Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Public Library Notes Seed Potatoes NETTED GEM VARIETY We have a pure strain high land seed for sale $1.75 per 100 lbs This is the year to Raise Potatoes And Help Win the War PEARL WHITE SOAP 5 Bar* of Soap and 1 Thrift Stamp, 50c CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY THIS IS THE STORE WHERE YOU CAN GET Groceries, Meats and Lard AT HOOVERIZED PRICES We have lard and compound in bulk. piil and get it filled. Bring in your Pure Hog Lard, per lb Compound, per lb. . e ===== 9 fied whenever it is possible when a meeting is to be held at the library, in order that the rooms may be warmed and arranged according to tbe needs of the various meetings. Mrs. L. Nizer of Boardman was a Sixty books were donated by tbe city guest Monday and Tuesday of this week at tbe home in this city of Mrs and community to the soldiers and sailors book collection for which the G. G. Stewart. Hermiston library board expresses its Miss Ozslee Mays arrived Sunday great appreciation. from Portland to visit for a time at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs J. F. To Vote on Improvements Strasser in the Columbia district, the ladies being sisters. The board of directors of school Mrs. Deas returned to her home in district No. 112, Columbia district, Heppner Junction Wednesday after be have called a meeting of the voters on ing a guest in this city for a few days the afternoon of April 12, to vote on at the home of her friend, Mrs. B. F tbe proposed improvements. At that time Arbor day will be fittingly ob Strohm. served by the planting of trees in J. S. West returned from Portland Columbia Park tbe first of the week after passing -adv2tc H. M. Sommerer, Clerk several days in that city visiting rela ives and attending to business mat See Mrs. Johnson for Spring Coats, ters demanding his attention. pretty Shirt Waists, one piece Dresses, Miss Annastusia B. Chezik of Port- Children's Dresses, separate Skirts, land returned home Monday after an Petticoats, house dresses and mater Easier visit pleasantly passed in Her- ials by the yard. Home Mondays and miston as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fridays. Phone 43. Adv F. A. Cbezik, the lady being a sister of Mr. Cbezik. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 30c 27c OUR BUTTER IS ALWAYS FRESH We want your Butter and Eggs and your Veal and Beef. Will pay top price for No. 1 stuff. Our Auto Truck Makes Occasional Trips to Pendleton and if you have a few hogs or other farm produce you wish to market there we would be pleased to take it for you. RANCHERS READ THIS IT APPLIES TO YOUR BUSINESS Ford deliveries are better than they were, so order your car now for April delivery. Can also take your order for a Chevrolet or Dodge. “Use Cars for Business” "A census of passenger cars taken in Livingston county. Ill., among owners of two makes of machines, one selling from $650 to $850, and the other selling at $1,650, revealed that the vehicles were largely used for business purposes. Bay pony, weight about 700 pounds, D. W. Zeller returned late in the week from Portland, whither he went roached mane, black tail. Phone C last Saturday night to attend to the S. McNaught, Hermiston, Ore Re fixing up of legal papers in a real es ward. adv29 tate dal in which he was interested some time ago. Mrs. C. Bursaw, who was on her way to her home iu Canada after passing the winter at Long Beach, California, stopped off here lor a visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. Keller, and family. Send your washing to the Model After a stay of a few days tbe lady re laundry at The Dalles, Oregon, sumed her journey northward. through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas Mr. and Mrs C. F. Willbite and fam ket leaves Wednesday morning and re ily, together with a carload of stock turns Saturday of each week. -adv49tfc For Rent—The Swayze residence, and household furniture, arrive Sunday Hum Baker, Oregon, to take up their containing six rooms, with garage. Mrs. E. T. Eriksen, Box 533 26tfc. home iu this valley on a ranch a few miles north of here which Mr. Willbite Hatching Eggs- o. C.