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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. HISTORY OF ALFALFA PLANT TWO WAYS TO COOK CABBAGE PAINLESS PARKER, DENTIST He Twisted the Tail of the Dental Trust. He showed the People of the Northwest DENTISTRY THAT WAS PAINLESS DENTISTRY THAT WAS FAIR-PRICED DENTISTRY THAT WAS SPECIALIZED : ===== = ' -! ....... - ■ ... DENTISTRY GUARANTEED IN EVERY ONE OF OUR OFFICES . Records Show It Was Carried Into Both Will Be Appreciated by Those California From Chile in 1854— Who Are Fond of This Spreading Eastward. Savory Vegetable. Alfalfa is a very old plant. It was taken from Persia to Greece by Xerxes and his army, 500 B. C. Three hun dred and fifty years later the Romans carried it from Greece to Rome. Pliny, the Roman naturalist, who lived the first century after Christ, tells of its value. It was probably taken from Rome to Carthage and the surrounding ter ritory, and from there to Spain about 700 A. D. From Spain it was carried to France, to Belgium und England. It was esteemed in England when Co lumbus discovered America. Cortez brought it to Mexico, others took it to Peru and Chile, and to New England. In 1854, we have a record of it be ing carried to California from Chile, but at that time It had been grown Portland, Ore., Sixth and Washington Sts. Salem, Ore., State and Commercial Sts. Tacoma, Wash., 1019 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, San Diego, Bakersfield and Stockton, Cal., and Brooklyn, N. Y. % C. J. STEEPLE, Stock & Bond Broker, LARGEST and FINEST' HOTEL in the NORTHWEST1 Eric V. Hauser, President. ( 75 Sample Rooms $2 Up 550 b looms 6$1.00 5 Day-Up I I i | ' , 4, | Free Information on AA. 19. . Second-Hand Machin- How To Do Tanning -From the worthless- looking green hides to the finest, soft tan boilers, sawmills, etc, J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st ned furred leather: St., Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. moth-proof, at fac tory prices, made up into beautiful ladies’ LEARN A TRADE. Gas Tractor and Auto furs, coats, robes, mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com mittens and caps. plete course in both for the price of one tuition, Taxidermist w o rk. for a short time only. Large class now graduat Send for catalogue. ing and have room for few more men. Catalog W. W. Weaver, Custom Tanner, Reading, Mich. and details free. Hemphill’s Trade Schools, 20th & Hawthorne Machinery ozesERusaF-Resnod Without Operation Cancers Goiters Tumors Apendicitis Rheumatism Eesema Catarrh Anpylosis Hemorrhoids Asthma Diabetes Brights disease. DR. W. E. MALLORY, 600-5 Broadway Bldg. Portland, - - Oregon O regon V ulcanizing C ompany moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., Port land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post. ✓ New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c, 75c. $1. $1.50 Per Day. --------------------- “RUPTURE rr’s cause and cure ” is the title of a booklet. free. Address Dept. C. Bumside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore •; Seattie, Wo. Removing An Excuse. “Aren’t you going to be uncomfort 1107 Third Ave., Seattle. able when prohibition hits the town?” “No,” replied Col. Stilwell, “I con fess that I have a liking for good liquor and I want to see it given a (Ir TTT) Veal, Pork, Beef, fair chance.” I • Poultry, Butter, Eggs “How will prohibition give it a and Farm Produce chance?” to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and “It will bring these chaps who let be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. you believe they would be wonder F. M. CRONKHITE fully industrious and clever if they 45-47 Front Street Portland. Oregon didn’t drink to a showdown.”—Wash ington Star. A. LUNDBERG CO., BUY DIRECT 4 a, ween 2 —A -Pt. Do Your Own Plumbing | By buying direct from us at wholesale prices and save the plumber’s profits. Write us to- day your needs. We will give you our rock- bottom “direct-to-you” prices, t. o. b. rail or boat. We actually save you from 10 to 35 per cent All goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Lewder Water Systems and Fuller A Johnson Engines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland. Oregon With Strong Arms. “Kitty has been trying to learn to skate for a whole month now.” “Her instructor must be very stu- pid.” “No; very good looking.”—Boston Transcript WHEN IN SEATTLE I TRY EI DVT7 THE • * Sa === SEATTLE'S LARGEST NO. 8, 1917 HOTEL Only three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op- ponte City Hall Park and Court House. THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA With detached bath. Í person, 11 00 $1.50 2 persons, $1.50 $2.00 With private bath. 1 person, $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 2 persons, P. N. U. Size of Alfalfa Plant. GOOD ROADS ASSIST FARMER Striking Example Shown in Spottsyl. vania County, Virginia —Big In- crease Made in Shipment«. perience of Spottsylvania county, Vir ginia, from an investment of $100,000 to improve 40 miles of road. Two years after completing this road the railroad shipped from Fredericksburg, the county sent, during a period of 12 months, 71,000 tons of products of the soil, hauled over the improved highway to that town. Before the improvement had been made the total was only 29,- W0 tons annually. Results equally startling were shown in the quantity of dairy products. In 1909 these amounted to 114,815 pounds ; in 1911 they had risen to 253,028 pounds—an increase of practically 140 per cent In two years. 