Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. ARMISTICE IS SIGNED | AND WORLD WAR ENDS THE FIRST PAYMENT ON FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN President Announces to Con will be due Nov. 16th gress the Cessation of Hostilities. , s Washington. — President Wilson is. The First National Rank , e a formal proclamation at 10 lv | pe 0 k Monday morning announcing that the armistice with Germany had I of Hermiston been signed. The world war ended Monday morn | Ing at 6 o’clock Washington time. 111 o c ock Paris time. The armistice was signed by the German represen tatives at midnight. The terms of the armistice with | Germany were read to congress by President Wilson at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. Assembled in the hall of the house, where 19 months ago sen AT STANFIELD •tors and representatives heard the President ask for the declaration of war, they today heard him speak the words which herald the coming of DELIVERED AT THE FACTORY------ — peace. We have a large supply of these coming in a carload and it will pay yon to investigate Evacuation, reparation and restitu our prices and terms before making purchase. Several types to choose from but only tion are the keynotes of the armistice. such as are suitable for this section of territory will be found in our stock. PAUL HOFER PHONE 83 Terms of Armistice. Here are the principal things Ger many must do, or, powerless before the victorious allied armies, will have LODGE DIRECTORY done for her: E sther chapter No. 101, o. e . s „ Immediate evacuation of Alsace-Lor FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS Q ueen meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Mack's hall. Visiting members raine. Belgium, Luxemburg. Russia and welcome. Frances G. Phelps, W. M. Roumania without further destruction Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. or harm to inhabitants. Then occupation by American and HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. & A. M , The United War Works Campaign SCHOOL BUDGET LAND LEVELING 1 * meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday allied troops of all the countries on evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- drive carried on in this neighborhood School budget for District No 14, Uma- will do your work under engineer’s instructions the west bank of the Rhine. come. Wednesday was crowned with success, tilla County, Oregon, for Maintenance pur- | Ed. Jackson, Secy. M. D. Scroggs. W. M. Then, further creation of a neutral Satisfied Is made under the most zone in a strip of territory on the east those having charge of the soliciting poses for year 1918-1919: sanitary conditions. It VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F., end meeting with ready response, with Teachers’ salaries.............................. $8460.00 " meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows bank of the Rhine 30 kilometers (about 900.00 Janitor services.................................. pure, wholesome and hall. Visiting members cordially invited. 20 miles) wide, extending from Hol the result that the quota assigned the Teachers’ supplies and apparatus .. 200 00 W. R. Longhorn, Sec. J. S. West. Noble Grand. Hermiston district is about all collect- high in food value. Hermiston, Oregon land half way down to the Swiss bor 100.00 Library books...................................... 100.00 Repairs to building..................... . der and 20 kilometers wide for the ed. Made in all the popular 50.00 Ground improvements ..................... PROFESSIONAL CARDS remainder. flavors. Special orders Pupils transportation.......................... 1275 OO Call for Westland Irrigation District Meanwhile as a guaranty of good 300 00 Janitors’ supplies....................... ... given prompt attention. Warranta 700 00 faith, the occupation by American and Fuel....................................................... All Westlaud Irrigation District 250.00 DR. R. G. GALE allied troops of Mayence, Coblentz, warrants, up to and including warrant Light and power.................................. 175.00 HERMISTON CREAMERY | Physician and Surgeon Water.................................................... and Cologne, the principal crossings number 805. will be paid upon pre Clerk's salary and bond................... 145.00 i Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. COMPANY 55.00 ! of the Rhine within a 30-kilometer ra sentation at the office of the County Printing, stationery, postage ........ Office Hours: Treasurer in Pendleton, Oregon 800.00 I •Sinking fund to retire bonds............. Phone 551 dius of the bridge-heads. 10 t 12; 2 t 4; 7 to 8. Interest ceases from date of this notice. interest on bonds and warrants.... 2500.00 On the eastern front all German Grace A Gilliam, 75.00 | Insurance............................ ............. AUSEON’S County Treasurer Miscellaneous...................................... troops are to be withdrawn from ter 365.00 i Dated November 16, 1918. ritory which before the war belonged Total.................................................. DENTIST to Russia, Roumania or Turkey. Hermiston. Oregon ESTIMATED RECEIPTS No. 9281. Reserve Did. No. 12 Then, the German war machine must Office, Bank Bldg. » Per capita on 1917 school census .82247.00 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF disarm. The principal portions of its Office Hours: Office Phone, 93 596 00 County school fund .. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Residence Phone 32 ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS navy must be handed over; arms, mu +46 40 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK State school fund ... 858 00 nitions and engines of war numbered at Hermiston, in the State of Oregon, at the close From all other sources by the thousands are to be taken from of business, November 1, 1918. DALE ROTHWELL Total estimated receipts not Includ Our Aim Is the army. OPTICAL SPECIALIST ing amount to be voted for taxa- To Please the Public RESOURCES $1147 40 tion American and allied prisoners are $123,515 58 RECAPITULATION to at once be repatriated, without re Loans and discounts $ Total estimated expense for the year. $16450.00 ciprocal action by the associated gov Overdrafts, secured 1,296.05 1,296.05 (Daklanns Unsecured. Total estimated receipts not includ BATHS IN CONNECTION ernments, and the thousands of U. S. bonds to secure circulation (par ing the tax to be voted ........... 84147.40 6,250.00 wretched civilians dragged off iato Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. value) American National Bank Building slavery from the invaded territories U. S. bond, and certificates of indebted- Balance, amount to be raised by nd Pendleton, Oregon new owned and unpledged 5,000.00 St 2302 60 District tax F. R. Vose, Proprietor are to be returned. 11.250.00 Premium on U. 8. bonds Hermiston Compensation for Devastated Country. Liberty Loen bonds, unpledged, 3%2 per D. N. REBER, M. D. 1,423.74 cent land 4% per cent NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING The provision for compensating the Payments actually made on Liberty 4% Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters Eye, Ear Nose and Throat occupied territories for the havoc bonds 4th Lib. loan owned 25,762.19 27,185.93 of School District No: Fourteen, of Umatilla Optical Department wrought by the invaders is contained Securities otherthan U. 8. bonds (not in- county, state of Oregon, that a special Glasses Ground Any Size or Shape 34,525.32 in a simple sentence—reparation for cluding stock) owned unpledged school meeting of the said district will be Stock of Federal Reserve bank (60 per Pendleton damage done. held at the school building in Hermiston to Rooms 9-11 Schmidt Bld. 900.00 cent of subscription) begin at the hour of two o'clock P M on As a step to restoring the map lines, Furniture and fixtures 1,516.42 the first Saturday in December, that being ALWAYS ON THE JOB the treaties of Brest Lltovsk, which Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve the seventh day of December, 1918. Chiropractic Cures Where Other Methods Fail 15,260.73 laid Russia prone, and of Bucharest, bank ........................................ LONG AND SHORT This meeting is called for the purpose of I use the Latest Painless Methods adopting the budget and levying the tax to which plundered Roumania, must be Items with Federal Reserve bank in pro cess of collection (not available as re cover the operation and maintenance of the Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA HAULS abandoned. 445.53 serve ........................................ ---------- school for the current school year. CHIROPRACTOR Moneys, securities, precious metals Cash in vault and net amounts due from Done by order of the Board of Directors on Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy 19,305.56 national banks ............. and other valuables looted from the this fourteenth day of November, A. D 1918. Residence 103 Willow St. Hermiston Transfer Company Total item 14. 15. 1«. 17 and 18 19,751.09 J, D Watson, Chairman Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton. Ore. Invaded countries must be returned Checks on banks located outside of city 8-11 Attest: R. C. Todd, Clerk Office, Cor. Main and Second Sts. tn trust to the allies until the conclu- or town of reporting bank and other Phone 152 Res., 29F2 season is now here In ear- 187.84 sion of peace. cash items nest and we are ready to In the west the railways of Alsace Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer , 312.50 and due from U. 8. Treasurer serve you tn any quantity. Lorraine, the valuable atores of Iron VETERINARY SURGEON and coal, all the atores and supplies $235,701.46 Try us for your next order. Total Telephone 464 in Belgium with arms and armaments Office in old Reading Room Local Train Timo Card LIABILITIES must be handed over. 25,000.00 No. L west 10:1« «• m. No. *• east 3.90 O m In the east the Black Sea porta must Capital stock paid in .. 