Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1917)
THE HERMISTON SEE WHAT WE HAVE HERMISTON, OREGON. HERALD, ete valley mills fifty cents per too or ten to twenty-five dollars a car. TERMS Public Docks commission locating site f r large i ublic elevator at Port- Lehanon S. P. has I-rge bui ding 2,000 feet resile force re- R dmond— Sa dard Oil C. build- ing station here io carry full line of | 1 s products. ====== — zona—================ ■ ======"=! Believing, as we always have, that the person paying cash at time of purchase or prompt ly on the first of the month following date of purchase, is entitled to better terms than those allowing their account to run indefinitely and realizing the impracticability of doing a strictly cash business, we have decided to allow the following terms E k Ciry— Alder timber bring shipp- run Ai a ny urniture Crqu le—Sa wm 12.000,00 frei luu goes to work on - war order. Portland el» i | $30,000 capital factory with Legis ature rovided new revenue of 1321,000 an ■ i as 1133,000 in emergency ■und. Eugene—Pacific Tel & Tel Co. will soon have Marshfield connected with this city by fine line giving first class service. A discount of 5 per cent for cash will be given on all purchases amounting to $1 or over We will also give a discount of 2 per cent on all book accounts if paid on or before the 10th of the month following date of purchase. On all accounts not paid on or before the 1st of the second month following date of pur chase, interest at the rate of 10 per cent will be added excepting accounts incurred for Farm Machinery and other articles on which we get special dating, and in those cases we will give our customers the benefit of the terms extended to us by the jobbers. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Brownsville—Cannery here has more orders than it can fill for 1917. New Spring Dress Goods Splendid assortment of FLAXONS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES, POPLINS, VOILS and GEORGIANA CREPE Come and look them over. You will find just what you want for morning, afternoon and party dress. B. S. KINGSLEY Phone 171 Hermiston, Oregon Cottage Groye cannery will operate this season. Cottene Grove firm will manufacture ready out bouses and barns. E. M. Olmstead retires from Stay- ton Mail with a fine record for pro gress. St. Helens—Clatsop county lets con tract for 4 miles grsding snd paving at cost of $62,000. North Bend sawmills working on Eastern war order materials. Contract let to place 10,000 tons reck around S. P. Coos Bay bridge piers. Portlaud stove works $30,000 plant. erect Portland—Saturday manual training clatses are crowded. Klamath — New fish hatchery OU Crooked creek to be built—another to be enlarged. the hospital. Mr. Gunn Is doing nice Salem—Bill to spend $200,000 on ly and returned homo Friday morn home for delinquent children referred ing. io the people. In soother column is an ad for tbe Southern Pacific distributes first Hanna Canvas portable dam. This is hali of 3110,000 labor bonus fur 1916. The first of the week John D. Wat- something new and those needing Burke Fish Co. to establish refrig son jr. received two flags of which he some arrangement for diverting water is justly proud. They were giv n him from cana a into laterals will do well eration plant on Coos Bay. Crane has a $54,000 irrigation pro by C. S. Roettin: er of Cincinnati and to look into tbe matter. ject. both saw service during the Spanish A merry party motored out to the American war. The particularly inter- W. T. Roberts home Saturday even Klamath Falls gets another box fac esting feature is that they were in the ing as a surprise on Mr. and Mrs tory to emoloy fifty bands. battle of San Juan hill. Roberts. Auction bridge and dancing One flag is red with a white square were enjoyed Those in the party CITY IRRIGATION WATER ASSESS- MENT FOK 1917. in the center and th- other is whit were Mr. and Mrs. Swayze, Mr. and with a red center. These flags are Mrs. Straw. Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, Notice is hereby given that. In accord with Ordinance No. T6 of the City of used for signaling and are also com MV. and M s Rees, Mr. and Mrs. ance Hermiston, an assessment has been levied upon and against the following lots and pany and battalion designations. Th Br thei. parcels of land In tbe Irrigation district first battalion of a regiment has the hereintofore established in tbe City of Her- Mrs Winscott was hostess at a uneton in the amounts set forth below. red flag, tbe second white and the The total amount of assessments In said third blue. The first two companies dinner Sunday evening to a few of the Irrigation district is »1,010.82. young people. Those enjoying her Tbe contract price to be paid the United of each battalion have squares In their hospitality were Mr. and Mrs Rav- States Government for water for irriga- flags and the second two crosses. tien in said district is »1.50 per acre foot The coat of operation and maintenance Tbe flags were on display In The hill, Miss Sucher, Miss Hummel, Miss of said irrigation district ta established at Herald window for several days and Klindt, Miss Carson, Miss McPh-rson, $9 89 45 Miss Barton, J. A. Campbell, T. P. The City Council will sit as a board ot created much interest. at 8 o'clock on Wednesday Campbell, C. M. Jackson, H. M equalization evening, March 28, 191T. and will at said Sommerer, R. C. Walber, S. C. Smith. time examine the assessment roll and cor SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR FLAGS HERE SECOND UNIT WEST EXTENSION OPENED The reclamation officials have been bu-ier than ordinarily the past ten days on account of the opening of the second unit of the west extension. These lands lie in the Boardman neigh borhood. Thursday tbe sixteenth application was made with several more consider ing the filing of homestead entries Of these two were duplicates and those losing out will have the privilege of tiling on other lands. Of tbe west extension lands already thrown open to settlement there are stil) untaken 13 homesteads in the first unit and 15 in the second. It is not believed these will remain long, however, as inquiries are being re ceived every day. LOCAL BRIEFS ‘ Ardrey Leota, the els months old daughter of Mr and Mrs. R. 8. M haffey of this oily, died Monday at the Pendleton hospital Tbe little one had been sick for some time with whooping cough followed by pneu monia. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Pendleton Father Brown conducting the service and Interment was In Olney cemetery. Friday evening of last week Mrs. T. W. Sapper was hostess in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. O G. Sapper and Tuesday afternoon of this week for Mrs. Sapper only. In the evening auction bridge served to make the time pass very quickly. Five tables were filled. At tbe afternoon party tbe ladies spent the time with their fancy work. Both were very enjoy able affaire. INDUSTRIAL NEWS ITEMS OF THE WEEK Rice industry to be established on Long Tom River bottom land, Lane Mrs. Gunn came down from Pen- county. Interstate commerce commission haa dieton Sunday where she has been with Mr. Gun since be was taken to raiaed lumber ratea from all Wiliam- 320,817 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1916. Tbe figures— 320,817 -represents the actual