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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1919)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON The Hermiston Herald If It’s Building Material You Want SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oneyear ..... -................................ ................... Six months . ........... -----------......... -............................. * $1.50 Subscriptions must be paid »n advance. advertising rates Display—One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser- tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion; montny rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. ‘ ir Readers— First insertion, 10 cents per fine, each subsequent insertion without change or copy. 5 cents per line. VOU will find our yard as good - as a Forest Products Show, for we carry everything from heavy dimensions to lath, shinglesand finish—including lime and ce ment. Come in and tell us your building plans and we’ll help you select the right material. Buutter Creek is now serving its turn with the flu, and as a result Dr. Dorn and other physicains have been kept busy lately on the Creek. The mail train that stopped at Westland has been routed through Hermiston, and now Mr. Basey goes to Hinkle after the mail sack. John Campbell was home on fur lough from Camp Lewis during the week. He was looking fine and fit, and said that Uncle Sam sure puts the clothes on his boys with good eats thown in. There has been some very jolly skating parties heid on Gardner's pond the past week, and * the Ice keeps getting better and better. I. D. Basey sold his hay on the Watson place to J. Killkinney last week. Richards’ chopper is again ready to run—but the cars failed to run. George Wurster is busy shipping hay this week, and C. K. Huff is do- ’ng the hauling, He has had a cai ordered for over a week, and it hasn’t come yet. Correll & Mayran CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS General Building Construction. Let us help you plan and esti- Plan books at your service. UMATILLA ITEMS mnte. Light Mill Work. Cabinet Work, Bee Supplies. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. Paulu and Miss Fallen spen Xmas in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and soi Ervin returned Monday from Fores 1 rove and Hillsboro, where the; : pent a week with relatives am Hare Your Flame Lumber Cut Up on Machines—Saving Time and Labor FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE Triends. Leases, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., Etc Miss Busch is spending a fe weeks in Aberdeen. Chas, and Aurthur Powell ar< here from Camp Lewis to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. McCune spent Xma: with their daughters in Portland Elden Ranes of Yakama is guest it the Daryl Chapman home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownel ne reported ill with the Flu. at the D. C. Brownell house in Portland Mr. Knudsen was a business visi lor to Portland the first of the week Lee Carroll was in Pendleton or usiness the latter part of the week George Butterwood and Elmon McKenzie were Portland visitors ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg i returned from Portland Thursday. Mrs Kellogg has been in Portland for some time, and Mr. Kellogg went lown for Xmas. Here you can buy Nearly every needful household article that is used in the family kitchen. Come in and see our choice line of Alu minum ware. Here you will also find the best of underwear, a fine line of millinery, and toilet articles of every descrip tion to choose from. We have Angorian knittihg and cro chet cotton, buttons in all sizes, fancy and plain chinware, etc. BOARDMAN NEWS ADVANCED SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1 CENT DECEMBER 14 PUTTER WRAPPERS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Helping the Meat and Milk Supply (Special Information Service, United States Department of Agriculture ) HAVE GOOD HOME-CURED PORK. . -i 126% Ny. Hams Before and After Curing. •n •an ■n m hi 3 I " ROOF ULTRy HOUSE III III Yetase Some Feat! “All the while the cashier was burn- ng the candle at both ends.” "And keeping it dark? Well, I de- clare!"—Boston Transcript. Her Economy. With eggs at 65 cents a dozen it pays to have your hens in a good warm economically built poultry house. The above cut shows one of our many types that can be built at a reasonable cost. Come in and look the plans over and get our prices. Opposition inflames the enthusiast lever converts him.—Schiller. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE R. A. BROWNSON, MANAGER da / go V. 0 %. SHED “Hubby, dear. 1 saved $10 today." _________ _ “Buying what T'— Louisville Courier- journal BUTTER CREEK ITEMS Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. goPy Hard to Suit. “This horn you sold me won’t make any noise,’’ said the customer. Issued Each Saturday by “Well, I thought you wanted It for M. D. O’CONNELL HERMISTON OBEGON your grandson.” said the clerk. “So I did." “Gracious! But you’re a hard man Entered as second-class matter. December 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, OregeP to please!”