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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1917)
THE SEE WHAT WE HAVE HEBMISTON HERALD, Thursday evening of last week at the Parent-Teacher meeting a very inter- eeting program was given. Father Killian’s talk on his experiences in the wsr affected countries was the princioal event and quite n tructi e In addition there was a vocal solo by Miss Althea Smith, pia <i so <> by M s Cezi« and a number by t e adr quarte te composed of Mrs. Erikser, Mrs. Correll, Mrs Shotwell and Mi-s Simmons Tuesday evening at Vancou er, Wash , Miss Ruth Sta r nd Doug as R. Wilson w re united in marriage and ire sp New Spring Dress Goods udin ; their honeymoon in Por laud Ld Sunnyside Wash M. and Mrs. Wilson are xpected home tomorrow M ss 3 arr came to this city nearly two ye rs ago and took a position in Sapper Bro-, co fectionery store where she remained until last November when she opened a bakery and confectionery store. Mr. Wilson is a young man wbc has been a resi dent of Hermiston a little less than a year and is now conducting a gents’ furnishing goods store. Both young people have many frienda who wish them much happiness. HERMISTON, OREGON. TERMS Believing, as we always have, that the person paying cash at time of purchase or prompt ly on the first of the month following date of purchase, is entitled to better terms 'than those allowing their account to run indefinitely and realizing the impracticability of doing a strictly cash business, we have decided to allow the following terms: 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT A discount of 5 per cent for cash will be given on all purchases amounting to $1 or over. We will also give a discbunt of 2 per cent on all book accounts if paid on or before the 10th of the month following date of purchase. On all accounts not paid on or before the 1st of the second month following date of pur chase, interest at the rate of 10 per cent will be added excepting accounts incurred for Farm Machinery and other articles on which we get special dating, and in those cases we will give our customers the benefit of the terms extended to us by the jobbers, Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Lot 3, 25 feet. Nettle Goodwin.......... 1.50 Lot 4,25 feet, H. E. Hitt .............. 1.50 Lot 3, 25 feet, Hermiston Realty Co. 1.50 Lot 4, 25 feet, Wm. Stuber................ 1.50 3.00 Lot 9. 50 feet. Ash Pierce. time examine the assessment roll and cor 3.00 Lot 10, 50 feet. Ash Pierce. rect all errora therein. Any person feel 3.00 Lot 11.50 feet. E. Mumma lug himself or herself aggrieved by such 3.00 Lot 12. 50 feet, H. R. Newport. assessment may apply to the City Council 3.00 Lot 13, 50 feet. H. R. Newport. when that body sits aa a board of equali 3.00 Lot14, 50 feet, D. K. Brownell. zation and an opportunity will be given 3.00 Lot 15. 50 feet. F. B. Swayze... them to have auch assessment changed, if, 3.00 Swayze ... B. Lot 18. 50 feet. F. In the opinion of tbe City Council, auch Hock changes are just. • 1.50 Lot 1. 25 feet. F. R. Swayze.. The amount of the assessment apportion- 1.50 Lot 2. 25 feet, F. B. Swayze ed and assessed against particular lota and 1.50 Swayze... Lot 3, 25 feet, F. B. parcela of land Is as follows : 1.50 B. Swayze.. . 4, 25 feet. F. Lot City of Hermiston according to plat filed 1.50 Lot 5. 25 feet. M. F. Callbeck. with City Recorder Nor. 3. 1904. 1.50 Callbeck Lot 6. 25 feet. M. Name Amount 1.50 Lot 7. 25 feet. M. F. Callbeck Block 1.50 Lot- 8. 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 1, 25 feet Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co.. .»1.50 1.50 Lot 9. 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 2. 25 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. 1.50 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. M. D. Scroggs........ Lot 3, 25 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co- 1.50 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. M. D. Sroggs........ Lot 4. 25 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. 1.50 Lot 12. 25 feet. D. D. Scroggs......... 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. < lo 1.50 City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 17, Lot 6. 53 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. 3.18 City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 18, Lot 7, 57 feet, W. J. Emry........ 3.42 1.50 Lot 1». 25 feet, W. W. Illsley Lot 8, 50 feet, W. J. Hmry........ 3.00 1.50 Lot 20, 25 feet. W. W. Illsley Block 2— 1.50 I. Yates .... Lot 21. 25 feet.F. Lot 1. 50 feet, Lola E. Smith 3.00 Lot 22, 25 feet. F. Lot 2, 50 feet, Lola E. Smith 3.00 Lot 23. 25 feet. F. Kraft ....... Lot 3. 50 feet. Lola K. Smith 3.00 1.50 Lot 24, 25 feet, F. Fraft ......... Lot 4. 50 feet. 8. D. Phay 3.00 1.50 Lot 25, 25 feet, F. R. Swayze Lot 5. 25 feel. S.* D. Phay I 50 1.50 B. Swayze. Lot 28, 25 feet. F. Lot 5. . 25 feet. __ W J. Emry_____ ..... 1.50 1.50 Lot 27. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. Lot 6, 50 feet. W. J. Emry.... ........... 3.00 1.50 Lot 27. 23 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 7, 50 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. 3.00 1.50 Lot 28. 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 8. 50 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. 3.00 Lot 2». 25 feet. F. B. Swayze.. 1.50 Lot ». 50 feet. W. Stewart 3.00 1.50 Lot 30, 25 feet, F. B. Swayze . Lot 10, 50 feet. D. H 3.00 1.50 Lot 31, 25 feet. H. J. Longley.. Lot 11. 50 feet. D. W. Zeller 3.00 1.50 Longley.. Lot 32. 25 feet. II. Lot 12. 50 feet. D. W. Zellirr 3.00 Lot 13. 50 feet. H. R. Newport 3.00 Slock . Lot 1. 25 feet. Worthington and Lot 14. 50 feet. II. R. Newport... 3.00 1.50 Kennedy ................... ....... Lot 15. 50 feet. H. R. Newport 3.00 Lot 2. 25 feet. Worthington and Lot 18. 50 feet. 11. R. Newport.......... 3.00 Kennedy ................. -...... 1.30 Block 3 — Lot 3. 25 feet. Worthington and Lot ». 50 feet. «. R. 3.00 1.50 Kennedy .............. ............. Lot 10. 50 feet. <1. O. Stewart 3.00 Lot 4. 25 feet, Worthington and Lot 11, 50 feet, U. o. Stewart 3.00 Kennedy ......................... 1.50 Lot 12, 50 feet, U. G. Stewart 3.00 Lot 5, 25 feet. Worthington and Lot 13,50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 1.50 Kennedy .......................... Lot ----- - Mrs Millie Deck 14, 50 feet. 3.00 Lot 8. 25 feet. Worthington and Lot 15. 50 feet. Mrs. Minnie Allsup. 3.00 1.50 Kennedy Lot 16, 50 feet. Mrs. Minnie Allsup . 3.00 1.50 Lot 7. 25 feet. R. R. Howerton. Block Lot 8. 25 feet. R. R. Howerton 1.50 Lot 1. 50 feet. H. R. Newport 3.00 1.50 Lot ». 25 feet. R. R. Howerton Lot 2, 50 feet. H. K. Newport. 3 00 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. R. K. Howerton Lot 3, 50 feet. F. R. Swayze 3.00 Larson .... Lot 23, 25 feet. A. 1 50 Lot 4. 50 feet. F. R. 3.00 I Larson...... 1.50 Lot 24. 25 feet. A. Lot 5. 50 feet. F. B Swayze. 3.00 1.50 Lot 25, 25 feet. F. R. Harrison... Lot 6. 50 feet. H. K Hitt..... 3.00 Harrison... 1.50 Lot 26, 23 feet. F R. Lot 7. 50 feet. Page A Son 3.00 1.50 Lot 27. 25 feet, IL M. Lot 8, 50 feet. Page & Son . ........ 3.00 Lot 28. 25 feet. H M 1.50 9. 50 feet. H. L. Wyckoff 3.00 1.50 Lot 28. 23 feet. IL It. Newport Lot 10. L Wyckoff 3.00 Newport .... . Lot 30. 25 feet. IL R. 1.50 Lot 11. 50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 Newport.... 1.50 R. Lot 31. 23 feet. H. Lot 12. 50 feet. H. R Newport 3.00 Lot 32. 23 feet. IL R Newport .... 1.50 Lot 13, 50 feet, H. R. Newport 3.00 Block 12 — Lot 1«. 50 feet H. 3.00 Frick...... Lot 1. 23 feet. City of Hermiston ... 1.50 Lot 15, 50 feet, H. 3.00 Frick ..... 1.50 Lot 2. 25 feet. City of Hermiston Frick ..... Lot 1«. 