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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1917)
THE WORLD HAPPENINGS U-BOAT OF CURRENT WEEK WAR ALARMS Secretary Lane Says Existence of Bri tain and France is Menaced Tons of Shipping Sunk in Week. HERMISTON HERALD, SOLONS DENOUNCE FOOD SPECULATORS HERMISTON, OREGON. FOOD BILLS OFFERED LONG WAR PREDICTED Measures Designed to Stimulate Pro Frank Opinions Given by England’s duction, Put a Stop to Hoarding and France’s Military Experts— and Equalize Distribution. U. S. Draft Plan Favored. Washington, D. C.—Secretary Lane told the governors conferring here Wednesday with the council of national defense on the part state governments will take in the war that the Federal government had heard 400,000 tons of shipping had been sunk in the last week by German submarines. The destruction, Secretary Lane said, was not only threatening the ex istence of England and France, but Events of Noted People, Governments was alarming the United States. Study Idahoan Attacks Price Jugglers and of inventions to combat the submarine and Pacific Northwest and Other Advocates Seizure of Supplies— menace is being diligently pursued in Things Worth Knowing. Trade in Futures Scored. the Interior department, he said. GERMAN TRAITORS ADMIT BOMB PLOT Washintgon, D. C.—The administra Washington, D. C.—While definite tion food bills were introducted in the ascendancy over the German war ma house Monday by Chairman Lever, of chine has been established by the al the agriculture committee. They do lied forces in France, both in personnel not cover price fixing or control of the and equipment, and eventual victory is use of grain for distilling liquors. in sight, many months of bitter fight These subjects will be covered in a bill ing are still ahead. to be introduced later. This is the view of military experts The bills introdcued are designed to attached to France’s war commission, stimulate production, prevent hoard as gathered by officers of the Ameri ing, make for equitable distribution can general staff, during informal con and suspend the law prohibiting the versations at the War department. mixing of flour. They contain provis The French officers discussed the situ ions to prevent conflict with the anti ation most frankly. Much of what Bomb Explosion and False Reports of trust and interstate commerce laws. was said was strictly confidential and Wilson’s Murder and U-Boat The Lever bill appropriates $25,000,- information as to the immediate mili Raids to Wreck Business. 000 for its enforcement and authorizes tary situation of the most importance the appointment of two additional as was freely given under that seal. England’s Losses Great. sistant secretaries of agriculture to In addition the American experts London—Admiral Lord Beresford, administer it. The measure is de- obtained many facts and figures apply Notably increased activity, particu speaking in London and complaining Washington, D. C.—' ine rising sen-, "signed to prevent a shortage of food New York—Confession was made in ing directly to problems to be consid larly by enemy scouting parties, is re of the incompleteness of the official re timent in congress for legislation to during wartime by protecting the pub ered by the United States in raising court Tuesday by Wolf Hirsch, arrest ported on the Russian front in Wed turns of the submarine sinkings, said meet the nation’s food problems broke lic against injurious speculation And its war army, and which are not re ed Monday with George Meyringer, nesday’s war office statement. out in the senate Thursday in a debate that the losses were appalling. would provide for a survey of food garded as military secrets. both Germans, that they were on their He declared that he was so keen on that started over the high price of situation of the country. It also pro No Berlin newspapers have arrived Statements of the French fully con in Copenhagen for several days. Such the matter that he was inclined to risk seeds, but developed into denunciations vides for the establishment of stand firmed conclusions reached by the gen way to blow up the offices of J. P. stoppages are often preliminary to im the penalties of the defense of the of food speculators, with assertions ards of grades for American products eral staff after its long study of losses Morgan & Co., with a bomb when in realm act and tell the people himself, that the best way to deal with them and fertilizers and for their recep in all armies actually engaged in Eu portant military developments. tercepted by the police. because until they were informed they was to string them to lamp posts or tacles, and requires proper labeling for rope, in an effort to learn the provis Mrs. Floyd Smith, wife of the noted would not realize the importance of put them behind prison bars such receptables to prevent fraud and ions they must make for maintaining New York — Intention to destroy a San Diego aviator, who last year was economy. Senators from farming states denied abuses. It authorizes the license and the fighting strength of an army at the “big Wall Street institution,” tap tel credited with establishing three hydro that there is any real shortage of sta control, when necessary, of any busi front. American Schooner Sunk. aeroplane altitude records, announced ple foods in the United States. ness or manufacture, storage or distri The terrible toll in dead, maimed egraph trunk lines