Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON HERMISTON: START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Rent a Safety Deposit Box and have a safe depository for your valuable papers e ======== -LOCALS— No. 1, west 9:55 a. m. No. 2, east 3:30 p. m. ' No. 15, west .. 7:05 p. m. No. 6, east . 5:33 a. m. No. 16» east 9:15 a. m. From $1.00 to $2.00 Per Year The First National Bank of Hermiston ===== 9 Post Office Hours A FEW BBLS. OF RED CROWN GASOLINE which we quote you at 25c per gallon. This is below the market on this staple necessity. Library Hours WE HAVE SOME CHOICE WINESAP APPLES at $1 for C grade, $1.25 for fancy, $1.50 for ex. fancy; also few culls 50c box, purchaser to furnish containers. Ed. H. Graham was at Pendleton Monday. LODGE DIRECTORY E sther chaptfr No. 101, o. e . s „ Q ueen meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members Phone Your Orders for all kinds of welcome. Frances Phelps, W. M.S Dello O. Bushnell, Sec. Transfer Work HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F & A. M., - - meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel come. C. H. Skinner. W. M. R. c. Walber, Secy. Phone 2852 I We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. PROFESSIONAL CARDS The City Transfer w. B. BEASLEY W. J. WARNER OREGON MERMISTON, J. T. HINKLE HERMISTON, OREGON DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL DENTIST Office -__ J 9 to 12 a. m. H ours : (1 to 5 p. m. Over First Natl. Bank Phone C. O. WAINSCOTT To Our Friends and Patrons We wish to announce there has been no change in ownership or management of our business. Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Res. Phone, Red 398 Office, Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST- CITY Market & Grocery Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton, Oregon S. A. Roe, M. D Practice limited to EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Standard Grade Tomatoes ........... 5 cans 55c Standard Grade Corn..................... 5 cans 55c Standard Grade Peas...................... cans 55c Standard Grade Beans.................. 5 cann 55c 1 Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb. can............... ... | " " " 2% lb. can......... $1.00 Standard brrnd Peaches, Apricots and Pears, large size cansí can 20c; 2 for 35 Post Toasties, Corn Flakes............ 10c a Pkg. Pineapple, large cans.............. 20c. 2 for 35c Pineapple, 1 lb. can,.............. ... 2 for 25c GARDEN SEEDS are now in order and we can give you a wide range of varieties in D. M. Ferry's Detroit, C. C. Morse San Francisco, Geo. Sterrett’s Walla Walla, in packages, and Portland Seed Co. bulk seeds. General delivery window open week days 8 a.m. to 6. p. m. Sundaysand holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. Mail closes for No. 1, west 9:20 a. m. 6.00 p. m. Mail closes for No. 6, east Mail closes for No. 2, east 2:30 p. m. Mail closes for No. 15, west 6:00 p. m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 each Saturday. Capital & Surplus $30,000 YOU WILL SOON NEED RUBBER BOOTS to keep your feet dry when irrigating. We han- the Ball brand, best grade, the kind that lasts several seasons, at old prices, $4.50 for knee lengths. L H. Martin left Tuesday for Se alile after spending several days here looking after his place. H. G Newport left Thursday of last week for Madras and went from there to Partland, returning home Wednes day. B. S. Kingsley was at Culver this week looking after business interests there. Clarence Girts was in the store here while Mr. Kingsley was away. The O.-W. R. & N. has for distribu tion a little cook book telling of about 50 ways of preparing and serving corn for the table. The books are to be had for the asking. Boardman Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, has been received. It is published for the new town by L. K Harlan from the Pilot Rock Record office and in Harlan’s usual catchy style. SPRING DRY GOODS arriving in limited quantities. We expect to have a fairly complete stock soon in the early spring merchandise such as ginghams, printed voiles, garberdines, organdies, tub silks and shadow stripes, all suitable for spring wear. A new shipment of celebrated Holeproof silk and fiber hosiery just in. Ribbon department is fairly complete. Warner’s corsets in the good models and all sizes HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS at the regular prices, 10 and 15 cents. Hermiston Produce & Supply Company Parent-Teacher benefit for I he The Herald still has a small lot of Movie Monday evening: 25 and 15 cents. vegetable seed from the department of Fresh vegetables every week at agriculture furnished through the Phelps Cash Grocery. -ad-22c courtesy of Congressman Sinnott. Wanted — Young calves. Lay ranch. These seeds will be given to any ask —adv-tfc ing. Sale or trade, 8 year old mare. H. W. L. Swan, who recently purchased -adv tie the Upthegrove tract southwest of J. Belscamper. town, was here this week arranging Any person wanting young Locust for improvement. Mr. Swan wants to trees for spring setting, see Jas W ins- —ad-23c move here and make bis home at as low. Whiting place, city. early a date as possible. Wanted -Good second hand saddle, Inquire Herald E. B. Fitts, well known O. A. C. must be reasonable, -ad 23c man, Is expected to be here March 14 office to give three lectures on dairying. For Sale—My herd of dairy cows, 15 Ln order to secure Mr. Fitts Mr. Allen in number. Also registered Jersey has guaranteed a minimum attendance Ball. J D. Watson, Hermiston.-ad23c of 20 at each lecture. I have a fine mating of Rhode Island Engineer Bennett and crew, who Reds from which I will sell eggs for are surveying and mapping the state Price reasonable. F. B. batching. highway thrcugh here, Thursday -ad-tfc Swayze. moved to Boardman after making For sale at a bargain, four room their headquarters in this city for two weeks. All work to the Gilliam county house on Main street. Plastered line will be handled from the new throughout, waler inside, electric -advtfc lights. Geo A. Creasy. Morrow city. Twenty aerea 15 miles from Seettle, For Sale—1 mare. H. A. Frick. } mile from school and postoffice to •advtfc trade for Hermiston alfalfa land, im Calves to trade for cow. H. C. Davis. proved or partly so preferred. R. B. -adv-24-p -adv23p Spencer. For Sale—20 acres, quarter mile from Leathers. Hermiston city limits; one-half in —adv tfc alfalfa, fruit and berries. Good heavy The girls will sell home made can soil, good buildings, well; about 35 tons dies at The Movie Monday evening.