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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1917)
$ The UNITED STATES is offering $200,000,000.00 in Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness dated May 10th, 1917, to mature July 17, 1917, draw ing 3 1-2 per cent. We are authorized by the Government to accept your subscriptions. e HERMISTON: - -- - =LOCALS== No. 1, west. 9:55 a. m. No. 15, west... 7:06 p. m. Post ===== ) No. 2, east... 8:30 p. m. No. 6, east... 5:33 a. m. No. 16, east - 9:15 a. m. Office Hours General delivery window open week days 8 a.m. to 6. P- m. Sundays and holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. Mail closes for No. 1, west Mail closes for No. 6, east _ 1 The First National Bank of Hermiston HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138. A. F. A A. M.. 11 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- come. C. H. Skinner. W. M. R. C. Walber. Secy. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F.. • meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm. Noble Grand PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. J. WARNER Attorney-at-Law NDUfiUTON. OREGON J. T. HINKLE Attorney at Law HERMISTON, OREGON DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL DENTIST Hermiston Ice Cream Is made under the most sanitary conditions. It is pure, wholesome and high in food value Made in all popular flavors Special orders given prompt attention HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY ========== Market & Grocery — 5 9 to 12 a. m H ours ii1 to 5 p. m. Office Over First Natl. Bank Phone We Want Good Country Butter C. O. WAINSCOTT Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M. Ree. Phone, Red 398 Office, Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. S. A. ROE, M. D With Every $5 order of Grocer ies we will give a 10 lb. pail of pure Lard for $2.25. Practice limited to EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Judd Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon Just received a fresh shipment of oranges price ranging per dozen, 15c, 25c, 35c and 45c. Walnuts, 1 lb. 20c, 2 lbs. 35c. DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST We have a lot or cornflakes, fresh and fine and the price is still 10c a package or 6 for 55c. We Can Save You Money on Hams, Bacon and Lard. Get our prices before buying Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon PHONE 29F2 when you need any Draying We are on tbe job every min ute and can take care of any order. Baggage work a spec ialty. Hermiston Dray Line C. B. PERCEY Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. HITT Can fit you out in what ever you may need in the — =.. - way of------ HUNTING or FISHING EQUIPMENT Complete line of Base Ball and other Sport ing Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soft Drinks First Class STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Billiard and Pool Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Tables Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston Herald stationery is satisfactory BUILD NOW! All of Europe will have to be rebuilt, and when the war is over prices are going to soar skyward. Your delay is going to be expensive. Regardless of the kind of building or alteration you have in mind investigate our FREE PLAN SERVICE to customers. Our Service Department is at your com mand in all building matters. Talk it over with us. “SEE BROWNSON ABOUT IT" Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co — — 6:00 p. m. Library Hours D R. Brownell was up from Uma tilla Monday B. S. Kingsley left Tuesday for a business trip into Centra) Oregon. LODGE DIRECTORY Q Mail closes for No. 15, west 9:20 6:00 p. m. Many styles and sizes are in stock at old prices. This hold good in ail lines we carry. This does not mean to buy beyond your immediate needs but many articles that have come to be a necessity will be hard to get and some unobtain able at any price. . 2:20 p. m, 4 to 6 each Wednesday. 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 each Saturday. Capital & Surplus $30,000 ueen ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s .. meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances Phelps, W. M.* Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. Mail closes for No. 2. east ... We Advise Those Who Must Have Shoes Within the Next Few Months to Get Fitted Out Now This is Not the Usual Time to Buy Woolen Underwear, But if You are Going to Need Such Merchandise You Better Provide for These Needs Now E. S. Taylor, attorney for the re clamation service, came in Monday morning. While prices are reasonable F E Judd, W. E Brock, R. Alex ander and Mr. Worsley were down from Pendleton Thursday in the inter est of the road bonds. No Quotation of Prices is Possible at This Time Regular meeting of the Red Cross will be held at the Civic Center room Thursday, June 7. Mrs. Strohm has received a new supply of sewing and there is again plentv of work for those able to contribute time. F. B. Swayze went to Portland Swayze returned and Mr. Kennedy and Wm. Kennedy Sunday night. Mr. Thursday morning Saturday. The changes are so marked that even a guess of today would be out of rea son next week. But almost all tendencies