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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1917)
T he H ermiston H erald VOL. XII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1917 FIELD MARSHAL SIR DOUGLAS HAIG PEOPLE GIVE FREELY TO RED CROSS WORKERS Probably in no place in the whole state of Oregon are the peapie more ready and willing to give to auxiliary agencies that are striving with might and main to aleviate suffering among our soldier boys, minister to their mental, physical and spiritual wants, and above all keep them in good cheer and urge them on to victory than the people residing in this government project. This has been shown in every drive for the cause of freedom that has been undertaken during the summer and fall months, and we are glad to be able to state that the Red Cross drives that took place all over the project this week have been no exception. NO. 14 WANT EAST END ROAD WORK BEGUN AT ONCE " TO DANCE OLD YEAR OUT AND NEW YEAR IN THE WAR SAVINGS PLAN IN NUTSHELL The annual library ball will be given by the Hermiston Library board at Marxen's hall on the evening of December 31, New Year’s eve, and the old year will be seen at its close and the new year welcomed in. This will be made a special occasion owing to the building of the new library on which construction is rapid ly progressing. There will be many little things needed about the new building which the board is anxious to supply. The reading room and rest room in particular will require things that the Carnegie fund does not pro vide for. The board is very desirous to present the new building to the pub lic in the early spring fully equipped, and In usefullness and attractiveness, and hopes for a large attendance at the annual event. A very enjoyable time is promised and everybody is welcome. The government’s war savings plan is a plan by which you can lend small savings to your government al four per cent interest, compounded quarterly. You lend to your government by the purchase of war savings certificates and thrift stamps. A war savings certificate costs 84.12, if purchased this month or next—the cost to advance one cent each succeed ing month during 1918. Ou January 1, 1923, the certificate will mature and the government will pay you 85 for it. A thrift stamp is a stamp coating 25 cents to be applied io payment for » war savings certificate. It does not earn interest, its purpose being to help purchasers to accumulate In 25 cent pieces, the amount necessary to pay for a war savings certificate. Though money with which to carry on the war to victory is the immediate consideration in the government’s war savings certificate and thrift stamp ap peal, real and lasting benefits to the nation are going to accrue bv virtue of the more general practice of national thrift which the campaign is expected to develop. The government hopes to make us a more thrifty people, not merely for the duration of the war, but for all the time. Uncle Sam feels that if be make us a nation of savers be will have made us a nation of serv- ers to all mankind. Some lime ago delegates went to Pendleton from this end of the county and called on the county court, at which time they put in a plea to that body to divert money enough from the road fund to begin the work of nutting in shape the stretch of the Columbia highway from Echo lo the Morrow county line so that it would be In readiness for the reception of macadam by the stale early next spring. They apparently received a promise that this would be done, and taking it in good faith returned to their various homes jubilant over the prospects of at last being on the verge of having their long cherished hopes of having a passable trunk road through this part of the county fulfilled. But they wail ed and waited for the commencement of this work until they could wait no longer, and in order to know the rea son why the county court had not lived up io its word eight businessmen went to Echo Wednesday night from here to a road meeting held in that city. Accompanying them was a dele gation from Umatilla, and at Stanfield were joined by another. At that meeting a set of resolutions were passed setting out the grievances in full and these io turn were sent to the county court with the information accompaning that al) the delegates Would be in Pendleton Friday to meet with that body. However, they did not have to go to Pendleton, for the county court tele- phoned that they would meet them half way—al Echo—an Friday, and yes terday the delegates and Ibe county court assembled in the historical neighboring town and done things that will rebound to the credit of the com missioners, and from which they will never hear an "echo" if they fulfil their promises to the delegations that they will place the highway In shape for macadamizing by the state. In Hermiston a meeting was held Monday evening to prepare for the The most recent picture of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, commander drive of Thursday, and at that time in chief of the British forces in France, which has Just arrived in this country. Manager Thomas Campbel), after a It is a characteristic picture of the Great