Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1918)
THE VOL. XII H ermiston H erald HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1918 14.000 TONS OF ALFALFA HARVESTED LAST YEAR The annual inventory of all statis tical improvements on the Umatilla project has been completed by the U. S. Reclamation Service in this city, and the compilation shows that the total yield of alfalfa on the project in 1917 was 14,000 tons, and the average price was about $15 per ton, or a total value of $210,000. The statistics were gathered from every acre from which a crop was harvested, both from old and new seedings. The minimum figure taken was 7-10 of a ton from last June seeding, or the first crop off the land The maximum was seven tons. The average which was reduced because of heavy acreage of new land was 3.75 tons per acre. The average yield in cluding new land seeded in spring and summer of 1917 in dollars was 856.25 and the maximum yield in dollars was 1105 per acre. The prices quoted are for hay in the stack before chopped or baled. A few men produced seven tons and sold for #15, or #126 per acre. The figures show 315 acres of bear ing orchard, from 100 pounds per acre to 12,000 pound per acre. The price received as an average was one and three-quarter cts. per pound. The total value was $12,000. Most of the orch ards produced their first fruit ir 1917. The records show 500 acres more of non-bearing trees. The project now has 850 dairy cows valued at 950,000, and 1500 hogs valued at #30,000. The poultry yards, includ ing turkeys and geese, contain 10,000 birds valued at #7500. The increase of all products over the year of 1916 was large and the year of 1918 will be very much larger in percentage oyer that of 1917. During the past year over 100 new farms have been started and the alfalfa acreage on the old farms have been steadily increased. The open winter has been a great held to farmers, and every man and team available has been employed for several months preparing land for cultivation. MAKING STEAMSHIPS OF SAILING VESSELS JERSEY NO. 20 RRFFDFRS ARF C FIRMLY ESTAOLISHED BIG SHIPMENT OF HERMISTON HONEY CHAMPION DEBATERS OF FOUR COUNTIES The Hermiston Jersey Breeders Association held ite annual meeting last Saturday, with representatives present from all of the five blocks into which this project has been divided by the organisation. At that time the usual routine business was transacted and new propositions discussed, after which officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, George A. Cressy; vice- president, George Ellison; secretary- treasurer, C. M. Jackson. Directors, W. H. Starr, F. P. Phipps, C. L. Spen- cer, P. P. Sullivan and William Ben- sei. The reading of the secretary's report disclosed the pleasing manner in which the association is progressing in the breeding business, and the financial end showed an increasing yearly surplus. This association was organized a few years ago largely through the efforts of F. W. Kehrli, then field agent for the dairy commission of Oregon. It started with two regis tered Jersey bulls. These bave been increased to five, and are stationed at different places on the project, the idea for this being to accommodate as far as possible all who wish to im prove their dairy stock In what is be lieved to be the best dairy breed for this valley. These animals are all from the best pure-bred herd in Ore gon—the Ed. Cary herd at Carlton— their dams having official records of from 650 to 850 pounds of butter in a year. These animals are now located at the ranches of S. S. Palmer, Jim Scott, Frank Waugaman, Henry Ott, and George Cressy. It might be well to state here f r the benefit of comers that there are shares for sale in al) of the five blocks and those de siring to breed should see caretakers Mr. Winjer of the U. S. department of agriculture visited the project last summer and while here complimented the association verv highly on the work they were doing—that of im proving the dairy stock of this com munity. In the course of his remarks he said that he had learned more from this organization than be could possi- bly teach it. At a conference of the agriculturists doing experiment station and demon stration work on the government irri gation projects, which was held in Salt Lake in June, 1917, it was stated by E. V. Ellison of the federal dairy division that the Hermiston bull association was one of the first organ ized and 'most successful bull asso ciations in the. west. At that time there were four, of which it appears that the Hermiston association was the first organized, as it was then two years of age or older. One of these is on the Tieton project in Washington, one in the Bitter Root valley, Mon tana, and the other was then in pro cess of organization in Utah. The state of California is by this time sampling the superfine houey that is produced on this project, and many there are probably wondering why it is that apiaries cannot be estab lished iu the valleys of the Golden State to turn out a class of houey that would compare with that which comes from the Hermiston valley. ------ It is a widely advertised fact that Chairman Hurley of the shipping board bos heartily approves the suggestion of Thomas A. Edison that as many as possible of America’s 5,382 sailing ves the product from the hives of the bee- sels be converted into steamships. Thephotograph is of a four-master that keepers surrounding Hermiston is of the most superfine quality, and that a has been equipped with power. ready market, both local and foreign, is always awaiting them. No better evidence of this is needed than the single shipment made Monday from the O.