Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. fully decorated with bouquets of car- nutions and tulipa. Miss Doble, grad uata of the 1916 class of the Milton- I Freewater high school was the recif- Uni of many beautiful and uaeful pres- uu. Refreshments were served at Agnew. J. I Circle A .. . .................. Hazel-Burr the close of tbe afternoon, the hostess Agnew. A. W being assisted by Mrs L. B. Kicker Allen, F. L........ . _ ...... a........ ............. Allendale .............. Hardscrabble Amee. C. F----------- — Milton Eagle. Barham, J. c .......... ...... . ............. "The Locusts” DIRECTORY OF RANCH NAMES AND OWNERS Forget Profit In these days of the war we must all do what we can to help our country. One way we have of “doing our bit” is in low prices and this week we offet. ........ Mountain View Ranch Bauschard, W P Four Sisters Briggs, Geo. E ------ .... Germania Beisse, August F Notice is hereby given to the legal voters at .... Tamalpias School District No. 14 of Umatilla county, state Blessing, W L.......... Terrace Park Bradley. O. W........... of Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said Clover Dale Ranch Campbell, Duncan . . district will be held st High School Building, to Canfield, R. C. (Buttar Crank) The Ragged Edge begin at the hour at 2 o’clock p. m., en the third Canfield. Mrs. R. C ____ Glen Ellen .... Sunny Slope Casserly. J. J........... D. 1817. Buckeye Ranch Chamberlain. C. C This meeting is called for the purpose of elect Clarke. Mr». C. S. .. Herma Vieta ing 1 Director for a term of three years and 1 Pleasant View Clerk for a term of one year, and the transaction Davis. E. E Beth-arabah of business usual at such meeting. ____ Roselawn Devia. Geo ... Dated this 22d day of May, 1817. a Shady Nook Farm Davis, H. C .. Attest: J. H. Young. C. S. McNaught ........ .... Ranch Diet. Clerk Chair. Board Directors Dyer. J. 8..... Embry. John T.The Red Feathered Chicken Ranch Summerdale Erikaen. E. T .._. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Fowler, F. F....... Electric Dairy Ranch •......Ridgeview Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Gieae. W.J La Grande. Oregon. May 17. 1917. South Hill Farm Geiae. B. B-------- Notice is hereby given that James Eddie, of Craham, Ed. H .............. Alfadale Hermiston, Oregon, who, on March 27th, 1911, ............The Knoll made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09152. Ounn. H. M.......... tat Unit "C" in the NWY, being NW SEW NW% Hall. C. O. and H. E ............ Hallhunt Section 28. Township 5 North, Range 28 east Wil Hannan. W. F.......... Groen Aereo lamette Meridian, has filed notics of intention to ...............Nob Hill make five-year proof to establish claim to the Hobt». E. A..............-....... land above described before W. J. Warner, United Hoisington & Hoisington ........ Morningside States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Fairview Ranch Oregon, on ths 12th day of July. 1817. ___ Tarryawhile Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Chezik. Hooker. H. A_____ Emerson E. Davis, John Olson and Benjamin S. Horning. Mrs. D. W ______ Wabasso Savage, all of Hermiston, Oregon. Hurlburt. H. G____ Ths Happy Homs C. S. DUNN. Register Intlekofer, John__ ........... ...... Orio Johnson. A. S______ Notice of School Meeting Jensen, C. M......... .. Four O'clock Ranch Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of Kellogg. C. W ....... ................ High Gate school district No. 14 of Umatilla county, state of ........... The Lay Ranch Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will Leathers. W. A ............... Buena Vista be held at H. S. Building. Hermiston, on the 18th Leek, John....... ............... South View day of June, 1917, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon to Longley. H. J __ Blue Ribbon Orchard vote on the proposition of levying a special dis Loom I a. Geo____ ................... Loomisville trict tax. Macdonald, Chaa ..................Breezy Hill The total amount of money needed by the dis McCully, R. A..... ........ Tbe Three Pince trict during the fiscal year beginning on June 18, McLaller, W. A ...... Multum in parvo 1917, and ending on June 30, 1918, is estimated in McNaught, C. S -...... Ridgeway Farm the following budget and includes the amounts McNaught, J. F Highland Farm to be received from the county school fund, state Monkman, B. G . ........ *........ ...... Webak school fund, special district tax, and all other Newport. H. G ... The Old Homestead moneys of the district: Pearaon. L. H ._. ........Fairview Farm BUDGET Pennock. F. B..... ................... Woodbine Estimated Expenditures Percey. C. B............................ .... Meadow Lark Teachers salaries ................................... ....... 7230.00 Purdy. A. W............................ Coeur d’ Alene Apparatus and supplies auch aa maps, Rainbow 160.00 Raley Ranch (O. C. Ranvier) ............. chalk, erasers, stoves, Curteina, etc 60.00 Roberts, W. T......................... Library booka ......................................... —....... Tir Glwys Repaira of schoolhouses, outbuildings or Root, W. T. & Son ................. ... Orchard Home 60.00 f oncea......................................................... 10.00 Reihl. John F .................. .. ..... ........ Silver Maple Improving grounds......................................... 900.00 Savage. B. 8..... ....................... ..... ..... Beacon HUI Transportation of pupila 820.00 Schachermeyer, Carl...... . Janitor's wages ....................................... ........ ...Vindobonna 200.00 Janitor's supplies .......................................... Minnehaha School Fuel ................................................................ 550.00 School District 116................... Sellers. W. T ............................. Light .............................. .............................. 250.00 Sweet Briar Farm Water................................................................ 125.00 Shaw, C, H. (Butter Creek) ....... The Six Sisters 145.00 Clerk's aalary and bond .............................. .....:..... High Valley Postage and stationery ........................ ....... 25.00 Shutt. T. E ............................ 800.00 Shutter. C. L___ ___ _______ ..North View Home Sinking fund ..... . ................................ For the payment of bonded debt and Simmons, W. H ................ .... - . ..........— Tip Top interest thereon, issued under sections Stewart. R. A .... -............ Sunset 117. 144 to 148. and 422 of the achool laws of Oregon. 1817......................................... 2300.00 Stanyan, C. P. ............. Riverside Insurance .................................... 118.80 Stubbs, H. E Pleasant Ridge Home Printing notices, calls, etc ......................... 30.00 Sullivan, P. P ........... Sweet Spring Ranch Miscellaneous expenses .............................. 150.00 Theriault. W. J....... .Lakeview Total estimated amount of money to be Voelker. Alfred E . Liberal View expended for all purposes during year $13903.80 Watson, J. D..... .... Weat Lawn Estimated Receipts 321 children 1816 census at $7 per head $ 2247.00 Section 17, Township four North of Range From county school fund during the com- 28. East of the Willamette Meridian, con- Inp school ysar.......................................... 596.00 raining 2.5 acres, with a water right to de- From state school fund during the com- endant made on October 17, 1911, re in* school year .... 446.40 ............... .................. plaintiff's title High School tuition...................... *............... 858.00 moving the cloud from Lumber Building Material of All Kinds Notice of Annual School Meeting Krinkle Corn Flakes 10c Post Toasties 10c 7c Feis Naptha Soap Bob White Soap, 6 bars Carnation Milk, small size, 2 for 15c Carnation Milk, large size 14c Monopole jelly fluid, all flavors.............. . Coffetone, a new substitute for coffee, pound Salmon 10c 35c 15, 20, 25, 30c Umatilla Storage & Commission Company Free Delivery to all Parta of the City PHONE 411 * The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by LOCAL BRIEFS FRANCIS R. REEVES OREGON HERMISTON Entered as second-class matter. December I. 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.50 .75 Six months...................................................... Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES Display—One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser- tions, 20 cants per Inch per insertion; monthly rates. 16 cents per Inch per Issue. Reeders- First Insertion. 10 cento per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy. 5 cents per line._____________________________ l.ilo PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGA ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Mr and Mr*. Straw and Mrs Kellogg drove to Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. C. 8. McNaught went to Portland Wedesday for a few day*. Arthur Benedict returned home Sun day after spending the winter in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Reeve* and Francia and Mrs Rees were at Pendle ton Wednesday. Mr and Mr* 'J. M Sommerer re turned Sunday from their honeymoon spent in Walla Walla. Mrs. Barthel and children went to Pendleton last week to join Mr. Bar thel, who bas accepted a position there. J. H. Strohm was at Pendleton Wed- nesday, taking Mr and Mrs. B. F. Strohm and Mr. and Mr*. A R Fieber W. Phelps up for the Memorial day exercises. “pu-s IN ALL THE PRINCIDNI crree County Officials ...... O. Roscoe I. Keator ........ C. H. Marsh B. E Anderson H. M. Cockburn R. T. Brown ....... J. D. Taylor Circuit Judge...... District Attorney Judge........................... Commissioners..... Clerk Sheriff Assessor Willard Bradley Surveyor.... I. E. Young School Supt ... ...... J..T. Brown Coroner Ben Burroughs Recorder County court moots the first Wednesday In each month. .............................. F.. C. McKenzie ......................... C.. M. Jensen .......................................C. C. Salser .................................. F. A. Phelps .................... W Beasley .......................... C. O. Wainscott ....................... _....:....W. J. Warner ................................ .8.. R. Oldaker ................................... J.. D... Watson .................... Wm. Kennedy ........................................ H.M. Straw Recorder ..... Chief of Police Treasurer....... Fire Chief....... City Physician City Attorney City Surveyor Councilmen..... F. R. Reeves C. S. McNaught School District Officials ................... C. S. McNaui F. B. Swayze J. H. Clerk. Young WEATHER REPORT The following table shows the high and k per atura for the days and nights for the Date 25 .. 26 « ... 28 aused by said contract being recorded In he deed records ot * Umatilla ............ County, Ore- Mr*. Todd went to Pendleton Tues- Total estimated receipts, not including zon. In Book 76 st page 115, and quieting laintiff’s title to said premises and which It is proposed to vote .. day for a short visit with Miss Vir- $ 4147.40 Recapitulation ginia. She returned Wednesday eve summons is ---- published pursuant to Total estimated expenses for the year $13903.80 an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, ning in the Reeves car. Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be voted City Officials Directors Mr. and Mr*. D. R. Wilson visited at Lewiston Sunday and Monday. Oeo. Raybill took care of the business dur ing their absence. High 68 .... 74 45 83 52 50 4147,40 Friday afternoon of last week and Balance, amount to be raised by direct tax ............................................................. $ 9756.40 arain oo Monday of this waek Mrs. Dated this 22nd day of May. 1817. Newell was a delightful hostess to a Attest: few of her friends. Friday the time J. H. Young, C. S. NeNaught, District Clerk Chairman Board of Directors was spent with cards and Monday some took their fancy work and some SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. enjoyed cards. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon for the County of Umatilla. ludge of said court, made and entered on the 11th day of May, 1917, directing that service of summons herein be made by pub lication once each week for six successive weeks In the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Her- miston, Oregon. Date ot first publication May 19, 1917. W. O. DROWLKY, Attorney for Plaintiff. O. Address : Vancouver, Clarke County, Washington. of Western Land A Irrigation Company, a Mra. Warner entertained Tuesday SUMMONS, Plaintiff, vs. Michal Kvamme. and Tburaday afternoons at auction corporation. in the Circuit Court ot the State of Ore Defendant. gon for -the County of Umatilla. To Michal Kvamme the above named de- bridge. The flrat day there were : Umatilla Farm Lands Co., a Corporation, three tablea and tbe second there fendant IN THE NA.E OF THE STATE OF Plaintiff, — — — vs. W. W. ........ Nicholas, - Defend were four. Tbe ladies always look OREGON : You are hereby required to ap- ant. pear and answer the complaint heretofore To W. W. forward to an afternoon at the War filed against you in the above entitled Nicholas, defendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ner home with a great deal of pleasure court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for pub OREGON, you are hereby commanded to and these were no exceptions. lication of the summons herein, to wit. appear and answer tbe complaint filed within six weeks from tbe date of the first of this summons, or within six Miss Evangeline Doble, of Irrigon, publication weeks from the date of personal service upon you of a copy of the summons and Ore , gueat at the home of Mra. S. S. High complaint herein, If the same he served out 54 shields, waa honored at a pleasing of the State of Oregon ; and If you fall so ... 