Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1918)
THE MACKINAWS Flannel Shirts Logger Shirts Underwear Socks Caps Gloves Mittens HERMISTON, OREGON: Genial J. C. Ballenger of Boardman carried his right arm in a sling when here one day the first of the week cranking LOCALS = —=) A cranky Ford tbst he was beard be “kicked” him, and wbat we said to that auto has made us smile Services will resume at the Catholic ever since. church Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. To the People of Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballenger of Columbia Precincts Boardman were Sunday guests at the I want to thank you for your splen farm home in Columbia district of Mr. did support during the recent election, and Mrs. M. B Murchie. without which I would not have been Lawrence Bryant and Carroll Akers elected. To you I owe the new oppor I left for Pendleton Tuesday to enter the tunity I will hare to be of service to employ of the Standard Oil Co. at that the development of our district, and I place. hope that opportunity will prove bene- R. Alexander and Attorney R. Baley ficial to us al). were here from Pendleton Wedne day If any of you have something In mind attending a directors’ meeting ut the that you believe should be enacted into Pirst National Bank of Hermiston. a law; some law or part of a law that should be modified or repealed, I wish Mr and Mrs. O. W. Barnett, Portland, were guests at the home of Mr and you would let me know about it at Mrs. P. B. Siscel in this city Saturday once, so that I can put it into shape to and Sunday. The gentlemen are cou present early in the session before the usual flood of bills crowd for action. sins. I will work for pr clieal results and W. R. Slaughter, traveling auditor your help will be appreciated. of the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co , passed Again thanking you for your loyal Wednesday here taking the annual in support, believe me I am Sincer ly yours, ventory of the yards in company with E. P. D odd . R. A. Brownson, the local manager. B. S. KINGSLEY'S Hermiston, Oregon CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY R. C. CHALLIS, Prop Special for the rest of this month only Elk laundry soap................. . .......... 6c bar, or 22 bars for $1 White Wonder laundry soap______ ____________ 4 bars 25c Easy Day laundry soap______ ____ _______ _____ 4 bars 25c Creamery butter, the best, per lb... .................................... 65c Swift Premium olemargarine, per lb .................................... 45c Hills Bros. Coffees, Teas at a reduced price Red cans, 1 lb................ Red cans, 2 1-2 lbs.......... Blue label cans, 1 lb cans Blue cans, 3 lb. can....... Large package of tea .... Small package of tea .... We have just received a fresh barrel of California Mince Meat Don’t miss getting some of it for it is fresh and fine, per lb. 20c, two lbs. 35c We also have home made sauer kraut just ready for sale, 10c per lb., 3 lbs. 25c MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE Smalley Ensilage and Alfalfa Cutters Miss Marian Leek has returned to her duties as teacher in Riverside school a mile and a half from Pendle ton after a visit at the parental home on North Ridge while the school was closed on account of the flu quarantine. Z Pumphrey has let a contract to Strohm & MeDermed for the con- I st rue ion of a screened in porch 10x20 feet onto the residence house on the ranch southwest of town that he re cently purchased from Mrs. Geo. Davie. Seattle awaiting her passports to go in the canteen service Blast in Your Home OUR GUARANTEE in ans 1lower arat lignite Ordarkntee Cole's Hot Blast to use less hard coal lor heating a given space than any base burner mgdeitbuzemnteesnar.Re rooms heated one to two hours each morning with can the be fuel put in from the stovesneezeninee"ehar"the stove will hold fire with soft coil or hard coal from Saturday evening to Mon: Following is the estimate of the amount . Better wike Inquiry of the saving these will make you there days of high hay prices 0000009000000000090000000® .. _ ______ , GENERAL FUND City Recorder............................ $ 360.00 180.00 120.00 nesday from this city to the Judge seelthiegneer Thomas Rinnaker 160 acre ranch three Misel * 681.00 and one-half miles west of here, where they will reside the balance of the winter, and in all probability operate the place under lease next summer. The land was cultivated by J. K. Shot- well during the past season. It is understood that Mr. Duty will operate a line of traps In that locality during the cold weather period. Many will remember Judge Rinnaker when he was here a few years ago, for at that time be had in mind the stocking of the ranch with blooded cattle, but something came up to prevent his ear- eying out this idea and talar he moved back to his old home in Illinois. 50.00 30 00 2060.00 540.00 $1080.00 1200.00 700.00 2700.00 | $2540.00 $4560.00 adhits i w.guarantee a saving of one third fuel over stove of the same size, with soft coal, da We guarantee a uniform beat day and night with *1' weznarance eve"s"ätove to remain absolutely ai"W: g’ arante? ise feed door to be smoke and dust —. VilIEan .00 4 P8°We guarantee the anti puffing draft to prevent pufingabove and guarantee is made with the understand ing that the stove be operated according to directions, connected up with a good flue. Cole’s Original Hot Blast Cut Shows No. 186 No. 116 NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS Mangold Milk, 1 can------------------------------------- 15c Mazóla Salad Oil, 1 quart---------------------------------------- 85c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 3 packages----------------------------- 40c Campbell’s Soups, 3 cans--------------------------------- 40c Salmon, 1 lb. can--------------------------------------------------- 28c Babbits Lye, can----- --------------------------------- ------ -- 13c Bob White, Pearl White, White Borax Naptha, White Bleaching Soap______________________________4 for 25c For Rent—20 acres, 4 in alfalfa: buildings, orchard. Will rent for seed- ing a few acres additional. Mr. Bone, 3-ifc E. 3128 35th, Spokane. Wanted—Your subsciption for The Saturday Evening Post, $2 00; The Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 3tfc Duroc-Jerseys for Sale—Two choice spring boars, one choice spring gilt, also fall pigs. C. C. Mason. 5tfc Wed- [ Cly“engineer Mr and Mrs M. Duty moved project. —It Represents the Big Saving in Fuel You Can Make With Cole’s Hot Send your washing to the Model laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Wednesday morning and re turns Saturday of each week. -adv49tfc Those who met Miss Vivian Johnson of Pittsburg, Pa., while visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Sewing machine repairing and sup Johnson, about a year ago, will be plies, all makes. Phone 281. C. E. pleased to hear of her recent marriage Hensley. 5tfc to Ensign Robert B. Schaal of the U. On account of influ S. naval reserve force. enza epidemic Dr Freeze specialist decid Sapper Brothers are enhancing the ed to cancel his date for appearance of their garage by theadd - Hermiston Oct. 31, but lion this week of up-to-date display will announce new date soon as the improves, probably next windows in the front part of the build situation week. 7-ltc ing. This will be of great conveniece We want sales representatives in in displaying their wares to the pub- town in Oregon. We prefer lio. A. Boalar has the contract fordo every men who have sold stock, insurance, ing the work. real estate, books, or who have bad no experience but would like to de B. S. Kingsley, who had been at Cul sales velop into salesmen. We train every ver, Oregon, the past six months look applicant accepted and provide a sys ing after the store at that point that tem that will enable anyone who was owned by himself and son and works to make from $75.00 to $150.00 operated by the latter before he joined per week. Can also use women of ex ceptional ability. Position permanent. the color», returned home Saturday to In applying state age. past business remain permanently, having disposed experience, number of years you have lived in community and references. of his interests at Culver. Address in confidence. Kane Mfg Messrs. Pearson and Johnson, sheep- Co., 1626-27 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle. 6 3tc men of Juniper Canyon who are feed Wash. ing sheep and some cattle in the east For Sale—One registered Poland end of the project, had the misfortune China boar, 1 registered Poland China to lose six head of cattle Wednesday by sow, pigs all sizes eligible to regis their piling up in the reservoir near tration, one work team and harness Inquire of H. M. Straw. 