number of care manufactured by ua since August 1, 1916, and delivered by our retail buyers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford car- makes it necessary for us to confine the distribution of cars only to those agents who hsve orders for immediate delivery to retail custom, era rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipa- t'on of later spring sales. w» are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If. therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford ear, we advise you to place your order and take de- livery MW Immediate orders Will have prompt attention Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with oar authorized Ford agent listed below and don’t be disappointed later on. mime meemnee " FORD MOTOR co. SAPPER BROS., Authorized Agent HERMISTON, OREGON 1.50 3, 26 feet. Nettie Goodwin. 1.50 4. 25 feet, H. E. Hitt ..... 1.60 6, 25 feet, W. M. Glasson ... 1.50 6. 25 feet, Page & Son....... T, 25 feet, Page & Son........ 1.50 1.50 8, 25 feet. H. R. Newport. 1.50 9. 25 feet, H. R. Newport 1.50 10, 25 feet. J. 1.50 11,25 feet, J. Weed 12, :32 feet, Hermiston Bank 1.92 and Trust Co.................. .90 Lot 13,15 feet, H. R. Newport. 1.50 Lot 14, 25 feet, H. R. Newport 1.50 Lot 13. 25 feet. 11. H. Newport Lot 16, 25 feet. J. L. Stork......... 1.50 .1.60 Lot IT, 25 feet. E. O. Commegys. 1.50 Lot 18. 25 feet. II. R. Newport... 1.50 Lot 19, 25 feet. E. O. Commegys. Lot 20, 25 feet, II. Frick........ 1.50 Lot 21, 25 feet, H. Frick......... 1.50 Lot 22, 26 feet, T. Frick......... 1.00 Block 7— Lot 1, 50 feet, H. Frick 3.00 Lot 2, 50 feet, H. Frick 3.00 Lot 3, 50 feet, of. 8. Kern.. 3.00 Lot 4, 50 feet, F. R. Reeves. 3.00 Lot 5, 57 feet, O. C. Gray. Lot 6, 50 feet, C. W. Craik. 3.00 Lot T, 35 feet, Geo. Briggs 2.10 Lot 8, 12 feet, Geo. Briggs. ,72 Lot 8, 13 feet, H. R. Newport... .78 Lot 9. 25 feet, H. R. Newport.. 1.50 Lot 10, 25 feet.O. G. Sapper...... 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet, J. H. Williams.. 1.50 Lot 12, 25 feet. D. R. Brownell. 1.60 Lot 13, 25 feet, M. 8. Kern......... 1.50 Lot 14. 25 feet, C. E. Baker........ 1.60 Lot 15. 25 feet. L. M. Hllta ........ 1.50 I.ot l6. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze... 1.50 Lot IT, 25 feet, J. W. Tabor......... 1.50 Lot 18, 26 feet, J. W. Tabor......... 1.50 Block 8— Lot 1, 50 feet, C. O. Wainscott 3.00 3.00 Lot 2, 50 feet, C. O. Wainscott. 3.00 Lot 3. 50 feet, H. Peters 3.00 Lot 4. 50 feet, Lena Waterman. 3.00 Lot 5, 50 feet, Lena Waterman 3.00 Swayze....... Lot fl. 50 feet. F. B. 3.06 Lot T. 50 feet. F. B. Swayze..... Swa . ........ 3.00 Lot 8, 50 feet. F. B. 1.50 Lot 9, 25 feet. E. W. Mack......... .87 Mack Lot 10. 14 12 feet. E. W. ’ .63 Lot 10. 1012 feet, H. R. Newport 1.50 Lot 11, 25 feet, II. R. Newport. 1.50 Lot 12, 25 feet, H. R. Newport.... 1.50 Lot 13, 25 feet, Mrs. J. M. McCoy 1.50 Lot 14. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze 1.50 Lot 15, 25 feet. City of Hermtaton 1.50 Larson..... Lot 16. 25 feet, A. 1.50 Lot IT. 25 feet. M. w. Serrard..... 1.50 Lot 18, 25 feet, F. B. Swayze....... 1.50 Lot 19, 26 feet. F. B. Swayze 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet, II. R. Newport.. 1.50 Lot 21. 25 feet. H. R. Newport... 1.50 Lot 22, 25 feet. E. R. Hermtaton.. Hock 3.00 Lot 1. 50 feet. II. R. Newport.. 3.00 Lot 2. 50 feet. IL It. Newport 3.00 Lot 3, 50 feet, City of Hermiston. 3.00 B. Swayze Lot 4. 50 feet, F. 3.00 Lot 5. 50 feet, F. B. Swayze. 3.00 Lot 6, 50 feet. E. Mumma...... 3.00 Lot T, 50 feet, E. Mnmma...... 3.00 Lot 8. 50 feet. E. Mumma....... 3.00 Lot 9. 50 feet. Ash Pierce. 3.00 Lot 10, 50 feet. Ash Pierce. 3.00 Lot 11. 