-W. R. & N. depot in this city, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE when Thom brothers, almost nation wide known for their production of Mr. Woodson of Heppner was a Mrs. W. A. Leathers arrived home superior honey, billed out 23,000 Wednesday from Pendleton, where she caller in town Sunday. pounds of the delicious product of the Rev. Montgomery, member of the has been visiting for some time. hives, all of which went direct to a Mr. and Mrs. Upham and family presbytery from Portland, was in town California wholesaler. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. W. A. Murchie came in from Hot Correi in Hermiston Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sapper were Lake the first of the week, where he dinner guests of Mrs. Anna Sapper has been for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Sherman Tuesday night. Roscoe Fischer was called for exam county visited a few days with their son and family, J. R. Johnson. . ination at Pendleton Saturday. Work on the Oregon Trail, which Is W. A. Price went to Heppner Sun Mrs. Phipps was hostess to a dinner that part of the Columbia Highway party of five Wednesday evening. day to take examination for military running through this city from Uma Those present were Mr. and Mrs. service. tilla to La Grande and on to the east Mike Marshall and son Charles went ern boundary of the state at Ontario, Leathers, Prof. Beckman, Jack Gor ham, Miss Laura and the host and to Heppner Monday. will soon be begun in this neighbor- hostess. E. P. Dodd came down from Hermis hood. The bids for the construction A number of entertainments were Mr. and Mrs. Lay and Miss Hudson ton Sunday. of approximately 21 miles from the held this and last week in this city in Saturday, re Morrpw county line through Umatilla, motored to Pendleton Dr. Barnes, of Hermiston, came down honor of Miss Bessie McPherson, who Sunday and preached the funeral ser Hermiston, Stanfield and Echo are to has resigned her position with the turning the seme day. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sommerer mon of Grandpa Wheeler, father of bo opened at the state highway head Hermiston Creamery Co. and leaves next Tuesday for her home in Pendle motored to Pendleton Wednesday, re Mrs. Klitz, who passed away last week quarters in Portland on Tuesday next at bis home in Boardman at the age of Simultaneously bids for the construct ton to prepare for her forthcoming turning Thursday. ion of an equal number of miles of the marriage to C. M. Jackson, one of the The dance given at the Rogers home 84 years. He had suffered a slight highway between Echo and Pendleton paralytic stroke early in the fall and best known and most progressive ran Saturday night was a decided success are to be opened All the work of had never fully recovered. The re chers of the Minnehaha district. and those present said “awful good mains were laid to rest in the family grading has been turned over by the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell were eats." county court to the state commission, burying ground near Ione. hosts at a party given for the young Friday night a public meeting was and the proposed contracts cover the lady at their home east of town last Sat held at Columbia school to discuss pro C. C. Paine went to Stanfield Tues entire work. urday night, and Tuesday and Wednes gressive movements for the coming day. It is said that there are many big day afternoons Miss McPherson was year. Willie Westlund returned this week contracting concerns bidding on the again honored by entertainment at the Mr and Mrs. Geo. Beddow and son from a trip to his old home at Cokato, contracts, and while the call for bids Henry Hanby bought ten acres a Newell home on the west side, the were Saturday and Sunday visitors at Minn. does not specify any set time for the mile southeast of town adjoining the hostesses being Mrs. H. D. Newel), Pendleton. F. Vose of Bend was here the first beginning of the work, it is the belief Mrs. W. Roberts and Mrs. G. Ray hill. Gent tract this week from Charles Mrs. Cooley, wbo has been visiting part of the week looking up a location that the lucky bidders will assemble H. Skinner. He will improve the Thursday evening she was again hon Miss Jones for the past three weeks, for a barber shop. His mother from their men and machinery and begin ored at a bridge party given by Mrs. same in alfalfa immediately. building the highway as quickly as returned to her home in Burns last Portland accompanied him. Thos. Campbell and T. P. Campbell at Through a three cornered deal this Wm. Harper, of De Moss Springs, possible after being awarded the