are for higher prices. Hermiston Produce & Supply Company Best of Good Service' Phone Main 34 County Assessor Strain and Geo (4) For such olber and further relief (4) north of Range twenty-eight (28) E. Robbins spoke at Columbia Friday NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION M , contaning ten (10) aeree more or evening of Inst week on the measures Department of the Interior U. S Land Office at as the court may deem just In the prem- IV. ises, besides the costs and disbursements less, according to government survey. In La Grande. Oregon, April 16th, 1917. coming up at the special elec ion Umatilla County, Oregon, auch convey Notice is hereby given that August E. Bensel, of this suit. of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on March 16th, 1910, This summons is published by order of ance to be made upon the payment of cer June 4. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 07704, for Farm Unit “G” in NEY section 34. township 5 north range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: W. Thomas Bot kin. Frank J. Auseon, Henry M. Gunn and Claude W. Kellogg, all of Hermiston, Oregon. A large plate glass window in the C. S. DUNN, Register Home grown strawberries have been on the local market for the past week. Though this is a month later than normal years, other sections equally backward. the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled court, and said order was made and dated the 25th day of April, 1917, and the date of the first pub- lication of this summons is the 28th day of April, 1917. chas . j. SWINDELLS, Attorney for Plaintiff. G N. W. Hauk Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dale of first publication April 28, 1917. Dale of last publication June 9. 1917. front of the Oregon Hardware & Implement Co., was broken Sunday by SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. a carelessly thrown rock. This is the In the Circuit Court of the State of SUMMONS. second window to be broken within a Oregon in and for Emalilla County. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore- Western Laud & Irrigation Company, short time. gou, for the County ot Umatilla. Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. N. T. Olson, De- Wm. Sbaar, who bas bad the barber shop in the Hotel Oregon, Wednesday moved to his new location next door to the light office. Mr. Shuar has fitted up his uew shop in splendid shape and has a very attractive place. Instead of installing bath tubs be has put in shower baths. Last week a man of excellent appear ance dropped into Hermiston claiming to be a traveling representative of the telephone company. He called at the local telephone office to make his bluff good and seemad well posted on all de tails. Later he went to the bank to cash a check and made such a good showing in talk and with credentials that be was given $325. Soon after he bank became auspicious and tele phoned the sheriff and it was found a Pasco bank bad also cashed a check. Sheriff Taylor caught the man as be was going through Pendleton. He bsd more tbsn enough money to re pay both banks and admitted tbe forgery. New dry bay, $9 in shock. Tonight at The Price.” Movie Leathers. -adv37c "Piper’s -adv Span good mules for sale. C. B. -advtfc Percey. Good pasture for cows and horses. E. J. Drake, phone 404. -advtfc For sale—Teams, harness and house hold furniture. H. B. Giese, -adv-tfc Good work team for sale cheap. C. H. Skinner. -advtfc For Sale—Team, cream separator. Ed Maher. -advtfc For Rent — The Bohn bungalow. Phone 402 or see Otto Heini, -advtfc Non-bloatirg pasture, shade and water, 34 miles west of Umatilla, $1.50 per month. J. G. Camp, Umatilla, Ore. —adv-38p Want to buy team of mares weigh- Ing 1250 each, also good family cow. Write J, G. Camp, Umatilla, Oregon. —adv-37 p Mowing machine, derrick, 2 buck raker, farm truck, sickle grinder, cream separator for sale. W. C. -adv38c Green, on Raley place. Strayed—2 year old slud, star in forehead, branded WAL, connected, on right shoulder. Reasonable reward for Information leading to recovery W. A. Leathers, phone 422. adv tfc Wait for Dr. Freeze, tbe eye specialist, if you need glasses or bsve other eye troubles and headaches. Regular visits to Hermis- too, Stanfield and Echo each month. -advtfc Watch for datee. Lost— Between Three Mile diversion dam on the Umatilla river and Hermit ton Sunday, May 20. about 3 p. m , new U. S. Nobby Tread tire 30x34. Tire had parcels post tag attached hearing the address Oscar Borg, Hepp- ner. Ore. Finder please send same to Loy M. Turner, Heppner, Ore., and receive compensation for trouble. -ady38c tendant. To N. T. Olson, the above named de- tendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF hereby OREGON: You are____ _ required ____ to ap- pear and answer the complaint heretofore riled against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for pub lication of the summons herein, to-wit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, or within six weeks from the date of personal service up on you of a copy of the summons and complaint herein, if tbe same be served out of the State of Oregon ; and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wit, for a de cree cancelling the contract for the sale 01 the