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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. OoR O O Every Night For Constipation Headache Indigestionetc 10 CENT “CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Cascarets. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. —Ad»L The Farmers’ Philosophy. “Don’t you get tired of summer boarders who complain of the food?” “I used to,” replied Farmer Corn- tossel, “until I figured on it. There's more profit in a boarder who kicks and doesn’t eat than there is in one who eats and doesn’t kick.”—Ex change. Amended. READY CUT GARAGES Cut........................................................ $37.00 Cut...................................................... 40.00 Cut...................................................... 43.00 10x16 Ready 10x18 Ready 10x20 Ready Lumber, Shingles and Hardware complete, de- livered, F. O. B. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO. 354 Ankeny St., PORTLAND, Or. B’dway 149. She—Do you think it will be all right for us after we are married to settle a couple of squares away from my family? He—I was going to say a couple of states.—Dallas News. For a disordered liver, take Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative. All druggists. Fair Enough. orno Veal, Pork, Beef, lg I f Poultry, Butter, Eggs P— and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon “Please give a pore blind man a dime.” “But you can see out of one eye.” “Well, then, make it a nickel.”— TYPHOID is no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effi- cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for “Have you had Typhoid?” telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL PRODUCING VACCINES a SERUMS UNDER u. S. GOV. LICENSE “C. B.” MINERS & CO. I fords a means for infection of the growing crop. The development of the disease, however, is entirely dependent upon weather conditions. In dry sea- sons one may plant affected tubers without Insuring the development of Tendency to Spread in Various the late blight, but it has been shown that the original infections follow up Parts of United States. the stems from the seed tubers If the weather conditions are favorable to development of the fungus. It Is, CAUSE OF ‘STREAK’ UNKNOWN | the therefore, advisable to avoid infected seed when possible, in addition employ ing the usual control by bordeaux Mosaic Assuming Much Importance as mixture, which is a well-established Ailment in Certain Sections—Seed practice. Plot Ie Best Method of Con “Recent studies upon the powdery trolling Disorders. scab have demonstrated the fact that this disease Is less serious In its char- (From the United States Department of i acter in the United States than was at Agriculture.) | first feared. It is apparently unable Potato diseases, which are showing to survive except In the more north a tendency to become established or to ern sections of the country, and the spread in various parts of the country, damage done there Is, in many years, can best be controlled in most cases not serious. The disease is correlated through the adoption by farmers of with heavy, rather wet soils, or more the seedbed method of control, accord particularly with subsoils of this char ing to Dr. H. A. Edson, truck-crop dis acter. The damage done Is to a large ease specialist of the United States de extent dependent upon weather condi partment of agriculture. In discussing tions even in these unfavorable types the potato-disease situation and pos of soil. sible control measures In a recent ad Decay in Storage. dress, Doctor Edson said: Several species of Fusarium are now “A disease of the potato which Is known to produce potato diseases. making its appearance in several sec These may be classified in two groups. tions of the country is the one desig The first is the wilt-producing group nated by Orton as streak. The cause which attacks the vascular tissues and of this disease Is unknown. It is the root system of the plant, cutting characterized by the appearance of an | off the water supply and causing in gular spots on the leaves, which have jury In proportion to the extent of the a tendency to run down the veins Invasion. In extreme cases a yellow through the stems of the leaflets to the ing, or at least an unhealthy green main petiole, or leafstalk, producing color and a characteristic rolling of a streaked appearance. The affected , the foliage develop, to be followed by portions of the plant wither and die, sudden wilting and death. The tubers the leafstalks break over at the axil produced upon infected plants fre of the leaves—that Is, their Junction quently carry the fungus In their vas points with the branches—with the re cular tissue, as may often be demon sult that leaves hang directly down, strated by the appearance of a dark- swinging In the wind and attached | ened ring near their stem end. In- only by a portion of the epidermis. In I tested tubers, stored under unfavor- severe cases the plants are eventually ' able conditions, may develop a serious entirely killed. The trouble Is appar | decay, which is either of the wet or ently transmitted from generation to i the dry type according to the tempera- generation by means of the seed tu I ture and moisture. The second group bers, and there Is some indication that I includes other species of Fusarium, it is transmitted from plant to plant ! which are to be classified as wound DISEASE OF POTATO $40 and Up Write for list A of rebuilt Harley- Davidsons. Indians, Excelsiors, Etc. Harley - Davidson Service Center for the Northwest. Largest exclu sive dealers of Motorcycles in’N. W. PORTLAND, OREGON. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. “Charley, dear,” said young Mrs. Torkins, “the baby next door swal lowed a quarter.” “It won’t hurt the child.” “I know. But isn’t it terrible how careless some people are with mon ey?”—Washington Star. BURBANK IS WELL ADAPTED TO NEW SOILS. ELECTRIC MOTORS definite In the field. In the absence of more knowledge of the disease, it is 1°... Second-Hand Machin- boilers, sawmills, etc, J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st St., Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. The Ray of Joy. O regon V ulcanizing C ompany “So her husband was killed in a moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., Port train wreck?” land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant “Yes.” in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post, “She must have felt terribly about it?” “She did, but as long as he had to HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, die she was glad it happened that way WOOL AND MOHAIR. because she collected double indem nity on his accident insurance.”—De We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags troit Free Press. T he H. F. N orton C o . Portland, Ore.; seattie, wn. New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c. 75c. $1. $1.50 Per Day. -------------- L-------------- / C. J. STEEPLE, Without Operation Stock & Bond Broker, P. N. U. NO. 10, 1917 DR. W. E MALLORY, 600-5 Broadway Bldg. Portland. - - Oregon WHEN IN 102 First Ave. South. Seattle. Wash. All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled on commission. Buying and selling orders promptly executed. I WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock. Write, giving number of shares and lowest cash price. I WILL SELL Western Smelting & Power. 50c; Mount Rainier Mining Co.. 15c. The Western Smelter plant is now completed, operations will start the coming summer. Mount Rainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery and getting ready for active operations this sum mer. You cannot, in my judgment, make a mis take in buying these stocks to the limit of yoar capacity. 1 believe them to be good for dividends this year. Correspondence solicited. Write me about any stocks you may hold. If they have a market value I can sell them. Habits and chronic diseases of every description and kind. I have cured thousands of people in the last 12 years by the use of Radium, X Ray, Electric Cur rents, Lights, Bakeovens, Vibra tors, Magnetic Waves, Ozone, Packs, Diet, Adjustments, Man ipulations, Massage and Baths. Consultation free. Write Cancers Goiters Tumors Apendici tis Rheumatism Eczema Catarrh Anpylosis Hemorrhoids Asthma Diabetes Brights disease. recommended that rogulng be prac ticed as a precautionary measure wherever it appears. Heavy Loss From Mosaic. “Mosaic Is assuming great impor tance as a potato disease In certain sections of the country. It is charac terized by a mottling in the green of the leaves, sometimes accompanied also by a crinkling but not a rolling of the foliage. The disease should not be confused with the uneven yellowing which results from the application of excessive water in irrigated regions nor with the somewhat different yel lowing and rolling associated with ex cessive alkali content in soils, nor should it be confused with the con dition of partial absence of coloring matter, possibly chimera, seen occa sionally in fields, more particularly in certain sections of the West. The cause of mosaic has never been deter mined, but it is known that the dis ease is reproduced when tubers from affected plants are used for seed. The experimental data which have been secured both In the United States and SEATTLE I TRY IPPEI THE — — — — SEATTLE’S LARGEST HOTEL Only three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op posite City Hail Park and Court House. THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA $1.00 $1.50 With detached bath, 1 person. 2 persons. $1.50 $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 With private bath, 1 person, 2 persons. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 “When in Seattle Try the Frye” • BRAIN • > • • EYES EARS NOSE THROAT, ARMS HEART LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS SMALL BOWEL LARGE BOWEL GENITAL ORGANS THIGHS & & LEGS SPINE OF MAN For those that are ’suffer ing from either chronic or acute diseases of any kind, spinal adjustment has ac complished what no other field can offer. Investiga tion costs nothing, and may mean health and happiness to you. Phone for appoint ment 502-344, Broadway Building. Uniform and of Good Size. abroad show that the yield from mo saic plants Is less than that from healthy plants of the same variety grown under the same conditions or In the same field. The average reduc tion In yield In trials made by the de partment with various varieties and in several different sections of the coun try is approximately 30 per cent. Roguing out affected plants In the seed plot affords a practical though perhaps not complete control of the trouble. Rot In Winter. “The late blight of the potato caused by Phytophthora Infestane and the rot of tubers which follows in the winter are too well known to call for descrip- tion. It has recently been shown, however, that the planting of tubers PORTLAND, OREGON affected with Phytophthora decay of- DR. H. L. CHANDLER, HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS Anticipated Eye-Sores. Ma—I think Josephine had better study painting instead of music, then Pretty Poor. Student—I wish to ask a question she won't make any noise practicing. Pa—Oh, I don’t know. There’s an about a tragedy. end to noise, but pictures will last for English Professor—Yes? years.—Boston Transcript Student—What's my grade? • On To Him. Take care of your health and wealth Rowneder—My dear, it was, of will take care of you. Garfield Tea course, business that detained me till promotes health. midnight Mrs. Rowneder—Yes. Rowneder—You know I wouldn’t de ceive you. Mrs. Rowneder—No, Charlie, you wouldn’t deceive me, no matter what you said.—Chicago Herald. i at wholesale profits. Write 1 give you ou you Stranger (arriving at scene of rail road wreck)—Good heavens! What are you all waiting for? Why don’t you rescue the passengers? Spokesman—We are waiting for the moving picture men.—Exchange. Shake Into Your Shoes Alien’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. Tt cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don’t accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. SCOTTS EMULSION should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, parasites. They infect the tubers or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high through wounds resulting from han nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick dling while digging or storing. The in fections may occur in the field or In ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality the storage houses. These forms of of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is decay may be controlled to n large ex soothing and healing to the lung tissues. tent by regulating the storage condi Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. ... tions. The stock should be stored at a low temperature (34 to 40 degrees F.) In well-ventilated houses. Our knowledge of Fusarium wilt disease has not reached a stage where direc tions for the satisfactory control of the vascular parasites can be given. It is possible, however, to improve the condition by crop rotation and by care ful selection of the seed stock. Tu bers produced on infected plants are © | likely to carry the disease, hence such Restored to Health by Lydia progeny should never be used for seed. You reckless men and women who Disease-free seed, however, cannot be are pestered with corns and who have | E. Pinkham’s Vegetable depended upon to produce a healthy at least once a week invited an awful | Compound. crop on infected soil. death from lockjaw or blood poison Control in Seed Plot. now told by a Cincinnati authority | “Aside from the specific means of are to use a drug called freezone, which control which have been mentioned, the moment a few drops are applied | Fulton, N. Y. — "Why will women the most practical method of combat to any corn or callous the soreness is pay out their money for treatment and receive no benefit, ing the disease discussed Is probably relieved and soon the entire corn or when so many hava that of the seed plot. For this pur callous, root and all, lifts off with the proved that Lydia pose the fanner employs In the first fingers. E. Pinkham’s Vege- Freezone dries the moment it is ap year the best stock available, planting table Compound plied, and simply shrivels the corn or it upon his best soil type, and caring callous without inflaming or even ir will make them for It In the most approved manner. ritating the surrounding tissue or well ? For over a year I suffered so From time to time during the growing skin. A small bottle of freezone will from female weak- season the weak, diseased or other cost very little at any of the drug ness I could hardly wise undesirable plants are rogued stores, but will positively rid one’s stand and was out. At digging time It Is highly de feet of every hard or soft corn or afraid to go on the sirable to harvest at least a portion of hardened callous. If your druggist street alone. Doc hasn’t any freezone he can get it at this field by hand, selecting those hills any tors said medicines wholesale drug house for you. whose yields approximate most closely were useless and only an operation to the grower's Ideal. Tubers ob Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription | would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham’s tained In this way form the nucleus makes weak women strong, sick women Vegetable Compound has proved it for the next year's seed plot. If this well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. otherwise. I am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work.”