Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
HERMISTON THE B F. Knapp HERALD, went to Pendleton Wednesday morning and in the even ing went on to Walla Walla. OUR PRICES The regular meeting of the Civic club will be held next Friday after noon at tbe Civic Center room. A full attendance desired. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young and little daughter arrived the first of the week to make their home here Mr. Young lakes the position of special fi-ca agent with the reclamation service made vacant by the reaignation of C W Kellogg. Miss Lela Burwell, who made bei home with Mr. and Mra. F. E. Rannej for the past year and a half, waa mar ried at Vancouver, Wash., Monday April 16, to I. C. Bell. They will g to Canada where they expect to make their future home. Issued Each Saturday by FRANCIS R. REEVES Saturday evening last Mrs. G OREGON entertained at dinner for Miss J Gunn and Miss Nida Patrick. Co After dir Entered as second-class matter. December were laid for twelve 1906, al the postoffice al Hermiston, Oregon there was a Movie party for guests, all enjoying very much SUBSCRIPTION RATES hospitality of Mrs. Gunn. HERMISTON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 11.50 One year..................................... -................ . .76 Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at Six months.................................................... Dale Hinkle came home from Reed La Grande, Oregon, March 3rd,1917. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. college, Portland, Thursday morning Notice is hereby given that Edward C. Beddow, of Hermiston, Oregon, who on March 8th, 1912, He has been accepted for the officer made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 010241, for ADVERTISING RATES Farm Unit “C” of NEW, being the SW NW‘ reserve corps and expects to leave Display — One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser NEY section 28, township 5 north, range 29 tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly about May 8 for the training camp ear* Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of rates, 15 cent* per Inch per issue. inten., n to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. Readers—First insertion, 10 cents per line; each Dale will return Sunday to Reed U J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his subsequent insertion without change of copy, keep up bis studies until called. office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 3rd day of 5 cents per line. May 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: William O. Sutherland. William O. Whitsett, Hiram J. Still- rlU PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ings, Edward H. Graham, all of Hermiston, ADVERTISING BY THE Oregon. C.8. DUNN. Register TAXÉS WILL NOT BE INCH "MÍRICA N "R E 5 58550CATID N GENERAL OFFICES We are on the job every min ute and caa take care of any order. Baggage work a spec ialty. Hermiston Dray Line C. B. PERCEY THREE YEARS CROPS from the land will pay the purchase price of a 40-acre tract—33 acres in alfalfa. No dead money here as in less than 60 days the first cutting will be ready for market. HERMISTON . OREGON We will sell you a Hunting-Fishing License now at the old price, but after May 21 the new law is effective and the price will be higher. We also carry a full line of everything you need for hunting or fishing. Base Ball Goods Nice assortment te select from. All HITTS CONFECTIONERY S reputation Rovenue Provided for Inte and Principal on Road County Officials Bonds. Circuit Judge ........ ..................................... G. W. Phelps ANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Draying District Attorney. Judge......... ........... Hasel. Burr Roscoe 1. Keaton C. H. Marsh B. E. Anderson H. M. Cockbum Clerk ............ R. T. Brown Sheriff ....... ......J. D. Tayloi Treasurer...... Grace Gilliam Assessor........ .... C. P. Strain Surveyor....... Willard Bradley School Supt ........ I. E. Young Coroner......... ..... J.IT. Brown Recorder....... . Ben Burroughs County court meets the first Wednesday in each month. Opponents of the road bond contend that the proposed bond I will become an added burden to general taxpayer. As a complete an swer and refutation of this argument, the Legislative Good Roads Commit tee has incorporated the following statement as a part of its argument in support of the bond bill which will be published in the official stete pam City Officials phlet: Mayor......... . .................. ............F.C. McKenzie “We have ascertained from the rec Recorder......... ...................-.............. C. M. Jensen ords of the office of the Secretary of Chief of Police ....................... .............. C. C. Salse: .................................... F. A. Phelps State that the income from the pres Fire Chief...... ................ .. .................... W. Beasley City Physician ............................. C.. O. Wainscott ent quarter-mill tex is $220,000 per City Attorney„ .................................. W. J. Warner annum; that the income from auto 11- City Surveyor ...................... ........... 