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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1917)
THE Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated LOU HIMES. Manager. RATES:75c to «2. SPECIAL-Week or Month HERALD, BOYS AND GIRLS OF AMERICA FORM NATION’S FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE I Hotel Hoyt Corner Sixth and Hoyt St., Portland, Ore. HERMISTON | Cy T. S. SETTLE Field Secretary of Playground and Recreation Association of America. : ... . ■ ■ .......... ................1 The present world war has brought about much demand for military training. Last year the state of New York passed a law providing mili College of Neurology and tary training for all boys between the ages of sixteen and nineteen. The Electro-Therapeutics, Inc., bill further provides for a military commission to prescribe the proper Fits Men and Women for kind of military training. A very able commission was appointed. After a life of useful and profit giving this subject careful study, and investigating what European coun able work as tries are doing, the commission found out that the best military training Drugless Practitioners comes through play, through that vigorous play that develops the lungs, F. A. BREWSTER, M. D., DEAN the heart and other vital organs—that builds up a physique that is strong 712 State, Salem, Oregon. and that has the power of endurance. And so the course of military train ing prescribed consists of basket ball, baseball and other vigorous games, drills, exercises and hikes. It is the kind of training that will best fit FOR MW we WILL CW AND MOUNT YOUR AGATE IN A SOLID GOLD RING LIKE CUT. UNO Size them, also, for the battles of peace. OF FINGER ANO AGATE We have heard much about the efficiency of the Germans during this war. No German youth is given training in the tactics of arms until he is nineteen years old. All the military training that he receives in the grammar school and high schools is play and gymnastics. The people of America are rapidly realizing that their first line of Veal, Pork, Beef, I Poultry, Butter, Eggs defense is their boys and girls ; that, according to their development, and Farm Produce would depend the future America’s ability to defend herself in war, or to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and to hold her own in peace. bo assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. SHIP F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon We Need So Little. SOME SMILES HIDES. PELTS. CASCARABARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags THE H. F. N orton C o . Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wn. SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGICAL Instructions: Forecasts, Readings, Books, etc. A general fore cast for 5 years with special indications for 1 year; or any particular question with advice, for $1.00, send full birth data. ASTROLOGICAL STUDIO. Portland, Oregon, P. O. Box 825. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited school; write, or phone Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker Business College, 167 4th Street, near Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Kill All Flies! Ths.Spzond Placed anywhere, Daisy Fly Killer attr-ts and kills all A Misnomer. “I can’t under stand why they call this a pleas ure car.” “Why not?” “The blame thing has given me nothing but trouble.” Saving Space. “Why all this cry for thin watches?” “People are living largely In flats how, ye u know. All you save in space helps.” Daisy Fly Killer HAROLD SOMERS, IM DeKalb Ave.Brookiyn, N.Y- After the Murile Is for Tired Eyes. Blaag MU.9960109 III QU tjUOs m OVIOS Red Eyes — Sora Eyes — = E = = Granulated Eyelids. Rests— Refreshes — Restores. Murine Is a Favorite Treatment for Byes that feel dry and smart. Give your Byes as much of your loving care as your Teeth and with the same regularity. CARE FOR THEM YOU CARROT BUY REW ETES I Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mall Present Style. “I always call a spade a spade.” “Well, just now it’s not what you’re calling one, but if you’re using one that matters.”—Exchange. Both Waiting. “Is your husband up yet?” inquired the early morning caller. “I guess he is,” replied the stern woman at the door. “Well, I’d like to say a few words to him------ ” “So would I. He hasn’t come home yet”—Boston Transcript. Literary Inspection. She—I am tired of this manul labor of cleaning house. Did you look into that vacuum cleaner proposition?” He—Yes; there’s nothing in it Naturally. “What did he do when yon told him he hadn’t put a good face on the mat ter?” “He changed countenance.” Not Always. “Like produces like.” “Don’t you think that short rations produce some tall thinking?” — Ex change. A Wise Answer. She (fishing for a proposal) — Do you ever find yourself hard up for words? He—No, darling, but I’m far too hard up to express them.—-Exchange. ABSORRINE Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened. Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR-, for mankind—en liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glanda. It beali and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by w. f. YOUNG, tor., 403 Temple k . Springfield, Mass. antiseptic BUY DIRECT a (Do Your Own Plumbing | By buying direct from us at wholerale prices and save the plumber’s profits. Write us to- day vour needs. We will give you our rock bottom “direet-to-you” prices. Lab. nil or boat. We actually save you from 10 to 35 per cent. All goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. P, N. U. Portland, Oregon No. 29, 1917. We need so much in the flush of youth When the heart is pulsing with life’s rich tide; . We long for beauty and love and truth With a hunger and thirst unsatisfied. We toll for fame and we grasp at power. Our souls are attuned to the world’s mad strife. All heaven and earth seem our rightful dower— For we need so much in the rush of life. We need so little when life Is done And the spirit soars from its chrysalis; From our careless Angers, one by one. Drop the useless treasures we shall not miss. The glitter of gold, the hoarded heap Of prizes and praises so hardly won. We will barter them all for a dreamless sleep— For we need so little when life is done! —Ida Goldsmith Morris. Japanese Form Unions and Will Demand Higher Wages. A Practical Choice. "The boys have taken to runnin' au tomobiles since prohibition struck Crimson Gulch,” remarked Bronco Bob. “Do you approve of the change?” “Yes. As between alcohol an’ gaso- Une, give me gasoline. You can get just as reckless an’ excited an’ you don’t have to upset your system by swallowing it.” HERMISTON, OREGON. Of course they must have time for romping and playing, for no child can be truly happy unless he has a full share of play, but his good times should not by any means intrude on his studies. A wise mother is she who keeps in touch with her children’s school work, who calls on their teachers occasion ally for a friendly chat. By so doing she knows to a certainty how her lit tle ones are progressing, and If they lose enthusiasm she encourages them to better efforts. Children who are started right at home always make a good showing In school, and the mother who hopes to see her child advance along education al Unes must, without a question, co operate with his teacher.—Pittsburgh Dispatch. An Emergency. “There’s some DONT SEE thing wrong with WhAT You this emergency kit I bought of you yesterday,” said the woman. “What’s wrong with it?” asked the clerk. “Why, my hus band looked in It for a nail to use in place of a sus pender button and he couldn’t find one.” FISHING TACKLE TWO STARS HAVE NEVER BEEN WITH WINNING TEAM Joe Jackson end Welter Johnson Have Not Had Chance to Break Into a World’s Series. The two stars who are active In the game today and who have never been with a winning team are Walter Johnson, for yenrs conceded to be the best pitcher in the American League, Did He Kias Mamma? “He was Just about to kiss me when mamma came into the parlor.” “And he didn’t kiss you?” “No ; he changed his mind.” “Oh, then he knew why your mother came into the room?" To Be Sure. “We can all do something to help.” “Yes, those who can't do anything else can sit bsck and advise the rest.” Hand-Made Lace of Paraguay. Among the “cottage” industries of Paraguay Is the manufacture of a lace called “nanduti” (from the Guaranian word meaning web). The articles pro duced. which are all made by hand. In clude parasol covers, handkerchiefs, doilies, boleros, mantillas, table mats, shawls, edging and Insertion. The ar ticles most popular with foreigners are parasol covers, mantillas, dotlies, hand kerchiefs and mats, these being mede of silk or very fine cotton thread. These laces appear to be superior in quality and design to similar laces Joe Jackson. made in the Canary Islands and Mex- and Joe Jackson, the hard hitting out ico. The lece le usually sold by peddling fielder. it from house to house, end has never The case of Johnson Is much the been exported to eny important de- same as that of Rucker. Even when the Senators were down among the gree. A Brew that Stands Alone. Made by our patented process. Ask your dealer. If he has’nt it in stock, ASK US. Portland Brewing Co., Portland, Oregon. ANNOUNCEMENT VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW Scowl and Be Scowled At. 3171. You cannot get over the shock you had today when your demure little daughter turned on yon defiantly and glared at you when you suggested she do a certain thing distasteful to her. You met the situation by glaring back, didn't you?—and perhaps, threatened to whip her if she were not more obedient. Ever since then you have been won- dering where she got that wicked ex-1 pression in her eyes. As you thought about it your face took on the same look, and you have Just realized that that Is the way you often look at her when she disobeys you. You have nagged her for days try ing to correct a trivial but disagree able failing. You never thought of how you have looked to her as you fussed and fumed and raved and ranted at each recur rence of her disobedience. Have you ever controlled yourself when you talked to the child on the subject? Never let your face take on an ex pression that you would be ashamed to see reflected in your daughter. Children are Imitators. Control yourself.