4VOID LIFTING HEAVY LOADS chronic ailments. READY CUT GARAGES 10x18 Ready Cut................................................. 40.00 10x20 Ready Cut...................................... 43.00 Lumber, shingles and hardware complete, de livered to any part of the city. __ SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO. B’dway 149. Fifth and Flanders, Portland, Or. pr*.. Is. i... Ny via ... . " Practical Plan Outlined for Putting Weighty Implement« on Wagon Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood, erad by One or Two Men. icates rheumatism, dyspepsia and many A Poser. On the menu card of a big hotel in New York the following notice is printed: “Articles brought into the hotel and used at the table will be charged for as though furnished by the house." On reading this one guest inquired: A Cynical Parent. Does this apply to false teeth?”— Daughter — Oh, but men are so “ Boston Journal. dreadfully lacking In self-control. Mother—Don’t get excited about it,1 Was Against Over-Restraint. dear. If they weren’t most girls would He—It’s hard to keep from kissing die old maids.—Boston Transcript. you. She—You must be careful not to Industry. "Industry," said Uncle Eben, "is over-exert yourself. — Boston Tran whut keeps some of us doin' the same script thing over an’ over ’cause we’s too Queer. lazy to learn anything new.”—Wash “It’s a queer world.” ington Star. “What’s the matter now?” “I was just thinking that as a rule the people who can sing have to be coaxed to sing and those who can’t insist on demonstrating the fact.”— 9x14 Ford Special............................................. $27.50 10x16 Ready Cut................................................. 37.00 Detroit Free Press. ano $3.50 Moo 1 “When in Seattle Try the Frye” RECIPES FOR FINE SCOTTS EMULSION that has made Scott’s famous for relieving rheuma tism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scotti Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. Get This Good Book FREE “Health and How to Have It” tells import ant facts every person ought to know. It is clean, concise, and scientific. It tells you why you drag along uncomfortable from day to day. It offers you advice on how to overcome this condition. If it doesn’t appeal to you, you are not under obliga tions to follow it. If its conclusions are common sense, you will want to benefit by it. It’s yours for the asking. If your druggist can’t give you a copy, write to us direct. CANDY How Fondant and Chocolate Creams Are Put Up by Those Who Are Considered Experts. The value of good roads to the ELECTRIC MOTORS farmer is strikingly shown in the ex Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS We will mail you one The Reason. "If I stand on my head, the blood all rushes to my head, doesn’t it?” No one ventured to contradict him. “Now,” he continued triumphantly, "when I stand on my feet, why doesn’t the blood all rush into my feet?” “Because,” replied Hostetter Mc- Ginnes, "your feet are not empty.”— Ram’s Horn. I in some of the valleys of southern Cal ifornia for a hundred years. Just when or how it spread over the West is not clearly established, but it gained a foothold in Utah, Montana, Idaho, Colorado and the semiarid states, and Portland, Oregon. from there is spreading eastward. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney Some farms in the Carolinas, New Organizer and Developer; patents secured or FEE York and Pennsylvania have grown it REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701, ever since these sections were settled, 701 -A, 701-B and 701-C, Central building, Seattle. and its value is known there, so that it is strange its cultivation has not WE WRECK AUTOMOBILES For their good parts. Parts at half price. We become more general, but there Is very can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked over 100 different makes of cars of recent date. If little grown in the eastern states. Habits and chronic diseases of every description and kind. 1 have cured thousands of people in the last 12 years by the use of Radium, X Ray, Electric Cur rents, Lights, Bakeovens, Vibra tors, Magnetic Waves, Oxone, Packs, Diet, Adjustments, Man ipulations, Massage and Baths. in need of any write to Auto Wrecking Co., 89 Consultation free. Write North Broadway, Portland, Oregon. How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism, owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combination of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as coniamned in The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio 102 First Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled on commission. Buying and selling orders promptly executed. I WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock. Write, giving number of shares and lowest cash