50 feet, H 3.00 Lot X 23 feet. City of Hermiston Block of Hermiston.... 150 Lot Lot R. Swayze . 1.30 of Hermiston 1.50 Lot Lot 2. 25 feet. F. R. Swayze Hermist on 1.50 Lot Lot 3, 25 feet. H R. Newport 1.50 Lot 8. 25 feet. Mossman 1.50 Lot 4, 25 feet. City of Hermiston 1.50 Lot », Mossman { so Lot Lot 10, Mossman .. Lot 6, 23 feet. H O. Monkman 1.50 Lot 11. Mossman Lot T. 25 feet. Pacific Tel. A Tel .10 95 Lot 12. 182% feet. Mossman 50 Lot 17. 25 feet, . D. Watson .. 1.50 Newport Lot R. 50 .. 1.50 Lot 9, 5 feet Larson Lot 19,121 feet. F B Swayze Lot 8. Taylor 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. F. II. Swayze..... 1 50 Lot M 1.50 R I II 1.50 R Swayze Lot II R 1.50 1.50 Zella r lot 23 Lot R 1.50 Zellar t 50 16. 25 feet, F R National Hank 1.50 Kern Addition. Block A 1.50 Lot 4. 25 feet. K. c. : Ilisley ........... Lot 17. 25 feet. F P. 3.00. Kern Addition. Block 1 Lot 18, 50 feet. F.. 11.64 % .0 Lot 19, 50 feet. II. It Newport Block R Lot 20, 50 feet J. H. 3 00 3.00 Lot 21. 50 feet. K H. 3.00 City of Hermiston according to plat filed Lot 22. 50,feet. E. H with County Recorder April 3. 1905. 3.00 Lot 23. 50 feet. F R 3 00 R Block Block •— Pelley 1.80 Lot I. 25 feet. First National Bank Pelley 1 M Lot Block 5— 3.00 Lot 1, 50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 Lot 2, 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 Lot 3. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.20 Lot 4, 20 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 10. 20 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.20 Lot 11.50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 3.00 Lot 12. 50 feet, City of Hermiston Block 6— 3.00 Lot 1.50 feet, Genevieve Kimball 3.00 Lot 2. 50 feet. Genevieve Kimball 3.00 Lot 3. 50 feet. J. S. Beal ............... 3.00 Lot 4. 50 feet. . F. McNaught...... 3.00 Lot 5, 50 feet. .1. F. McNaught.... 8.00 Lot 6, 50 feet. J. F. McNaught.... 3.00 Lot 7. 50 feet. J. F. McNaught.... 3.00 Lot 8. 50 feet. J. F. MacNaught.... 3 00 Lot 9, 50 feet. J. F. McNaught... Lot 10, 50 feet. City of Hermiston... 3.00 Lot 11.50 feet, J. M Reid ................ 3 00 Lot 12. 50 feet, Genevieve Kimball.. 3.00 Block 7— Lot 1, 30 feet. Western Union Life Co............................ 1 80 Lot 2. 25 feet. Western Union Life Co......................................... 1 50 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. Lofengart .......... 4. 25 feet. I.ofengart...................... 1.50 Lot Lot 5. 25 feet. Chas. McNamee ........ 1.50 Lot 6, 25 feet. Chas. McNamee ...... 1.50 Lot 7. 25 feet. Chas McNamee ........ 1 50 Lot 8. 25 feet. Lowman and Pelley . 1.50 Lot 9. 30 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.80 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. I). Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. .1. I». Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 12. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.50 Lot 13. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 ................. .... 1.50 Lot 14. 25 feet, F. C. Lot 15, 25 feet. F. C. Woughter........ . 1.50 Lot 16. 25 feet. .1. D. Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 17. 30 feet. J. D. Lowman.............. 41.80 Lot 18, 25 feet. J. 1. Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 19. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman......... 1.50 Lot 20, 25 feet, H. G. Newport......... 1.50 Lot 21.25 feet. H. G. Newport......... 1.50 Lot 22. 25 feet. Mrs. J. C. McNaught 1.50 Lot 23. 25 feet. Genevieve Kimball . 1.50 Lot 24. 25 feet. G. A. Creasy.............. 1.50 Lot 25. 25 feet. City of Hermiston... ‘50 Block 1.80 Lot 1, 30 feet. Lean W. Behrman Lot 2. 25 feet. Lean W Behrman.... 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. Erma R. Walling.... 1.50 Lot 4. 