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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. UDENCE For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmony. Made to see how good they can be; not how much they will bring. Violin. Mandolin. Guitar. Banjo, Ukeleie. Slogan: “If you don’t find ’em better than any. send 'em back at our expense.” 311 to 315 Labbe Bldg., 227% Wash. St.. Portland. Ore. FORD CARS ETHEL HUESTON Every Ford Car should carry one ex tra tire it save changing on the road. THE TWIN RIM fits both front and rear wheel. Applied In 5 min- utes. Saves time, clothes, temper and religion. Price $6.50. Sent parcel post prepaid, upon re ceipt of price. OREOON VULCANIZING CO., "The Tiro Shop." 333-335 Burnside st., Portland. Oregon such horrible wrong. “Good-by, sweet heart. Remember, I will be waiting. Whenever you send, I will come.” He stepped outside, and closed the door. Prudence stood motionless, Patents Issued In Year Remark- hands clenched, until she could no able in Number and Character. longer hear his footsteps. Then she dropped on the floor, and lay there, face downward, until she heard Fairy moving in her room upstairs. Then she Among Inventions Reported Are Sev eral Greatly Decreasing Coal Con went into the kitchen and built the fire for breakfast sumption in Power Plants. GREAT SAVINGS SHOWN CHAPTER XII. ILLUSTRATED BY W.C .TANNE She Comes to Grief. Fairy was one of those buoyant, warm-blooded girls to whom sleep is (Copyright, by the Bobbs-Merrill Company.) indeed the. great restorer. Now she ‘C. B." MINERS & CO. ever he thinks will make me happy. He stood In the kitchen door, tall, cheeks CHAPTER XI—Continued. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP must not know a thing about it. Prom glowing, eyes sparkling, and smiled at AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. ise, Jerry, that you will never tell him her sister’s solemn back. It did look horrible, from above as n. L COR. FIFTH ANO GUSAN »n PORTLAND, OREGON well as below. But Jerry, when he felt one word.” “You are the little mousey. Prue,” “I promise, of course. Prudence. I she said, In her full rich voice. “I the first light twinge as Connie lifted will let you tell him. ” the rope, foresaw what was coming didn’t hear you come to bed last night, But she shook her head. “He will and I didn't hear you getting out this Bought, Sold. Rented and Repaired and was ready for it. As he went down, WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS lie grabbed a firm hold on the branch never know. Óh, Jerry ! I can't bear morning. Why, what Is the matter?” Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. on which he had stood, then he drop to think of never seeing you again, For Prudence had turned her face to On and never getting letters from you, and ward her sister, and it was so white LEARNfA TRADE. Gao Tractor and Auto ped to the next, and held again. mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com the lowest limb he really clung for it seems to kill me Inside, just the and so unnatural that Fairy was plete course In both for the price of one tuition, for a short time only. Large class now graduat- fifteen seconds, and took in his bear thought of IL” shocked. ing and have room for few more men. Catalog ings. “Sit here in my lap. Put your head Connie had dropped the rope and details free. Hemphill’s Trade Schools, 20th & Hawthorne "Prudence ! You are sick I Go to when the twins screamed, so he had on my shoulder, like that. Let me rub bed and let me get breakfast Here, Portland, Oregon. nothing more to fear from her. He saw your face a little. You’re feverish. You get out of this, and I will—" WE WRECK AUTOMOBILES Prudence, white, with wild eyes, both are sick. Go to bed, won’t you, sweet “There’s nothing the matter with me. For their good parts. Parts at half price. We heart? We can settle this later on.” can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked arms stretched out toward him. I had a headache, and did not sleep, over 100 different makes of care of recent date. If “You must go right away, or I can- but I am all right now. Are the girls “O. K., Prue," he called, and then he in need of any write to Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 dropped. He landed on his feet, a lit- not let you go at all !” North Broadway, Portland. Oregon. up yet?” tie jolted, but none the worse for his “Do you mean you want me to get Fairy eyed her suspiciously. “Jerry my things and go right now?” FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. fall. Is out unusually early, too, isn't he? Organizer and Developer. Patents secured or Fee He ran at once to Prudence. "I’m “Yes.” She buried her face in his His door is open.” Refunded. FREE. Toy X-Ray Plata; shows every If—if you stay in your bone in your body right through your clothing. all right,” he cried, really alarmed by shoulder. “Jerry has gone. Fairy.” Prudence’s Suites 701. 