggest, moot perfect), srsr Hunting Trouble. restrictions on trade. This decision School in the North- When a man ia looking for trouble Do Justice Promptly. for * higher position will grant freedom of intercourse “it to send Government Dally Thought. he doesn’t have to go to the dictionary answer any Inquiries re. out which the resumption of foreis A religious life la a struggle and not i to find it He can get it In the tele- justice It should be done promptly To ; pWEAKafoF catalog Fourth aad Yamhili opportunities for farming, commerce so urgently required W stock raising, fruit growing, mining a hymn.—Madame de Staal | phone directory. delay is inJu.tic.-lA Bruyere. "PNU--------------- N o. 18, 1819--- trade and industry throughout th in New South wales world has been almost impossible. many pleased puetins carding auSeinxestment