between Chicago, that she has offered her services to the New York—The American schooner Senator John Sharp Williams de bution of foods, food materials or and prisoners, computed on figures in Washington and New York, send out War department for aviation duty. Woodward Abrahams, 744 tons, has clared there has been a hysteria feeds, and gives similar power to com cluding Russia’s enormous losses in false reports of President Wilson’s A German who spoke slightingly of been sunk by a German submarine, ac throughout the country and that the pel licenses to disgorge unreasonably captured, amounts to 10 per cent a the Flag in Helena, Mont., recently, cording to a cable message received course of high prices was largely psy hoarded stocks to refrain from unjust month of troops at the front. Half of assassination and U-boat raids on the was seized by a dozen soldiers and here. Ail of the crew of nine men chological He said he beieved the or discriminatory practices or charges these are permanently out of action, Atlantic coast, and then disrupt wires German corruption fund recently un and to exact fair prices only. forced to kneel and kiss the Stars and were saved. and were it not for the constant stream to prevent denial, all to affect the earthed in a Federal court in New Stripes. He then was ordered to start It gives power to control the market of recruits going forward every day, stock market for speculative benefit, Two British Ships Lost. York may have been responsible. somewhere and keep going. His name movement and distribution of perish an army of a million men soon would was the ambitious plot confessed by Baltimore — The British steamers Word should go straight out from was not learned. Swanmore and Dromore, of the John the senate, Senator Williams said, able products, to prescribe percentages fade away. Wolf Hirsch and George Meyringer, of flour which shall be milled from Of the wounded or ill, great num Wednesday fire destroyed two grain son line, plying between Baltimore that there is no shortage of food. two Germans charged with having a wheat, and to permit or compel whole bers return to their regiments. With elevators of the Hales & Edwards com and Liverpool, were torpedoed and Senators Nelson and McCumber pany, Chicago, containing approxi sunk last week, according to cables re agreed that there is no reason to fear sale and economical mixtures of wheat. a medical corps service working at picric acid bomb in their possession. A bill to be introduced later will highest possible efficiency, half of the The men were employed at Roosevelt mately 75,000 bushels of oats and ceived here. All on board the Dro a shortage. confer plenary power on the President entire loss of any army is recovered to hospital. wheat, and causing a total loss of more were saved, but one lifeboat, The attack on the speculators was to more adequately handle the situa Hirsch, the police assert, besides active duty, but the process takes $500,000. Federal officials have begun containing 11 of the crew of the Swan- led by Senators Thomas and Borah. being a chemist, is a former German tion, including the fixing of prices, more than three months. an investigation. more, is still unaccounted for. The Colorado senator declared they both minimum and maximum; to pre This condition is one of the impel secret service officer and a reserve were the real enemies of the nation; The report that King Constantine of • U-Boats Get Two Norwegians. scribe national prohibition in the Pres ling reasons why the general staff petty officer in the submarine division expressed the hope that congress Greece is soon to abdicate is reiterated London—According to the Central would not adjourn without legislation ident’s discretion; regulate transporta stood firmly for the selective draft of the German navy, while Meyringer, in a dispatch from Rome to the London News, the Norwegian foreign office that would remedy the evil and said tion of food products and deal with form of the administration’s army bill. who was a kitchen man in the hospital, Star, which says it has been confirmed has announced the sinking of the Nor the lamp post is the thing to cure such produce exchanges and boards of trade Under the volunteer plan, England’s is an expert telegrapher and a student from neutral diplomatic sources. It is to prevent undue speculation. forces at the front were in some cases of finance. suggested that the king and queen may wegian steamers Hectoria and Lang- speculation. He introduced an amend The Germans expected, the police so reduced in strength that their land by German submarines, The ment to the espionage bill empowering land at an Italian port and proceed say, to make a fortune in Wall street predicament was serious. crews were saved. ROOSEVELT READY TO START the President by proclamation to sus overland to Denmark. France had no difficulty on that on short investments by instructing pend during the war the operation of score. Under her system of universal their brokers to buy just as the expect The order of the London food con- boards of trade and chambers of com Colonel Says Division Ought to Go to military service, classes were called ed tumble in the market developed troller prohibiting consumption of GERMANY DRAINED OF MEN merce which deal in futures. France immediately. up as they were needed and the loss at from the bomb explosion and the false meat one day each week will be re Senator Borah predicted a