British military leader. His steed well chosen patriotic speech to the Is a marvel and his thoroughbred breeding is delineated In every line. Horse large audience assembled, designated and man are a pair of thoroughbreds. his lieutenants for twelve districts into which he had divided the Hermiston valley. He then called for volunteers to furnish transportation for the dele gatee, and in a very few minutes twelve men with as many automobiles SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE had been signed up. He then announced that this valley’s John Mack spent Wednesday in Her quota toward the Red Cross fund In a communication received by this miston with his father. amounted to $450, and that the amount paper, Collector of Internal Revenue J. C. Ballenger and Mrs. Boardman Fred Price loaded his household Milton A. Miller, announces that a to be raised to help the Armenian were out on the Red Cross drive Wed- sufferers was $95, after which he read goods and farm machinery on the train federal income tax collector will be nesday. Everyone responded heartily. the following appealing telegram this week, and with his family depart sent into this county on Jan. 3 and will Mrs. J. C. Ballenger went to Ar anent these starving people which be ed for Pendleton, near which place be be here until Jan 30. He will have bis lington Wednesday. has leased a 560 acre wheat ranch to office in the court house at the county had just received from the relief com Mr. O’Riley of the Oregon Agricul seat and will be there every day ready mittee in Portland: “In the name of operate the coming year. tural college gave an Interesting talk While in Hermiston he had the and willing to help persons subject to 400,000 orphans who tonight are home lesa and without food and whose only Loche ranch on the South side under the income tax make out their returns to the school Thursday on industrial crime is that they are Christians, we lease, and says that he has no fault to without any cost to them for his ser club work. appeal to you to open your hearts as find with this valley, having made vices. Sam Boardman, Mike Marshall and Returns of income for the year 1917 the road viewers drove over to Hepp well as your purees and give freely. money on the place. However, he Then only will you have performed was offered a good proposition by the must be made on forms provided for ner Wednesday. your duty to them and to Him whom owner of the wheat ranch, who has the purpose before March 1, 1918. Be There will be a dance in Messner The new 1918 calendars are arriving you serve as the Lord of Mercy.” other interests to look after, and be cause a good many people don’t under Saturday evening. Everyone invited. and are being distributed to custom With the Sunday schools, the public decided that now, If ever, was the time stand the law and won't know how to Boardman and vicinity is on the ers by some of the business bouses In schools and the people donating liber for him to strive to become a multi make out their returns, the govern move this week. J. R. Johnson is this city. The most unique and use millionaire and circulate among the ment is sending in this expert todo it for ally, the $95 will soon be sent in. moving into his new bouse just com ful so far seen among them is one wheat barons in a Hudson super-six, them. But the duty ison the taxpayer Returns from the Red Cross drive pleted on bis homestead south of town. bearing the name of the lottai meat maybe, so he grabbed the big farm, to make himself known to the govern are as yet incomplete, two of the C. O. Blayden Is moving into his new market and grocery. Besides the with an option attached of ment. If he doesn’t make return as re twelve districts not having yet report bouse just finished and O. H. Warner calendar part il haa swinging books on buying it outright at the expiration of quired before March 1, he may have to ed as we go to press—but even at that in the new room he has just got ready which to place and hang spools of paya penalty ranging from $20 to $1,000, On Tuesday of this week F. P. the fund has already went well over the lease. to occupy. thread, scissors, etc., and in the cen pay a fine or go to jail. So if you don’t Phipps, a well known Columbia dis- the membership mark apportioned to Diabert Johnson, while playing with ter of all these contrivances sets a pin trict rancher, shipped three calves to want to take chances on going to jail, this valley. Herewith we give a list a dog at school Monday was bitten cushion. These Hille appliances cer separate wholesale meat concerns, one you better call on the income tax man of the willing workers in this cause, talnly make the calendar useful for going to the Union Meat Co. of Port If you are not sure about being sub quite severely on the wrist. Mr. John the first two named in each district household use, and as a result there is land, another to Page & Son of the son took the boy to Hermiston to have ject to the tax, better ask him and being the collectors and the third the same place, and the third to the Pen make sure. Whether you see the in the wound dressed. Diabert was able a rush on for them by the ladies. one