Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1917)
THE HERMISTON Don’t Get Excited Local Train Tima Card No. 15, west... 7:06 p.m. No. 6, east... 5:83 a. m No. 16, east... 9:15 a. m. Poet Office Hours General delivery window open week days 8 a.m to 6. p. m. Sundays and holidays from 9 to 10 a. m . .9:20 a. m Mall closes for No. 1. west...... 6:00 p. m Mall closes for No. 6, east .... 2:30 p. m Mal) closes for No. 2, east ...... 6:00 p. m Mail closes for No. 15. west.. Library Hours 2 to 5 and 7 to S each Saturday. County Officials ...... G. W. Phelps Roscoe I. Keaton ........ C. H. Mars! ...B. E. Andersor H. M. Cockburr ......... R. T. Browr Clerk ................ ... .......... J. D. Taylor Sheriff ................ Grace Gillian C. P. Strali Willard Bradley Surveyor ......... I. E. Yount School Supt .......... J .IT. Browr Coroner........... .... Ben Burroughs Recorder—... County court meets the first Wednesday In each month. Circuit Judge....... District Attorney Judge.................. - Commissioners.. City Mayor....................... Recorder ................ Chief of Police Treasurer .......... Fire Chief................ City Physician....... City Attorney-........ City Surveyor Counciimen ......... Officials ....... C. C. Salser F. A. Phelps W. Beasley C. O. Wainscott w. J. Warner .... 3. R. Oldaker J. D. Watson ..... Wm. Kennedy H. M. Straw ...... A. L. Larson F. R. Reeves C. S. McNaught School District Officials Directors Clerk. C. 8. McNaught, Chm. . ............. J. D. Watson ........... F. B. Swayze ..... J. H Young WEATHER REPORT The following table shows the high and low lam- »«ratura for the days aad nights for the past week: Date High Low High Low Date 60 47 8___ _____ 96 77 29 ...... 64 45 4____ ....... 88 so........ ___ 83 91 62 1........ ....... 93 _____ 46 60 .... 98 2 M. D. SCROOGS Co-operative Observer Mrs. C. B. Percey and daughter Leah are slowly recovering from very severe attacks of tonsilitis, both ladies having this excrutia’ing illness at the ■ame lime. Mrs. Dattelzweig from Chicago, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Beisse after sojourning in Califor nia and sightseeing in Portland and the coast cities. METHODIST CHURCH, Morning service 11 a. m. 10 a. in.—.Sunday-school Theo Parks, Supi. 6:30 p. ni. — Epworth League. Mr*. Paul 8. Jones, president. GET AN OIL STOVE And save heating up your house during the summer months. best of satisfaction. Our stoves give the FLORENCE AUTOMATIC NEW PERFECTION - We can supply either in the two or three burner size, with or without oven, with or without high shelf. Let us show you what a convenience and saving these stoves are. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Reeves were hosts to a party of ten local friends at a most enjoyable and appetizing luncheon ar Aeroplans Bombs. ranged for the occasion at the Hotel One of the officers of the Mexican National Aviation corps, which is in Oregon Thursday evening. the charge of Colonel Alberto Salinas, being The death of Mrs. McMillin bas invented an apparatus for tbe dis hourly expected, her son, S. M. Me charge of bombs from an aeroplane Millin and wife, of this city, were by which three can be set loose at once again called by telegram to her bed in divergent directions, thereby greatly side at The Dalles on Thursday morn- increasing tbe efficacy of this method of warfare. ing. Rev. Chapman desires through the columns of The Herald to show appre elation and give thanks to all those wbo so kindly assisted in making the musical at the Baptist church such a decided success. Don’t Believe It. "Talk about fishing," said Harvey Titus, who was just getting under way. "What would you do if you found on your book a 750 pound horse macker el ?" "Do?" said tbe listener. “I’d get up. A marriage license bas been issued take a drink of water and lie ou my Hermiston, Oregon to Edward T. Canfield and Miss Gladys right side for awhile."—New York Tel N. Stephens. Mr. Canfield is a pros egraph. perous young Butter Creek rancher, He Would, Indeed. and is well known here, being a fre If tbe old fashioned man walked into Prayer meeting Thursday night at quent business visitor. a new fashioned grocery store and 7:30. The wheat harvest is on at Echo in helped himself to a large juicy apple in Choir practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. the lighter soil, and will be general In the old fashioned way the store detec Columbia school house about ten days, except on the heavy tive would bave him behind the bars Sunday school at 2 p. m. before he bad reached the core.—Grand Preaching services Sunday afternoon lands. Reports from that town are to Rapids Press. the effect that the wheat will average it 3 o’clock. Strangers will be welcome to these betweed 17 and 20 bushels to the acre Human Nature Text. Mighty few folks kin keep tbeir place services. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Johnson and an’ stand ter tbeir raisin’ with a new T. A. Graham, Pastor. daughter Vivian of Pittsburg, Pa , suit of clothes and a diamond pin. They who have been on a tour of coast just can’t keep from thinkin’ that tnis BAPTIST CHURCH states, left Wednesday en route home old world is only turnin’ round to look Sunday school, 10 a. m. after a week’s visit in this city to tb< at ’em.—Atlanta Constitution. F. C. Bruce, Su pt. gentleman’s brother, A. S. Johnson Morning service, 11 o’clock. and family. Able Distributors. Prayer meeting Thursday eve., 8:00. Kathryn—Of course this story about Portland George H. Upthegrove of Choral union every Tuesday evening Kate is just between us two. Kitye— stopped off here Wednesday to visi I Sure! And between us two it ought at 8:00. friends while on his way to Walla to get a pretty wide circulation.—Puck. B. Y. P. U., 7:00 o’clock. Walla. Mr. Upthegrove formerly re Evening service, 8:00 o’clock. Strangers are always welcome to the sided in Hermiston, having at one lime Taken Up been secretary of the local watei services of this church. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Special music. L. S. Chapman users' association. has taken up and hold* st hi* ranch one mile west of Cold Spring* dam, thefollowing described stock. Pastor F. R. Reeves, former owner of The 1 bay mere, wnight 1200 pound*, about 10 years Herald,-will leave next week witb old; no visible brand; right fore foot club. CATHOLIC CHURCH The above described property will be sold st Mrs. Reeves and son Francis in theii public auction to the highest bidder for cash in Hermiston, 10:00 a. m. auto for Pendleton, Eugene and Port hand Monday. July 23. 1917. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the above mentioned ranch, unless re Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. land. From the Rose City they will deemed by owner. Everybody welcome to these ser- T. E. Brassfield. motor to San Francisco, expecting to adv42c vices. make their future home in the state of California. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION CHRISTIAN SCIENCE of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at There must be cranks among auto Department Services held, in Civic Center hall. La Grande, Oregon. July 7th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that John Pullar, of Sunday, 10:45 a. m. ista as well as other people, for some Echo. Oregon, who. on March 26th. 1913. made Subject, "Life.” body either threw away the crank Homestead Entry No. 011822 for NEY sec. 32, Tp. 3 N.. R. 27 E.. and on Jan. 8th, 1916. made Au. handle to his automobile or lost it. In H. E. No. 015502, for SE% sec. 32, Tp. 3 N., R. 27 Everybody cordially invited. either case, the aforesaid handle was east Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of in tention to make three-year proof to establish picked upon the highway and is now claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner. United States Commissioner, at his office EPISCOPAL In our display window awaiting a at Hermiston. Oregon, on the 12th day of Septem Dr Van Waters will bold services at claimant. ber. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: R. F. Dawson. 11 o’clock. Fred Lee. James Lee and George W. Pullar. all of So far no one has called at The Her Echo. Oregon, • C. S. DUNN. Register ald office to lav claim to having larger Payment Requested early potatoes than those displayed Having disposed of the Hermiston the past week In our show window Herald all persons owing accounts to SHAAR’S from the ranch of J K. Shotwell. The same are requested to see the under tubers raised by Mr. Shotwell are fine signed and make settlement at an specimens, and when harvest lime comes be will have a big crop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. June 20th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Peter Xedes. of Holdman. Oregon, who. on January 17th, 1913. made Homestead Entry No. 011495, for N1 2 section 20, township 5 north, range 30 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before R, T- Brown, clerk of the County Court of Umatilla county, at his office at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 21st day of August, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Let Fraker, John Kerr. Gux Xedes and Walter Thorne, all of Hold man, Oregon. 