price. I WILL SELL Western Smelting & Power, 50c: Mount Rainier Mining Co., 15c. The Western Smelter plant is now completed, operations will start the coming summer. Mount Rainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery and getting ready for active operations this sum- mer. You cannot, in my judgment, make a mis- take in buying these stocks to the limit of your capacity. I believe them to be good for dividends this year. Correspondence solicited. Write me about any stocks you may hold. If they have a market value I can sell them. Susskraut_Take a good-sized bead of cabbage, cut It In about six or eight pieces and wash. Have a kettle of boiling water ready, put the cabbage in, add a small pinch of soda, let boll until tender, then take the kettle, stand It In the sink and let cold water run over it until you can put your hands Into IL then squeeze all the wa ter out of the cabbage, then chop It fine. Have a frying pan on the stove, put a small tablespoonful of lard in it or drippings (butter, of course, makes It still better). Take a medium-sized onion, cut it up fine and fry till brown. Add a tablespoonful of flour, stir a lit tle, then add the cabbage and thin It with hot water or soup stock (a good cupful is best), salt and pepper to taste. Let it cook up a few minutes, then serve. It is fine with any kind of meat gravy over it. Bairish Kraut—Take a good-sized head of cabbage, shave it fine and wash it. Have a large Iron kettle or n pan on the stove : put a good tablespoonful of lard In It. then take a medium-sized onion, brown it slightly, add the cab bage and just a little water (a scant half a cup), cover tightly and let it steam until tender. Stir occasionally so it will not burn. Add salt to taste, and a few minutes before serving, add a good tablespoonful of vinegar. (Of course If you don’t like the sour taste leave the vinegar ouL) DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM When putting a heavy hay rack, water or grain tank, wagonbox or ma nure spreader, etc., on a wagon, it can easily be put on without any heavy lifting If the two wheels are taken oft on one side where the tank, or what ever It might be, is to be lifted on. After the wheels are off the tank can be lifted on and the axles can be raised up with a long pole (one at a time) and the wheels put on. Where there are only one or two men it can easily be taken off in the same way. Two cupfuls granulated sugar, one- half cupful cold water, boiled slowly. Add quarter teaspoonful of cream tar tar, before it has boiled five minutes. When It keeps its shape in cold wa ter, wet a dish in cold water (a platter is best), pour It out carefully and stir with a wooden spoon till stiff and about to crumble. Then take in your hands and work and knead It till pli Pack in a deep able and smooth. dish and cover with a wet cloth. Let stand several hours (till next day is better), when It will be velvety and of fine texture. Don’t try to make it on a cloudy or stormy day, as a clear, bright atmosphere will give best re- suits. From this fondant all kinds of fine candles can be made. Chocolate Creams—Form the balls from the above fondant and let stand over night, to harden. Cook together one cupful granulated sugar, one-half cupful water and tiny pinch of cream of tartar till, when a little is dropped in cold water, it can be gathered on a spoon, then set on back of stove and add two squares of chocolate that have been melted, a heaping teaspoonful each of butter and vanilla, and set dish In another of hot water, and dip the creams. It takes but a few min utes for them to harden. Drop on waxed paper. They are extra nice. TAKE SALTS 10 FLUSH KIDNEYS Allcock PLASTERS The World's Greatest External Remedy. and Colds (on chest and another between should blades) East less meat if you feel Back- achy or have Bladder trouble. Weak Chests, —Any Local Pain. Insist on Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their ef forts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you relieve your waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, oblig- ing you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body’s urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before (breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoid ing serious kidney and bladder diseases. Haring ALLCOCK'S. DI AI LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED w DLAUA we aw YSUETEEF BLACKLEG "ILS fresh, reliable ; • B A8 p r e t err < d by H ■ • western stock - a , ate B men, because ad Al w protect where le vaccines fall fr Write for booklet and testin... 5 -.0 they Pi a “er other w’shi, Is. 10-dose pkg. Blackleg Pills $1.00 50-dose pkt. Blackleg Pilis, $4.00 (.ole ' Use any injector, but Cutter’s simplest and strongest. The superiority of Cutter products is due to over 15 years of specializing in VACCINES AND SERUMS ONLY. INSIST ON CUTTER’S. M unobtainable, order direct. The Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, California . Her Steps Too Audible. "Thump-rattle-bang! ” went the pia no. “What are you trying to play, Jane?” called out her father from the next room. "It’s an exercise from my new in struction book, ‘First Steps in Music,’ " she answered. "Well, I knew you were playing with your feet,” he said grimly, "but don’t step so heavily on the keys—It disturbs my thought.”