25 feet, First National Rank 1 50 Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet. J Lot 8. 25 feet. J. n Lowman........... 1 Po Lot T. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman.......... . 1.50 Lot 8. 25 feet. J. n Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 9. 30 feet. First National Bank 1.80 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman............ 1.50 Lowman .......... 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. J Lot 12. 25 feet. J. II. Reid ................ 1.50 ......... 1.50 Lot 13. 25 feet. J. IL Reid 1.50 Lot 14. 25 feet. City of Hermiston of 1 50 Hermiston Lot 15. 25 feet. City 1.50 Lot 16, 23 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.80 Lot 17. 30 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 18. 25 feet. P. Norquist......... . Lot 19. 25 feet. P Norquist.. ............ Lot 20, 25 feet. P Norquist Lot 21. 25 feet. City of Hermiston . Lot 22, 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... Lot 23. 25 feet. W. F. Woodstock__ _ .90 Lot 13.15 feet, City of Hermiston... Lot 23, 25 feet, S. R. Oldaker......... 1.50 Thursday afternoon little Marian Lot 5, 25 feet, W. M. Glasson........... 1.50 Lot 24, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet. Prescott Oaks............ 1.50 .60 Lot 8, 25 feet, Page A Son......... ...... 1.50 Lot 14. 10 feet, City of Hermiston, Lot 6. 25 feet, C. s McNaught........ 1.50 Henderson was honor guest at a de .30 Lot 7, 25 feet, Page A Son............... 1.50 Lot 15, 5 feet. City of Hermiston, Lot 7, 25 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.50 .30 Lot 8, 25 feet, H. R. Newport......... 1.50 Lot 16. 5 feet, City of Hermiston. lightful birthday party given by her Lot 8, 25 feet, Lowman and Pelley.. 1.50 1.80 Lot 9, 25 feet, H. R. Newport........ 1.50 Lot 18, 30 feet, Geo. Briggs............. Lot », 30 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.80 aunt Mra. C. E. Baker, at the Baker 1.50 Lot 10, 25 feet, J. A. Weed............... 1.50 Lot 19. 25 feet, Geo. Briggs .......... Splendid assortment of 1.50 Lot 10, 25 feet. P. Norquist 1.50 Lot 11, 25 feet, J. A. Weed................ 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. City of Hermiston, 1.50 home. It was a pink and white party, Lot 11, 25 feet, P. Norquist 1.50 Lot 12,32 feet, Hermiston Bsnk Lot 21, 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 12, 25 feet, City of Hermiston.. 1.50 the decorations, the refreshments and 1.50 and Trust Co................ 1.92 Lot 22. 25 feet, J. H. Young ......... Lot 13. 25 feet. City of Hermiston... 1.50 FLAXONS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES, POPLINS, 1.50 Lot 13, 15 feet, H. R. Newport................ 90 Lot 23. 25 feet, J. IL . Young ......... Lot 14, 25 feet, City of Hermiston.. 1.50 the little cap favors carrying out the 1.50 Lot 14, 25 feet. II. R. Newport.......... 1.50 Lot 24, 25 feet, J. D. Lowman......... Lot 15, 25 feet, City of Hermiston.. 1.50 color scheme. The table was center 1.50 Lot 15, 25 feet, H. R. Newport.......... 1.50 of Hermiston.. 1.50 Lot 25 25 feet, J. D. Lowman......... Lot 16, 25 feet, City VOILS and GEORGIANA CREPE Lot 18, 25 feet, J. L. Stork................. 1.50 Lot 17,25 feet, City of Hermiston... 1.50 Block 12— ed with a typical park where wild Lot 17, 25 feet. E. O. Commegys. 1.50 Lot 1, 30 feet, Lowman and Pelley.. 1.80 1.20 Lot 18. 20 feet. J. D. Lowman.. animals wandered at will and were Lot 18, 25 feet. H. K. Newport... 1.50 Lot 2, 25 feet, Lowman and Pelley.. 1.50 1:50 Lot 19, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 19, 25 feet, E. Commegys 1.50 O. 1.50 Lot 3. 50 feet. 0. P. Brigham........ 3.00 Lot 20. 25 feet. J. Lowman. D. Come and look them over. You will find just what you want finally hunted down and claimed by Lot 20, 25 feet. H. 1.50 1.50 Frick........ 1.50 Lot 4. 