world news. Persons familiar with the mar scinded. Speaking for the govern 1,300,000 Have Died in War—-Decrease famine if the war lasts two years and New York — Theodore Roosevelt, the front offset promptly. ket conditions have informed the po ment in the house of commons, Cap in Population Enormous. if extraordinary and sustained efforts upon his return here from Chicago lice that the Germans either were mis tain Charles Bathurst said it might be Tuesday, declared he hoped, as Mar are not made here to meet the food led about the probable outcome of such Amsterdam, via London — One mil necessary to abandon meatless days as problem. He attacked the packers, shal Joffre had urged, that the people an occurrence in Wall street, or that they involved a strain on the consump lion, three hundred thousand Germans declaring they made enormous profits, of this country would realize the ne they are putting this story forward to have perished in the war, according to tion of breadstuffs. and said speculation and monopoly in cessity for sending without delay an hide their real intentions. a statement made by Joseph Friedrich Three hundred Villa soldiers surren Naunann, formerly a Conservative foodstuffs made millions for those who American force to the French front. He added that those in congress who dered to General Eduardo Hernandez, member of the reichstag. Herr Nau were responsible and made “peons of He favored conscrip oppose the raising immediately of the Carranza cavalry commander, fol nann, lecturing on the "Influence of the people.” lowing the battle of Hacienda de Car the War on Population,” said in part: tion of food and government possession some divisions of volunteers for such service “will be repudiating the advice men on April 23, General Francisco “Until now the war has caused a of the packing companies. Food spec Murguia announced Wednesday before loss of 1,300,000 dead. This, together ulation, he said, would not be ended of Marshal Joffre, will be voting Ten U. S. Navy Men and Part he left Juarez for Chihuahua City. with the decrease in births, gives a re until the speculators “are put in against speedy and efficient action by Copenhagen—The speech which was the United States, and will be endeav General Murguia also announced he duction of 3,800,000. The surplus of stripes behind the bars.” of Crew Reported Miss to have been made in the reichstag by oring to the extent of their action to would continue his campaign against females has increased from 800,000 to make this a paper war — a war in Villa with Chihuahua City as a base. Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, on peace ing from Oil Tanker. far more than 2,000,000. The nation MEXICO ASSURES GOOD WILL which we make speeches and let other and international relations has been A war measure designed to raise not has bled as never since the 30 years’ men do the fighting.” Desire of People to Keep Out of War less than $1,500,000,000 by direct war. ” postponed to a more fitting occasion, a London — The American oil tank taxes during the coming year, will be Asserted in Letter. ccording to word received here. Men and Women Riot in steamer Vacuum has been sunk. The reported to the house ways and means WIRE CENSORSHIP DECLARED Washington, D. C.—Louis Cabrera, and part of the crew and the committee by a sub-committee which Chicago Bakers’ Strike captain General Carranza’s minitser of finance, naval lieutenant and nine American U. S. READY TO SEND ARMY has been drafting the bill in secret Chicago—Rioting marked the open gunners are missing. in a letter to Secretary Lane, with sessions. Reduction of the income tax Cables and All Lines Into Mexico Are whom he sat on the Mexican-American ing of the bakers’ strike in Chicago The Vacuum was sunk by a German Affected by Wilson’s Order. exemptions from $3000 and $4000 to commission, pledges not only Mexico’s Monday morning. The worst disorders submarine on Saturday while she was Troops for European Service Whenever $1000 and $2000 for single and mar Allies Designate Time. Washington, D. C. — An executive neutrality, but his government’s in occurred in the Ghetto district, where on her way to the United States. ried persons respectively, and an in order signed by President Wilson pro tention to do nothing to embarrass the mounted police were called upon to The chief mate and 17 men, includ crease of the excess profita tax from 8 viding for the censorship of cables out Washington, D. C. — The United United States in the war with Ger protect the smaller bakery shops from ing three of the American naval gun per cent on all amounts over 8 per States senate stands ready to send an cf the United States and of telegraph many. A part of Cabrera’s letter, made strikers and their smypathizers. ners, have been landed. cent and $5000 to 16 per cent are two and telephone lines into Mexico, to At many places men and women public by Secretary Lane, follows: A boat containing the master of the army to Europe whenever the allies of the sub-committee’s proposals. gether with regulations governing the “All Mexicans who know and appre threw kerosene on bread as it was ship and the remainder of the crew, deem it wise to divert the necessary The French war mission to the same, were made public Wednesday by ciate the United States are now striv brought to the wagons for delivery. together with the lieutenant and nine shipping from transporting food to United States, headed by