con- Saturday. the former’s south side home. week Dr. E. W. Barnes becomes the tracts ___________ _ Mrs. H. M. Sommerer was a delight arrived Wednesday. Miss Barton entertained Misses owner of the home of John Young and A small shipment of 32 new com Klindt. Maguder, Deither, Hummel, ful hostess to a dinner party last Wed J. T. Hinkle acquiree the 13-acres ad- Teevan, Ada Prann, Fannie Todd, nesday night, the occasion of Mr. bination boxes have arrived for the joining his borne tract on South Hill postoffice. As soon as the new general Ethel Epperson and Ethel Young last Sommerer’s birth anniversary. which Dr. Barnes recently purchased delivery window arrives they will be evening in honor of Miss Me- The many friends of Jennie Sim from W. J Emry. Mr. Young will McPherson. It was a children’s party, mons will be glad to learn that she built in so any one having a box can move soon into bis new borne opposite in which a chafing dish feed was en has again resumed her position as get mail out of office hours. the reclamation office building and Dr. There’s a bad time in store for some C. H. Parrett of Los Angeles is here joyed. telephone operator. Barnes will move into the house occu of Hermiston’s horde of canines, and Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Hinkle and Mise Frank Waugaman motored to Pen- looking over his farm west of town. pied now by Mr. Young. it Is safe to bet that the population of Barton will be hostesses this afternoon accompanied by Dogdum will be diminished materially Charles McElroy has purchased the at a social function to be given at the dieton last Sunday as a result of the invasion of the dog Abbott ten acre tract adjoining his Watson home on Gladys avenue in hon Mrs. Waugaman and Wilma, both of whom are under medical care at St catcher, who is soon to appear for the home place near the Minnehaha school or of the lady. Anthony’s hospital. purpose of taking a census of all ani house. He will seed the land to The ladies of the Neighborhood club mals within the confines of this city, alfalfa. This gives Mr. McElroy 80 are aked not to forget to attend the and sending t perdition those that do George Strohm, who last fall ba acres of land, which be is developing. The high school is taking the defeat not display a license tsg. meeting today held at the Columbia carne the owner by purchase of forty- Quick and McFall have commenced io basket ball at Pendleton last Friday Owners of perfectly good dogs five acres of choice land in Hermiston school bouse. work leveling 40 acres of land known evening in good spirits, for Hermiston should begin now to look after the Orchards southeast of this city, which as the Minnehaha Spring Reserve that Walter Davis is now the proud was not forgotten altogether that welfare of this part of their personal he has already improved by the build they bought recently from the Uma possessor of a Ford. The regular meeting of the Hermis night, as was shown by the result of property by calling on the city clerk ing of a handsome residence and large tilla Farm Lands Company. An operation was performed Tues the two debating teams winning over and securing a license so that their farm buildings, has felt the past month ton Commercial club will be held Mon A. L Luce has his bouse about com day evening, February 4. This is the day morning at St. Anthony’s hospital Milton. anima)« will be immune from annex that the place would be better adapted pleted on his 34 acre tract southeast of first meeting since the annual election in Pendleton on the little daughter of Perhaps the people have noticed the ation when the work of extermination to his purpose of alfalfa and pure bred . town two miles that be bought several of officers, and it is desired to start Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waugaman for _______ ________ bog raising if he could only annex extreme brightness of a few days the begins. weeks ago from C. S. McNaught. the year’s work with as much interest removal of tonsils and adenoids. nine acres adjoining belonging to W. first of this week and the last of the Edward Johnson, who bought ten in public affairs as possible. To that R. Longhorn. week before. Miss Barton thinks this acres adjoining Mr. Luce’s place, has end this will be designated as a “Needs Bartering the latter for a price on brightness was caused by her class in his new home completed and is seed Meeting.” The purpose is to ascer the traci, the gentlemen soon came to ancient history, for the class don’t ing his land to alfalfa. He will also tain the needs of the community and an amicable agreement. The sale seem nearly so bright now. seed ten acres of Frank Stone's land arrive at some means, if possible, of was consummated the latter part of The high school student body desires nearby to wheat and alfalfa. satisfying them. Just by chance It has been discovered last week, and now the boundary lines to express its thanks to Tony Drols that for some time Hermiston has been Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Paddock of You are expected to come and say of Mr. Strohm’s ranch lakes in fifty- hagen for the catcher’s outfit that be harboring