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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1917)
HERMISTON THE START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Rent a Safety Deposit Box and have a safe depository for your valuable papers HERALD, HERMISTON: - ■ = LOCALS— ===== ? ce The First National Bank MiMpp Hermiston “at Capital & Surplus $30,000 of 6:00 p. m. Mail closes for No. A east _ Mail closes for Na. 2. east ... Mail closes for No. 14. west. 6:00 p. m. Library Hours VARIETY STORE OPENING APRIL 4 IN SHARK ARD BLDG. Carrying a line of popular priced variety goods including Dishes Enameled Ware Crockery Small Kitchen Ware Marble* Kites for the Boys And Many Other Useful Things Stephen Curry, of Coeur d’ Atene, is here for a visit with his family. John Intlekofer and little daughter are here from Vancouver, Wash., fora short visit. P. B. Siscel is now living in his new home on Gladys avenue between Second and Third. J. K. Dorsey, a brother of Mrs. J. H. Young, is working at the experiment farm for a few weeks. HERMISTON VARIETY STORE S. M McMillen is now occupying the house at the corner of Fourth street and Hermiston avenue. LODGE DIRECTORY A. W. Prann has rented the store room at the corner of Hermiston ave- nue and Second street and has a stock of undertaking goods ordered. When in need of STATIONERY it will be to your interest to bear in mind that The Herald carries the most complete stock PHONE 262 VINEYARD LODGF NO. 206, L O. O. F., • meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hail. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm, Noble Grand when you need any PROFESSIONAL CARDS We are on the job every min ute and can take care of any order. Baggage work a spec ialty. W. J. WARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston Dray Line J, T. HINKLE C. B. PERCEY Shoe Repairing OREGON HERMISTON, DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL DENTIST Office Over First Natl. Bank ' Draying OREGON HERMISTON. ( 9 to 12 a. m. H ours : | 1 to 5 ». m. ! Phone ■ Si - C. O. WAINSCOTT Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Res. Phone, Red 398 Office, Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. S. A. ROE, M. D Practice limited to EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Pendleton. Oregon Judd Bldg. Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston Phone Your Order* for all kinds of Transfer Work Phone 2862 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. DALE ROTHWELL The City Transfer OPTICAL SPECIALIST W. B. BEASLEY Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon It is Useless To s nd your cresm out of town when we are paying Portland prices right here. To do so means the loss of express and at the same time you help build up the other fellow instead of patronizing a local lasti- tution. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY ======-===== Market & Grocery FRESH LINE OF FANCY COOKIES and CANDY ALL KINDS OF Seasonable VEGETABLES The Herald ads get results E. P. Dodd was at Pendleton Mon- day attending a meeting of the execu tive board of the Eastern Oregon Good Roads association. W. G. Drowley, attorney for the Western Land & Irrigation Co., came up from Vancouver, Wash., Thursday for several days. The postoffice department has asked for applications for the position of postmaster at Westland, the station on the cutoff under the Western Land & Irrigation project. We are agents for the Arrow Collars and Cluett Shirts. New form fit shapes. That we are closing out at special prices to move them. Not full range of sizes. Do you want to take advantage of the 0. W. R. & N. Company’s Free Seed Com Proposition and man to help fill silo properly in the fall? Come in and see me and I will get the com for you in time for early planting. We have a few pairs of Mens Shoes at very special prices. substantial footwear. A great saving to you. A little out of style but good We are showing some new patterns in Broadcloth for skirts which will be the popular fabrics for summer wear. Some new shades of Silk Poplin at $1.75 per yard. Printed Voiles. Young calves wanted. A nice line of Cotton Poplins at 30c. Georgette Crepe in pretty shades and Crepe de chien, $1.75. Black Taffeta Silk, good heavy weight, $1.75. be in demand for your spring sewing. We have our new laces and nets which will Auto Scarfs and Veils are in order now. Curtain Cretonne, plain and fancy, to brighten up windows, at reasonable price, 25 to 40c Holeproof Hosiery, the fiber silk and silk kind, 60c to $1. Holeproof Hosier, lisle and cotton, 35 to 50c. Considering the present price of merchandise these are all underpriced Hermiston Produce & Supply Company “Best of Good Service' “The Movie’ is now at Hermiston Auditorium TWO GOOD SHOWS EACH WEEK Wednesday