50 feet. E. Mummt 3.00 Lot 12, 60 feet. H. It Newport. 3.00 Lot 13. 50 feet. H. R. Newport. 3.00 Loti4, 50 feet, D. R. Brownell. 3.00 Lot 15, 50 feet. F. B. Swayze... 3.00 Lot 1«. 50 feet. F. B. Hock 1.50 Lot 1. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze... 1.50 Lot 2. 26 feet. F. B. Swayne... . 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze... 1.50 Lot 4. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze... . 1.50 Lot 5. 25 feet, M. F. Callbeck. 1.50 Lot 6. 25 feet. M. F. Callbeck. 1.50 Lot T. 25 feet, M. F. Callbeck Lot 8. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton . 1.50 .Lot 9, 25 feet. City of Hermtaton . 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. M. I». Seroggs.......... 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. M. D. Srogga.......... 1.50 Lot 12, 25 feet, D. D. Seroggs.......... 1.50 City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot IT. City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot IB, 1.50 Lot 19. 25 feet. W. W. Illsley 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. W. W. Illsley 1.50 Yates. Lot 21. 25 feet.F. 1.50 Lot 22, 23 feet, F. 1.50 Lot 23, 23 feet. F. Kraft ........ 1.50 Lot 24. 26 feet. F. Fraft ........... 1 50 Lot 25. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze 1.50 Lot 26. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze. 1.50 Lot 2T. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton Lot 2T. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton 1.50 1.50 Lot 28. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton Lot 29. 25 feet. F. B. Swayze........... 1.50 Lot 30, 25 feet. F. B. Swayze........... 1.50 1.50 Lot 31.25 feet. H. J. Longley..... Lot 32, 25 feet, H. J. Longley........... 1.50 lock 11— Lot 1, 25 feet. Worthington and Kennedy ........................... 1.50 Lot 2. 26 feet. Worthington and Kennedy .............. ....... 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. Worthington and 150 Kennedy .......................... Lot 4. 25 feet. Worthington and 1.50 Kennedy ................... . ..... Lot 5. 25 feet. Worthington and Kennedy ........................... 1.50 Lot 6, 25 feet, Worthington and Kennedy 1.50 Lot T. 25 feet. R. R. Howerton 1.50 1.50 Lot 8. 25 feet. R R. Howerton Lot 9. 25 feet, R. R. Howerton. 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. R R. Howerton 1.50 Larson._ 1.60 Lot 24. 25 feet. A. Iarson. 1.50 Lot 25. 25 feet. F. R. Harrison... 1.50 Lot 26, 25 feet. F. R Harrtaon 1.50 Lot 27. 25 feet. IL Straw...... 1 50 Lot 28, 25 feet. II? M. Straw.... _ 1.50 Lot 28, 25 feet. II. H Newport 1.50 Lot 30. 25 feet. IL R. 1.50 Lot 31.25 feet. IL R. 1.50 Lot 32. 25 feet. II R. Newport 1.50 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 3, 25 feet, Hermiston Realty Co. Lot 4, 25 feet, Wm. Stuber................ Lot 5. 25 feet, Prescott Oaks Lot fl. 25 feet, C. S. McNaught........ Lot 7, 25 feet, Lowman and Pelley.. Lot 8, 25 feet, Lowman and Pelley Lot 9, 30 feet, Lowman and Pelley . Lot 10, 25 feet, P. Norquist .............. Lot 11. 25 feet. P. N Lot 12. 25 feet. City of Hermiston... Lot 13. 25 feet. City of Hermiston... Lot 14, 25 feet. City of Hermiston... Lot 15, 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 16, 25 feet. City of Hermiston Lot IT, 25 feet. City of Hermtaton... Lot 18. 20 feet. J. D. Lowman. Lot 19, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. Lot 20, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. Lot 21. 25 feet, J. D. Lowman. Lot 22. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 25. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. Block 2— Lot 1. 30 feet. B. F. Knapp Lot 2. 