3. R. Oldake censes, based upon the present num- Councilmen..... . ................................ J. D. Watson ......................... Wm. Kennedy ber of automobiles at the increased ......................................H.M. Straw license rate effective August 1st. will ............ ... .......................A. L. Larsor .................................... F. R. Reeves be not less than $310,000 per annum C. S. McNaught to be used in paying interest and prin cipal of bonds. The above funds will School District Officials be sufficient not only to pay the in Directors.... C. 8. McNaught, Chm terest and the principal of the $6,000,- ............ J. D. Watsor . ............ F. B. Swayze 000 bonds authorized by this act. but Clerk. ............ J. H. Young will also pay the interest and princi pal of the $1,819,280.55 in bonds author ized to meet the government road ap WEATHER REPORT propriation. After paying these bonds The following table ehowe the high and low tem- parature for the day* and nights for the past there will be a surplus of at least |2,- 793,402.66. Sinee 1911 the increase in the number of automobiles in the Dato High Low Onto High State of Oregon has been 33 % per 17....... 67 ________ 67 27 41 IS__________ 62 cent per year. With the completion 14 .. _______ 65 15............. 50 37 19........... 62 of good roads this increase will natur 14............. « 29 ally be larger. However, we have not M. D. SCROGG8 taken any increase into account but Co-overative Observer have based our figures on the present number of automobiles.” NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. land office La Grande. Oregon. March 3rd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that William O. Suth 010106, for Farm Unit “G" in NEW being S‘SW% J. H Strohm was in Portland this NEY see. 28, township (north Range 29 East Wil- W. J. Warner spent Friday at Pen dleton. Miss Virginia Todd was down from Pendleton over Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Kellogg is assisting in the office of the Inland Empire Lumber Co. Mrs. B. F. Strohm went to Hood River Sunday to visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Isabel. Hardscrabble _____ The Locusts" Mountain View Ranch ______ . Four Sisters lamette Meridian, hae tiled notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner. U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Hermiston, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Edward C. Bed- dow, William O. Whitsett, Hiram J. Stillings and Frank 8. Beddow. all of Hermiston. Oregon. C 8. Dunn. Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Cora Louise Yeager, Plaintif, vs. Mary L Sut- toa. Defendant, Summons for Publication. To Mary L- Sutton. la the name of the State of Oregon, greetings: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons, and you will take D. IL Brownell, influential business thereof will appeal to the above entitled court for man of Umatilla, was up between the relief prayed for in the complaint, vis., for judgment against you in the sum of $245.00 upon trains Wednesday. Clover Dale Ranch ........ Glen Ellen .... Sunny Slope Buckeye Ranch Herma Vista Casserly. J. J Chamberlain. C. C Clarke, Mr*. C. 8. Cressy. Geo. A. Devis. E. E.. Davis. Geo Davis, H. C Dyer, J. 8 . Beth-arabah .._ Roselawn Shady Nook Farm ..... AIfalula Ranch Red Feathered Chicken Ranch Summerdale . Electric Dairy Ranch .............. _ Ridgeview ........... South Hill Farm ................. !.. Alfadale Czaham, Ed. H ................... The Knoll Gunn. H. M............. . ............. Hallhurst Hall. C. G. and H.E .................Green Aeree Hannan. W. F......... ._________ . Nob Hill Hobbs. E. A.... Hoisington 4 Hoisington. .............. Morningside Hood. C. A........................ ............ Fairview Ranch _____ __ Hooker, H. A ________ Wabasso Hornins, Mrs. D. W The Happy Home Hurlburt. H. G------ ..Orlo Intlekofer, John---- Tawa Johnson. A. 8 ------ Four O’Clock Ranch Jensen, C. M..... ........... ........ High Gato Kellogg. C. W .......... The Lay Ranch Lay & Son ................ Buena Vista Leathers. W. A ............. _.. South View Leek, John .. . Blue Ribbon Orchard Longley, H. J.... Loomisville Loomis. Geo----- Breezy Hill Macdonald, Chas The Three Pines McCully, R. A. ... Multum in parvo Me Lallen. W. A Ridgeway Farm McNaught, C. 8 . . .Highland Farm McNaught. J. F Webak Monkman, B. G.. The Old Homestead Newport. H. G... . ....... Fairview Farm ................. Woodbine Pennock, F. B Percey. C. B........................... . ......... Meadow Lark Purdy. A. W........................... ....... Coeur de Alene Raley Ranch (G. C. Ransier) ................. Rainbow Roberts, W. T.......... ........ — ...... ....... Tir Glwys Root, W. T. 4 Son.................. ..... Orchard Home Reihl. John F ...... .................. .......... Silver Maple Savage, B. S........................... ........... Beacon Hill Schachermeyer, Carl.............. .......... Vindobonna School District US................ . Minnehaha School Sweet Briar Farm Sellers, W. T.................. ........ Shaw, C. H. (Butter Creek) ....... The Six Sisters .......... High Valley Shutt. T. E .......................... - Shutter. C. L.......... .............. ..North View Home . Tip Top Simmons, W. H .... Sunset Stewart. R. A......... . Riverside Stanyan, C. P........... Pleasant Ridge Home Stubbs, H. E....... Sweet Spring Ranch Sullivan, P. P......... ...Lakeview Theriault. W. J....... Liberal View Voelker. Alfred E ....West Lawn Watson, J. D.......... "The Movie” Hermiston Auditorium EACH Suitable for All Flume Construction See Us First Before Starting Construction Work and You Will Find We Have Just What You Need Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. Hesitate When you can get such a re markable clubbing offer. These days everything is increasing in cost, but that is certainly not the case here. WEEK Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. Regular price $1.00 a year STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston Regular price 25c a year Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Phone 2852 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY ============ Market a Grocery 21 .9 IN TRADE Saturday We Want Good Country Batter in Trade 40 and then there is your home paper, The Herald, at $1.50. This makes a total of $3.75, yet we are offering you all four for $1.90, practically 50 per cent be low the regular rate. Cents pure Lard for $2.25. property SE quart Flume Stock TWO GOOD SHOWS notes referred to in the complaint, together with Cheap, efficient and reliable will check the water in any reasonable dich. Can be placed or taken up by a ten year old boy. Sent to any address C. O. D. by parcel post If money accompanies the order postage will be prepaid. Made in ten different widths: 116 inches wide. $4.25; 108 inches. $4; 100 inches. $3.75; 90‘inches, $3.50; 72 inches. $3; 66 inches, $2.75; 52 inches, $2.50; 48 inches. $2.25; 40 inches, $2; 130 inches, extra heay, $5.50 Re sure and order wide enough. Address GEO. w. HANNA. VALK. OREGON Building Material of All Kinds Regular price $1.00 a year is now at IRRIGATION MADE EASY BY THE USE OF HANNA'S PATENT PORTABLE CANVASS DAM. Lumber ........ Tamalpias .... Terrace Park Canfield, K C. ( Butter Creek) . The Ragged Edge Commissioners..... LOCAL BRIEFS ...... Allendale Beisse, August F Blessing, W. L .... Bradley. G. W ... Campbell. Duncan Logan Todd left Tuesday to enlist in the navy. A large number of his school comrades were at tbe depot tc Embry. JohnT.The see him started. Several other Her Eriksen. E. T .. miston boys will likely go soon to join Fowler. F F Giese. W.J—.. some branch of the service. Geise, H. B...... The Hermiston Herald NEW YORK AND CHICAGO . -.... Circle A Canfield, Mrs. R. C Mra. West and Mrs. Shotwell will give a silver tea for tbe Baptist aid next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. West. All sre invited. PEONE 411 when you need any NAMES AND OWNERS Farmer Smith came to Hermiston Allen, F. L laet Saturday with the demonstration train and listened to tbe various lec- Barham, J. c Bauschard, W. P ! tures. Briggs, Geo. E Free Delivery to all Parts of the Citv PHONE 29F2 DIRECTORY OF RANCH Agnew, A. W Umatilla Storage & Commission Company Department of the Interior, U. 3. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, March 3, 1917. Notice is hereby given that William L. McDon ald of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on August 11.1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09679. for Unit “D" In SW%, or NH NW% SW‘ Section 6, Township 4 North, Range 29 east Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 4th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Claud L. Upham, John L. Waller. Herbert A. McKeen and Henry M. Sommerer, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN. Register . Judge G. W. Phelps was down from Pendleton between trains looking after business interests Wednesday. Are not raised every time the market goes up. When we get in a shipment of groceries the price re mains the same until that shipment is exhausted. If the new goods cost more our prices are raised ac cordingly and not otherwise. This enables you to save money by purchasing from us even after the market has advanced. Our bulk cookies received fresh each week. Fresh vegetables received twice a week. Nice line of crackers in all popular size packages. Have you tried any of our syrups. Our line is unexcelled. Complete line Com Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat and other breakfast foods. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION HERMISTON, OREGON. Just received A fresh shipment of oranges price ranging per dozen, 150, 258, 35c and 45c. Again we say, Why Hesitate. Bring or send your subscription, new or renewal, today Walnuts, I lb 20c, 2 lbs. 35c. and fine and the price is still package or 6 for TSSi-tts Ctse See ' 1917, and the first pu | dated April 21, 1917. I 31 n ited April 14 55c. 10c a HERALD