Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1919)
72 HE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON: — me e---343-3--f-ercff: : HERMISTON * 2 fe —L OCALS Emma Berge, trained nurse of Portland, is giving her sen ices at the emergency hospital while here on a visit to Mrs. H. D. Newell | Mr. and Mrs. Crimmins were here Huntington Thursday to attend the from funeral of the lady’s brother, John D. Mack. k* M r J. O. Maggs returned last Satur-1 | day from Pendleton, where he pass- j red Christmas with friends. Until further notice we will deliver goods to all parts of the City. Phone in your orders and have them de livered. Avoid the crowds and protect yourself and family against the Flu as far as possible. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Carlile returned ' Monday from a holiday visit to the home of his parents in Weston. Miss Ruth Skinner passed Christ- ‘ mas and New Year holidays visiting in Portland at the home of her par- ents. of the New Year M. O. Ry metson left Tuesday for his home in Byron. Wash., after a week passed looking after his pro perty interests in and around Her- miston. C . Oregon Hardware & Implement Co Herbert Mack, druggist of Hunt- ington, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mack of Richland, Oregon, have been vis iting the past week in this city with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Maek, parents of the gentlemen. 4 Am leaving for California in few | weeks and offer my furniture for sale, j Out of 22 cases of influenza under You are invited to call at the house quarintlne during the past two and make your selections B. F. Kuapp, weeks ten have been lifted. Present indications are that the epidemic in Saturday, Jan. 18, Dr. • Freeze, the Eye Special I both city and country is being 1st, will make his regu brought under control, Let us hope lar visit to Hermiston that it is. and may be consulted ee at Oregon Hotel Parlors all day. Miss Pearl Sullivan, who is tak- Headaches, Crosseyes and other eye1 roubles given attention Are your ing a year’s course in the Behnke- Walker Business College in Portland eyes weak as a result of Influenza. If < so have them examined carefully. If spent the holiday vacation here with glasses or other treatment will help her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Sul then I will advise you. At Echo Jan 16-2tc livan. The young lady has already 17th. B. S. KINGSLEY’S Hermiston, ers and friends many hap py and prosperous returns Oregon 7 NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS === Frank Knox, who is a first class private in the Thirty-ninth Field Artillery at Camp Lewis, came home Christmas Day and enjoyed an eight day furlough visiting at the home ranch north of town of his parents, nts, The Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knox. young man expects to receive an honorable discharge shortly. R. C. CHALLIS, Prop WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF Fresh and Cured Meats and our prices are right $3.00 Home made lard, 10 lb. pails Home made lard, 5 lb. pails 1.60 Home made lard, 3 lb. pails .95 Lard in bulk, 1 lb. 35c, 2 lbs. for ........... 65 Swift’s Premium Bacon, sliced, pound .70 Whole side, per pound .65 Other grades of bacon, per pound, 45c and .60 I WE HAVE A LINE OF Otter Brand Dried Fruits the best on the market Dried peaches, per lb Dried pears, per lb Dried prunes, per lb Large raisins, per lb Seedless raisins, per lb ............... Canned milk, per can Creamery butter, the best, per lb We 18c 18c 15c 15c 16c 15c 68c will give a 5 per cent discount on all cash orders amounting to $5.00 MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE While In last week from his ranch north of town Walter Botkin gave us a little Christmas present of a year’s subscription to The Herald, and right on top of that S. S. Palmer sure us $3 and William Sutherland $1.50 as New Year gifts to apply on subscription, all of which wo sure appreciated real estate business In The best we can say about our Pi mps is that it will pay YOU to see them and get our prices. that If you do we know exactly where you will this city? P. Dodd Bet it is Mr. and Mrs S. R Shelleday and son Henry came early thia week from their former home in Sandy, Oregon, a town south of Portland, their in tentions being to settle permanently In this fertile valley. Until they can secure a comfortable residence house Mr. and Mrs. Shelleday will be guests at the home of the lady’s brother, F R. Vose, proprietor of the Pioneer Barber Shop In this city During the past year Mr Shelleday has been engaged in farmina near Sandy. Call when you have anything in farm im- ple meats in mind. The The The H. 3ife ser of the Dayton I ting Works Co. Coca leaves 7c 7c 7c 7c 30c 40c 40c 40c 40c 25c Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Sewing machine repairing and sup- plies, all makes. Phone 281. C. E. ! Hensley. 5tfe i Stock For Sale—Early Maturing, Easily Fed type Duroc Jersey hogs. Geo H. Root, Hermiston, Ore. 12tfc Phone 413 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii Bring me your Shoes and Harnees for Repair and let me to you that I will save you money on their repair. My machine is in the best of order and I am sure I can do the work which will please you. I WILL PAY POSTAGE ONE WAY For Sale— Horae, harness and bug y; horse gentle, a good worker; 155 for quick sale. F. M. Oui trits. 12tfc Sappers have for sale cheap a nice 2 horse engine. Why pay $75 when ou can get this for $25. 