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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1918)
T he HERMISTON H erald HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 6. 1918 VOL. XII 51 HIRD LOAN . DRIVE STARTED TODAY Thursday evening F. B. Swayze, airman for this district of the third liberty Loan drive, called his lieuten- nts together in the library building jom to give them final instructions efore beginning their duties today re- arding the work of soliciting liberty an subscriptions from the people of his and the neighboring project. After a short explanation of the cor- espondence received by him from the ounty chairman, in which it was town that the basis upon which the onds were to be sold was 5 per cent own at the time of purchase, 20 per ant payable May 28, 35 per cent pay- ble July 18 and 40 per cent payable lugust 15, Mr. Swayze handed slips to ach precinct committeeman, who in urn distributed them among those sel- eted to work with him in making the rive. These slips contained the ames of those whom they were to sol- silt in each district, after which each ommitteeman assembled his captains nd at once rated each individual here- bouts. At the conclusion of the rating pro- ess it was found that the amount to- ailed around 811,000, and as the amount j be raised is $15,000 the difference etween the above sums will be left to Jmatiila, Irrigon and Boardman. which re included in this district, to raise, t was decided to begin the drive on cbedule time this, Saturday, morning nd wind it up by Monday night. And now a word to those who will e solicited by the committees: You now as well as we know that the ime has come when all loyal Ameri- ans are expected to prove their atriotism. It is no longer sufficient bat we wear national emblems, keep he flags flying from our housetops and theer vigorously when our boys leave or the front. The test of patriotism s now before you, and the question is whether you will give practical assist- ince to your government by buying iberally of the Liberty Bonds in its our of need. Ponder well on this, ind be ready when the committee alls on you to show them that you are tot luke warm to the cause nor a ellow card slacker, but an out and ut true blue patriotic American itizen. WINE FOR THE POILUS AT THE FRONT NO. 29 HERMISTON MAY SECURE MUCH NEEDED INDUSTRY RAISING PURE BRED DUROC-JERSEY HOGS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL PRESENT PLAY A few months ago C. C. Mason and On Friday, April 12, the high school will present the play "All-of-a Sudden- Peggy ” This is a high class royaltv play by Ernest Denny and is worthy of the consideration of all. Peggy is the very impulsive Irish girl who does the unexpected but per fectly delightful thing at ail times, even surprising her mother and en tirely horrifying Lady Crackenthorpe. The latter is a most conventional English lady who considers it almost criminal to be natural. Lord Crackenthorpe, the eldest son of Ladv Crackenthorpe, is a scholarly and dyspeptic gentleman who ia in tensely interested in spiders and has therefore become implicated with Mrs. O’Mara, wife of the late Prof. O’Mara and her daughter Peggy. Through the efforts of Mrs. O’Mara Lord Crackenthorpe is about to succumb to the charms of Peggy when Uncle Archie and Lady Crackenthorpe con ceive the idea of calling upon Jimmy, the young son, to save Lord Cracken- thorpe and the family estate of Hawk burst. How Jimmy comes to the res cue forms the chief interest of the plav and astonishes both Lady Crackenthorpe and Uncle Archie. The following is the cast: Anthony, Lord Crackenthorpe (Fel low of the Entomological Soc iety.......................... .Edward Hal) Tbe Hon. Jimmy Keppel, his brother.................... Louis Garner Major Archie Phipps, Lady Cra- ckenthorpe’s brother............... George H. Root entered into partner ship for the breeding and building up of a high class herd of pure-bred hogs, and that they will attain their zenith in this direction is now a certainty, for they already their pens as fine a bunch of Duroc-Jersey swine as is to be found anywhere in this part of the country. And that they are still bettering conditions along this line is shown by the fact that recently Mr. Mason pur chased from Geo. Strohm Gunn’s De fender, the best bred aged Duroc- Jersey boar in this part of the state as herd boar for an equally well bred herd of sows. This animal won first premium champion and grand cham pion at the Dermiston Dairy and Hog show held in 1916. The boar was sired by Richard’s Defender, by De fender. owned by McKee Bros, of Versailles, Ky. At a recent sale by them 40 head of Defender stock sold at an average of $300 each. Among the herd is a number of gilts and sows bred by C. P. Adams of Echo, - - -................... namely: — Rainbow, sire Chief Model j by Top Model, dam Sunshine No. 2, s. themtmmdmnenomoitom Wine Is an important part of the daily rations served to the French soldiers. The above photograph shows soldiers filling barrels from the tank car which has just arrived from the wine regions In southern France. The barrels of wine are then sent forward to the men in the trenches. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Next Friday is Arbor Day, and there will also be a school meeting held at the Columbia school. Everybody is urged to come, and each man is invio- ed to bring a shovel to help plant trees in Colombia park. sire Overbrook Champion. Four gilts of Rainbow, sire Adams Eclipse; The mercury fell to 20 Tuesday Queen of Buttercreek, sire Overbrook night, and it is feared that all peach- Champion. This sow was champion es, apricots and cherries are gone, and grand champion at the dairy and । Apples are believed safe thus far, as hog show in 1917. Also have the first they were not very far advanced. and second premium gilts at the above Wednesday afternoon the home of show. This addition will cross some Mrs. W. Felthouse was the scene of a of the best breeding of the Northwest very nice miscellaneous shower, given with the best of the south. for the bride, Mrs. L. Brownell. The Messrs. Root and Mason have a large hostesses were Mesdames Felthouse, number of spring pigs sired by Mason’s Beddow and Blessing. A very merry Defender, by above named boar, one afternoon was spent in sewing, knit litter by Gunn’s Delender and one by ting and chatting, after which delicious Adams’ Eclipse. The gentlemen are refreshments were served. Those active members of the National Duroc- that enjoyed the delightful affair were Jersey Record Association. Mesdames Beddow, Fritz, Lloyd, Al- briebt, Heine), Waller, Phipps, Ott, Leathers, Sapper, Haddox, Waugaman, T. Sapper, Smith, Kellar, Simmons, Bloom, Wheeler, Sommerer, Newcom er, Reid, Brunson, Brownell and Miss Gertrude Simmons. P. C. Jorgensen came from Skamo- Geo. Samson has rented tbe J. S. Dawson ranch for the coming season Mr. Samson is moving onto the ranch and Dawson is moving into the Sam son bouse in town, which he will occupy for the summer. Little Glen Davis had the misfortune last week to break bis leg, tbe result of a fall from his horse. We bear* that he is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Hein of Boardman were transacting business in Irrigon last Saturday. They came up in the Doering car and returned on No. 1. Durrell Murchie At the regular monthly meeting of the Hermiston Commercial Club last night the proposition of the establish ment of an up-to-date laundry in this city was discussed. This matter was brought upas a result of a letter to Secretary Prime from a gentleman in another part of the state who has been in the laundry business for years ask ing for information concerning the possibilities for the establishment of such an institution in this city. It seemed to be the general opinion that a well regulated and well operat ed laundry would pay in this city, tak ing into consideration the fact that there is much territory surrounding Hermiston from which an active aid business like owner of a plant of this kind could draw trade. It was cited that Echo, Stanfield, Butter Creek, Umatilla, Boardman and Irrigon wou d probably contribute to the support of a laundry here if the operator can deliv er a high class of work, and from the tone of the letter it is apparent that be can do that very thing. The committee appointed to look up data that would tend to throw light on the proper way of getting at the pro- position of the formation of an irriga tion district so as to place it before the people for their sanction or rejec- tion reported that while their research es had convinced them that the idea of an irrigation district formation would in all probability redound to the more rapid advancement of the project nevertheless they could not see how it could be successfully brought about at the present lime owning to the fact that the district embraced in this pro ject contained so much unpatened lands that c uld not be classified in an irri gation district. The attendance at the meeting was not up to normal Monday night on ac count of counter attractions, and an early adjournment took place. Tom George passed through Irrigon Jack Menzies .. .Carroll Akers a few days since on bis way to Hepp Parker, footman at Hawkhurst .... ner to look after a band of horses that ............................... Lawrence Bryant he has in that vicinity. Lucas, man servant at Jimmy’s Tbe water is now in tbe Irrigon flat................ Weinheimer .ditches and Mr. Castle will be ex- Lady Crackenthorpe, Lord Crack- tremely busy from now on delivering enthorpe’s mother.. Hattie Graham it to the settlers. The Hon. Millicent Keppel.Nellie Davis Citizens of Hermiston and the farm M r. Powell came in Tuesday from The Hon. Mrs. Colquhoun ............... ing community surrounding has taken Kendrick with a car of household ....................................... Laura Phipps to the new daylight saving plan "like goods and a fine team of horses. a duck takes to water.” Before it Mrs. O’Mara, widow of Professor N. Seaman, chairman of the Liberty O'Mara, E. R. S... Enid Waterman went into effect last Bunday there were loan drive for the north end of Morrow Peggy, her daughter....... Gladys West many, however, who could not see into the feasibility of the proposition, county, is about the busiest man in or Act 1—“The Suddeness of Peggy " kawa, Wash., the latter part of last but after being patriotic enough to near Irrigon. Every person is listed The white hall at Hawkhurst, Lord try rising an hour earlier than usual week and the first of this assumed the and rated so when the drive