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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1918)
THE ITERALD, HERMISTON OREGON: HERMISTON, I The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by Notice to Prospective Builders M. D. O’CONNELL ORECP HERMISTON | ..Γ peccnftelezt nertszioMCOrneon Are you going to do any building or repair work this fall? Are you going to build a new barn, machine shed or root cellar? Farm machinery is too costly to be al lowed to remained out in the weather, while for a medium cost a good shed could be built to protect it from the elements. Proper shelter for the live stock solves feed and is true economy. Feed used by the animals to make heat can t put on flesh at the same time. We must not let buildings go to rack and ruin because the country is at war, on the contrary the call is for economy and con servation through timely repairs. Come in and see us. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oneyear New Government Building Regulations ........ .. .............75 | I S’sgertions must be paid in advance. have been adopted and in building mater ial have been requested by the government to co- operate in putting these regulations into effect. advertising RATES ! | ! subsequent insertion without change oi CP* | 5 cents per line. BABIES MUST HAVE MILK No Permit Required for Repairs in extensions to present buildings under $2500 cost. 2 New farm buildings under $1000 cost. 1 Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, American mil itary representative in the allied su | preme war council at France. Versailles, Forali other jobs —where necessary—we will be glad to explain further the procedure for government permit, It is not improper to build, especially farm, to the extent allowed without permit. it improper or unpatriotic to apply for a for iny ai Ji g the pplicant deems to be nature of “essential construction.” U F OUR on the Nor is permit in the FREE PLANS For re nodeling jobs, showing our architects best suggestions—drawings of ‘‘Befo and After.’’ f arm buildings, chicken sheds, hog sheds, hay and staw sheds, bunk iouses, silos, granaries, milk houses, small barns, ware- houses, sheep sheds, garages, machine sheds, septic tanks, water troughs, seit feeders, Special tree plan book on Farm Buildings. Please Co-operate with us in making the New Building Regulations Effective Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. BROWNSON, MANAGER OVER 3,000,000 MEN CALLED IN DRAFT Washington.—Draft calls for the mo bilization of 290,773 additional men at army training campe before November 21, were announced by Provost Mar shal-General Crowder. Between November 11 and 15, It was announced, 253,335 white men pre viously qualified for general military service, will entrain, making the larg est single call issued under the selec tlve service act. The remainder of the November to tal, as far as announced, will be made up of negroes for entrainment Novem ber 19 to 21. With the assembling of the men pro vided in these calls at camp the total number of men inducted into military service under the draft will have pass ed the 3,000,000 mark, and the number of men in the United States army, in the field or in training, will total more than 4,000,000. TO PROSECUTE OFFICERS Compliance With Findings of Hughes Will Be Prompt By special arrangement we can now offer you a ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to The Hermiston herald and a I Aik gull f aiillei for only This special price for both papers is good only for a short time The Hermiston Herald, Hermiston, Ore.: Enclosed find $1.65 for which send me The Hermiston Herald and The Oregon Farmer for one year each. Name.... Postoffice State LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE Leases, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., Etc Washington. — Prosecution of the three army officers held by Charles Evans Hughes in his report on the air- craft investigation to be guilty of deal ing with corporations in which they were financially interested is to be started witbqut delay, it was said at the department of justice. The case may be laid before a federal grand Jury in Washington. Delays and waste of the production program, the report declares, were due chiefly to "defective organization of the work of aircraft production and the serious lack of competent direction of that work by the responsible offi cers of the signal corps.” The civilian personnel of the air craft production board is exonerated of wrongdoing. The government requests that you buy your Xmas presents early. We suggei the following: Sweetheart Service Ring Sweetheart Service Pin Cigarette Cases Service Flags Children’s Stocking. Gingham. Children’s Gloves + Inlar.1 Empire Lumber Company + “ The Yard of Best Quality ” + H. M. STRAW. MGR. Phone Main 33 ♦ Edison Phonograph WITH A SOUL-AND RECORDS COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE Milk may be used not only as an addition to an already rich diet, but in place of some of the slowly digested dishes which over tax the digestive organs and impair the health. Milk contains all the elements necessary to sustain life and build up the body. It must be remembered too, that butter is a food for all, for rich and poor, for old and young. Cottage cheese is another dairy product that is of great food value. AND LATE RECORDS All sizes and prices. Small payment down. Monthly installments. Get a copy of “Along Broadway,” a musical magazine, free at HERMISTON DRUG CO Milk As An Energy Maker Acknowl edged by Shipbuilders. Because Portland and Seattle ship- builders make a scramble for the milk bottles when the noon whistle blows they are becoming famous and to the fact that they drink milk is attributed their ability to do better work than any other shipbuilders. Now comes San Francisco showing she, too, has taken up the habit. The Pacific Dairy Review says "one dis tributer alone supplies 1,500 quarts daily to men in the Union Iron Works,” although, the review adds, "in San Francisco, the milk-drinking habit is still in its infancy.” Here's another argument for keeping up the dairy herds. The milk bottle is backing the beer can off the map. Time was when the men of the iron works would have "rushed the can" as they termed getting their beer. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED HAY GRAIN ANO FEED “The restricted use of milk would mean a serious loss of energy, and a Washington.—America's war costs serious menace to the winning of the to date are $20,543,741,000. October war" says G. A. Morgan in Hoard’s expenditures were 31,647.821,000, an Dairyman. increase of >94,000,000 over Septem ber. Shoes have gone up in price but we buy them. They are a necessity. 4th Liberty Loan Total $6,866,416,300 Yet milk, the food that is necessary Washington.—Total subscriptions of to everyone, because it goes up, is too often cut from the diet. Isn't that a $6,866,416,300 from more than 21,000, little inconsistent? 000 individuala ia the record of the fourth liberty loan as announced by We must have pure fresh milk, | the treasury. Count it economy to see that each child in the family has at least a pint Soldiers To Get Tomatoes. of milk a day. Get the milk habit Washington.—Forty-five per cent of Encourage the dairymen to keep up the entire output of canned tomatoes his dairy. He ia willing to do his share tn the United States will be taken by but he can't do everything without co- operation. the army, navy and marine corps. THE MARKETS. $27. Butter—Creamery, 60c per pound. Eggs—Ranch. 67c per dosen. Potatone— $1.50 @ $2.25 per hundred Poultry—Hens. 27e; springs. 27@ 300; roosters, 18e; ducks. 25@ JOc; geeee. 17618e; turkeys. 300310. Seattle. Children’s Winter Underwear Nightgowns ♦ America’s Wsr Cost Now 20 Billion. Veils (Large) Coin Holders ♦ "The food value of a quart of milk Is the equivalent of three fourths of a pound of beef, two pounds of chicken American Airmen Deliver Rations. or eight eggs. Compare the costs and Washington. — American aviators milk wins.” Dr. E. V. McCullom of now are delivering Red Cross emer John Hopkins University who visited gency rations to American soldiers in Oregon not long ago made this state the front lines who are pursuing the ment. He adds “For the sake of your enemy at such a rapid pace that they family's health, and for the reduction have outdistanced army supply wa of your living expenses, use more dairy products, and tnen some more.” gons. Portland. Onta—Na 2 white feed. $53.50 ton. Barley—Standard feed. $48.50 ton. Cora—Whole, $73077; cracked. $75 ©79. Hay—Timothy, $30 per ton; alfalfa. CHRISTMAS IS COMING "You get more calories to the penny from milk than from any other food even at the present price,” said Dr. E. J. Labbe, specialist, who returned recent ly from Europe and who spoke at the State Fair and at other patriotic gatherings. Dr. Labbe told of the children he treated in the Red Cross children's hos pital in Evian, on Lake Geneva, in France. The little French and Belgian refugees were wan and weak and almost lifeless. A milk diet soon brought good results and the babes thrived. "But,” said Dr. Labbe, “they will never entirely shake off the marks made by the months in which they were starved for milk. Children must have milk if the race is to go on. It is every man's and every woman's duty to do all in his power to keep the herds of Oregon alive. Feed men, mill men, dairymen, householders, dealers, everyone must co-operate. The babies of the world must be saved.” Hay— Eastern Washington timothy. $38 per ton; alfalfa, 184 per ton. Potatoes—te per lb. Butter—Creamery, 61072e per Ib. Eggs— Ranch. 77080e per dozen. Poultry—Hens. Ide; springs. 25e; roosters, dressed, 270280; ducks, 250; I geese, lie; turkeys. 30c. We are Always in the market for Alfalfa Hay Wheat and Rye Seed Millfeed and Rolled Barley —For Sale at Lowest Prices— self-denial of the American home, added to the efforts of the American farmer, have removed fear from the minds of our Allies, for this year, at least. Let's keep it up. The . How can we, who are bewildered and appalled by the fury of our plan et’s cyclones and volcanic eruptions, form a conception of the terrible en ergy of natural operations of the sunì Newcomb suggested that If we call the solar chromosphere an ocean of fire we must remember that It is an ocean InO nitely hotter than the fiercest furnace and as deep as the Atlantic Is broad If we call Its movements hurricanes we must remember that our hurricanes blow only about a hundred miles an hour, while those of the chromosphere blow as far lu a single second. There are such hurricanes as, coming down upon us from the north, would In thir. ty seconds after they bad crossed the St. Lawrence river be In the gulf of Mexico, carrying with them the whole surface of the continent in a mass not simply of ruin, but of glowing vapor. LEATHERS &GORH AM Near Depot Phone 412 HERMISTON Second Hand Store Is now open for business Under New Management At the same location as formerly with a full line of second-hand goods. We Will Bay all Your Old CALL AND SEE US J. McCoy, Prop SHAAR’S I Jacob L. Stork | I j I 8 Blacksmith a ---- | | Horseshoer AND----------------- Tonsorial Parlor Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial _ | i e 2 • • Shop located on Hurlburt Avenue Wm. Shaar, Prop.