8tfc the dam in their endeavor to get to The Farmers’ Exchange has a car- water after being driven there from load of good dry land potatoes. Better the range. stock up for tbe winter. 8 3tc A letter from Anthony Drolshsgen, For Sale—Household goods and fur Camp Mead , Md., would denote that niture. Earl Carson. 8tfe after crossing the continent from Cali For Sale—A wood saw in first class forvia himself and companions in Co. shape, Economy 5 h. p. engine Cheap K., 63d Infantry become anchored there and on terms. Inquire or write W. T. and never got across to be in at the fin Knapp, Echo, Oregon. 8-4tp ish of the war. According to the let Wanted—Straw. Mrs. Bess Spencer. ter Mr. Drolshagen has been trans 9tfc. ferred to Co. K, 72nd Infantry, in Victriola for sale. Phone or call at which be bolds a mechanical position. dermiston Creamery. 9tfc Registrants of the class of Septem Morning Oregonian agent, ber, 1918, who were 18 years of age at Haneline, Phone 288. Extra, Herbert Hermis- the time of registration are to be class, ton Drug Store. 9-4 tc itied, and all that have not done so Half of my farm for sale on very easy will be required to fill out question- terms. Come and see. C. W. LaBar, naries. On the other hand the presi re. 9tfc. dent directs that registrants who hsd For Sale Cheap—2400 pound team of attained their 37th birthday on Sep horses, aleo wagon. Inquire of or tember 12, 1918, need not fill out their write Mrs. C. W. Doering, Irrigon, questionnaries, but must return the ' ore 9 3tc blank documents to tbe local board. Matured R I. Red pullets for sale. J. H. Strohm this week received a Inquire of Mrs. Correll. 9tfe letter from his wife, who has been visiting with her parents in Seattle . I Poland-China C. W. LaBarre. pigs for sale, 85 y each. ,fc the past two months, in which she states that she has been accepted bv City Tax Estimates for 1919 the Red Cross and is now awaiting awaiting her me "TAP"- in now her the Let Us Hand You This Bag of Money WANT ADS. passports to go to France to take up j money proposed to be raised by taxation by the work In the but service in that coun-, tawMuS t. 1929, togetneensir gareberinn- try. Miss Virginia Todd in also in EAwE UrOrEzns Fisised by Chapter 234 of the We stock these and several are being used on Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. HERMISTON: e ==. - C. H. Lower, a carpenter who had lived here up to fuur years ago, died at Burley, Idaho, from blood poison re cently, according to a letter received here one day last week by H. E. Har- by, an old friend of deceased. -AT- j HERALD, “Great for Winter" The Flu is still working a little in Army hose seconds 40 cents per pair Columbia district. Two children of the Haddox family are down, while as long as they last. Order silk hose silk camisoles now for Christmas both Mr. and Mrs. Stockard, as well as and gifts. Mrs. A. S. Johnson. 9-2tc their two children, ate 11) from it. All kinds to suit all pocketbooks I HERMISTON If you want Quality Goods buy our Monopole Line WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bring me your Shoes and Harness for Repair and let me = = = to you that I will save you money on their repair. is in the best of order and I am sure I can do tbe will please you. = I WILL My machine work which - s = PAY POSTAGE ONI WAY = = : : S = = = = E = To customers out of town. Tbe shelves in our shoe store are filled with new shoes, with latest styles for ladies, gents and children. Call and look them over when in need of good quai- ity shoes. If you will buy off our bargain counter you will save money. I HAHN’S GENERAL SHOE STORE : = Where “Star Brand Shoes are Better” s '■llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllïi JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIHUIUIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII ! OAK TAN SHOE SHOP = WHERE HIGH CLASS WORK SAVES YOU MONEY. = REGULATES THE PRICE AND : HERE, WHERE SHOES CAN BE MADE WORKMEN = MAKES WHERE EFFICIENCY : ECONOMICAL ANY WORK DONE 5 TO YOUR ORDER BY SKILLED 5 = We cary one of the BEST LINES OF MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHOES ON THE MARKET stock on road, 81.00 to 83 00 saved as we are not asking war time ~--------------- profits — .. ....... — ------------------- ” bv To OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS we pay postage one way ann return shoes A Large the Easter o/e^only have the most complete finishing and repairing machinery in SAM ROGERS, PROP. Hermiston, 5 Oregon s