701A. 701B. 701C. Central bldg.. Seattle the white horror in her face. "Pru- room until breakfast time I will lock back was presented to view once more, dence ! Prudence !” Then her arms you in, so you cannot leave me again. and Prudence was stirring the oatmeal STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited dropped, and with a brave but feeble I know it. I am crazy today.” with vicious energy. “He left early school: write, or phono Main 590 for catalogue; smile, she swayed a little. Jerry took "Don’t you think you owe me some this morning—I suppose he is half-way graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker “Sweetheart !” he thing, as well as your father and sis to Des Moines by now.” Business College, 167 4th Street, near Morrison. her In his arms. Portland. Oregon. whispered. “Little sweetheart ! Do— ters? Didn’t God bring us together, “Oh !” Fairy’s voice was noncom do you love me so much, dearest?” and make us love each other? Don't mittal. “When Is he coming back?” A Natural Question. Prudence raised her hands to his you think he intended us for each oth "He isn’t coming back. Please An Irishman went into a jeweler’s face, and looked Intensely into his er? Do you wish you had never met hurry, Fairy, and call the others. The shop to buy a clock. The shopman eyes, all the sweet loving soul of her me?” oatmeal is ready.” showed him one for $10. shining in her own. And Jerry kissed “Jerry !” Fairy went soberly up the stairs,, “Murdher! Ten dollars for that bit her. “Then, sweetheart, be reasonable. of a clock? Is there anything wonder ostensibly to call her sisters. Your father loved your mother, and The twins scrambled down from the ful about it? “Girls," she began, carefully closing “Certainly," said the shopman, "that maple, speechless and cold with terror, married her. That is God’s plan for all the door of their room behind her. of us. You have been a wonderfully and saw Prudence and Jerry ! Then Is an eight-day clock.” “And what's that? asked the pros they saw Connie, staring at them with brave and sweet daughter and sister, "Jerry has gone, and isn’t coming back pective purchaser. I know. But surely Fairy Is old enough any more. And for goodness’ sake, Interest and amusement. don’t keep asking questions about it' "Why it goes eight days without “I think we’d better go to bed, all to take your place now.” Just eat your breakfast as usual, and winding.” “Fairy’s going to be a professor, and have a little tact.” “So much as that?” said the Irish three of us," declared Lark sturdily, off heroically around the And they set — the girls do not mind her very well. man, scratchlug his head. “Begorra, “A lovers’ quarrel," suggested Lark, But at the corner Carol And she Isn’t as much comfort to fa her eyes glittered greedily. there's wan thing I'd like to be after house. with- ther as I am. It’s just because I am askin’ you. If It goes eight days turned. “Nothing of the sort. And don't keep out winding, how long, for the sake “Take my advice and go into the most like mother, you see. But any of St Patrick, will it go if ye wind woodshed,” she called, “for all the Av how, I promised. I can’t leave them.” staring at Prue, either. And do not keep talking about Jerry all the time. it?”—Pittsburg Chronicle. erys are looking out of their windows.” You mind me, or I will tell papa." Prudence did not hear, but he drew TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, “That’s funny," said Carol thought HAIR STOPS FALLING her swiftly to the darkest corner of the fully. “We saw them kissing each other side porch—and history repeated it like mad in the back yard last night— Save your Hair! Get a 25-cent bottle self once more! and this morning he has gone to return of Danderlne right now—Also At twelve, Jerry went upstairs to no more. They are crazy.” stops Itching scalp. bed, his lips tingling with the fervent "Kissing ! In the back yard ! What tenderness of her parting kiss. He Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy stood at his window, looking soberly are you talking about?’ hair is mute evidence o a neglected Carol explained, and Fairy looked scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. out Into the moonlit parsonage yard. still more thoughtful and perturbed. There is nothing so destructive to “She is an angel, a pure, sweet, unself She opened the door, and called out the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair ish little angel,” he whispered, and his to them in a loud and breezy voice: of its lustre, its strength and its very voice was broken, and his eyes were “Hurry, girls, for breakfast is ready, life; eventually producing a feverish wet, “and she is going to be my wife ! and there’s no time to waste in a par ness and i Ing of the scalp, which Oh, God, teach me how to be good to If not remedied causes the hair roots her, and help me make her as happy as sonage on Sunday morning.” Then she to shrink, loosen and die—then the she deserves." added in a whisper, “And don't you hair falls out fast. A little Danderlne mention Jerry, and don’t ask Prudence At two o’clock, thinking again the tonight—now—any time—will surely what makes her so pale, or you'll catch soft shy words she had whispered to save your hair. It!” Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's him, he dropped lightly asleep and Then she went to her father’s door. Danderlne from any drug store. You dreamed of her. With the first pale surely can have beautiful hair and streaks of daylight stealing into his "Breakfast is ready, p pa,” she called lots of It if you will just try a little room he awoke. It was after four clearly. She turned the knob softly, danderlne. Save your hair! Try it! o’clock. A little later—Just a few min and peeped in. “May I come in a min ute?” Standing close beside him, she utes later—he heard a light tap on his Direct Answer. told him all she knew of what had hap door. It came again, and he bounded The boss of a woodworking shop In out of bed. pened. West Philadelphia was examining an “Prudence Is ghastly, father, just "Prudence! Is anything wrong? Irishman as to his fitness for a job ghastly. And she can't talk about it “Hush, Jerry, not so loud !” And as a cabinetmaker. yet, so be careful what you say, will After some lengthy examination, what a strange and weary voice. "Come you?” the foreman asked: "How would you downstairs, will you? I want to tell And It was due to Fairy's kindly ad make a Venetian blind?” you something. I'll wait at the foot “I’d poke him in the eye wid me of the stairs. Be quiet—do not wake monitions that the parsonage family screwdriver,” answered the tired Celt.. took the departure of Jerry so calmly. father and the girls. Will you be down That was the beginning of Prudence’s soon?” Dated Ahead. "Whenever You Send, I Will Come.” bitter winter, when the brightest sun "In two minutes ! ” “Are those eggs fresh?” And in two minutes he was down, “Your father expects you to marry, shine was cheerless and dreary, and "Yes, miss. They wouldn’t have been laid till tomorrow if I hadn’t agonizingly anxious, knowing that and to marry me. I told him about it when even the laughter of her sisters made a mistake and torn an extra leaf something was wrong. Prudence was myself, long ago. And he was perfect smote harshly upon her ears. She tried off the calendar.”—Ideas. waiting for him, and as he reached ly willing. He didn't say a word to be as always, but in her eyes the wounded look lingered, and her face the bottom step she clutched bls hands against It.” Sober. desperately. “Of course he wouldn't. That's just grew so pale and thin that her father The Shaw family had recently tak “Jerry," she whispered. “I—forgive like father. But still, I promised. And and Fairy, anxiously watching, were en a house in the fashionable residen me—I honestly— Oh, I didn't think what would the girls say If I should filled with grave concern. She re tial section of the city. Some weeks later an acquaintance of former years whnt I wus saying last night. You were go back on them? They have trusted mained almost constantly in the par called on Mrs. Shaw and was viewing so dear, and 1 was so happy, and for me, always. If I fail them, will they sonage, reading very little, sitting most a while I really believed we could ever trust anybody else? If you love of her leisure time staring out the win the treasures In the library. "Is your husband a bibliomaniac?" belong to each other. But I can’t, you me, Jerry, please go, and stay away.” dows. queried the visitor. Fairy hnd tried to win her confi know. I've promised papa and the But her arm tightened about his neck. "Goodness me, no!” ejaculated Mrs. girls a dozen times that I would never “I’ll wait here until you get your dence, and had failed. Shaw. "He never nibbles a bit. Oh. "You are a arling. Fairy, but I real of course, I don't say that he wouldn’t marry. Don't you see bow It is? I things, and we cnn—say goodby. And don’t forget your promise." ly do not want to talk about it. Oh, take a little at his meals if the rest must take It back.” were doin' It; but that's as far as he Jerry smiled a little, it must be nd- "Oh. very well. Prudence," he an- no, indeed, it is all my own fault. 1 ever goes in them kind of things.”— mitted. This was so like bls consci swered, half irritably, “If you Insist told him to go, and not come again. Harper's Magazine. entious little Prudence! on ordering me away from the house No, you are wrong. Fairy, I do not re gret it. I do not want him to come any "Dearest," he said gently. “ You love like this, I can only go. But—” Quite So. more.” me. Your father would never allow “ Let's not talk any more about IL “The bride’s mother has the advant Mr. Starr, too, had tried. “Prudence," age of the bridegroom's mother at the you to sacrifice yourself like that. The Jerry. Please. I'll wait until you come girls would not hear of IL They want down.” he said gently, “you know very often ceremony.” “How so?” When he came down a little later, men do things that to women seem you to be happy. And you can't be "Everybody assumes that the bride happy without me, can you?” with his suitcase, his face was white wrong and wicked. And maybe they is getting a little the worst of it.”