North 12 of the East % of the East %2 of the East 12 of the Southeast % ot the Northeast 1 of Section 17, Township 4 North of Range 28 East of W. M., con taining 2.2 acres, and tbe contract for the sale of tbe South % of the East 12 of the East 12 of the East % of the Southeast * of tbe Northeast 14 of Section 17, Town ship 4 North of Range 28 East of the W. M., containing 2.5 acres, with water rights to defendant made on August 2, 1911, re moving the cloud from plaintiffs title caused by said contracts being recorded in the deed records of Umatilla County, Ore gon In Book 73 of deeds at page 499 and in Book 73 of deeds at page 488, respec- lively, and quieting plaintiff s title to saia premises and property. This summons is published pursuant, to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of said court, made and entered on the 11th day of May, 1917, directing that service of summons herein be made by publication once each week for six sue cessive weeks In the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Hermiston, Oregon. Date of first publi- cation May 19, 1917. W. G. DROWLEY, Attorney for tbe Plaintiff. P. O. Address : Vancouver, Clarke County, Washington. tain moneys stated and set forth In said contract, which said contract and said lands have been assigned and conveyed to plaintiff and are more particularly de scribed in a complaint In this suit, and also the foreclosure of that certain con tract dated the 21st day of June. 1910. between the Maxwell Laud and Irrigation Company, a corporation, and C. R. Mc Dowell, and wherein aud whereby the said Maxwell Land and Irrigation Company did agree to convey to said C. Il- McDowell the northeast quarter (NE 1-4) ot the south east quarter (SE 1-4) of the northeast quarter (NE 14) ot Section One (1), Township Four (4) North of Range Twen ty eight (28) K. W. M., containing ten (10) acres more or less, according to government survey, lu Umatilla County, Oregon, such conveyance to be made upon the payment of certain moneys stated and set forth In aald contract, which said contract and said lands have been assign- ed aud conveyed to plaintiff and are more particularly described In a complaint lu this suit, and the further relief. (1) That the amount due the plaintiff -under the terms of these contracta be as certained, and that the defendants be re quired to pay the amounts so fixed, wftu Interest and costs, and all sums expended tor taxes and special assessments, t gather with Interest thereon, and a rea- sonable attorney's fee; all within a time to be fixed by the court In Ita Interlocu tory decree. (2) Upon the payment so ascertaine and determined by the court, the paletit" will deliver to the defendant, or to such Umatilla Farm Landa Company, a Cor- poration, Plaintiff, vs. Michael Gerdes and George Hays, Defendants. To Michael Gerdes and George Hays, De tendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in tbe above entitled cause on or before the 9th day ot June, 1917, which is six weeks after the 28th day of April, 1917, the date tor the first publi- errion of tu - sumuions aud It you tali to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief prayed for In its complaint, to-wit ; the foreclos- ure ut that certain contract dated the 28th day of May, 1910, between the Max well Land and Irrigation Company, a cor poration, and Michael Gerdes, and wherein and whereby tbe said Maxwell Land and Irrigation Company did agree to convey to said Michael Gerdes the Southeast quarter (SE 1-4) ot the Northeast quarter , good and sufficient deed ot the afore, said property, in accordance with said (NE 1-4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1-4) ot Section One (1), Townahlp Four contracts. (4) North of Range Twenty-eight (28) E. (3) That In the event of the failure or W. M-, containing ten (10) aerea more or the defendants to make said payments less, according to government aurvey, in within the time so fixed by this Umatilla County, Oregon, such convey final decree be entered here n ance to be made upon tbe payment ot cer foreclosing th defendants, and each there tain moneys stated and set forth In Mid of. and all parties claiming through o u» contract, which said contract and said der them, or either thereof of a.l rights lands have been assigned and conveyed to ana equity in and to the said plaintiff and are more particularly de- 1 erties, and cancelling and annuldng ta* scribed In a complaint In this ault, and said contracte. . the further relief : (4) For such other and further renter (1) That the amount due the plaintiff as tbe court may deem Just In the prem ises, besides the coats and disbursements under the terms ot this contract be as certained, and that the defendants be re This summons Is publsinea by order ot quired to pay the amounts so fixed, with the Honorable Gilbert * Phelps, Judge.o interest and costs, and all sums expended the above entitled court, and said order by plaintiff and the Maxwell Land and was made and dated the 25th day of April. Irrigation Company for taxes and special assessments, together with interest there- 1917, and the date of tbe first publication on. and a reasonable attorney's fee ; all of this summons Is the 28th day of April, within a time to be fixed by the court tn CHAS. J. SWINDELLS, 1917. Its interlocutory decree. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. (2) Upon tbe payment so ascertained 826 N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon, and determined by the court, tbe plain In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore April 28. Date of first publication, tiff will deliver to the defendant, or to gon, for the County of Umatilla. 1917. Umatilla Farm Lands Company, a Cor such person or persons as they shall des- De- ignate, a good and sufficient deed of the poration. Plaintiff, vi. Ole Egge, Dste of last publication, June 9, 1917. aforesaid property, In accordance with the fendant. _ contract. To Ole Egge, defendant : ~ (3) That In the event of the failure IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF of the defendants to make said payments OREGON, you are hereby commanded to within the time so fixed by this court, a appear and answer the complaint filed final decree be entered herein barring and against you In the above entitled cause on foreclosing the defendants, and each or before the 9th day of June, 1917, thereof, and all parties claiming through the 28th day of which is six weeks after or under them, or either thereof, of all April, 1917, the date tor the first publica right and equity In and to the said real tlon of this summons and if you fall to property, and cancelling and annulling Miraculous effi- so appear and answer, the plaintiff will the said contract. apply to the court for the relief prayed (41 For such other and further relief for in Its complaint, to-wit : the fore as the court may deem just In the prem- closure of that certain contract dated the ises, besides the coata and disbursements 28th day of May. 1919. between the Max- of this suit. well Land and Irrigation Co., a corpora This summons Is published by order of THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL tion, and Ole Egge, and wherein and the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of whereby the Mid Maxwell Land and Irr» the above entitled court, and said order gation Company did agree to convey to was made and dated th* 25th day of Avril, said Ole Egge tbe Northeast qusrter (NE 1917, and the date nt the first publica 1-4) of tbe Northwest quarter (NW 1-4 • tion of this summons is the 28th day of of tbe Southeast Quarter (SE 14) of sec April. 1917. CHAR. J. SWINDELLS. tlon One (1), Township Four (4) North Attorney for Plaintiff. ot Range Twenty eight (28) E. W. M , is DOW St containing ten (IO) aerea more or less, 826 N. tv Hank Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication, April 28, 1917. according to government enrvey. In Uma Date of last publication, June 9. 1917. tilla County, Oregon ; euch conveyance to be made upon tbe payment ot certain moneys stated and set forth In Mid con TWO GOOD SHOWS SUMMONS. tract, which Mid contract and aald lands have been assigned end conveyed to plain In the Circuit Court of the state of Ore- tiff and are more particularly described gon. for the County of Umatilla. In a complaint In this eult, and tbe fur- Lands Company, a Cor- Umatilla iber relief : R. McDowell poration. Plaintiff. (1) That tbe amount due tbe plaintiff and J. A. Hoff. Defendants. under the terms of this contract be as- certained, and that the defendente be re To C. R McDowell and J. A. Hoff, De fendants : quired to pay the amounte eo fixed, with special Interest and costs, snd si I sums IN THE NAME OF THE STATE or expended for tsxss and special assess OREGON, you are hereby commanded to ments, together with interest thereon, sppear and answer the complaint filed and a reasonable attorney's fee ; all within against you In the above enttled cause on a time to be fixed by tbe court In its in or before the 9th day of June, 1917, for all kinds of which la six weeks after the 28th day nt terlocutory decree. (2) Upon the payment eo ascertained April, 1917, the date ror the first pub and determined by the court, tbe plaintiff lication of this summons, and If yon fail will deliver to tbe defendant, or to such to so appear and anawer the plaintiff will person or persons as he shall designate, a apply to the const for the relief prayed good and sufficient deed of the aforesaid for In its complaint, towlt : tbe foreclos- Phone 2852 property. In accordance with tbe contract ore of that certain contract dated the ' We are ready at any lime to go any | (3) That in the event of tbe failure 21st day of June, 1910, between tbe Max of the defendant to make said payments well Land and Irrigation Co., a corpora where or haul anything. within tbe time so fixed by this court, s tloa. and C. R McDowell, and wherein and finsi decree be entered herein barring whereby the said Maxwell Land and Irrt gation Company did agree to convey to and foreclosing the defendant and all per said C. R McDowell the northwest quar- ter (NW 1-4) of the northwest quarter w. B. BEASLEY the (NW 14) of the southeast quarter (BE 1 I) of Section One (1), Township Four said contract. persons or" person as they shan designate. court, barring and real, ProD: Herald ads for results TYPHOID “The Movie’ Hermiston Auditorium EACH WEEK Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Phone Your Ordern Transfer Work The City Transfer