25 feet. B. G. Monkman Lot 21, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. the little guests. A circus day par Lot 21, 25 feet. H. Frick........ 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet. B. G. Monkman 1.50 1.50 Lot 22. 25 feet. J. I». Lowman. for morning, afternoon and party dress. 1.50 F. McNaught... 1.50 Lot 22, 25 feet, T. Lot A. Frick 1.50 6. 25 feet. J. Lowman. Lot 25, 25 feet. J. D. ade, each animsl gaily decked and Block 7— 1.50 Lot 7. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught. Block 2— bearing the name of a guest, marked 1.50 Lot 1, 50 feet, H. A. Frick 8, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught.. 3.00 Lot 1.80 Lot 1. 30 feet. B. F. Knapp 1.50 Lot 2, 50 feet, H. A. Frick. 3.00 1.50 •Lot 9. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught.. Lot 2. 25 feet. B. F. Knapp. the places. The climax was reached 3.00 Lot 3, 50 feet, M. S. Kern. Lot 10. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.. 1.50 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. Walter Oaks . when a snowy birthday cake with its Lot 4, 50 feel. F. K. Reeves. Lot 11.25 feet. City of Hermiston- 1.50 1.50 3.00 Lot 4, 25 feet, Prescott Oaks Lot 5, 57 feet, O. & Gray. Lot 12. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.60 Lot 5, 25 feet, J. D. Lowman 1.50 five pink candles was placed before Lot 6. 50 feet, C. W. Craik. Lot 13, 25 feet. Hermiston Bank 3.00 Lot 6. 15 feet. J. D. Lowman .. .90 1.50 Lot 7, 35 feet, Geo. Briggs. and Trust Co.............. .. 2.10 .60 Miss Marian who cut and served it to Lot 8. 10 feet, H. G. Newport. Phone 171 Hermiston, Oregon her guests. Those enjoying the occa Lot 8,12 feet, Geo. Briggs. Lot 14, 25 feet, Hermiston Bank 1.50 ,72 Lot 7. 25 feet. H. G. Newport. 1.50 Lot 8, 13 feet. H. R. Newport... and Trust .78 Lot 8. 25 feet.Sindícate Bldg. Co. 1.50 1.50 Lot 9. 25 feet, H. R. Newport... Lot 15. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught. 1.50 Lot », 30 feet. Sindícate Bldg. Co. 1.80 sion were Dorothy and Edith Barthel, 1.50 Lot 16. 25 feet. .1. F. McNaught. Lot 10. 25 feet,O. G. Sapper...... 1.50 Lot 10, 25 feet, City of Hermiston. 1.50 Isabelle Dodd, Dorothy Shotwell, leaving Hermiston. 1.80 Lot 17. 30 feet. J. F McNaught. Lot 11. 25 feet, J. H. Williams 1.50 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet, City of Hermiston. Lot 18. 30 feet. Mrs. M. McNaught 1.80 Lot 12. 25 feet. D. R. Brownell. 1.50 Lot 12, 25 feet. Geo. 1.50 Frochlin.... Mr». F. P. Phipps left this morning Dorothy and Elizabeth Straw and Lot 19. 25 feet. Mrs. .1. McNaught 1.50 Lot 13, 25 feet, M. S. Kern........ F. 1.50 Lot 13. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. Mrs. Lot 14. 25 feet, C. E. Baker........ F. McNaught 1.50 1.50 Lot 14. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 for Los Angeles where she is called by Bobbie and Marian Henderson. Lot 21. 25 feet. Mrs. J F. McNaught 1.50 Lot 15. 25 feet, L. M. Hills ......... 1.50 Lot 15. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 A column open for the exchange of the serious il mess of her brother. Lot 22. 25 feet. Mrs. .1 F. McNaught 1.50 Lot 18, 25 feet, F. B. Swayze.. 1.50 Lot 16. 25 feet. Chas. McNamee 1.50 Notice of Stockholders Meeting T.ot 23, 25 feet. Mrs. F. McNaught 1.50 Lot 17. 25 feet. J. W. recipes, to which all are asked to feel Tabor ........ 1.50 Lot 17. 30 feet, Chas. McNamee 1.80 Next Friday afternoon is the regular Lot 24, 25 feet. M. Rhymerson 1.50 Lot 18, 25 feet, J. W. Tabor......... Lot 18, 30 feet. .1. D. Lowman.... 1.50 1.80 The regular aunual meeting of the free to contribute. Recipes printed meeting of the Civic club. The pro Lot 25, 25 feet, M. Rhymerson 1.50 Block 8— Lot 1». 25 feet. J. D. Lowman... 1.50 Lot 1, 50 feet, C. O. Wainscott. 