— Suddenly she crushed close to him. and strained. are! But men and women are differ Louisville Courier-Journal. “Oh, Jerry," she sobbed, “I will never She put her arms around his neck. ent by nature, my dear, and we must be happy again, I know. But—it Is “Jerry,” she whispered. “I want to tell remember that. I have satisfied myself right for me to stay here and be the you that I love you so much that—I that Jerry is good, and clean, and man- mother in the parsonage. It Is wicked could go away with you, and never see Jy. I do not think you should let any of me to want you more than all of any of them any more, or papa, or the foolishness of his in the past come be them. Don't you see It is? They parsonage, and still feel rich, if I just tween you now.” (TO BE CONTINUED.) haven’t any mother. They haven't had you! You—everything In me seems anyone but me. Of course, they would to be all yours. I—love you.” Rare Branches. For Constipation not allow IL but they will not know Her tremulous lips were pressed The thing next in beauty to a tree about IL I must do It my against his. HeadacheIndigestionet anything “Oh. sweetheart, this is folly, all in full leaf is a tree bare; its every self. And father especially must never know. I want you to go away tolly. But I can’t make you see It It exquisiteness of shape revealed, and this morning before breakfast and is wrong. It Is wickedly wrong, but—” its hold on the sky seeming so un “But I am all they have. Jerry, and— speakably assured; and. more than —never come again." the beautiful of shape and the outlin She clung to him as she said this, I promised." “Whenever you want me. Prudence, ing on the sky. is the grace of proph- but her voice did not falter. "And you must not write to me any more. For, just send. I’ll never change. I’ll al ecy and promise which every slender KKKESAKAKIKM oh, Jerry, if I see you again I can ways be just the same. God intruded twig bears and reveals in its tiny gray never let you go. I kuow it. Will you you for me, I know, and—I'll be wait buds.—Helen Hunt Jackson. ing.” do this f< • me?” "You are nervous and excited,” he "Jerry I Jerry ! Jerry !” she whispered “Baby Talk” Rebuked. Mid tenderly. “Let's wait until after passionately, sobbing, quivering In hia “Jack, look at the nice bow-wow,” IT’S CAUSE AND CURE" breakfast. Then well talk it all over arms. It was he who drew away. said a mother to her three-year-old "Good-by. sweetheart” he said quiet son, out for a walk. Jack looked u with your father, and It shall be as he ly. great pity In his heart for the girt says. Won’t that be better?” ELECTRIC MOTORS 0 Every Night DRANDRETH “RUPTURE A. LUNDBERG CO.. 1107 Third Ave, Seattle. "Oh, no. For father will say what- Invention in this country reached high-tide during the calendar year 1916. Forty-two thousand separate pateuts were issued to inventors by Uncle Sam. It is not the number of patents issued, however, that is worthy of note, but the character of the in ventions. The patent office deals with all the efforts of the world In every field of industry to advance the useful arts. Great interests are involved, not merely of private, but of public con cern, in the discoveries that are listed with the patent office. As an Illustration of what the dis coveries of the 12 months mean, refer ence may be made to the fact that one concern in Chicago reports that it has effected a reduction In coal consump tion from nearly seven pounds a kilo watt hour to 2.7 pounds a kilowatt hour, as a result of a new invention. A New York rapid transit company introduced improvements In the year which, according to the patent office, have caused a drop in coal consump tion from 21 pounds a kilowatt hour to 132 pounds a kilowatt hour. An electric plant, through some new Invention, It has shown, is now able to generate electricity from coal more cheaply than can be done from the wa ters of Niagara falls. These great economies are due in large measure to new inventions relating to automatic stokers and regulators attached to furnace construction, to forced draft and to coal-handling machinery. The year brought new and valuable Inventions that had to do with wire less telegraphy, telephony, the control of torpedoes, searchlights and gun pointing, vacuum cleaning. X-ray ap paratus, liquefaction of air to produce oxygen and nitrogen for commercial use, flying machines, the moving pic ture and mercury vapor lamps. For a period of some five years an industrial fellowship maintained by trained scientists have devoted their time to the study of methods of bread making, with the object of producing better bread. In the last calendar year, certain of the processes devel oped through this study were patented and put Into operation. Better nourishment of the yeast has reduced the amount required In rais ing the bread and maturing the dough, with