25 feet, B. F. Knapp. Lot 3. 25 feet. Walter Oaks .......... Lot 4, 25 feet, Prescott Oaks ........ Lot 5, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman.......... Lot 6. 15 feet. J. D. Lowman . . Lot 6,10 feet. H. G. Newport........ Lot T. 25 feet. H. G. Newnort........ Lot 8. 25 feet,Sindícate Bldg. Co. Lot 9. 30 feet. Sindícate : Bldg. Co... Lot 10, 25 feet. City of ' Hermiston ... Lot 11. 25 feet. City of Hermiston ... Lot 12, 25 feet, Geo. J. . ...................... Lot 13, 25 feet, City of Hermiston.... Lot 14. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... Lot 15. 25 feet. City of Hermiston... Lot 16. 25 feet. Chas. McNamee Lot IT, 30 feet. Chas. McNamee Lot 18. 30 feet. J. D. Lowman... Lot 19. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman... Lot 20. 25 feet. City < of ’ Hermiston.. Lot 21. 25 feet. City ( of ’ Hermiston. 25 feet. City ( of ’ Hermiston.. Lot 23, 25 feet. City of < ' Hermiston.. Lot 24. 25 feet. Violet Sillittoe ..... Lot 25, 25 feet, Violet Sillittoe ....... Block 3— Lot 1.50 feet, J. H. Reid ... Lot 2. 50 feet. I. K. Lumber Co., Lot 3, 50 feet. I. E. Lumber Co.. Lot 4. 50 feet. J, F. McNaught... Lot 5. 50 feet, .1. F. McNaught 6, 50 feet. Chas. Hahn Lot 7, 50 feet. J. F MeNaught .... Lot 8, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught. 9, 50 feet. J. F. McNaught... Lot 10, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught 1 1.50 feet, J. F. McNaught... . 50 feet. Hermiston 1.50 1 .50 1 .50 1 .50 1 .50 1 1.50 1 1.80 1 .50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .90 .00 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.80 1 .80 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 Bank and Trust Co........................... 3.00 Block 4 — Lot 1. 50 feet. City Hermiston.... 3.00 Lot 2. 50 feet. c|ty of Hermiston.... 3.00 Lot 3. 50 feet. City of Hermiston.. . 3.00 Hermiston.... 3.00 Lot 4. 50 feet. City Lot 5. 50 feet. City of Hermiston . . 3.00 Lot 6. 40 feet. City of Hermiston... 2.40 Lot 8. 40 feet. City of Hermiston... 2.40 Lot 9, 50 feet. City of Hermiston.... 3.00 Lot 10. 50 feet. City of Hermiston... 3.00 Lot 11. 50 feet. City of Hermiston... 3.00 Lot 12. 50 feet. City of Hermiston... 3.00 Block 3.00 Lot 1. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. Lot 2. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 3.00 Hermiston. 3. 50 feet. City of Lot Lot 4. 20 feet. City of Hermiston. 1,20 Lot 10. 20 feet. Citv of Hermiston. 1.20 3.00 Lot 11. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. Lot 12. 50 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.00 Block 3.00 Lot 1. 50 feet. Genevieve Kimball Lot 2. 50 feet. Genevieve Kimball. 3.00 3.00 Real ........... Lot 3. 50 feet. J. 3.00 Lot 4. 50 feet. J. F McNaught... 3.00 McNaught Lot 5. 50 feet. J. 3 00 Lot 6. 50 feet. J. F. McNaught. 3.00 MeNaught Lot 7. 50 feet. J. 3.00 Lot 8. 60 feet. J. F. MacNaught. Lot 0. 60 feet. J. F. McNaught. 3.00 3.00 Lot 10. 50 feet. City of Hermtaton 3 00 Lot 11. 50 feet. J. M. Reid Lot 12. 50 feet. Genevieve Kimball... 3.00 Block T— Lot 1. 30 feet. Western Union 1.80 Life Co...................................... Lot 2. 25 feet. Western Union 1.50 Life Co...................................... 1.50 Lot 3. 25 feet. Lofengart ............ . Lot 4. 25 feet. Lofengart...................... 1.50 Lot 5. 25 feet. Chas. McNamee ........ 1.50 1.50 Lot fl. 25 feet. Chas. McNamee 1.50 Lot T, 25 feet. Chas McNamee Lot 8. 25 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.50 Lot n. 30 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.80 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 11.25 feet. .1. D. Lowman............ 1.50 Lot 12. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.. 1.50 Lot 13. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton .1.50 rect all errors therein. Any person feel ing himself or herself aggrieved by such assessment may apply to the City Council when that body sits as a board ot equali zation and an opportunity will be given them to have such assessment changed, if. In the opinion, ot tbe City Council, such changes are Juat. The amount of the assessment apportion ed and assessed against particular lots and parcels of laud ta aa follows : City of Hermtaton according to plat filed with City Recorder Nov. 3. 1904. Name Amount Block 1. Lot 1. 25 feet Tum-A Lum Lbr. Co.»1.50 Lot 2, 25 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co.. 1.50 Lot 3, 25 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co... 1.50 Lot 4, 25 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. 1.50 Lot 6, 53 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. 3.18 Lot T, 5T feet, W. J. ................. 3.42 Lot 8. 50 feet, W. J. Emry .■__ 3.00 Block 2— Lot 1. 60 feet, Lota E. Smith 3.00 Lot 2, 60 feet. Lota E. Smith 3.00 Lot 3. 50 feet, Lota E. Smith. 3.00 Lot 4. 50 feet, 8. D. Phay 3.00 Lot 5. 25 feet, 8. D. Phay 1.50 Lot 5. 25 feat. W ______ J. Emry..... 1.50 Lot fl. 50 feet, W. J. Emry..... 3.00 Lot 7,50 feet, Tum-A-Lum Lbr Co. 3.00 Lot 8. 50 feet. Tum-ALum Lbr. Co. 3.00 Lot 9. 50 feet. W. I. Stewart. 3.00 Lot 10. 50 feat. D. U. Lower. 3.00 Lot 11.50 feet. D. Zollar ...... 3.00 Lot 14. 25 feet. F. C. Woughter 150 Lot 12. 50 feet. D W Zollar. 3.00 Woughter. 1.50 Lot 15. 25 feet. F. Lot 13. 50 feet. H. R. Newport. 3.00 1.50 Lot 16. 25 feet. J. n. Lot 14. 50 feet. H. R. Newport.. 3.00 Lot IT. 30 feet. J. ix an. .... 41.80 Lot 15. 50 feet. H. K. Newport 3.00 Lot 18. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman..... 1.50 Lot 16. 50 feet, II. R. Newport 3.00 1.50 Lot 19. 25 feet. J Lowman..... Block 3 “ — 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. H. O. Newport... Lot 9. 50 feet. M. R. Newport.... 3.00 1.50 Lot 21. 25 feet. H G Newport.. Lot 10. 60 feet, G. Stewart___ 3.00 Lot 22. 25 feet. Mrs. J. C. McNaught 1.50 Lot 11,50 feet. G. O. Stewart.... 3.00 Lot 23. 25 feet. Genevieve Kimball.... 1.50 Lot 12. ___________ _ _________ _____ 3.00 50 feet. G. G. Stewart....... Lot 24. 25 feet. O. Creasy 1.50 Lot 13, 50 feet. City of Hermiston .. 3.00 Lot 25. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... 150 Lot 14. 60 feet. Mrs. Millie Deck........ 3.00 Block Lot 15, 50 feet. Mrs. Minnie Allsup.. 3.00 Lot 1. 30 feet. Lean W. Behrman. 1.80 Lot 16, 50 feet, Mrs. Minnie Allsup.. 3.00 1.50 Lot 2. 25 feet. Lean w. Behrman Block 4— Lot 3. 25 feet. Erma B. Walling..... 1.50 Lot 1. 50 feet. H. R. Newport 3.00 Lot 4. 25 feet. First National Bank 1.50 Lot 2. 50 feet, H. R. Newport 3.00 Lot 5. 25 feet. .1 n. Lowman.........— 1.50 Lot 3. 50 feet. F H Swayze. 3.00 1 so Lot 6, 25 feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 4. 50 feet. F. B. Swayze__ 3.00 Lot T. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 6. 50 feet. F B. Swayze__ 3.00 8. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman ........... 1.50 Lot Lot 6. 50 feet. II. E. Hitt.......... 3.00 Lot 9. 30 feet. First National Bank 1.80 Lot T, 50 feet. Page A Ron 3.00 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 8, 50 feet. Page A Son 3.00 Lot 11. 25 feet. J- n. Lowman........... 1.50 Lot 0.50 feet, H. L. Wyckoff 3.00 Lot 12. 25 feet. J it Reid ............... 1.50 Lot 10. 50 feet, H. L. Wyckoff 3.00 Lot 13, 25 feet. J. it. Reid ............... 1.50 Lot 11. 50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.00 Lot 14. 