—Pittsburgh Dispatch. Some Things That Are New Clockwork within the body of a de coy duck of French invention makes it swim with its feet In a lifelike manner. The use of springs is done away with In a new cord operated device for opening and closing transoms, win dows or shutters. Chilean investigators have found a number of deposits of petroleum In Bolivia of sufficient promise to war rant development. Taking current from a light socket, an electrically-driven shoe-cleaning and polishing machine for home use has been invented. An Iowa Inventor's automobile seat also serves as a trunk and is so mount ed that it can be lifted against a steer ing wheel to prevent a thief moving a car. An American army officer has in vented a hemp bag in which water for soldiers can be sterilized with hypo chlorite of calcium and cooled by evap oration at the same time. Naturalists in Argentina are trying to And out whether the wild horses of that country are descended from those imported by Spanish conquerors or of prehistoric origin. Agricultural and commercial unions are forming in many parts of Japan. One of the most noticeable results of the European war is the advancement in geographical and commercial knowl edge acquired by the working people from the newspapers. They have im proved to a remarkable degree in In formation about the rest of the world. Prior to the war, the laboring classes knew almost nothing about the rest of The Same Argument. the world. Due to the enterprise of the “I don’t see why you complain about Japanese journals in chronicling the fhe size of my bill,” said the doctor. progress of events, the entire popula “It’s not as big as it might have been." tion is fully informed. “That's all right,” replied the man. The Japanese people have become “I wasn't as sick as I could have been cosmopolitans, says the East and West either.” News. They are contented, because plenty of work offers ; but they have Past Experience. learned about the wages paid in other “Here the government says married parts of the world for labor similar to men are not exempt from war." theirs and are very likely, after the "Humph ! Every married man who war, to insist on higher wages. Opin ever tried to boss his wife knows ion is general that skilled workmen in that” Japan will Insist on better remunera tion. Some Wrestler. Hence the Delay. “I see they’ve stopped boxing." “Where’s Peggy?” The Wise Mother. “Yep.” “Oh, she’s upstairs, dressing.” “I hope they won't stop wrestling.” “Well, what makes her so long?” Every mother should by tact and “Why?” “Oh, she bought one of those combi kindness try to bring out the best that “If they do I’ll have to give up my nation suits, and I guess she’s forgot is in her children, for she and she car. I have to wrestle with It every ten the combination.” alone understands their temperament. day.” IF You The Cooler for HotjWeather Is In the Bottle! last clubs In the American League Johnson pitched a caliber of ball that made him stand out more prominently and above the pitchers whc were on winning teams. It has often been re marked that had Johnson been with the Cubs, Giants, Tigers or Athletics when those teams were winning pen- nants he would have established some pitching records that would have stood for all time. And Joe Jackson has been prevented from playing In a world's series be cause he happened to be under con tract to the hard-luck Cleveland team up to last year. There is still a chance for Jackson realizing his ambi tion, as he is now with a team that has been In the thick of the pennant race for two seasons, and Joe should be good for several more years before he starts on the path which all playera eventually travel—backward. As for Johnson, there are at least four clubs in the American League that are so far ahead of the Senators that Walter will have little opportu nity of getting into a world's series unless he Is disposed of to another club, or unless Clark Griffith becomes a miracle man and puts over an un expected winning combination. X 2 Facts in Figures. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., street rail- way strike cost $5,000,000. United States has 50,000 for mer citizens In allied armies. New York produces 600,000,- 000 gallons of sewage every 24 hours. In 20 years, 90.000 trespassers have been killed on American railways. New York state has 22,000,000 acres of farmland, only 8,250,- 000 under cultivation. United States produced 1,982,- 385 tons of phosphate rock In 1916, valued at $5,896,992. y Now $135 LisNow $145 The Lightest and Strongest Drag Saw made—Can be Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men. Vaughan Motor Works, NAI PORTLAND, OREGON But Not of the Tracks. Can’t Be in Both Places. “What is the occupation of the old “I declare it is simply outrageous man who Is always asking at the li all they demand of women.” brary for books on Indians and Egypt- “What’s the matter now?” Ians and Orientals and the like?” “On one hand, they are calling on “He gives peopletips on the races.” women to come to the front, and the next minute they want them to work A Still, Small Voles. hard in their back yard.” “Our friend, Henry Peck, says he has a voice in the management of his Education. household.” “Your boy Josh continues to interest “Yes, just a voice. That's all his himself in football.” wife allows him.” “Yes,” replied Farmer Corntassel. “When he gets to explainin’ philo Widespread Use of English. sophy an’ mathematics I have to quit. Of all the letters that pass through But when he talks football, I can un the post offices of the world two-thirds derstand every word he says.”—Wash are written by and sent to people who ington Star. speak English. Just for a Change. Just in His Line. Crawford— The janitor of our flat is “My sculptor friend can’t do any- going to give an entertainment. thing at all with his backyard vege Crabahaw—For your sake, I hope it tables” will be a housewarming.