the consequent lessening of the amount of flour and sugar used up by the yeast and converted Into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The savings of these and other economies to those em ploying the novel processes patented during the year are estimated to amount to more than $1,000,000 a year. This estimate is based on the present high scale of prices, but on any scale of prices would, It is asserted, be enor mous. The patents In the electrical field during the year were numerous. In the field of farming implements there came the improved tractor engines, better apparatus for digging, irriga tion and drainage canals, improved beet harvesters, etc. BIG GAIN IN POTASH I BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts at first sign of Blad der irritation or Back ache. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou ble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter ouL they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the elim inative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu matism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Brother Knew Why. Sister and little brother had been to the dog show and were greatly inter ested in the hairless canines from Mexico. At the dinner table mamma told them that some friends of hers once had one of those Mexican dogs and that they named him “Minus.” "Now, sister." said mamma, “why do you suppose they called him Minus?” But sister didn’t seem to be able to figure it ouL "I know, mamma,” volunteered brother. "Because the mines are in Mexico.”—Indianapolis News. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then It along to others. It works! pass Ouch !?!?!! This kind of rough talk will be heard less Lere in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. 'A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one’s feeL Millions of American women will welcome this announce ment since the inauguration of the high heels. If your druggist doesn’t have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. New Clue. OUTPUT A schoolboy composition on Patrick Henry contained the following gem: Production During the Calendar Year “Patrick was not a very bright boy. 1916 Reached Value Ten Times He had blue eyes and light hair. He got married, and then said, ‘Give me aa Great as in 1915. liberty or give me death.’ "—New A remarkable expansion in the Amer York Times. ican potash industry has resulted from The Safest Course. efforts to make the United States inde “ Is there no way of stopping these pendent of foreign sources for the pot ” asked a traveler who was ash used in munitions and for other cyclones? relating his experiences in the Far purposes, and although the boom did West. not get under way until late in 1916, “No,” replied the narrator. "The production during the calendar year best way is to go along with them." reached a value ten times as great as —New York Times. that of 1915. Too Scientific. The 1916 production is estimated. In The city-bred boy’s parents had just a preliminary report published by Uncle Sam at 10,000 tons, worth $3,500,- moved into the country and arrange ments were being made for him to at 000. tend the public school. One day he “The largest output,” the report says, saw electricians at work there. "has come from the Nebraska alkali "What are those fellows doing?” he lakes, but the natural saline deposits asked his father. "Putting In an electric switch,” was elsewhere are now Just beginning to make'important contributions. A great the reply. "Well, I am going back to town at deal of publicity has attended the ef ” was the boy’s astonishing com- forts to obtain potash from kelp, but a once, menL "I won’t stand a school where similar organic source of high-grade they do their licking by electricity.”— potash has been quietly developed, New York Times. which has proved more productive.” Becomes U. S. Citizen Again to Aid Uncle Sam. The solution of the paradox, “When Is an American not an American.” has just been discov ered by Benno Wleler, born In Nebraska, and more recently en- gaged as a farmer In Canada. Wleler went to Canada some years ago and. In order to obtain a patent on a farm there, became n naturalized citizen of Great Britain. A few weeks ago he re turned to this country and tried to enlist in the United States Marine corps but was rejected as an alien. The secretary of la bor was apr’ ‘ed to and decided that Wleler would be required to go through the same procedure as a foreigner In order to again become a citizen of the United States, which he did and then was enlisted. Wleler said be would not change nationalities for a farm. TYPHOID Cacy, and harmlessness, of KntltnlxM Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Have you had Typhoid?” telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhold Carriers. THE orrm ' LABORATORY, amomr, cal e SEaums UNDER o. a 60V. ucuM PLASTERS • ($ n» World’s Greatest Ettmul Remedy. SgCougrs and Colds 2 (on chest and another F between shoulder blades)