Rene Vi- the committee on public information. ing to keep Mexico absolutely neutral Meanwhile the shortage of 1,000,000 naval gunners is missing transporting men. It became definite viani, minister of Justice, hero of The objcet of the censorship is to pre in the present world conflict, which loaves of bread caused much concern to the Marne and popular idol of France, vent the sending of information which unfortunately has extended to Amer householders and city, state and fed New York — The American steam- ly known Monday that the government was welcomed to Washington Friday might be of value to the enemy. ica. Although I believe that the war eral officials exerted every effort to ship Vacuum, commanded by Captain has offered the allies troops, but has with heartfelt enthusiasm. The committee announces that ar between the United States and Ger end the walkout, which was caused by S. S. Harris, left New York on March suggested that the alarming shortage 30 for Birkenhead, England, and car of world shipping may make it im An official statement received from rangements have been made to put the many will actually take place in Eu a demand for higher wages. ried a crew of 34 men, of whom 15 General Maude, commanding the Brit executive order into effect immedi rope, and not in America, the United Losses Impress Britons. were American citizeps, including nine practical to send them at once. ish in Mesopotamia, says the British ately. "Conferences with the heads States can be sure that the present of the cable, telegraph and telephone In spite of objections to the general government of Mexico will do every- native born. London — It seems that, regrettable have driven the Turks from the west staff of putting any American forces bank of the Shatt-el-Adhem to about companies have been held in Washing thnig in its power to make the United as it is, last week’s official report on Insurance Rate is Fixed. on the firing line before the great war 17 miles north of its junction with the ton during the week and all plans have States feel absolutely confident that shipping losses has proved more effec been worked out in detail,” said the there will be no reason at all to fear New York—Representatives of life army has been raised and trained, the Tigris. tive than any number of official ex committee statement. from our side. administration has determined that the An advisory committee on women’s An expert personnel, previously se “Mexico has gone through a civil hortations in impressing the public insurance companies decided Tuesday small contingent earnestly desired by with the gravity of the food situation to recommend a uniform type of policy France for moral effect shall be sent defense work, headed by Dr. Anna lected, and generous and complete co- war, and there is nothing the people Howard Shaw as chairman, has been operation of the various companies desire more than to remain in peace and thereby smoothing the govern for insuring men entering the army as soon as possible. appointed by the Council of National combine to assure expedition and effi and without being engaged in an in ment’s path for adopting needful meas and navy. The flat charge of $37.50 a The general belief here is that the ures. Although Lord Devonport, the year for each $1000 of war risk insur Defense. The body is to consider and ciency from the outset. ternational war.” way will soon be found. Whether the food controller, intimated that the ance, in addition to the regular premi- force first to carry the Stars and advise how the assistance of women of The order was signed by the Presi public would be given another chance urn, is advocated. This, however, Stripes into battle in France shall be America may be made available in the dent under the authority vested in him Tariff Changes Last Resort. to ration themselves, little doubt now prosecution of the war. by the Constitution and by the con Washington, D. C. — Persistent up is felt that a few weeks will see the would apply only to those who took made up of regulars or national guards out policies at the time of enlisting, gressional resolution declaring the ex All station grounds, parks and flow istence of a state of war. Enforce ward revision of the tentative draft of actual operation of a rationing scheme. “The military clause shall cover the men, or both, has not been worked out. The subject was not discussed at Mon er gardens on the Northern Pacific line ment of the regulations is delegated to the war revenue bill by the house ways entire period of military or naval serv day’s cabinet meeting, but Secretary will be seeded to potatoes and other and means committee brought the to Ties Interlaced on Track. ice in time of war if commenced with Baker remained afterward for a con the War and Navy departments. vegetables, according to an announce tal to be raised to approximately $1,- Marysville, Cal. — An attempt to in five years of the register date.” ference with President Wilson. ment made at Livingston, Mont., by 650,000,000, or within $165,000,000 of wreck a Western Pacific passenger Willapa to Get Yards. State department officials have con George T. Slade, first vice president, the amount originally suggested. train one mile south of here was dis Eighteen Admit Voting Frauds. New York—The United States gov Plans now are to raise the remaining tinuously urged the sending of an army and Hazen J. Titus, superintendent of covered by Albert Berg, a county