high class singers in the Seattle have arrived and will make what you think ought to be done this four acres. There were big doings in Masonic presented to the baseball team. Hermiston their home. Thev own 46 year for the good of your part of the persons of Maurice D. Scroges, Dr. F. circles in Umatilla Monday evening, acres of land near Lake Lane that they district and for the general good. The Found—A pair of gloves belonging V. Prime, Harry Straw and Waiter purchased from the Umatilla Farm small things, may be the main things, that organization putting on the third to some girl, in Lawrence Bryant’s Rees, and with the discovery by each Lands company, 15 acres of which they but big or small, if worthy, the Com degree. There were many visitors that the other could sing some they coat pocket. have had improved. They will now mercial club will help put them over. from nearby towns to witness the con decided to let the public in on It when Lost, Strayed or Stolen—One ancient build a home on the land and seed the Anything that promotes the develop ferring of the degree, and all those, ever opportunity offered. together with Eastern Star ladies, history. Finder will please return to | balance to alfalfa. ment and welfare of this irrigated belt Thus it is that at last this pity has a were treated royally to an elaborate Carl Myers and receive reward. Cato Johns, who recently bought 40 will be welcomed as a part of the work male quartette practicing that will In Thomas Marxen, the well known banquet. scree from Mr. Theriault, a mile and a of the Commercial club during 1918 Wanted—A good grade in geometry. a abort time be heard and appreciated restaurant and theatre man of this The Hermiston contingent to the half north of Hermiston, has now 25 Anyone having same will pleas» notify at a public function. When they city, wbo has been confined to bis affair was large, there being about i aeree leveled and ready for the seed- make their initial bow to a local audi room io the Hotel Hermiston for over WEATHER REPORT twenty Masons and Eastern Stars In ing of alfalfa. The weather has been the coldest attendance, nearly all of whom made Found—Ooe love letter. If Miss ence Mr. Straw will sing first baas, two weeks suffering first from la H. A. McKeen has bought 12 acres this week at any lime during the win- Mr Scroggs first tenor, Mr. Ries bari grippe end later from a breaking of the trip to the Seaport City of Eastern Mae Rogers will call oo the school adjoining his home place oo the west, ter, the thermometer dropping to one tone and Dr. Primo second tenor. the veins In one of bis legs that caused her Oregon io Fred Brunson’s big auto correspondent »he may recover formerly known as the Wood's place. ulcerations, was taken to a hospital in above zero Wedneseay night. The property. Mrs. C. H. Young entertained the Pendleton last Monday. Friends, of maximum was 58 degrees and the rain which he has many In this city, car The regular Red Cross meeting sche- fall eleven-hundredths of as Inch for Louis Rogers, a contractor and Misses Deither, Teevan, Magruder Miss Edlie Johnson leaves Wednes ried him to the train on a stretcher, duled for the first Thursday in each the week ending Thursday night. Skinner. Hummel, Barton and Klindt, day next to resume her studies at the builder of Baker City, was bere this sod F A Cbezik accompanied him to month was held this week instead of Tuesday evening in honor of her hus- week visiting his parents, Mr. and First real snow of the season as we the county seat town. next week In order to transact impor band's sieter, Mies Ethel Young. Mrs. B. M Rogers. ltoo with her parents near thio city. go to press. tant business Proud are the faculty, students and patrons of Hermiston’s high school over the winning of the championship of the Umatilla district, comprising eight high schools in the counties of Gilliam, Morrow, Wheeler and Uma tilla, by the debating squad of the insti tution. This championship came to them Friday night of last week, when Emily Shotwell, Gladys West and Durell Murchie went to Miltoo and debated the negative side with the high school team there on the question, “Resolved that capital and labor should be re quired to settle their industrial dis- pute* in legally organized courts of ar- bitration.,” winning by Unanimous vote. The same evening the affirmative side of the question was debated here by Jane Gunn, Martha Winslow and Viola Crandall, who defeated the team sent here from Milton in the dual meet by a vote of two to one. This signal victory of the Hermiston high debating squad now gives the members an opportunity to meet a team from the central part of the state and also puts them in line for the state championship. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES BOARDMAN NEWS STATE IS TO LET CON TRACT NEXT TUESDAY SOCIAL FUNCTIONS HONOR DRIDE TO BE LAND SALES, TRADES AND IMPROVEMENTS DOG DAYS ARE COM ING IN HERMISTON WELL KNOWN RANCHER BUYS MORE ACREAGE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES NEEDS MEETING THAT NEEDS ALL PRESENT UMATILLA MASONS SHOW HOSPITALITY GOOD COMBINATION OF REAL WARBLERS RESTAURANT MAN TO PENDLETON PITAL