-Myers bought while on a business trip hero a strain B. P. Rocks, Stone’s 200 egg strain W. Wyandottes, $1 setting. W. little over a month ago. Sanders, Jr. 23 tfc. Mrs. I. F. Hinkle of Portland is a Wanted—To exchange small dairy guest at the home of her sun, Attorney ranch in Tillamook for irrigated land J. T. Hinkle, in this city. Tbe lady is here. Call on or address C. W. Tilden, recuperating from an attack uf pneu Hermiston, Ore. 23-tfc monia contracted in Portland, and was White Leghorn eggs, *6.00 per hund accompanied bere by Mrs. J. T. Hinkle, red. Mrs. L. G. Pell, Pendleton, Ore. who visited with ber in Portland, iu 26-35 order that she might have the benefit For Sale—Young work team, weight of a drier climate during the convales about 2600. Inquire Herald office. 25tfe cent period. Three general work horses for sale. County As-essor C. P. Strain was Leathers. 25tfc here from Pendleton last Saturday on Good cottage for rent, reasonable. business connected with the appointing 26tfc of a deputy assessor to look after the Geo. A. Cressy. work uf assessing in this district. Fur Wanted—600 second-hand sacks. In 24tfc this work he secured tbe services uf land Empire Lumber Co. R. C. Todd While here Mr. Strain Want to buy No. 1 alfalfa to bale. attended a meeting of tbe Waler Users Leathers. 16tfc Association that afternoon, tbe theme I buy any kind of livestock. A. L of water being interesting to him as he Steiner, Stanfield, Ore. Phone 83. 4op is the owner of an irrigated ranch a Tested eggs for hatching—R. I. Reds short ways out of Hermiston. and White Leghorns, O. A. C. strain, James J. McCready, answering tbe $1 for 15 Orders taken for dav old call of the draft, left Monday for Pen chicks, 123c and 15c each Mrs. C. W. La Barr. 24tfc dleton, where he joined a troop train en route for Camp Lewis, Wash., For Sale—150 egg Mandy Lee in where he is now in active training. In cubator, Humphrey bone cutter, hand bidding bis friends farewell Mr. Mc or horse power; potato digger and planter; 800 lb. capacity Economy Cready stated that no* that be had King separator. Wm. Kennedy, fourth joined the army be hoped be would unit. 28tfc not be submarined when sent across Good saddle horse for sale cheap. (he big pood, as be wanted to get to Will drive single or double. Robt. E. France and take his chances with the Kennedy. 28tfc rest on tbe field of battle. See us for your mowers, rakes, plows, B. F. Knapp, accompanied by Alder harrows, gas engines or anything in the farm machinery or implement line H M. Straw and A. L. Larson, drove if you want the-best at prices that are his auto to Richland Sunday last right. Sappers’ Inc. 29-35c They started early in the morning. For Sale—Fresh young cow, 860. The trip over was made in record Cheap work horse. H. J. Stillings. time and the little visit to that irri 28tfc gated portion of the state of Washi g Wanted—Good alfalfa land in ex ton was much enjoyed. Returning, change for 5 acre Irrigated commercial however, tbe high wind storm of that orchard near Hood River. Highschool, day was encountered, and after a bard R F D . tel., electric lights, etc., well, journey over the Horse Heaven they lawn, shade trees, 5 room house, barn, had to remain at Plymouth, being un family berries, la asparagus and 2 to 3a alfalfa between trees. Give full able to get across tbe Columbia on the particulars—waler, distance, section, ' ferry on account uf rough water and etc. W. H Corey, Hood River, Ore. | wind 28 31p j (WANT AOS Seed potatoes *1 per sack. C. C. Ballenger of the Boardman Lumber Co. while here Mooday get 384 P. H. Folien, Umatilla. Dr. Freeze makes reg ting some Information and data for use by him while managing the L berty ular visits to Hermis- ton Consult him free Loan campaign in that district, said | and be sure of good aye that Boardman was going right ahead service. 