12tfc For Sale—1918 Buick automobile, model E-35, touring. Terms C. C. Mason, Hermiston, Ore. 13tfe . To customers out of town. The shelves in our shoe store are filled with new shoes, with latest styles for ladies, gents and children. Call and look them over when in need of good qual ity shoes. I you will buy off our bargain counter you will save money. For Sale or Exchange—7 passenger Studebaker car in good condition. See Rev. M. R. Gallaher. 12ifc HAHN’S GENERAL SHOE STORE Where “Star Brand Shoes are Better" 'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllilllilll = nmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiuiiiiiiii OAK TAN SHOE SHOP WHERE HIGH CLASS WORK SAVES YOU MONEY. = REGULATES THE PRICE AND HERE. MAKES WHERE EFFICIENCY ECONOMICAL ANY WORK DONE WHERE SHOES CAN BE MADE TO YOUR ORDER BY SKILLED WORKMEN = £ We carry one of the BEST LINES OF MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHOES ON THE MARKET A Large stock on the road. $1.00 to $3 00 saved as we are not asking war time --------------------------- - --------------------- profits ■ ---------------------- = To OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS we pay postage one way and return shoes by next mail. We positively have the most complete finishing and repairing machinery in Eastern Oregon. = For Sale—Big Type Poland China bigs, either sex; alt right for spring breeding. Full brot hers and sisters to Hermiston, ' be one I shipped to Montana aud which Oregon ook grand champion prise at the state iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiiiuiiiHnimuiHiii fair there. W. J. Downer. 15 2tp SAM ROGERS. PROP Wanted—A good cow for cash. A. P Garner. 16-tfe Will butcher early next week. Any- one wanting whole or half a hog at 20 cents a pound leave order at once. H. E. Hanby. IMI» For Sale—Big Type Poland-China pigs, either sex: registered; ready for immediate breeding. A. W. Purdy For Sale—Finest bred pacing mare In state of Oregon. Am leaving the country. Geo. C. Ellison, Hermiston, Oregon. 16tfe quire at this office back In 1911. Deceased husband, a daughter six 10c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ket leaves Tuesday morning and re turns Saturday of each week. -adv49ifc Through the kindness of Mrs. A. Robb, who has sent us a clipping from Spokane of an Ohio paper, we are enabled to impart the news of atout 1000 pounds; white starr on the death from pneumonia of Mrs. forehead and three white feet: near E. L Reeder, who will be remember 7 years old Had on rope halter. In- ed here by many friends of her early E huy a pump when you want it. Send your washing to the Model | ,4 at The Ta T).1]2e laundry Dalles. Oregon, | through P. H. Siscel, local agent. Bas- Wanted—Your subsciption for Saturday Evening Post, $2 00; Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; Country Gentleman, $1.00 Éd. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 1 If you want Quality Goods buy our Monopole Line Among the list of names of the Fall pigs for sale, $5 and up. C. C jurors drawn for the January term Mason. ---------- Wife of the circuit court recently publish Apples for Sale $1 and $1.50 per ed in a Pendleton paper are those of box, customers to furnish own boxes F. B. Swayze, banker, and E. J. H. Ê. Hanby 14tfc | Drake, real estate, Hermiston. The I first named Is a man that nearly all For Sale—Forty acres of unimproved | of us turn to in the hour of our fin- and und r government ditch, four uiles north of Hermiston Will sell I anelai troubles, and whom most of r trade, and will divide If desired, know—but who In the world is E. J. lohn F. Reihl, agent for owner, Her- 15 3tp Drake, and when was he ever in the mis’on. Phone 77. Wonder if that Is not E. parading under an alias? PUMPS WANT AOS Raymond Brassfield, whose death Half of my farm for sale on very easy In Idaho from influenza was notated terms. Come and see. C. W. LaBar. 9tfc. in these columns last week, was 16 re years, 6 months and 14 days t Id For Sale—Team of young mares, 4 nd & years old; 2 weanling colts; ex- when he passed away, and leaves 3ltfe to mourn his loss besides his father racted honey. B. W. Smith. and mother three sisters, Nina, Pearl For Sale—Five months old Holstein and Eulab, and numerous other re- bull calf. Registered stock. D H. latives. Prindle. lltfc L. E. Rogers has just completed the building of a four-room dwelling on the 12 acre tract two miles east of Hermiston that he recently pur chased from his brother William. Himself and family will occupy the house about the 10th Of this month. when they will move from their pre- sent residence on the Bedale ranch. == Rice Flour, in bulk, per lb. ------------- .. Barley Flour, in bulk, ber lb________ Oat Flour, in bulk, per lb-,_________ Corn Flour, in bulk, per lb__________ Corn Meal, in bulk, per lb____ -____ Self Rising Pastry Flour, 4 1-2 lbs___ 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes ......._________ 3 pkgs. Post Toasties____-_________ 3 pkgs. Puffed Wheat, Corn or Rice - 3 pkgs. Grape Nuts..._____ ________ Armour’s Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs______ passed three months of the course at the institution. CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY 2 New Hermiston Market Our Meats are always fresh. No tainted Meats in our Sausages or Hamburger. —WE BUY--- Farm Produce—Poultry -Hogs -Cattle. Bring in your dressed meats. 16c For Sale — Old fashioned square her piano. years old Call *11. ‘16tfc Lost—A black Oxford bag con- taining lady’s apparel on road four miles northeast of Stanfield. Finder please leave at this office. l*-3tp Hermiston. Oregon