starts it Crackenthorpe’s country home. each morning and knocking off work is expected that everyone will do his duties of butter maker in the Hermis Act 2—“The Consequences of Sud Despite the war situation and the an hour earlier in the evening they or her duty in subscribing for one or ton creamery made vacant by the re deness.” At Jimmy Keppel's flit in The election of officers to serve the have become ardent supporters of the impending liberty loan drive, state more bonds and that Irrigon, Board signation of Andy Anderson, who goes next twelve months was held in the London, a week later. new law. politics are beginning to bubble and man and Castle, that are in this dis to Portland to reside with relatives Red Cross room Thursday afternoon Act 3—“The Consequences of Sud- “It works like a charm,” Is the way boil. Chief interest centers in the gov trict, will go over the top in short who will care for his little child that and resulted as follows: President, deness.” The white hall at Hawk most, people put it in answer to the ernorship and senatorial fight. With order. • became motherless on the sudden Mrs. J. H. Strohm; vice-president, hurst on the evening of the same day. usual inquiry of how they like the five avowed candidates and two more The ladies of the Irrigon Red Cross death of Mrs. Anderson a few months Mrs. A. E. Reid; secretary, Mrs. C. S. Several musical numbers will be daylight saving plan, and so popular * about ready to get into the scrap the chapter are busy this week completing given during the evening. ago. For the past three years Mr. An McNaught; treasurer, Mrs. H. Hitt. has it become all over the country governorship offers sufficient variety the garments sent by the Heppner derson has resided here, and by his The secretary’s report showed a that it is more than probable it will be to suit all tastes. However, general branch to them. They expect 100 geniality and uprightness has in that kept in vogue even after the war is opinion seems to be that the fight time won for himself a host of friends membership of 670, and gave a total bandages next week, which will have in tabulated form of tbe amount of over. is between Withycombe and Olcott. to be hemmed, and every lady is asked in this community who wish him suc money received by the society up to There is no doubt now, If there ever In the Senatorial race the fight is to show herself 100 per cent American cess in his future undertakings. Wednesday evening of this week as was any, that the new law will work between Stanfield and McNary with by helping out with them. Mr. Jorgensen comes highly recom wonders in increasing the food pro the betting getting pretty close pn ac mended to fill the creamery position, follows: J. A. Stam, traveling agent of O. DONATIONS AND BENEFITS The city council again took up the duction, for already clerks, business count of the popularity of Stanfield having held like situations in the state $ 53.00 W. R. R. A N. Co., is making a tour proposition of the formation of an men, school teachers, preachers and and the fact that he is the only candi of Washington, where he received high Red Cross dance ................. 68.00 of the system on first and second irrigation district in the southeastern farmers can be seen utilizing the shin Mrs. J. F. McNaught, sales date for senator who is not a lawyer. rating forhis ability as a butter maker. 50.00 division, checking up the agents on part of this city at its regular meeting ing surplus hour each afternoon Eighty per cent of the national con His wife and child accompanied him to Neighborhood club............ 6.10 their methods of station work and giv Wednesday evening, but on account of developing gardens io the vicinity of gress is lawyers, every member of the Hermiston, and they have rented and H. S. basket ball games... 68.20 ing the necessary instructions on any incomplete data it bad to foregotaking their homes tn this city and prepar* Oregon delegation in Washington is a will live in the bouse formerly oc Superfluity sale.................. 2500 points which appear not positively any action at that time. The commit ing and sowing land to alfalfa and lawyer and every candidate for the cupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Ray Buttons and thimbles .... clear to them. He stopped off al this tee selected at a former meeting to other root crops in the country. nomination isa lawyer excepting Stan $270.30 place Tuesday and found everything Total hill. _ _____________ - gather all the facts connected with the field. MEMBERSHIP AND DRIVES in tip top shape, but left instructions establishing of such a district was, For some time it looked like wool Membership, outside drive....! 193.00 that storage must be charged on all however, continued and instructed to was going to be the issue io the sena June drive................................... 1190 00 freight not delivered within forty- report in full at an adjourned meeting torial campaign, but when it was Xmas box drive.......................... 60.00 I eight hours after arrival. The Irrigon to be held next Munday night for the shown beyond question that the wool Xmas membership drive......... 