—Chicago News. Royal Rand is leveling 21 acre: n the Crooks place, which is to be ceded to alfalfa in the spring. Mr. rooks has a pumping plant and btains his water from the Columbia iver, Col. E. Callahan has left his home n Boardman to spend a few months n Portland. Mr. Callahan has, pre haps, the largest crop of hay on the project, the disposal of which eft in charge of A. W. Cobb. J. A. Prior of Umatilla was a vis- tor in Boardman Christmas. Mr ior believes this section is well dapted to growing sorghum and is Illing to build a mill provided suf- iclent acreage Is planted. Boardman school started Monday Teachers and pupils are feeling fine and willing to work with added bountiful dinner was served by Mm. Royal Rand on Xmas. The menu was most tasefully selected, nd many old-fashioned gocdies were In evidence. The table decor- tions, holly, salai and chryaanth- ums were from Portland and carried to her guests just a tinge of home sickness, as they are als from the coast. Covers were laid for thirteen 'ut that did not affect the appetite i f those present in the least. The | i osts were Mr. and Mrs. John I enkins. Miss Mamie Jenkins, Mr. nd Mrs. Leslie Packard. Miss Belle I 'ackard and Howard Packard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham of Her- liatón spent the Xmas holidays with : Mr. and Mrs C. G. Blayden, the I lady's parents. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Cummings went to Nolan to eat Xmas dinner with their daughter, and spend « few days visiting atoo NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE UNDER EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, and to me directed and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendeied and entered in said Court on the 13th day of De cember, 1918, in favor of Western Land and Irrigation Company as Plaintiff and against W. P. Little- field and J. R. Moore as Defendants, for the sum of $221.42, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per innum from December 13, 1918, the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s fees, and for $25.97 cost and dis- bursements, which said decree, judg- nent and order of sale has been doc keted and enrolled in the office of he Clerk of said Circuit Court; and whereas by said judgment, decree ind order of sale it was directed that •he following described personal pro- erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 440 'eet north of the southeast corner of lection 6, Township 4, north of Range 28, E. W. M„ and running hence north on the east line of aid section 440 feet, thence vest 990 feet, thence south 140 feet, thence east 990 feet to the »lace of beginning, containing 10 icres, more or leas, together with the vater right appurtenant thereto, be ng a portion of the water right con- ■eyed by the Hinkle Ditch Company o said W. P. Littlefield on the 27th lay of January, 1908, be sold by the •heriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, o satisfy said judgment and all osts; I will on the 20th day of Jan- iary, A. D. 1919, at the hour of 2 »’clock in the afternoon of said day it the front door of the Court House n the City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, sell the right, title ind interest the said W. P. Little- leid and J. R. Moore had in and to he above described property on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1908, or ince then has acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder for ash in hand, the proceeds to be ap- lied In satisfaction of said execu- ion and all costs. Dated this 18th day of December, V D. 1918. T. D. TAYLOR, Sheriff. By A. C. Funk, Deputy. 14-18 Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. IN ADDITION TO Edison and Columbia Phonographs WE HAVE NOW THE PATHEPHONE Which plays all makes of records. Also Pathe records used by the Brunswick and Sonora which are patterned after the Pathe ALL PHONOGRAPHS ON EASY.TERMS HERMISTON DRUG CO Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Lend —a rande. Oregon, November 8. 1918 Office at Notice is hereby given that Otto G. Sapper, •r Hermiston. Oregon, who on May 12, 1916. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 014665 or lot 3,section 32. township 6 north, range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention omake three-year proof to establish claim to the and above described, before W J. Warner. U. S Commissioner, his office at Hermiston. Oregon, on the 6th day at of January, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry M. Som- merer Charles A. Keller, Paul M. Miller and wil. Ham J. Downer, all of Hermiston, Oregon • C. S. DUNN, Register DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED HAY GRAIN ANO FEED We are Always in the market for Alfalfa Hay Wheat and Rye Seed Millfeed and Rolled Barley CONFECTIONERY emporium Candía in all Parities Soft Drinks, Cigan Tobacco —For Sale at Lowest Prices— Electric Light Qloba HERMISTON Second Hand Store Is now open for business Under New Management At the same location as formerly with a full line of second-hand goods. We Will Buy all Your Old Junk CALL AND SEE US and Supplies LEATHERS »GORHAM MAGJ1ZINES& Phone 412 Near Depot J. McCoy, Prop periodicals Uustoftire Block Birrmiston SHAAR’S Jacob L. Stork PATE NTS J Mbind, through. the ° - AV" & CO?* are bought by Manufacturers. being quickly D. SWIFT & CO. „Latent Lawyers. Estab 1859. 207 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Blacksmith AND —— • — 8 Horseshoer • Shop located on Hurlburt Aven Tonsorial Parlors Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Ton Boriai Treatment WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE Guy Roland, Prop