43-48 C. S. DUNN. Register Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 7th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that George W. Pullar, of Echo, Oregon, who on March 25th, 1913, made Homestead Entry No. 011821, for NWH sec. 32, Tp. 3 N., R. 27 E., and on Jan. 1C, 1915, made Ad. H. E. No. 014236 for SW14 sec. 32. Tp. 3 N„ R. 27 E. W. M., has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 12th day of September, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: R. F. Daw son, Fred Lee, James Lee and John Pullar, all of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register I North Beach - The REAL REST RESORT of the North Pacific Coast is notv reached by Rail or Steamer from Portland. LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES ' • -via-------- , • UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM and a New Beach Folder upon application to nearest O- W. Ji. R. & N. Agent, or by anting Wm.McMurray, Cenerai Passenger Agent, Portland ------ - ---- — • , Auditorium- One Night Only TUESDAY, JULY 24 Return of Last Season’s Big Hit KULOLA’S HAWAIIANS In the Dreamy Oriental Fantasy Tonsorial Parlors F. R Reeves NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. land office al Ore La Grande, Notice Is harsi CHURCH NOTICES. Father Hagan of Pendleton was a business visitor to Hermiston Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Reeves' daugh ter Edith is this week eniertaining ber friend Bernice Spencer of Butter Creek. B. S. KINGSLEY DIRECTORY LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Hari ison and daughter of Board man spent Thursday visiting frietd* in this city. There will be plenty to go around in this country and some for Europe. Don’t speculate. If you have money to speculate with-buy a government bond. Buy what you need, as you need it, from your regular dealer. Pay as promptly as possible. It costs a lot to do business now and your dealer needs the money. We carry a staple line of goods to choose from at the right price, and a safe place to trade. Phone 171 HERALD, F 03 MISTON, OREGON. Roy F. Dawson, of Echo, Oregon, who, on April 3rd. 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 011572 for NEH see. 28. Tp. 3 N., R. 27 E., and on March 1st. 1915, made Ad. H. E. No. 014345 for NWH sec. 28, township 3 north Range 27 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore W. J. Warner. U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Hermiston. Oregon, on the 12th day of September, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John Pu liar, George W. Pollar. Fred Lee and Henry Hubbard, ail of Echo. Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register We have taken on the AUTO AGENCY Ask about the for a real “classy” car SAPPER BROS. GARAGE Miss Ethel Eperson, of Wasco, sister of Mrs. P. B. Siscel, was tendered a little party the first of the week by her young friends, the participsnts being the Misses Pesrl Sullivan, Fanny Todd, Laura Boynton, Leah Pere y and Messrs. Ernest Waterman, Clarence Carson, Harry Kelly, Wayne Akers and Raymond Longhorn. H. Bottger, operator of a ranch north of town, dropped into The Her- aid office Monday and subscribed for the paper. He did not have time to stay long, being very busy these days cutting and putting up alfalfa on the place upon which he resides, the Bene diet ranch and also a tract owned by the Oregon Hardware Co, which he has leased. Clay T. Embry, who will hold the position of principal in the ( uldesae. Idaho, schools the coming term, visited over Sunday with his father, J T. Embry, a rancher residing two miles and a quarter north of town. Clay is well known In Hermiston, having resided here with bis parent before entering upon the vocation of school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. G. E Rayhill expect to leave Monday on a vacátional trip to the Blue mountains. Mr. Rayhill, who has been holding down the posi- i lion of clerk in Hitt’s confectionery | and cigar store, was struck with “mountain fever” the other day. and quickly decided that himself and wife were duo for an outig Clarence: Carson has taken his place as clerk In | Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial Treatment WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE Wm. Shaar, Prop. Ice Cream season la now here in ear- nest and we are ready to serve you In any quan tity. Try us for your El “THE PRINCESS OF PARADISE” Hear the Magic Melodies of the South Sea Islands Played and Sung as You Have Never Heard Them Before next party. Our Candies GEO. LOA, WORLD’S GREATEST STEEL GUITAR SOLOIST are al ways fresh and nice. Our line of box candies la unexcelled. Bulk can- dies handled by us am of the same high grade and purity aa the box. Princess Nita, Sensational Hula Dancer Fer Good Service Always See BIG DANCE AFTER THE SHOW Music by Kulola’s Hawaiian Orchestra P. B. SISCEL ADMISSION: CHILDREN, 25c; ADULTS, 50c