677.00 people will have to move their freight purpose of further consideration of the grower received only from 40 to 65 .12120 00 from the station more promptly under subject. Total . cents a pound for bis wool, and the At the annual meeting of the Uma- | At a Socialist convention held in 270 30 this rule or pay storage on every ship consumers and knitters have to pay tilla River Water Users’ Association An ordinance passed its final reading Portland the latter part of last week ment. from 14.50 to $7.00 a pound for yarn, held last Saturday in this city many al the meeting and was adopted, chang. Dr. A. Slaughter of Salem was nomin- $2390.30 Grand total Farmer Smith of the O. W. R. R. A ing the meeting place of the city coun ate d to make the race for United the charge of profiteering on the part items of interest pertaining to the en At the second Superfluity Sale held N, is here for several days looking cil from the Civic Center room to the States senator from Oregon for the of the wool growers fell flat. This suing year's water business coming Thursday the ladies took in $25. Mrs. after the demonstration farm work pul It up to manufacturers, and State directly within the scope of the asso basement auditorium in the Hermis long term, thus adding another com Strohm wishes to thank everyone on Treasurer Kay rushed into print to ciation were taken up and discussed. ton library building. petitor for the office in the field against behalf of the Red Cross who contrib- show that the manufacturers were not The meeting was a fairly representa The appointment of Ross Laudenslag- R. E. Stanfield and Mr. NcNary. uted to the sale. profiteering. Who is the profiteer tive one, it being the time for the Immediately after his nomination be Mr. Warnack, who with bis wife er to the positions of city marshal and hasn’t been decided as the question is annual election of officers, and at the water superintendent was confirmed, came to Hermiston in company with and three children came to this city Washington State Visitor •till being persistently discussed in the conclusion of routine business this in March from Medford, Wis., has sfter which the council adjourned un A. F. Drolshagen, who was a delegate Mrs. G. Holmes and daughter Jessie, Portland papers, but they all agree matter was taken up, with the follow- to the convention from the Socialist bought the Ash Pierce residence and til Monday evening. E. A. Dutton and Geo. N. MacCul- that the wool grower ia the under dog ing result: local of this valley, and on Monday property located at the corner of Third because while expenses have gone up L. D. Lay, president; J. F. Mc- loch of Coolidge, Wash., constituted and Main streets. With bis family be evening addressed a fair sized audfet ce by leaps and bounds, the price re- Naught, vice-president; W. J- Warner, one auto party and Mesdames H. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Salser and son st the Auditorium, In which he dwelt took possession of the new home mains stationary and he cannot sell his secretary; F. B. Swayze, treasurer; Griffith, J. D. Walker, C. Tillson and Leroy departed the first of the week on the et hies of Socialism and discu-sed immediately after its vacation byC. C. gentleman named A. Atchison of wool on account of the lack of trans- E. E. Graham, L. D. Lay, W. J. Dob- | a _ for their new home in Willamina In a few points in favor of his candidacy. Salser and family. porta lion. 1er R- A. Slewart, J. F. McNaught, j Plymouth, Wash., another that cross- It is the general opinion that the Western Oregon. On the wav they board of directors. led Wm. Switzler’s ferry Wednesday are making short side visits to rela- nomination of the gentleman to make A change in the personnel of the to call on the dentist and do shipping WEATHER REPORT lives, Mrs. Salser sod son paying a the race for United States senator was association officers was enacted at the ith the local merchants. Hard frosts visited eastern Oregon visit to a sister at Woodburn and Mr. brought about more through a desire William Young, a Celestial that has election, for new men are in the chairs on the first three nights of this Salser stopping a few days with a to test the strength of the Sociali-t operated a restaurant la Umatilla for of the president, vice-president and party in this Mate than an idea that he a number of years, has leased the din C. Chamberlain, accompanied by his week, with the result that all fruit brother at Vancouver, Wash. board of director», the only old officers Their many friends here regret their had any chance to defeat either of the trees that had blossomed were bard ing room of the Hotel Oregon from daughters Ruth and Mrs. J- M Smith re-elected to succeed themselves be above candidates al the poils Io the Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and starting of Irrigon, visited a couple of dava the bit. The maximum temperature was departure, but wish them unbounded ing Messrs. Warner and Swayze, as primaries in May. success in their farming undertaking. with today will conduct that part of 75 and the minimum 14 for the week. first of the week in Pendleton secretary and treasurer, reepec ively: h TATE POLITICS ARE WARMING UP NEW TIME LAW IS DECOMING POPULAR NEW BUTTER MAKER TAKES UP DUTIES RED CROSS COUNCIL DISCUSSES IRRIGATION DISTRICT WATER USERS’ ASSOCIA TION HOLDS MEETING the above hostelry in future. SOCIALIST ENTERS SENATORIAL RAGE