3.00 Lot 20, 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.50 Block 13— under this bead are all tried and in gram will include several matters of »'ockbolders of the Umatilla River Lot 21, 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.50 Lot 1. 50 feet. H. G. Newport 3.00 3.00 Lot 2, 50 feet, C. O. Wainscott. Water Users’ Association will be held many instances have been requested. Lot 2, 50 feet. O. P. Brigham . 3.00 3.00 Lot 3, 50 feet, H. Peters . Lot 22. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.50 interest to all. 3. 50 feet. O. P. Brigham Lot 3.00 at E W. Mack’s hall in the City of 3.00 Lot 4, 50 feet. Lens Waterman. Lot 23. 25 feet, City of Hermiston .. 1.50 W Lot 4. 50 feet. II. Mrs Jobo E. Hamer who has been 3.00 3.00 Lot Waterman Lot 24, 25 feet. Violet Sillittoe ........ 1.50 5, 50 feet, Lena EGGLESS HONEY CAKE Hermiston, Oregon, ou Saturday, Lot 5. 50 feet. II. w Coe 3.08 3.00 1.50 Lot 6, 50 feet. F. B. Swayze ...... Lot 25, 25 feet. Violet Sillittoe ........ under the care of a specialist for near March 31, 1917, at 2 o’clock p. m. Mrs. E. H. Oardiner Lot 6. 50 feet. H. w 3.00 3.00 Block 3— Lot 7. 50 feet. F. B. Swayze....... 3.00 3.00 Lot 8, 30 feet. F. B. Swayze..._ Lot 1, 50 feet. .I. H. Reid 3.00 ................ Lot 7. 50 feet. II. w 1 cup aupar 2 tablespoons butter ly two montba, returned home from W J. Warmer, Lot 8. 50 feet, II. w 3.00 3.00 1.50 Lot 2, 50 feet. 1. E. W. Mack ......... Lumber Co....... Lot ». 25 feet. E. Portland Saturday much improved 1 cup boney 1 teaspoon soda Lot ». 50 feet, City of Hermiston ... 3.00 .87 3.00 Lot 10.14 % feet, E. W. Mack........ Lot 3. 50 feet. L E. Lumber Co....... adv27c Secretary Lot 10. 50 feet. J. F. Bilderback .... 3.00 .63 3.50 Lot 10, 10 12 feet, H. R. Newport... Lot 4. 50 feet. J. F. McNaught ....... 1 cup sour milk 24 cups Hour Mrs. J. W Ralph has been quite Lot 11,50 feet. City of Hermiston.. 3.00 Lot 5. 50 feet. J. F. 3.00 McNaught.......... Lot 11, 25 feet, H. R. Newport...... 1.50 1 chopped raisins 1 cup chopped dates sic. this week, though now greatly CITY IRRIGATION WATER ASSESS 1.50 Lot 6, 50 feet, Chas. Hahn 3.00 ............ Lot 12. 50 feet, M Rhymerson ....... 3.00 Lot 12. 25 feet, II. R. Newport...... 1.50 McNaught ......... MENT FOK 1917. Lot 7, 50 feet, J. F. 3.00 Block 14— Lot 13, 25 feet, Mrs. J. M. McCoy. Spice to suit one's taste. improved. Appendicitis has been pro Lot 1. 40 feet. City of Hermiston.... 1.40 1.50 Lot 8, 50 feet, J. F. Lot 14. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze.. .... McNaught,.. Notice Is hereby given that, In accord Block Warm boney, butter and sugar nounced the trouble. 1.50 Lot », 50 feet, J. F. McNaught ..... Lot 15, 25 feet, City of Hermiston. ance with Ordinance No. 78 of the City of Lot 1. 50 feet. H. G. Newport. . 3.00 1.50 Lot IO, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..... 3.00 Lot 16, 25 feet. A. L. Larson. Hermiston, an assessment has been levied slightly, cream well Add milk and Mrs. D. W. Horning returned Satur upon Lot 3. " 25 feet. J. F. Bilderback 1.50 1.50 Lot 11, 50 feet. J. F. McNa tight..... 3.00 Lot 17. 25 feet. M. W. Serrard. and against the following lots and Lot 4. 50 feet, J. F. Bilderback 3.00 flour mixed with spices and soda. Add day after spending the winter in parcels of land In the Irrigation district 1.50 Lot 12. 50 feet, Hermiston Bank Lot 18. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze...... Lot 50 feet. J. . ....................... F 3.00 1.50 3.00 Lot 1», 25 feet. F. R. Swayze and Trust Co. .. fruit last. Bake in slow oven one Minneapolis. She says it was a cold hereintofore established In the City of Her- Lot 8. 20 feet. City 1.20 of Hermiston... Newport... 1.50 R. Block 4 — Lot 20. 25 feet. H. miston In the amounts set forth below. Lot 9, 40 feet. City of Hermiston. 