—Mrs. method Is followed consistently, many NELLIE PHELPS, care of R. A. Rider, of the diseases which are now so vex R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. atious will be largely held under con We wish every woman who suffers trol, and In addition the general vigor from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- and consequent productiveness of the ters written by women made well by Ly stock will be held at a high level.” IT'S CAUSE AND CURE” dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. is the title of a booklet. We will mail you one I f you have bad symptoms and do not MORE HUMUS NEEDED IN SOIL free. Address Dept. C, understand the cause, write to the A. LUNDBERG CO., Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,/ 1107 Third Ave., Seattle. Mass, for helpful advice given free. Vegetable Matter Required to Make Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAND “RUPTURE Try “Spinal Adjustments" Your spine or backbone is the index to your physical condition. A perfect spine means perfect health. You Should Try I WE WRECK AUTOMOBILES Machinery erenkruene-sidsnd I NEED OF A TONIC OR APPETIZER Overwork, láck of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive lung tissues. For their good parts. Parts at half price. We can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked over 100 different makes of cars of recent date. If in need of any write to Auto Wrecking Co., 89 North Broadway, Portland, Oregon. Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Bumside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. "Don't you think mothers should stay at home with their children?” asked a callow youth, eager to score on a well-known married suffragette who had just spoken. “Well,” she said, her voice taking an earnest, intimate note, “I don't know about that, but I do think chil dren should stay at home with their mothers."—Exchange. WHEN IN OSJR LUNGS ARE DELICATE Organizer and Developer. Patents secured or Fee Refunded. FREE, Toy X-Ray Plate; shows every bone in your body right through your clothing. Suites 701. 701A, 701B, 701C. Central bldg., Seattle Recklessness. She's Surely Right 4 LEARN A TRADE. Gas Tractor and Auto mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com MOTORCYCLE & SUPFLY.CO., INC. plete course in both for the price of one tuition, 209 Fourth St. Portland. Ore for a short time only. Large class now graduat ing and have room for few more men. Catalog Plenty of Privacy Then. and details free. Hemphill’s Trade Schools, 20th & Hawthorne Portland, Oregon. “Is there such a place in the world as an Ideal summer resort?” “Oh, yes,” replied the cynical per son. “Name it.” "Almost any summer resort in mid- winter.”—Birmingham Age-Herald. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy j hair is mute evidence o a neglected | scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and t ing of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots | to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast A little Danderine I tonight—now—any time—will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug store. You | surely can have beautiful hair and lota of it if you will just try a little | danderine. Save your hair! Try it! STARK-DAVIS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. Motorcycles Save your Hair! Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now—Aleo stops itching scalp. Systems and Fuller & Johnson UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP R. E. COR. FIFTH AND OLIJAN STS. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Land Light, Porous and Mellow— Admit Air and Water. Catarrh for Years Three No Relief Soil requires vegetable matter to make it light, porous and mellow. Close, compact soil does not readily admit moisture and air, hence soil or ganisms that are so essential In break- Ing down compounds and converting unavailable plant food into available foods for plants cannot thrive. But j for it, but they did me no good. In reading one of Dr. Hartman's books when the soil has sufficient vegetable I entitled ‘Winter Catarrh,’ I discovered matter decayed to a state that we j that Peruna was good for catarrh. call it humus It admits air and writer | After I had taken only three botles and lets these plant food helpers thrive I of Peruna I was cured of the catarrh. to make the soli richer. I now advise everybody troubled with Close, clammy soils will never yield catarrh to take Dr. Hartman's Peruna, as they should till the per cent of aa it la a sure cure for catarrh. 8 "Friends to whom I recommend Pe humus Is increased. Barnyard manure runa tell me that it is also good for and turning under green crops are headache, dizziness, and pain in the common ways of increasing the hu- Mr. Ell Lefevre, Jr., 854 Brush St, i stomach.” mus. By breaking early enough for Detroit, Mich., writes: "I had been Those who object to liquid medi- stalks and weeds to decay more hu- troubled with catarrh for a number cines can now procure Peruna Tab- mus may be added. of years, and had been taking medicine lets. Bottles PERUNA Made Me Well.