furnishing the conveyance: to return to school the next day and dleton Meat Co. of Pendleton. What with liberty bonds, comfort come tax mao or not, you must make unless something unforeseen happens District No. 1—Mrs. F. P. Phipps, In making shipment of ihe veal to kits, Y. M. C. A. fund, knitting and return if subject to tax. Mrs. H. A. McKeen, H. D Newell. the various concerns above notated be Of course, persors residing in other will get along all right. numerous other activities to be main District No. 2—Mrs. W. J. Warner, J. O. Lower went to Wasco Wednes did so for the purpose of finding out to tained, it would seem the public has counties may, if they want to, come SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. H. M. Sommerer, Henry Som day to visit his sister, Mrs. Sada Mo- his own satisfaction which of the three and see the income tax man, who will its hands pretty full just now. How merer. was the real f> lend of the farmer—and ever, there Is one cause to which no be at the county seat on the date Keene. Mrs. Peter McNab and her sieter, District No. 3—Mrs. J. H. Reid, in the evolution of the scheme be has Mrs. Lucile Mack and Mrs. Maud above mentioned. one of us can afford to be Indifferent. Elmer Chappell and W P. Haggerty Mrs. Geo. Briggs, H. J. Stillings. undoubtedly hit on the tight wav of The collector suggests that every Voyen left Tuesday for Vancouver to In every town and community through- went to Hermiston Monday morning, District No. 4—Mrs. H. M. Straw, ferreting out the most honest dealer body start figuring up now his income spend the holidays with their hus out the land, from now till after returning on the motor in the evening. Mrs. J. W. Campbell, Rev. T. A. Gra of the bunch. Christmas, the little Red Cross Christ and expenses so as to be ready with bands, who are in the aviation camp F. A. Brown, who for a long time Therefore, the one that gives him ham. mas Seals will be on sale. No lover the figures when the expert arrives. there, but will soon be transferred to has held the position of night clerk al District No. 5—Mrs. F. A. Phelps, the best price is the one that will se Expenses, however, don't mean family Texas. of humanity can afford to neglect this the Howl Duncan, has resigned his cure the products of hie farm In the Mrs. C. S. McNaught, H. T. Fraser. noble charity. Not even war itself is expenses, money used to pay off the Mr. Parrot of Loe Angeles, Call., position and kone to the coast. District No. 6—Mrs. H. E. Hitt, dressed meat line hereafter, and it is the deadly enemy to the human race principal of a debt, new machinery, was in town looking after his ranch, Mrs. George Bulterwood visited In possible the Information he receives Mrs. R. A. Waterman, Father Butler. building, or anything like that. They that the great white plague is. Its known to everyone as the greenhouse District No. 7—Mrs. F. A. Chezik, Hermiston Tuesday. on this sale will be distributed among ravages extend around the earth, and mean what you spend in making your place. his neighbors and be the means of Mrs. J. D. Watson, C. S. McNaught. A. L. Barnes of Hermiston was a money — interest, taxes paid, hired no human being is exempt. The pro District No. 8—Mrs. R. M. Hood, business visitor In this city Monday of helping them to secure better prices ceeds of the Red Cross Seals are de help, amount paid for goods sold, seed, stock bought for feeding, rent (except than they have been getting for their Miss Guiwits, W. T. Roberts. this week. voted entirely to the rescue of the for your dwelling), etc. Income in District No. 9—Mrs. A. P. Garner, Sam Oldaker, manager of the Her prod ucis victims of this scourge. Who can tell cludes about every dollar you get. Mrs. A. S. Johnson, J. D. Watson. miston Creamery Co, and also city that a dollar given to this cause may District No. 10-Mrs. A. W. Purdy, engineer of Hermiston, was here Tues not be the means of warding this Mrs. R. C. Todd, H. M. Straw. day with his tripod and compass run- plague from your own loved ones. If District No. Il-Mrs E. L. Jackson, And now comes the glad tidings from ning lines for a new irrigation ditch you would help the utterly hopeless of Mrs. Geo. Cressy, E. L. Jackson Game Warden Tonkin to Henry Hilt soon to be constructed. earth, rally to the support of the Red District No. 12—Mrs. C. F. Ames, of this city to the effect that inalead of For a time Sunday and again on Cross fund. Mrs. J. I. Agnew, J. H. Strohm. the duck and goose hunting season Tuesday the ferry operated by Wm. The Hermiston school* ceased oper Answers of registrants on the select Next week we will publish the closing this year on the 31st of this Switzler «as unable to operate on ac ations last evening until January 2 in ive draft questionnaires relating to month, the bunting of these birds is to amounts received from each of the 12 court of high wind, the velocity of order lo give the poplie and faculty health and answers under the head be permitted to continue up to Janu districts, and give other information which put real whitecaps and ocean- ample lime for holiday visiting and "dependency,” with the exception of ary 15 next, and also that hunters will