—Chicago Her ald. Hot Biscuit Three cupfuls of flour, two table spoonfuls of baking powder, three- Shoes are made nowadays from all quarters of a teaspoonful of salt, three kinds of skins. Even banana skins tablespoonfuls of butter, three-quarters make slippers.—New Idea. to one cupful of milk. Mix and sift the Customary Crisis. flour, baking powder and salt together Another crisis seems to run “This sidewalk,” said the agent, twice; then cut In the butter with a Through every passing minute. shows the kind of work we can do.’1 fork until It is In fine bits. Add the The day we notice most is one “I see—a concrete example."- milk gradually, just enough to make a Without a crisis in it. soft dough. Do not handle any more An Honest House. than Is necessary. Turn out on a Guest in country hotel—I say, land floured board and roll to about three- quarters of an Inch thickness. Cut, lord, I left my boots outside my room then place on a linking sheet and bake door last night, and this morning they hadn't been touched. In a hot oven from 12 to 15 minutes. Host—Sure! What d’ ye expect? Ye cud a lef’ them there for a year If Orange Sauce. ye’d liked, an' nobody’d touch them. One tablespoonful flour, one-third We’re honest here!—Judge. cupful sugar, one cupful boiling water, one cupful orange juice, one teaspoon Resentful Sacrifice. ful orange rind and one teaspoonful "Do you approve of prohibition?” lemon juice. Mix the flour and sugar "Yep,” said Uncle Bill Bottletop. together thoroughly, then add the boil “I'm willin’ to abolish licker rather ing water slowly and cook for ten min than see it wasted in a lot of folks utes, stirring constantly. Add orange around here that can’t appreciate it.” and lemon juices and the orange rind —Washington Star. and bring to the boiling point. Serve To Brest: in New Shoes. hot with orange puffs. Always shake i n Allen’s Foot -Ease, a powder, Honeycomb Pudding. Bent two eggs, add one-half cupful sugar, one-half cupful molasses, one- half cupful milk. In which dissolve one- half teaspoonful soda, one-half cupful flour. Pour into pudding dish and bake in moderate oven 45 minutes. MILK AT BEST TEMPERATURE Sauce—One cupful sugar, one cupful boiling water, butter size of a small Fifty Degrees Is Desirable for Several egg, salt, one tablespoonful flour dis Reasons—Bacteria Won’t Multiply solved In three tablespoonful« water, So Readily. one-half teaspoonful lemon extract. It is desirable, where possible, to Chicken Pie. cool the milk immediately after milk-, Boll chicken until tender. With the Ing. A temperature of 50 degrees is water in which It was boiled make a desirable for several reasons. The gravy, allowing one-half cupful of flour bacteria present in the milk will not □ nd two tablespoonfuls butter to every multiply so readily as In high temper quart of water. Season with salt and ature, and an increase in bacterial : pepper, put In baking dish, add chicken number will sour the milk rapidly. | from which bones have been removed. We can readily see that quick cooling Cover with one-half pint cream and and the maintaining of a low tempera pieces of butter, cover with a rich pie ture will prevent or at least delay crust. Bake In hot oven. souring for a considerable time. Scallop Stew.. Pour boiling water over one-half pint MAKING TOOLS RUST-PROOF scallops that have been cut In halves, Solution of Benzine and Paraffin Oli and let parboil at least five minutes. Drain well, then add to one pint of Will Prove Quite Efficacious on scalding milk; cook for five minutes, Steel Article«. then «eason to taste with salt and pep - Make a solution of 200 parts of ben per and plenty of good butter. Serve zine and one part of paraffin oil. Dip immediately. the article In the solution and allow to dry In heated air or In a dry room so Good Margarine and Fresh Butter. that the benzine may evaporate. Any A great saving may be effected by steel articles may be made rust-proof mixing equal quantities of good mar- in this manner. garine and fresh butter. The mixture tastes quite as well as fresh butter. THANK YOUR GROCER if he asks you to try a can of t cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corn , ingrowing nails and bunions. At ill druggists and shoe steres, 25c. Dont accept iny subst itute. Sample mailed FREI. Address Allen S. Imsted, Le Roy N. Y. The Reason. “Why are Indians more stoical In the face of death than white men?” “That's easy. Indians are accus tomed to dyeing.”—Baltimore Ameri can. Pimples, boils, carbuncles, drylup and disappear with Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. In tablets orliquid. Discouraged. Said a man who was sick, Mr. Proctor, "If I don’t very shortly get better, The calls of this fancy-priced Dr. Will make me forever his Dr.” —Boston Transcript. 10 CENT "CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Cascarete. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. —Advt. U( BAKING hv POWDER He wants todo you a favor— he knows what brands to rec- ommend from experience.