5,000.00 No. 17, west 12:50 p. m. No. «.east 5.83 a. m be evacuated, the warships taken by Surplus fund 6,865.66 Undivided profits J. T. HINKLE Post Office Hours WE SELL IN Germany from the Russians must be Less current expenses, interest General delivery window open weak days I am CAR LOTS 4,029.81 are always fresh and nice. surrendered; In the Baltic forts and Attorney at Law and taxes paid 2,83 to*, p. m. Sundays and holidays from 3 to 10 am 6,250.00 Mail closes for No. I. wert Our line of box candies is 9:20 a. m OREGON defenses barring the way at the Cat- Circulating notes outstanding HERMISTON. unexcelled. Bulk candies tegat must be delivered, and there Demand deposits: Mail closes for No. 2. east 154,264.16 Individual deposito subject to eheck 12:20 p. m Mail closes for No. 17. west handled by us are of same must be free access to the sea for the Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 high grade. days(other than for money borrowed) 20,591.38 Baled or Chopped Library Hours allies. W. J. WARNER 102.00 ..... ............ Allied Blockade Remains Unchanged: Certified cheeks and I. and 6:80 to 9:30 p. m. 319.29 For Good Service See Attorney-at-Law The allied blockade is to remain un Cashier's checks outstanding. Total demand deposits 175.276.78 School District Officiala HERMISTON. OREGON changed. Meanwhile German mer Time deposits payable after 30 days, or Directors subject to 30 days or more notice) chant ships are to be delivered for F. II. Swayze Certificates of deposits (other than for C. 8 M' Naught missions of mercy In carrying food to X C Todd loose hay delivered at the mill money borrowed) ----- the starving; allied shipping held by Total of time deposito subject to reserve, GET OUR PRICES City Officiala the Germans is to be released without items 42, 43, 44 and 45 - 20,144.87 McKenzie I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT any obligation to rettore to Germany Recorder $235, 701.46 Total C. H. Grandall i Most up to date restaurant in Easter Oregon < hief of Police her ships now in the hands of the r. a . Phelps Try our 35 cent dinner A. L. Larson associated government I A. U Larson, cashier of the above named Fire Chief - HOHBACH’S Germany is to notify the neutrals bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement City Attorney W 3 Warner ' is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bakery, Confectionery. Restaurant Pendleton 8. R Oldaker . City Survey or they are free to trade with the asso A. L. LARSON, Cashier. J. D Watson Councilmon e r. Dodd Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day dated governments without molesta, FIRST Capital & Surplus $30,000 Swiss C heese F actory Pays $2.75 per 100 for Fresh Milk SAPPERS’ INC. HERMISTON ICE CREAM Stanfield V. Barber Shop Auto Co. PRIME BEST REPAIR WORK "Auto Truck DIRECTORY Alfalfa Hay Our Candies Alfalfa Hay Alfalfa Meal P. B. S1SCEL French Restaurant C.S.McNAUCHT Co HITT IF YOUR AUTO NEEDS OVERHAULING ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Phone 139 Let me give Several you an estimate Years Experience in Phone Your Orders AUTOMOBILE GAS ENGINE for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at Siecel’s. Repair Work We CARLILE "eated in yellow house back of Baptist church tion. One provision of the armistice which was supplementary to the text as first drawn by the supreme war council, end therefore does not appear In the text as President Wilson de livered it. was inserted after the Ger, man revolutionists took possession of the German fleet. I provides that if the fleet is not delivered as specified in the agree ment the associated governments may occupy the Heligoland fortress as an advanced base to secure posseselon any Correct - Attest F. B. SWAYZE. CHAS. E. OPEL. R ALEXANDER. Directors intbrnod. tor cofmtng. Into ine country armed and in uniform County Officials Circuit Judge a w Phelps say " ......... Roscoe i. K eator Anderson . Sheriff PATENTS C. P Strain Willard Bradley pt —FOR - Ice Cream Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Hunting, Fishing and Base Ball Goods Get the Genuine and Avoid g Kaiser. , «l"35seot W ex Kaiser wuneim," ‘rank Woughter h E WasteIehe Dutch May Object to Amgterdam-Tha Dutch government The City Transfer w. B. BEASLEY E Will 55 H M. Straw I A. L Larson ! C. S Me eNaught E. P. Dodd. Notary Publie of it Phone 262 are ready at any time to go • here or haul anything. of November. 1M8 D. SWIFT & CO. "Patent Lawyers. Eitab 182° 307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. First Class Billiard and Pool Tables -__ —