connected with the drive that is not like swells on the Columbia river at recreation. Most of the instructors the names and addresses of persons have the right to shoot migratory now available. have planned on visits to relatives and claimed to be dependent, will not be birds of the above specie one-half hour this place. Mrs Samson of Irrigon visited hero friends elsewhere, among them being A pretty little romance that started open to inspection by the public with- before sunrise as well as a half hour with ber daughter Lois a couple of within the confines of the University out the consent of the registrants. Miss Nola Magruder, who left last after sunset. days the Aral of the week, and together night to spend Christmas with her of Oregon had its culmination a month Imprisonment for not to exceed one Though the federal law provides that they paid a visit to Hermiston Tues ago when Thomas Campbell, son of year will be the penally imposed on parents In Missouri. Miss Le the open season on ducks and geese Mr and Mrs. Thomas Campbell of this anyone connected with the administra Teevens will visit friends Io Portland, day. closes in Oregon on December 31, it U city, was united in marriage in Seattle tion of the selective draft law who Born, on Tuesday night, December Misses Hummel and Barton will visit now evidently the intention of the elate 18, 1917, to Mr. and • Mrs. Albert G. friends In Salem, Miss Klindt will en shall make this information publie. During the past ten days Water to Miss Helen Stansfield. game authorities to follow the slate joy a vieil with a sister in Walls The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Foord, an eight pound daughter. Superintendent Salser has been kept law this year. Walla, and Miss Blanche Diether goes Mrs. J. Stansfield of Portland, and is a The warm weather of the past week This happy news comes in the nature busy practically night and day pump to Montana to spend the holiday* with junior in the class of journalism In the has been the means of raising the of a Christmas gift to the hunters, and ing water directly into the city mains University of Oregon. It was there the state authorities are [deserving of water In the Columbia river a few a sister residing in that etale. io as to give Contractor Beisse an that herself and husband first met, and opportunity to do some needed work much praise for bringing this about, inches, according to Observer Tipple. it was there they plighted their troth Severe Cold in East I) C Brownell jr. and Sid Saylor inasmuch as the fair weather condi; on the city reservoir located on the Mr. Campbell was a member of the Mrs. Israel R. Frick of Huntington, have been selected as legal advisors to ilona that have prevailed this fall did H J. Stillings, breeder of pure-bred apex of Hermiston butte. | 1918 class at the university. Recently give aid to the se receiving question- Ind., has come to spend the winter , Poland-China hogs, this week sold a not permit of very good bunting. With a force of men the work was he joined the ambulance corps of Cap narice here to All out and return to with her eon and daughter, H. A. executed in the least possible time- boar to Henry Buholts, who came from tain J. C. Kuykendall, now stationed Frick and Mrs. B Haneline- Mrs. the draft board. | Pilot Rock to purchase the animal, The repairs consisted of puuing a stop The Parent-Teachers meeting in the at Camp Lewis, and this evidently Haneline went to Pendleton to me t to a leak that had sprung in the bottom hastened the marriage, with the result for which be paid WO The mate to I high school assembly room last Friday her last week, but on account of the Last night Sanfield and Hermiston of the reservoir bv the breaking of that bog was sold last week and ship- that Mies Stansfield joined the ranks evening was well attended. The pro played a lively game of basket ball severe cold In the east and the la eneas I ped to Dayton, Wash., bringing 850 the concrete floor, and in the process gram was excellent, and the lecture by of trains she was a day late. On the Mr Stillings says the demand for pure- President Penrose of Whitman College here, and next Friday evening the of doing this the big tank was given a | of the war brides. day of leaving her home town it was The soldier groom is well known local team and Echo will play in this bred Poland-China stock has been the I on “The Child sod the Alarm Clock ' much needed flushing out and clean 10 degrees below zero. ! here, and all join with The Herald in ing, after which the walls were thor best he bas ever witnessed at ibis time city. ¡extending felicitations to himself and i proved to be quits a treat oughly gone over with a thick coat of 1 of the year. bride. waterproof paint JOINED THE RANKS OF WHEAT RAISERS INCOME TAX MAN HERE NEXT MONTH DOARDMAN NEWS NEW 1918 CALENDARS DEING DISTRIBUTED RANCHER SETS TRAP FOR MEAT BUYERS HELP RESCUE VICTIMS GREAT WHITE PLAGUE UMATILLA ITEMS SOME ANSWERS WILL NOT DE OPEN TO PUBLIC A UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ROMANCE CITY RESERVOIR HAS BEEN REPAIRED GOOD SALE FOR PURE BRED HOGS SPORTSMEN GET A CHRISTMAS PRESENT HOLIDAY VACATION FUR LOCAL SCHOOLS