Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, E “BP-*------"--: § HERMISTON» STON, OREGON. Maizie Riseling of Stanfield spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Boyn ton home. Mre. Bert Hiatt left Wednesday for Dayton, Wash , to visit until after Mrs. V. A. Hamer of Milton, Ore., is Christmas with ber mother snd sister a guest this week at the ranch home of residing there, when she will enter tbe employ of the Pacific Power & ber daughter, Mrs. W. G. Rodda. Light Co. Mrs. E. Mumma arrived home Wed- All who attended the lecture of Dr. □eeday from a visit to ber daughter in DeQuer in this city Thursday evening Grass Valley, Oregon. on “Tne Growth of Civilization” de Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maher and clare it to bave been a masterpiece. family departed Sunday for their new The gentleman held the large audience home on a farm near Tacoma, Wash. in rapt attention during bis entire Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy and talk. family left Sunday for Elgin, Oregon, Two delightful parties were given where they slay until spring. last week at the Percey and Kelly € === Keep Warm wearing our wool sox, overshoes and caps Buy Kingsley’s LOCALS— = = ) Frank Auseon has been spending a week attending to necessary fall work on bls North Ridge ranch, Mr. Thomas meanwhile operating the barber shop. Mackinaws Mrs H. T. Fraser and Mrs. C. S McNaught returned home Monday eve ning from a short visit to friends in Walla Walla, Wash. Mackinaw pants and shirts, warm lined mittens and gloves for your WANT ADS. day of last week. The happy young For Sale—Dress form and stand, al couple will reside in this city. most new, size 38, adjustable In length. adv. 12 2tp Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stone have re Inquire at Herald office. KINGSLEY’S cs 85 N. NOTICE Mrs. J W. Campbell and family are enjoying a visit from the lady’s 00000UU*=UU® mother, Mrs. F. H. Taylor, of Palo Alto, California, at their ranch home Send your washing to the Model in the southern part of this city. laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, Miss Ella Dodeon of Irrigon and through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas Walter Caldwell of this citv were ket leaves Tuesday morning and re -adv49tfc united in marriage in Pendleton Satur turns Friday of each week. It looks like snow, and you will need leggings, bootees, dri-foot and many other necessities we have at ill, homes in honor of Vane Boynton and Harry McMillan, the two boys who went to Portland this week to enlist. Tbe evenings passed pleasantly with games and music. There will be a special communica tion of Hermiston Lodge, A. F. snd A. A. F. Alexander, publisher of the Up-to-the-Times Magazine at Walla M , Tuesday evening, December 18, Walla, was a pleasant caller at this 1917, at 8 p. m. Work in F C. degree and installation of officers. office Wednesday. By Order of W. M. 13c. The town girls beat the high school girls in the double-beader basket ball game Thursday evening, and the high school boys defeated the town boys. Winter Work OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO ceived word from their son Frank to Percey Sisters Millinery Store is sell the effect that he has been transferred ing tbe remainder of their ladies’ and from Camp Lewis to the aviation ser children’s hats at cost. adv 12-2tc vice at San Antonio, Texas. For Sale—A span of mules at a bar M O. Rymerson returned last Satur gain for quick sale, also yearling Jer day from Byron. Wash., after an ab sey heifer. C. B. Percey. -adv4tfc sence of two months, during which What is nicer at this time of year time be superintended the work of harvesting his apple crop on orchard than a Christmas gift to a relative or friend of the Ladies’ Home Journal, tracts which he owns there. tbe Country Gentleman or tbe Satur Art Spinning was lucky goose hunt day Evening Post. Either Journal or ing Tuesday, and Wednesday evening Post $1.50 per year, Country Gentle Mrs. Spinning served a wild goose din man $1 per year. See Ed. H. Graham, ner at their home on Ridgeway ave- agent. -adv 12-13 nue, Veterinary Surgeon J. A. Peed For Sale: — As I am going to leave being a guest at the delicious repast. Hermiston I offer my 67 acre ranch for Irrigation Superintendent M. D. sale cheap; 35 acres in alfalfa, 5 acres Scroggs and family are now comfort orchard and good set of buildings; or ably housed in their new dwelling just will sell 37 acres with the buildings, recently completed by the contractors. orchard and 15 acres in alfalfa. This fine residence enhances the ap C. H. Skinner adv.6 tfc pearance of their orchard tract on the For Sale — Thoroughbred white Pekin couth side. ducks. Henry Sommerer. adv. 12tfc H. D. Newell, bead of the govern For Sale—Weaned pigs, buggy, driv ment reclamation service in this pro- ing harnesses. W. J. Warner. advl2tfc jeot, has the distinction of having pur chased the first war saving certificate For Sale or Trade—Good farm horse. after they were put on sale in this Any offer takes him. August F. Beisse. city, and John Mack, son of the local -adl2-2tp druggist, bought the initial thrift For Sale—Well drill and two sets of stamp. tools for $600, or will trade for good J. T. Embry has rented his 20-acre used Ford and cash. Enquire at Her. ranch on North Ridge for the coming aid office. * -dv12-15 year to R. C. Sprague and b. other. Percey Sisters Millinery Store will Mr. Embry has moved to the Sehorn Last Saturday evening the Ransfer property for the present, but expects have a new line of embroidery goods home on Ridgeway avenue was the i to leave next week to spend the Christ on display the first of next week, such scene of much merrymaking, the occa mas holidays with his son Clay at as pillow cases, towels and other use- ful articles. adv 12-2tc. sion being a surprise party held there Clarkston, Wash. to commemorate the birthdays of Dan Wait for Dr. Freeze, Henry Hitt wae incapacitated and Rentier and Ivy Goodwin, the natal remained at his