78 29 ... 73 43 30 . miscellaneous ahower Friday after- to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded - 80 41 31 . noon, May 18 Miaa Doble la to be In the complaint herein, to wit, for a de cancelling the contract for the sale married to a prominent Irrigon man cree M. D. SCROGGS of the W. 14 of the W. 14 of the 8. 142 of early in June. The home waa beauti- the S. % of the NE. % of the SW. * ot Co-operative Observer HELP WIN THE WAR FIGHT - ECONOMIZE - CONSERVE - PRODUCE but first of all Buy a Liberty Loan Bond Liberty Loan Bonds are the safest invest ment in the world today. They are issued by the United States Government and are a mortgage on the United States of America— our country—the richest country in the world. They are Uucle Sam's promise to pay, and he is worth $225,000,000,000. Liberty Loan Bonds pay 3 1-2 per cent in terest and they may be had in any of the fol lowingdenominations: $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, $10,000. $50,000 and $100,000. You can make a payment as low as one dollar and have until August 30 to pay the balance. Many business houses accept bonds as cash. A MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY W. G. M’ADOO "Wars cannot be conducted without money. It is the first thing to be provided. In this war it is the most immediate help-the most eflective help that we can give. We must not be content with • sub- seription of two billion dollars - we must ‘oversubscribe the loan as an indication that America is stirred to the depths and aroused to the summit of bar rreatness in the cause of freedom. Let us not en- danger success by complacent optimism. Let us not satisfy ourselves with the reflection that s ome one else will subscribe the required amount. Let every man and woman la the land make it his ar her business to subscribe to the Liberty Loan immediately, and if they mbrcribe themselves, let them induce somebody else to sub- seribe. P rovide the Government with the funds indespensibly ocannot needed for the conduct of the war and give notice to the enemies of the United States that we have billions to sacrifice in the cause of Liberty. “Buy a Liberty Bond today, da not put it off until tomorrow. Every dallar provided quickly and expended wisely will shorten the war and save human life." against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 9th day of June, 1917, which is six weeks after the 28th day of April, 1917, the date for the first publication of this summons and it you fall to so ap- pear and anawer, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for In Its complaint, to-wit : the foreclosure ot that certain contract dated the 28th day ot May, 1910, between the Maxwell Land and irrigation Company and W. W. Nicholas, and wherein and wherevy the said Max well Land and I rigation Company did agree to convey to Mid W. W, Nicholas all that part ot tbe south bait (8 1-2) ot the northwest quarter (NW 1-4) ot the southeast quarter (SE 1-4) ot Section One (I), Township Four (4) North ot Range Twenty-eight (28) E. W. M., lying east ot the U. S. R. 8. Pipe Line "M” containing 00 6-10 acres more or less, according to the government survey. In Umatilla Coun- ty, Oregon, auch conveyance to be made upon the payment of certain moneys stated and set forth In said contract which said contract and Mid lands have been assign- cd and conveyed to plaintiff and are more particularly described In a com plaint In this ault, and the further relief : (1) Tbat the amount due the plain- tifi under the terms ot this contract be ascertained, and that the defendant be re quired to pay tbe amounts so fixed, with interest and coats, and all sums expended for taxea and special assessments, togeth- I er with Interest thereon, and a reasonable attorney's fee; all within a time to be fixed by tbe court In Its interlocutory de ( 2) Upon the payment so ascertained and determined by the court, the plaintift | will deliver to the defendant, or to such person or persons as he shall designate, a good and sufficient deed ot the aforesaid property. In accordance with the contract. (3) That la tbe eveat of tbe failure | of the defendant to make said payments . within tbe time so fixed by this court, a final decree be entered herein barring and foreclosing the defendant and all parties claiming through or under said defendant. real property, and cancelling