2.40 1.50 3.00 hour. Jam, dried prunes soaked, or and disagreeable winter there and she Lot 1, 50 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 21, 25 feet. IL R. Newport . The total amount of assessments in said T,ot 10, 30 feet, City of Hermiston.: 1.80 1.50 Lot 2. 50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 Lot 22. 25 feet, E R. Hermiston. Irrigation district is *1,010.82. any sweetened fruit may take the place is glad to be back in Hermiston. Lot 11, 30 feet. Lew Brownell ....... 1 80 3.00 Lot 3, 50 feet. City of Hermiston lock The contract price to be paid the United Lot 1 0 feet, Lew Brownell ........ 1.20 3.00 Lot 4,50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 of the dates. This cake should be Lot 1,50 feet. H. R. Newport. States Government for water for Irriga Block 1 3.00 3.00 Lot 5, 50 feet. City of Newport. Mrs. Swayze was hostess Friday eve 2. 50 feet. H. R. Hermiston. Lot tion in said district is *1.50 per acre foot. allowed to ripen at least four days be Lot 1. 10 feet. J. D. Lowman .60 3.00 Lot 6. 40 feet. City of Hermiston. 2.46 3. 50 feet, City of Hermiston Lot The cost of operation and maintenance ning at a 7 o’clock dinner to Mr. and Lot 2. 10 feet, J. D. Lowman. .60 3.00 2.40 Lot 8, 40 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 4. 50 feet. F. B. Swayze fore cutting. of said Irrigation district is established at Lot 3. 15 feet, J. n. Lowman .90 3.00 Lot ». 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 Lot 5, 50 feet. F. B. Swayze. Mrs. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, $9.89.45. 4. 20 feet. J. 1.20 D. Lot Lowman- 3.00 Lot 10, 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 Lot 8. 50 feet. E. Mumma...... Tbe City Council will alt as a board of Mr. and Mrs. Wainscott, Mr. and Mrs. Lot I 5. 20 feet. J. D. Lowman.. 1.20 3.00 Mummi ...... 3.00 Lot 11. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. Lot 7, 50 feet. E. equalisation at 8 o'clock on Wednesday Lot 6. 5 feet. J. D. Lowman . .30 3.00 3.00 Lot 12, 50 feet, City of Hermiston. Lot 8. 50 feet. E. Mumma...... Warner. evening, March 28, 1917, and will at said Lot 7. 20 feet, City of Hermiston 1.20 B. S. KINGSLEY EXCHANGE OF RECIPES LOCAL BRIEFS .’. Friday afternoon last Mrs. Dodd entertained » few ladies for her aiater, Mrs. Collins of Pendleton. Auction Miss McPherson was in Pendleton bridge was indulged in, two tables be over Sunday. ing filled. Miss Virginia Todd was down from Pendleton over Sunday. Miss Carson entertained the girls who assisted in the school lunches at Mrs. Laura D. Nash was down from the Movie Saturday evening, followed by a chafing dish party at the Ken Pendleton Monday. nedy home. Mias Bryant and Miss Gulwits were Mr. and Mrs Dobler and sons, of Pendleton visitors Saturday. Umatilla, and Mrs E. J Doherty and Miss Ada Praun is visiting in Hood son of Thane, Alaska, were dinner River. guests at the Swavz home Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Johnson is visiting In Mrs Doherty is a aister of Mr. Dottier and is visiting at the Dobler home for Portland and Euge ne. a time. Miss McCully and Misa Hager were V nitore here last week from Pendleton, Monday at the First Presbyterian returning home Saturday. church, North Yakima, Miss June Hoisington, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ruth Griffin was a guest of Frances Hoisington a resident of the project, Hil a at Stanfield several days this was united in marriage to Arthur week. Spinning of Umatilla. Both the young Mrs. A G. Means of Reith, and Mrs. people are well known here. Harvey McDill of Umatiila were in Dr. and Mrs, Manning (formerly the city Monday. Mrs. Headington) of Bend, wereguesta Mrs. J. I). Rice spent Tuesday at at the Rees home last Saturday. They Stanfield with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. were married March 7 and were on O'Sullivan their honeymoon. Mrs. Manning for Miss Virginia Todd recently took a merly bad a millinery business