home a few days the the eye specialist. If you day of one falling on Friday and the first of the week as a result of losing need glasses or have other on Saturday. All enjoyed a a few teeth by coming violenty io con any other eye trouble« most pleasant evening, and before tact with the back of the front seat of headaches. Regular visits to Hermis home-going time came around a repast an auto in which he was riding after ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. ef merit was partaken of. Those being bounced to the top by the jar Watch for dates. -advtfc participating in the festivities were: from a bump in the road which the For Sale—Stack of straw. J. D. Meeers. Charles Bahn, Otho Stoll, machine went over at fair speed. Watson. Dau Raosier, Soren Jenson, Archie 13-14 Tbe regular meeting of the Hermis- Marlow and Frank Marlow. Don’t say bread. Say Bolsum or ton volunteer fire department was not Tip-Top bread. Mesdames Nellie Thurman, Lucy For sale at B. S. very well attended Monday evening. Kingsley’s. Stoll, Nora Ranslor, Nettie Goodwin, 13 This apparent lack of interest should Nellie Christian, Julia Marlow, Mame not be in a progressive town like Her Pigs for Sale—James Ware, Eugene Selzer and Alta Hahn. miston, and an effort is to be made to ranch. Phone 16R12. 13-16p Marvin Raneier, Pearl Christian, reveres this condition and have To Rent — House of five rooms and Minnie Thompson, Myrtle Christian, repreeentative meetings hereafter. bath, modern conveniences. Ora Thompson, Arlie Thompson, Address Word has come that Ed. Hitt and P. O. Box 365. Edith Reeves, Howard Pariah, Loe 13tfc Christian, Mary Christian, Elle Good, Bert Hiatt have successfully passed For Sale—Roselawn Farm, one and win, Ivy Ooodwin, Buster Selzer and into the army service, but as yet no one-quarter miles southwest of Her. word has been received from Harry Gerald Hahn. miston. One of the finest --------- orchard McMillin or Robert Bunch as to what alfalfa tracts on the project. Mrs luck they had since leaving here Mon Geo. Davis.------------------------------ lMfc day night for Portland to enlist. For Rent—Ideal location for any Wayne Boynton is another Hermiston Next door to postoffice boy that went to Portland for exam- business. Modern concrete building. Apply to ination Thursday. J. H. Young. 13tfc Mr. and Mr«. H. A. Frick motored Streyed or Stolen — From reservoir to Irrigon Sunday, where they took part in the church moving exercises. pasture, one three year old bay filly They say the edifice was moved from branded “Lazy Y” on left stifle; wire its old location to the new by a large cuts on both hind feet. Suitable reward. number of willing workers in this W. W. Rogers, Hermiston. Ore. 13tfe good caute, and that in turn they were a.OFz“cleu.A. " nloe zoung amply rewarded by the appetizing and i moat delicious chicken dinner prepared for the occasion by Irrigon lad lee. CITY MARKET AND GROCERY Just received an order of pickles and kraut and the prices are right Kraut, per pound....................................... -.... -...... Dill Pickles, per dozen............ ..... .................. -....... 20c Sweet Pickles, per qt......................................... 30c Sour Pickles, quart................................ — 25c Rolled Oats, 9 pound sack.................... 66c Golden Rod Pancake Flour, 9 lb. sack..................75c Everybody’s Attention has been called to the remarkable fuel saving secured with Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heaters. I g Coal prices are soaring—why be a slave to an extravagant heating plant or stove I that is a demon for fuel a Join now in the great army of satisfied users who have found relief from high fuel bills with the great fuel saving fl | | 8 COLE’S Original Hot Blast Heater Burns cheapest coal clean and bright Ilses any fuel Everybody is searching for a way to save fuel and food. Here’s your opportunity to . cut your coal bills square in half and A . gain a perfectly heated home as A % well. Investigate now. Our Store A %, is Fuel Savers Headquarters. £7 No. 112 TRY A POUND OF MARIGOLD OLEOMARGAR INE. JUST LIKE HOME MADE BUTTER Get a Sack of White Satin Flour--- a user you will always be BIRTHDAY PARTY Tonsorial Parlors WAS HELD FOR TWO SHAAR’S Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial Treatment WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE Wm.' Shaar, Prop. Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at Siscel’s. Phone 282 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W. B BEASLEY SPECIALS Warm Driving Gloves, pair...____ ____________ 75c Leather and Hair Gloves, lined, with gauntlet $2.00 Leather and Cloth Gloves, lined, with gauntlet.. 2.60 All Leather Gloves, lined, unlined, with gauntlet 4.00 Foot Warmers for buggy or auto.... ......... 2.25 Charcoal bricks for these always in stock. Lap Rober, warm and waterproof 7.75 Thermos Bottles, pint_____________________ 1.50 SAPPER BROS. GARAGE — - ---------- - - ------------ - -- „ -===== = ======== Have you your winter chains? Stock now in, to sup- ply early and be ready when you need them Mr. and Mrs E. P. Illsley came homo from Brewster, Wash , Monday, the funeral of their son’s wife, Mrs. Howard Illsiey, whose death came after a lingering illness from tuber- culosis. Their eon Howard accompan led them and is now visiting In thia Camp Lewis and called on Dr. Illsley, base hospital administering Io 34 pneu- monia patients Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out 89 town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one wav IPE Edison Week COME IN AND HEAR NEW RECORDS Phonographs all Prices and Terms Good machine for $36.00 including 12 records Hermiston Drug Co. First Class Tailoring Done by JACK WHITE Hermiston’s Up-to- Date Cleaning and Pressing PROf APTLY AND NEATLY . DONE Boss Mechanic Overalls and Coats Warranted Jaot to rip, and fast ec ■lora $1.75 EACH Mack’ s Variety Store STOCK MENS WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED LEGAL BLANKS for SALE AT THE HER/ _LD OFFE TE