—Judge. “That’s odd. A sculpter, of all men, ought to be able to carve out Not Being Done. success from a model garden.” — Ex. He—What did you think of the play? She—It wasn’t true to life. Woof! Woof! He—How so? She—Well, the wife continually asks Percival—Will you be annoyed if I for money, and gets it.—The Lamb. enjoy a weed in your presence? Patience—Not at ail. I look at to Misleading Influence. bacco in the same light as hay. I don’t eat it myself, but I like to see “Do you think a sensation reformer others enjoy it.—The Punch Bowl. does any harm?” “No,” replied Senator Sorghum. “But he is liable to cause a number of individuals disappointment by making them think it doesn’t require any tspe- cial gifts to charm a crowd.” With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Don't Rock the Boat. “They say there’s a great wave of prosperity sweeping over the country.” “Guess that’s right! I know it takes You reckless men and women who all I can earn to keep from being are pestered with corns and who have swamped.”—Boston Transcript at least once a week invited an awful Sympathetic. death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority “I haven’t had a bite for two days,” to uae a drug called freesone, which whined the tramp. the moment a few drops are applied “Neither have I,” responded the to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or summer boarder. “Rotten fishing around here.”— callous, root and all, lifts off with ths Louisville Courier-Journal. fingers. Freesone dries the moment it Is ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or Doesn’t Have to Buy Grain. callous without inflaming or even Ir Teacher—Thirty-three eggs at 35 ritating the surrounding tissue or cents a dozen is what? skin. A small bottle of freesone will Pupil—Outrageous, pa saya.—Ex. cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one’s Sense of Neatness. feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist “ Dosen’t it annoy you to be obliged hasn’t any freesone he can get It at to get under your automobile and try any wholesale drug house for you. to adjust the mechanism?” “No,” replied Mr. Chuggins, “I Life as An Inspiration. don’t mind that part of it. But I There Is no greater Joy than the feel don’t think it’s right for my wife to ing that some act of ours has inspired make me stay there in hiding till dark another to be brave and strong. One so that people can’t see how mussed of the beautiful things about right do up I am.”—Washington Star. ing is that It is Inspiration to others. No life is a real success which has not The Lack. scattered inspiration all along the way. “There does not seem to be so much —Girls’ Companion. enthusiasm about baseball this year. How is it?” Important Possession. “Well, you see, men being in de A boy may think he owns nothing In mand and in a way scarce, fans can’t the world, but here he is mistaken. He afford to kill the umpires.”—Balti owns his own character—a most im more American. portant possession. THE BEST BEAUTY DOCTOR Is Cutlcurs for Purifying and Beauti- tying ths Skin—Trial Free. A FRIEND'S ADVICE For cleansing, purifying and beauti fying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap with touches of Cuti- cura Ointment now and then afford the most effective preparations at the Woman Saved From a Seri- minimum of coat No massaging, ou» Surgical Operation. steaming, creaming, or waste of time. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Louisville, Ky.—“For four years 1 Dept. L, Boaton. Bold everywhere. suffered from female troubles, head- —Adv. ________________ aches, and nervousness. I could not sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to Had Courage of His Convictions. Francis Bacon, who was born In walk. If I tried to do any work, 1 would have to lie down before it was London January 22, 1560, had an aver finished. The doc sion for dueling, a practice prevalent tors said 1 would tn England In his day, observes a writ have to be opera er in the Washington Poet He lived ted on and I simple broke down. A from 1560 to 1626. The great essayist friend advised me msde an address against dueling. In to try Lydia E. star chamber session in proceedings Pinkham’s V eg«- against two men—one for writing and table Compound, sending a challenge, the other for de and the result is I livering it Bacon was then king’s at feel like a new wom torney general an. I am well and strong, do all my own house work and have an eight pound baby girl. I know Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound saved me from an operation which every woman dreads.”—Mrs. Or la your appearance marred by NELLIE FISHBACK, 1521 Christy Ave., * patches of eruption? There le no Louisville, Ky. Everyone naturally dreads the sur need of enduring euch discomfort when Resinol Ointment usually stope geon’s knife. Sometimes nothing else itching at once and quickly makes the will do, but many times Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has saved skin clear and healthy again. e patient and made an operation un- Doctors have prescribed Resinol Ointment for years in the treatment If you have any symptom about which of ekin affections. Bo you need not 0 would like to know, write to the hesitate to use it, nor to recommend it ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. to skin-tormented friends. Bold by all druggists. Does Your Skin Itch and Burn?