and annuli in* the said contract. (4) For such other and further relier This summons is published by order of the above entitled court, and said order April, 1917. and the date of the first pub- Flume Stock Suitable for All Flume Construction See Us First Before Starting Construction Work and You Will Find We Have Just What You Need Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. Don’t Let Milk Spoil ON THE FARM, IN TRANSIT OR IN THE HOME Whole milk and buttermilk are highly nourishing and val uable foods. These foods spoil quickly when allowed to get warm or when exposed to bacteria and molds present in the dust and the air. Keep Milk Continuously Clean, Cold and Covered This injunction applies equally to the producer, the whole saler, the dealer and the cansumer. Unclean milk sent from the farm sours and spoils more quickly than clean milk. Pastuerization makes milk safer. Milk, to keep properly, should never get warmer than 50 degrees until it is consumed. The lower the temperature the better the milk will keep. Bacteria—such as those which cause milk to sour—develop very slowly and cause little change in milk kept at such low temperatures. A slight rise in temperature, even for a short time, permits these bacteria to multiply rapidly and bring about rapid de terioration of the milk, which may render it unfit for ordin ary use. Don’t leave your milk bottles on a hot porch or doorstep. A short exposure in the sun or a warm place hastens the spoiling even of cold, bottled milk. Have the milkman put your milk into the refrigerator. If this is impossible provide, in warm weather, a box with ice, or a bucket of water in a shady place, for the milk. At any rate, have the bottles left in the coolest and shadiest place about your premises. Don’t leave milk in bottles or vessels in a warm room for a moment longer than is necessary. Never pour milk, which has been exposed to the air, back into a bottle containing other milk. Keep such milk cold and covered in another clean utensil. Keep Milk Clean Milk, when warm, is an ideal culturai medium for bacteria. Keep milk clean. You can keep it clean only by keeping it covered so that the bacteria and molds from the air will not get at it. Keep your milk bottles covered either with caps or by placing glasses over them. Keep them covered in the the refrigerator and in the kitchen or dining room. Never pour milk into an unsterile bowl or pitcher. Scald all vessels into which milk is poured for keeping or serving. Cool these utensils after scalding, before you put milk in. Before you open a bottle of milk, wash and wipe the out side of the cap with water and a clean cloth. The little de pression at the top of the bottle collects dust or water, or milk, which may attract flies. Lift out the cap with a point ed instrument, so that the outside of the cap, which may be contanimated, will not be pushed down into the milk. Clean and scald the refrigerator where milk is stored reg ularly with hot saisoda solution. See that the drip pipe is kept open and clean. Even in the cleanest refrigerator never keep milk in an open vessel. Milk absorbs odors easily. If there are babies or little children in your home clean, cold, covered milk is absolutely essential. Clean Empty Bottles Finally, clean empty bottles. Rinse thoroughly with cold water every milk bottle, as soon as emptied and then wash with hot water. This helps your milkman to give you clean milk. Never take milk bottles into a sick room. If you have infectious or contagious disease in your home, boil the milk bottles ar d do not return them without the express sanction of your local health officer or attending physician. Don’t Throw Out Skim or Sour Milk. Clean skim milk is a valuable food, containing all the nourishing ele ment* uf whole milk except the fat or cream. It is useful In cooking cereals, soups, sauces, cocoa, etc , and is a palitable. nourishing bever- age. Sour milk and buttermilk c in be used with soda in making hot bread-, or sour milk can be easily turned into cottage cheese or clabber. Sour cream is a good shortening for cakes and co ikies and is useful for salad dressinge and gravies for meat. The U. S. Department of Agriculture will be glad to send you addi tional information about the care and use of milk. of April. 1917. Ask Your Banker or Postmaster for Application Blank 826 N. W CHAS J. SWINDELLS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Bank Bldg., Portland. Oregon Date of last publication June 9, 1917, DEMONSTRATE THRIFT IN YOUR HOME MAKE SAVING, RATHER THAN SPENDING, YOUR SOCIAL STANDARD