25 feet. City of Hermiston . 1.50 Lot 12. 50 feet, H. - “ R. Newport 3.00 Lot 15. 25 feet. City of Hermiston . 1.50 Lot 13. 60 feet. II. R. Newport 3.00 Block 12 16, 25 feet, (ity of Hermiston 1.50 Lot Lot 14. 50 feet H Frick..... . 3.00 of Hermiston 1.80 Lot 1.50 Lot IT. 30 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 15. 50 feet. 11. Frick......... 3.00 1.50 Norquist ..... Hermiston.. 1.50 Lot Lot 1«. 50 feet. II. Frick ........ 3.00 Lot of Hermiston 1.50 Lot 19, 25 feet. P. Norquist..... 1.50 of Hermiston.... 1.50 1.50 Lot Lot 20. 25 feet. P. Norquist Lot 1. 25 feet. F. B Swayze 1.50 Lot 21. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.... Lot of Her miston 1.50 Lot 2. 25 feet. F. B Swayze.. 1.50 1.50 Lot of Hermiston Lot 22, 25 feet. City of Hermiston 1.50 Lot 3, 25 feet. IÎ. K. Newport 1.50 Lot 1.50 Lot 23. 25 feet. W. F. Woodstock..... 1.50 1.50 Lot 4. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton Mossman Lot 9, Lot 24. 25 feet. C. 8 McNaucht .... 1.50 Lot 5, 25 feet. City of Hermiston 1.50 Mossman .. Lot 10, Lot 25. 25 feet. First National Bank 1.50 Lot fl. 26 feet. B G. Monkman ....... 1.50 Mossman Lot Block 9 T. 25 feet. Pacific Tel. A Tel Lot 1.50 feet. J. n. Lowman Lot 12. 182% feet. Mossman 10.95 1.50 Lowman Lot 8, 25 feet. II R Newport 1.60 Lowman 1.50 Lot 18, 25 feet. J. 1». Watson .... Lot HI. 25 feet. J. ..... 1.50 9, 25 feet. A. Lot L. Larson Lot 19, 121 feet, J. D. Watson.. .......... . Lot 0. 25 feet. A. Lowman Lot 19, 12% feet. F. B. Swayze Lot Lot 1. 25 feet. K Taylor It 1,50 Block 10- Lot M. Jensen B H. Reid Lot 25 feet. H R Newport 1.50 Reid H It Swayze, 1.50 Lot 25 fret. H H 1.50 II. Reid Zellar 1.50 I ot 1.50 25 feet. F. R Swayze Zeller 1.50 16 H I 50 1.80 30 feet. n. Pelley IT. 25 feet. First Bank 1.50 Kern Addition. Block A— 1.50 1 30 Lot 4. 25 feet. K C. Lot Lot IT. 25 feet. K. P 1 Haley 1.50 25 feet. J. H Raley Kern Addition. Block 1 3. Lot R Lot 3.00 Lot Lot 19. 50 feet, II. R. 1.50 21 feet. Genevieve Kimball 3.00 Rlnrk II Lot 20. 50 feet. J. n. Raley 1.50 3.00 Lot 21. 50 feet. K. 8 plat filed Lot T. 25 feet. Lowman and Pelley . 1.50 3.00 Lot 22. 50 feet. K R. 1905. 1.50 Lot 3.00 B. 1.50 Amount 3 on R 1.20 Block 6 - Lot I. 25 feet. First National Bank 1.50 1.201 15 feet. Low man and Pelley. 1.50 Lot 12, 15 feet. City of Hermiston . M Lot Lot 2. 25 feet, F. Il Swayze .... , 1.50 Lot 13.15 feet. City of Hermtaton.... .90 Lot 23. 25 feet, 8. R. Oldaker............ 1.50 Lot 24. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman...... 1.50 .60 Lot 14,10 * feet. City of* Hermiston.. .30 Lot 15. 5 feet, City of Hermtaton. .30 Lot 16. 5 feet. City of Hermtaton. Lot 18, 30 feet. Geo. Briggs........... 1.80 Lot 19, 25 feet, Geo. Briggs ......... 1.50 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet, City of Hermtaton. 1.50 Lot 21. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton Lot 22. 25 feet. J. H. . Young ......... 1.50 1.50 . Young ......... Lot 23, 25 feet. J. H. 1.50 Lot 24, 25 feet J. D. Lowman........ 1.50 Lot 25 25 feet, J. D. Lowman....... Block 12— Lot 1. 30 feet, Lowman and Pelley.. 1.80 Lot 2. 25 feet. Lowman and Pelley.. 1.50 Lot 3. 50 feet, O. P. Brigham........ 3.00 1.50 Lot 4, 25 feet. B. G. Monkman 1.50 Lot 5. 25 feet. B. G. Monkman .. 1.50 Lot 6. 25 feet. .1. F. McNaught . 1.50 Lot T. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught. 1.50 Lot 8, 25 feet, J. P. McNaught. 1.60 Lot 9. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught Lot 10. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton.. 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. City of Hermiston.. 1.50 Lot 12. 25 feet. City of Hermtaton.... 