29-fe Phone 28-2tc in the building line, bia company bav- — log just furnished the lumber to H. A. Hotel „ J . ... - "Oregon dining room and hereafter will •'Of 88 farm owners, 63, « 73 per cent, bought their cars as necessary farm equip- Emer, a rancher in Juniper Canyon, serve a good meal for 35 cents and up. | ment: 21, or 25 per cent, bought them for business and pleasure, while only two said they near that city, for the erection _ ________ _____ , _ of a Fresh noodles and chop suey a special. bought them f < business, Asked what percentage of the use of their cars was ranch house 26x26 feel in dimensions said 95 per cent; 20,90 per cent., and 10, 70 per cent. The average of The bandeóme thirteen room farm primarily for pleasure 22 GUARANTEED FOR 7500 MILES of satisfactory service—more miles of service than any other pneumatic tire on this or any other market. This tire costs no more than any other standard tires—not as much as some of them. James Smith, chief clerk at Hitt's Confectionery, arrived home Monday morning from a several days business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robb are again Cream colored buckskin mare, settled nicely on their ranch in the weight 800pounds, black mane and tail, western part of town attera six months mane roached. Phone 257, Hermiston, absence in Spokane, during which time Ore. Reward. ad v29 Mr. Robb has beenon the road as sales man tor a large calendar house. Lost, Strayed or Stolen B. S. KINGSLEY ASBESTOS - PROTECTED TIRES : HERMISTON: The children’■ story hour for tbe small children of the community baa been adopted aa a permanent library - ======== - LOCALS = feature. Beginning Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock tbe children will gather Butter in Berlin is reported strong at tbe library room and story telling at $2 25 per pound. and games will be tbe feature. Tbi* Mrs. D. C. Chapman and Mrs. G. will be in charge of competent persons Willman were visitors to friends in to be appointed from time to time. this city from Umatilla Wednesday. The librarian would like to be noti ig.’i onx_has leased the Open waiter- all day and evening. Girl I 29tfe all replies was 82 per cent. The average distance the 88 farmers drove their cars was residence and large barn on the Mike For Sale—Irish Cobbler seed pota. | 20-2tp 2,984 miles a year. Average value of the farms in Livingston county is more than $30,000 Marshall ranch a short distance from toes. P. P. Sullivan. Results of the investigation may be considered typical of the way farmers throughout the Boardman is fast nearing completion Found— Pipe wrench and leather country use their cars. under the guidance of Coe tractor L. punch. Owner can have same by call- | | Nizer. The material for the structure mg at this office, proving property and 1 I waa aleo furnished by the above Jum paying for this notice i ber concern, tbe estimated cost of the I buildings being 83,500 L. H. Pearson & Son LET US SHOW YOU the construction of the Asbestos Protected tire—you will readily see wherein it is possible for the makers to positive ly guarantee their tires for this remarkable mileage. NO BLOW-OUTS, NO SAND BLISTERS, NO TREAD SEPARATION, NO RIM CORROSION Adjustments, should any be necessary, are made by us at our store without haggling or compromise on an actual mileage basis. You don’t have to wait to send the tires to Portland, Spokane, Seattle or elsewhere. Oregon Hardware & Imple ment Company A EDISON AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS $27.50 TO $250.00 Easy Terms Late Records WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OILS Lime and Sulphur, Black Leaf 40 and Lead Arsenate Spray* at about last year’s prices Hermiston Drug Co EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY PRETTIEST PERCEY SISTERS THE LEADING MILLINERS Phone Your Order* for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at Siscel’s. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. “THE MOVIE” = • -A Good Show------ = Every Saturday Night The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY Millinery A COMPLETE AND ATTRACTIVE LINE OF SPRING MILLINERY IS NOW ON DISPLAY. Mark’s Marief Sture Your Suit Renewed Just at this time of year, “between seasons," tbe question of do hing is a puzzle. You don’t feel like investing in a new suit, and yet you need a change. We can help you out. Just get out some of those subs you bave hung back in the closet, and bring them to us. WE MAKE OLD CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW We not only press your suit, but dean it, taking out all grease and dirt, and riving it really the appearance of new. We help you to practice economy with neatness. JACK WHITE, THE TAILOR