Indianapolis — Eighteen of the 20 solely for its psychological effect, not ernment has contracted with T. S. $165,000,000 through consumption bridge watchman, Monday morning. the dining car department. Evansville Democrats who pleaded not only in encouraging the allied troops, Desmond & Co., engineers of this city, taxes, if necessary, or, as a last re Berg happened to walk up the track a guilty to charges of conspiracy to vio At a conference of provisional and to build 30 wooden cargo ships. sort, by tariff changes. Agreement short distance from the bridge and late the election laws when arraigned but in discouraging the Germans. military governerà, at which the pre The government has announced that has been reached to discuss proposed found four ties interlaced on the track. some time ago, changed their pleas to Convinced that the diplomatic advan mier presided, it was voted unanimous it had awarded a contract to Sanderson tariff increases after all other ques The ties were found near where the guilty Saturday in the United States tages far outweigh the technical and ly that China should enter the war training difficulties advanced by the & Porter, engineers of this city, for tions have been disposed of. southbound limited was wrecked two District court. Among those who ad general staff, they have felt that such against Germany. A canvass shows the building of wooden cargo ships. weeks ago. The authorities are mitted their guilt are several Evans a step would consecrate the United that parliament is overwhelmingly in The yards of this firm will be built Borah Would Join T. R. making an investigation. ville city officials, including Edward States as a full member of the al favor of China declaring war, but near Grays Harbor and Willapa Har Washington, D. C.—If congress de B. Oslage, city controller; Edgar A. liance, entitled to a most honorable President Li Yuan Hung is still un bor, Wash., with a capacity for build cides to permit Colonel Roosevelt to Wall Street Bomb Mark. Schmidt, chief of police, and Miles seat at the peace conference. decided on the question. ing 20 ships at a time. The completed raise a division of volunteers for serv New York — Two German employes Saunders, city surveyor. Lieutenant William F. Gresham, U. ships will be brought through the Pan ice in Europe, Senator Borah, of Idaho, of the Roosevelt Hospital — Wolf Raider Thought Near U. 8. wants to join that division. Senator Hirsch, an assistant chemist, and Peace Conference is Set. S. N., and 11 American bluejackets, ama canal. New York—The captain of a stand George Meyringer, a general utility Borah telegraphed Roosevelt offering London—Count Hertling, the pre survivors of the American armed Manila Battle Recalled. his services in any capacity for which man—were arrested Tuesday, charged mier of Bavaria, says a dispatch from ard Oil tank steamship, which has ar- steamship Aztec, destroyed April 1 by Washington, D. C.- Secretary Dan- his qualifications may fit him and ex with having a bomb in their posses Munich, is going to Vienna. He will ried here, said he had no doubt but a German submarine, arrived in New York Friday from a foreign port. iels and high naval officers made their pressing the hope that congress will sion. The police say they had received confer with the Austro-Hungarian cab that a mysterious vessel which he annual May day observances of ths an authorise the Colonel to raise a divis information of an alleged plot to ex inet ministers reagrding peace pros- sighted Thursday night and Friday They declined to discuss the sinking. niversary of the battle of Manila bay. ion or more. Senator Borah has yet plode a bomb in Wall street, with the morning off the Virginia coast was the New food demonstrations at Stock Since the victor in that fight. Admiral had no reply from Colonel Roosevelt. object of creating a panic. German raider Seeadler. The stranger holm are reported by the Dagens Ny Dewey, no longer lives to receive the was a four-masted bark and had all Cherries $12.50 a Pound. Seaplane Torpedoes Ship. heter, The military commander is congratulations of his associates, they Washington. D. C. — Mrs. Woodrow sails set, but in a six-knot breeze she sued an order forbidding the soldiers were paid to his widow. The anniver London — The admiralty announces Sacramento, Cal. — The record price Wilson and Miss Helen Woodrow was proceeding 10 or 11 knots, the oil to attend a Socialist meeting. De sary was marked also by the placing of that the British steamer Gena was of $125 was paid for a 10-pound box of Bones, wife and cousin of the Presi ship’s skipper reported, and it was ob spite this order, however, several hun flowers at the tomb in Arlington Na sunk May 1 by a torpedo discharged California cherries shipped to Detroit. dent, are sewing for the Red Cross. vious she was equipped with motor dred soldiers participated in a groat tional cemetery, where the admiral’s from a German seaplane off Aldeburg A box weighs 10 pounds, and the They are doing the needle work per power. Several vessels recenity have meeting. body lies. (Suffolk) England. price, therefore, waa $12.50 a pound. sonally. reported strange ships in the Atlantic. Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. Noose and Prison Prescribed as Proper Penalty. Planned to Blow Up J. P. Mor gan & Co.’s Office. FOR YOU BORAH SEES FAMINE MARKET SCARE PLAN COMPILED AMERICAN STEAMER SUNK BY SUBMARINE PEACE TALK PUT OFF