1.50 Lot 13, 25 feet, Hermiston Bank and Trust Co. ......................... .. 1.60 Lot 14, 25 feet. Hermtaton Bank 1.50 and Trust Co..................... 1.50 Lot 15. 25 feet. J. F. McNaught. 1.50 F. McNaught. Lot 16. 25 feet. .1. 1.80 Lot IT. 30 feet. .1. F. McNaught. Lot 18, 30 feet. Mrs. J. M. McNaught 1.80 Lot 19, 25 feet. Mrs. J F. McNaught 1.50 Lot 20. 25 feet. Mrs. McNaught 1.50 Lot 21. 25 feet. Mrs. F McNaught 1.50 Lot 22, 25 feet. Mrs. j F. McNaught Lot 23, 25 feet. Mrs. F. McNaught Lot 24. 25 feet. M. Rhymerson 1.50 Lot 25. 25 feet, M. Rhymerson 1.50 Block 13— Lot 1.50 feet. II. 3.00 Lot 50 feet. O. P. Brigham . 3.00 Lot 50 feet. O. P. Brigham.. 3.00 Lot 50 feet. If. W. Coe 2.00 Lot 5, 50 feet. II. W. Coe ...... 3.18 Lot 6, 50 feet, II. w. Coe. 3.00 50 feet, II. W. Coe........ Lot 3.00 Lot 8. 50 feet. II. W. Coe........ 3.00 Lot 9. 50 feet. City of Hermiston 3.07 Lot 10, 50 feet, J. F. Rilderback... 3.00 Lot 11.50 feet, City of Hermiston... 3.0*1 12. 50 feet, M. Rhymerson ....... 3.00 14— Lot 1, 40 feet, City of Hermiston. .. 1.40 Block Lot 1. 50 feet, H. Newport ..... 3.00 3. 25 feet. .1. F. . ....................... Lot 4. 50 feet, ,L F. ......................... 3.00 Lot 5. 50 feet. J. F. . ........................ 3.00 Lot 8. 20 feet. City of Hermiston... 1.20 Lot 9, 40 feet. City of Hermiston. 2.40 Jot 10. 30 feet. City of Hermiston... 1.80 Lot 11. 30 feet. Tew Brownell ........ 1.80 Lot 12. 20 feet. Lew Brownell ......... 1.20 Block Lot 1, 10 feet, J. D. Lowman .60 Lot 2, 10 feet. J. D. Lowman HO Lot 3. 15 feet, J. II. Lowman .90 Lot 4. 20 feet. .1. I». Lowman. 1.20 Lot 5. 20 feet. J. D. Lowman... 1.20 Lot fl. 5 feet, J. D. Lowman .30 Lot T. 20 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.20 Lot 8. 25 feet. City of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 0, 25 feet, city of Hermiston. 1.50 Lot 10. 25 feet. J. n. Lowman 1.50 1.50 Lot 11. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. Lot 12. 25 feet. J. D. Lowman. 1.50 Lot 13. 30 feet. J. D. Lowman. 1.80 City of Hermiston. First Addition Block Lot 1. 47.5 feet, J. H. Reid......... Lot 2. 4T.5 feet. J. n. Reid......... T.ot 3. 47.5 feet .T. H. Reid......... \2.85 Lot 4. 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan 2.85 Lot 5, 47.5 feet. E. E. McMillan.. 2.85 Lot fl. 47.5 feet. E. 2.85 McMillan. Lot T. 4T.5 feet. J. n. Reid......... 2.85 Lot 8. 47.5 feet. J. H. Reid......... 2.85 Lot 9. 47.5 feet. J. H. Held......... 2.85 Lot 10. 47.5 feet. E. McMillan 2.35 2.85 Lot 11. 47.5 feet. E. McMillan 2.85 Lot 12. 47.5 feet, E. E. McMillan. Block 3.00 Lot 2. 50 feet. E. 8. Taylor. Block 3.24 Lot 3. 54 feet. W. 8. Boyton Lot 6, 54 feet. II. 3.24 Fraser. Block E— Lot 7. 54 feet, IL Fraser. 3.24 Block F— 3.24 Lot 10. 54 feet, C. H. Crandall Block Lot «. 54 feet. H. Newport 3.24 Lot T. 54 feet. Genevieve Reid .... Lot 8. 54 feet. City of Hermtaton. 3.24 Lot 9, 54 feet, Genevieve Reid...... Lot 10, 54 feet. City of Hermiston. 3.24 Block G— 270 feet. City of Hermiston....16.20 Block II— 3.24 Lot 1, 54 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 2. 54 feet. City of Hermiston Lot 3. 54 feet. City of Hermiston. Lot 4. 54 feet. Thoa Jaques ____ 3.84 Lot 5. 64 feet. City of Hermtaton. Lot 6, 54 feet. Genevieve Reid ..... 3.24 3.24 Lot T. 54 feet. 8. R. Oldaker 324 9. 54 feet. Owen White .. Lot 10. 54 feet, Owen White .. Block H— Lot 8. 54 feet. City of Hermtaton.... 3 24 Hated at Hermtaton. Oregon this 3rd day of March. 1917. M. JENSEN, Recorder. SISCEL Is Showing THE NICEST assort ment of Candies ever displayed in Hermiston An other thing about his line is that it is always fresh. HOT DRINKS served any time ICE CREAM Saturdays and Sundays