and Saturday As a testimonial to the popularity Evenings i of bis popcorn as bandied by the new machine, H. E. Hitt calls attention to For Sale—400-egg Mandy Lee In the fact that during March be used cubator; Al condition. Ed H. Graham, 425 pounds of shelled corn, This Is -advtfc seven bushels. Horsepower baler and three work The ladies ef the Methodist church horses for sale, W. W. Felthouse, have announced a supper to be given -advtfc phone 4072. next Saturday evening in Mack's For sale--3 sets chain harness, also hall. A regular supper will be served beginning at 5 o’clock and continuing new 710 pound Melotte cream seper- advtfc up to 8 o’clock. The proceeds will be ator. Ed Maher. used in fitting up the parsonage. assortment of. : We will have a full Phone Main 34 BY THE USE OF HANNA’S PATENT PORTABLE CANVASS DAM. Cheap, efficient and reliable will check the water in any reasonable dich. Can be placed or taken up by a ten year old boy. Sent to any address C. O. D. by parcel post. If money accompanies the order postage will be prepaid. Made in ten different widths: 116 inches wide, $4.25; 108 inches, $4; 100 inches, $3.75; 90 inches, $3.50; 72 inches, $3; 65 inches, $2.75; 52 inches, $2.50; 48 inches, $2.25; 40 inches, $2; 130 inches, extra heavy, $5.50 Be sure and order wide enough. Address GEO. W- HANNA. VALE, OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, March 3, 1917. Notice is hereby given that William L. McDon ald of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on August 11,1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09679, for Unit “D" in SWY, or NY NWY SW% Section 6, Township 4 North, Range 29 east Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 4th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Claud L. Upham, John L. Waller, Herbert A. Me Keen and Henry M. Sommerer, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register bedding and vegetable plants at the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION L. D. Lay. Glasson green house. J. Pelmulder. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. March 3rd. 1917. —adv-tfc -adv29c Notice is hereby given that Edward C. Beddow, Mares for sale. W. J. Warner. Wanted—Man with team to move on -advtfc ranch. House, well, plenty of shade W. T. Lambert, Fer Sale—Five milk cows fresh in a and small fruit. advtfc Umatilla. few days. W. J. Emry. -advtflp R. & N. depot at Lost from O W. Good pasture for horses. E. J. morning, yellow Umatilla Friday Drake, phone 440. -advtfc Scotch collie female dog, white marks. 75 three year old prune trees for Reward. Leave word at Herald office. sale, 15c each. T. H. Bone, -advtfc -adv30p Thoroughbred Silved Laced Wyat- Wait for Dr. Freeze, dotte eggs for sale, *1 for 15. Mrs the eye specialist, if you -advtfc Hui), Umatilla. need glasses or have For sale at a bargain, four room other eye troubles and bouse on Main street. Plastered beadaches. Regular visita to Hermis electric ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. throughout, water inside, -advtfc Watch for dates. -advtfc lights. Geo. A. Cressy. If you are in the market for trees, shrubs, berries or nursery stock of any kind see R. B. Spencer, agent for the Toppenish Nursery Co. -adv29c If you wsnt a bargain here it is. Ten acres under the government pro ject and two lots in Hermiston, all for •150, purchaser to pay for transfer and taxes. Further particulars at Herald -advtfc office. For Sale—Ooe or more of 5 bead horses; 4 gilts from 80 to 100 lbs., good shape, one old sow will farrow in May, all registered or eligible to register; 1 four borse fresno; 1 good top single buggy; one set driving harness. C. E. Spencer, R. F. D. 1, Hermiston.-adv31c Wanted—Large stock or sbeepranch stocked and equipped, not over *70,- 000.00. Will assume any reasonable mortgage. Will exchange extra fine income property in Portland. Give full particulars in first letter. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce, -adv29c Portland, Oregon. CHURCH NOTICES. METHODIST CHURCH Morning service 11 *■ m. The Methodist Sunday school will hold their Euter program in the ball st 11 a. m. 10 a. m.— Sunday-school Theo Parks, Supt. 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League. Mrs. Paul S. Jones, president. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. The fourth discourse in the series of Sunday night Bible studies will be a study of the Book of Numbers next Sunday night. Choir practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. Columbia school house Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching services Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Strangers will be welcome to these services. T. A. Graham, Pastor. Dance Easter Monday Evening BAPTIST CHURCH At the Hermiston auditorium. Spec ial music by five piece orchestra- Come out and enjoy a good social eve- -ady29c ning. Admission $1. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs. Mumms. Supt. Eister services, 10:00 a. m. Morning service, 11 o'clock. "The Great Easter Morning.” Young Peoples meeting, 7:00 p. m. Evening service, 8:00 o’clock. "The Thorn Crowned Man. ’ Prayer meeting Thursday eve., 7:30. L. S. Chapman Special music. Pastor. Are You Going to Build a Silo? R. A. Brownson We have a Few Odd* end End* of Mens' Shoe* 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 each Saturday. A. L. Larson has moved to the hou e at the corner of Gladys and Fourth. UERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M„ meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- come. R. C. Walber, Secy. C. H. Skinner. W. M. When you want Collar* of Course you will want an Arrow The new Gordon Caps are in and we think very snappy in style and fabric. 75c to $1.50. Post Office Hours General delivery window open week days 1 a.m. to 6. p. m. Sundays and holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. Q OREGON. 7:05 p. m. No. 6, east... 5:33 No. 16. east... 9:15 From $1.00 to $2.00 Per Year ueen ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s .. meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances Phelps, W. M.* Dello O. Bushnell, Sec. HERMIsTON, We have a surplus of Lombardy Pop lar 8 to 10 ft. and 12 to 14 ft.; Carolina Poplar 8 to 10 ft. and 12 to 14 ft.; Black Locust 10 to 12 ft. and 12 to 16 ft. ; Black Walnut 8 to 10 ft and 10 to 14 ft.; Sil ver Maple 8 to 10 ft.; Oregon Maple 6 to 8 ft. and 8 to 10 ft. and 10 to 12 ft. These are all No. 1 trees, well branched tops and first class in every way. We have to clean up a block of land for other uses. Very low whole sale prices. Make up an order with your neighbors and send at once for a hundred nr more. Prices given by mai). C. F. Lansiog, Prop. Quaker -ady3lc Nurserie", Salem, Oregon. CATHOLIC CHURCH Hermiston, 8:30 ». m. Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Every bod V welcome to these CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held In Civic Center hall. Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Subject, “Unreality" Everybody cordially invited. of Hermiston. Oregon, who on March 8th, 1912. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 010241, for Farm Unit “C’’ of NEW, being the SH NWW NEY section 28, township 6 north, range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: William O. Sutherland. William O. Whitsett, Hiram J. Still ings, Edward H. Graham, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at La Granfie. Oregon, March 3rd. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Karl Schachermeyer of Hermiston, Oregon, who. on March 22nd, 1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09157 for Farm Unit “C" in SWH being fractional part of SEY SWY section 28. township 5 north, range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner, UnitedStates Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 4th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses; Thomas Mackay, Fred A. Chezik, Emery T. Hancock and Schad- rack C. Nichols, all of Hermiston, Oregon, C. 8, DUNN, Register SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY First National Bank of Hermiston, Plaintiff, vs. W. A. Hall and Abbie J. Hall, his wife. G. F. Hall and C. E. Newhouse. Defendants. To Abbie J. Hall snd C. E. Newhouse, two of the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled matter within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to answer, plead or otherwise appear within said time the plaintiff above named for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in the complaint filed against you in said suit, to-wit: For a judg ment and decree In the sum of 92116.90, together with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from Nov. 17. 1915, until paid, and the further sum of $200 attorneys fees, and costs and dis bursements, against the defendant W. A. Hall and Abbie J Hall, and foreclosing a mortgage given to secure said sums, upon the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the east half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the east half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the south- east quarter, all in section A In township I north, of range 28 E. W. M., and barring and foreclosing the defendants snd each snd all of them, of all right, title and interest of every neture In and to said lands. This summons Is published pursuant toan order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled court, made on the 2nd day of March, 1917, and the first publication hereof Is made on the 3rd day of March, 1917. _ (24-30) Raley A Raley, Attorneys for Plaintiff NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ort gon, for Umatilla County. The First National Bank of Seattle, a corporation, and Maxwell! Land A Irriga tion Co., a corporation. Plaintiffs, va. Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corpor ation ; First National Bank of Hermiston, a corporation ; Alfred 8. Johnson and Emma Johnson, his wife. Anna R. Ransom, a single woman ; Edward S. Keller and Jane Doe Keller, his wife : Charlee A. Keller, a single man, Defendants. By virtue of an execution. Judgment, or der, det ree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court In the shove en titled cause to me directed and dated the 5th day of March. 1917, upon a judg- ment and decree rendered and entered In said court on January 26th, 1917, In favor of the plaintiffs snd against the defendant. Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corpor atlon, on plaintiffs' first cause of suit, for the sum of $666.66 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from De cember 22, 1910. and the further sum of $50 00 attorney's fees, snd against said de- fendant Anthony Wayne Fruit Company. • corporation on plaintiffs’ second canee of suit for the sui of $1386.54 with interest thereon from December 22, 1910, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the fur ther sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees end against said defendant Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corporation, on plain- tiffs’ third cause of suit for the sum of $736 with Interest thereon from December 22. 1910. at the rate of T per rent per annum and the further sum of $75 attorney’s fees ; and against said defendant, Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corporation on plaintiffs’ fourth cause of suit for the sum of $666.66 with Interest thereon from December 22, 1910, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum and the further sum of $50.00 attorney's fees, and against all of the defendants above named that said defendants and each and all of them be forever barred and foreclosed from any and all right, title, interest, equi ty and equity of redemption to the lami described In said four respective causes of suit and hereinafter described ss First Tract, Second Tract. Third Tract an! Fourth Tract, respectively, and the said writ, commanding me to make respective salea of the four following described re spective tracts of resi property, to-wit : FIRST TRACT: The N. 12 of the BE. % of the NE. 1 of the NE. % of Section 3. Township 4 North. Range 29 Esst of the Willamette Meridian, containing 5 acres In more or less according to government sur vey, In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. Umatilla County, State of Oregon. SECOND TRACT: The NE. Y of the NW. 14 of the NW. % of Section 4. Town, ship 4 North, Range 29 East of the Wil- lamette Meridian, containing 11.81 acres more or less according to government sur vey In Umatilla Connty, State of Oregon. THIRD TRACT: S % of the SE. 14 of the NE. % of the NW. 14 of Section 4 : and that fractional part of the NR % of the HE. 14 of the NW. 1 of salii Section 4 lying N. of the N. boundary of the U H R. S. Canal "A" all In T. 4 N R. 29 E. W. M. containing 5.52 acres more or less er- cording to government survey. In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. FOURTH TRACT : The N. 12 of the SE, 14 of the NE. 1 of the NW. Ya of Section 4. Township 4 North Range 29 Eaat of the Willamette Meridian, containing 5 acres NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution. Judgment, order, decree and or der of sale and In compliance with the com mand of said writ. 1 will, on the 7th day of April. 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the County Court House In Pendleton. Umatilla County, State of Ore- gon. make separate sales In the order in which said tracts have been hereinabove described, at public auction, subject to re demption to the highest bidder or bidders for cash In hand, all the right, title and In terest which the above named defendants or either of them had on the 22nd day of Do- rember, 1910, the dale of the mortrages herein foreclosed or since that date bad in snd to the above described respective tracts of property or the said above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy sail execution, judgment, order, and decrec. In terests. costs and accruing eusts. Dated March 5, 1917. T. I> TAYLOR, Sheriff of Umatlila County, State of Oregon. By A. C. Funk, Dep. First issue March 10. 1917. Last issue April 7, 1917. We will sell you a Hunting-Fishing License now at the old price, but after May 21 the new law is effective and the price will be higher. We also carry a full line of everything you need for hunting or fishing. Base Ball Goods HOTS CONFECTIONERY ■ reputation