in this position wi'.h Sawtelle’s jewelry house. city and Dr. Manning is a dentist at She has be*-n with Alexander's since Bend. 320,817 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1916. The figures-- 320,817 -represents the actual number of cars manufactured by us since August 1, 1916, and delivered by nur retail buyers. x . This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes It necessary for u* to confine the distribution of cars only to those avenu who have orders for Immediate delivery to retail custom- era rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipa- t ion of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect themselves against delay nr disappointment in securing Ford cars. If. therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford ear. we advise you to place your order and take de- livery now Immediate orders will have prompt attention Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don’t be disappointed later on. PRICES: SÄS # darsrrrssseim " FORD MOTOR co. SAPPER BROS., Authorized Agent HERMISTON, OREGON MeNaurht Lot 25. 25 feet. First National Bank 1.50 Block 9— 3.00 Lot 1,50 feet. J. D. Lowman Lot Lot 1 Block 2. 50 feet. J L.ot Lot Lot Lowman H n. n. 9»> 1.50 Reid Reid Reid 25 feet. R. Pelley .... 25 feet. J. II Raley ......... 25 feet. J. H Raley ............ 25 feet. Genevieve Lowman of Hermiston Lot 11. 20 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 12, 15 feet. City Is Showing THE NICEST assort- ment of Candies ever displayed in Hermiston? An other thing about his line is that it is always fresh. HOT DRINKS of 1.50 ICE CREAM 1.50 Saturdays and Sundays Kimball Lot 9. 25 feet. I SISCEL * served any time 30 feet. R Lot Lot I 3 0 I 1 To I 3.00 3.00 50 feet. 1 Lot Block D Lot 8. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 1.50 Lot 9. ' 25 feet. Citv of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. Lowman. Lot 11. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. 1.50 Lot 12. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman 1.50 Lot 13. 30 feet. J. n. Lowman 1.80 City of Hermiston. First Addition Block R— Lot 1. 47.5 feet. J. H. Reid........ 2.85 2.35 Lot 2. 47.5 feet. J. II. Reid........ Lot 3. 47.5 feet. J. II. Reid........ 2.85 . 2.85 Lot 4. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan Lot 5. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan 2.85 Lot 6. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan . 2.85 7. 47.5 feet. J. Lot II. Reid......... 2.85 Lot 8. 47.5 feet. J. IL Reid......... 2.85 2.85 Lot 9. 47.5 feet. J. H. Reid......... Lot 10. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan. 2.85 2.85 Lot 11.47.5 feet. F. E. McMillan 2.85 Lot 12. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan. Block Lot 2, 50 feet. E. S. Taylor. 3.00 Block 3 24 Lot 3. 54 feet. W. S. Boyton 3 24 Lot 6. 54 feet. II. T. Fraser Block E— Fraser Lot 7.54 feet. II. Block 3.24 Lot 10. 54 feet. C. H. Crandall. Block F — 3.24 Lot 6. 54 feet. II G. Newport Lot 7. 54 feet. Genevieve Reid .... Lot 8. 54 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.24 Lot 0. 54 feet. Genevieve Reid...... 3.24 Lot 10. 54 feet. City of Hermiston Block G— 270 feet. City of Hermiston .. .16.20 Block H— 3.24 Lot 1, 54 feet. City of Hermiston 3.24 Lot 2. 54 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 3. 54 feet, City of Hermiston.. 3.24 3.24 Lot 4. 54 feet. Th os Jaques ......... 3.84 Lot 5. 64 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.24 Lot 6. 54 feet. Genevieve Reid .... Lot 7. 54 feet. S. R. Oldaker 3.24 Lot 9. 54 feet. Owen White .. Lot 10. 54 feet, Owen White - Block H— Lot 8, 54 feet. City of Hermiston.... 3 24 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon this 3rd day of March, 1917. M. JENSEN. Recorder. Hermiston _ 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 90