-ad alfalfa in stack. Box 574. Hermiston. -advtfc Thoroughbred Jersey bull. Leathers —adv-tfc ranch. CHURCH NOTICES. For Sale—400-egg Mandy Lee in cubator; Al condition. Ed H. Graham, METHODIST CHURCH -advtfc Morning service 11 a. m. In addition to moving pictures Mon* 10 a. m.—Sunday-school day evening, a musical program has Theo Parks, Sup'. -adv been arranged. 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League. The problem today is the high cost Evening service 7:30 p. m. of living. Patronize Phel ps Cash Wm. Sanders, president. -ad-23c Grocery for economy. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. in “ The Cheat ” at The Fannie W ard Choir practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. M vie next Wednesday. Regular Columbia school house -adv show tonight. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Fine Jersey bull for sale or will Preaching services Sunday afternoon trade for good fresh cow. T. H. Had- at 3 o’clock. -advtfc dox. Strangers will be welcome to these The biggest thing ever given in services. T. A. Graham, Pastor. Hermiston in moving pictures. Mor- day evening, 25 and 15c -adv “The Movie” is now at Hermiston Auditorium TWO GOOD SHOWS EACH WEEK Wednesday and Saturday Evenings] Stationery at The Herald NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Pendleton, Oregon can of Country Club Coffee 5 lbs. Bulk Coffee for $1.00 Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. Best Cane Sugar 12 lbs. $1.00 Don't forget that you can get Holsum Bread here. It is the best. STOCK MENS' WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston Farm Loans No Commission No Bonus No Delay No Red Tape Low Interest Rates Liberal Repayment Privileges HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO Corner Main and CaBrt Sts. , Sporting Goods We have just added a line of guns and ammunition to our sporting goods depart ment. We would like you to re member us when in need of sporting goods and look over our line. Hitt’ PENDLETON, OREGON TUM-A-LUMBER Buy Words for Good Building Material “TUM-A-LUMP and Fuel See Brownson About It' Cows BAPTIST CHURCH NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXE CUTION (Where property is attached) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit court, state of Oregon for Umatilla county, and to me directed and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendered and entered in said court on the 22nd day of January, 1917, in favor of Carl Johnson as plaintiff and against John D. Woods, as defend ant, for the sum of $317.04 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 16, 1917, and for $30.72 cost and disbursements, which said decree, judgment, and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said Circuit court; and whereas by said judgment, decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real property in Umatilla county, Oregon, to-wit: Southwestquar ter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 23, township 4 North, Range 29 East of the Willamette Meridian, which property was attached on the 9th day of October, 1916. and is now under attach ment, be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla county, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and all costs; I will on the 26th day of February, 1917, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house in the city of Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest the said John D. Woods had in and to the above described property on the 9th day of October, A. I). 1916, or since then has acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in satitfaction of said execution and all costs Dated this 24th day of January, A. D. 1917. 19-23 ship 4 North. Range 29 East of the WII lamette Meridian, containing 11.81 acres more or less according to government sur vey In Umatilla County. State of Oregon. THIRD TRACT: S % of the SE. 1, of the NE. 1 of the NW. M of Section 4 ' and that fractional part of the NE. 1 of the SE of the NW. M of said Section I lying N. of the N. boundary of the U. 8 S. Canal “A” all In T. 4 N R. 29 E. W. M. containing 5.52 acres more or less nr. ording to government survey. In Umatlila County, State of Oregon. FOURTH TRAFT The N. 12 of the HE. 1 of the NE. 1 of the NW 1 of Section I, Township 4 North Range 29 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing acres more or less according to government sur- vvv. In Umatilla County. State of Oregon Now, THEREFORE by virtue of said execution, judgment, order, decree and or der of sale and In compliance with the com- •nand of said writ, I will, on the 5th day of March, 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M at the "ront door of the County Court House In Pendleton. Umatilla County, State of Ore on, make separate sales In the order In which said tracts have been hereinabove described, at public auction, subject to re demption to the highest bidder or bidders for cash in hand, all the rigid, title and in- ereat which the above named defendants or either of them had on the 22nd day of De- ember, 1910, the date of the mortgages herein foreclosed or since that date had In and lo I be above described respective tracts T. D. Taylor. Sheriff of property or the said described By A.C. Funk. Deputy property or any part thereof, to satisfy salii execution, judgment, order, and decree, In NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE UNDER EXE terests, costs and accruing costs. bated January 20, 1917 CUTION ■ I» TAYLOR. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Sheriff <>f Umatilla County, State of execution issued out of the Circuit court, state of Oregon. Oregon for Umatilla county, and to me directed Funk, Dep. By and delivered, upon the judgment and decree First issue February 3. rendered and entered in said court on the 5th day of January, 1917, in favor of W. J. Warner as Last Issue March 3, 1917. plaintiff and against Mary C. Teague and R. Q. Trague, her husband, Clarence Chambers, E. O. Larson and Walter M Shipley as defendants for epergaam u no more necessary i YPunin than Smallpox. Amy the sum of $8300.00 with interest thereon at the I II "1011 experience has demonstrated rate of 7 per cent per annum from June 26. 1911, • ■ • “1199 the almost miraculous effi- the further sum of $500.00 attorney’s fees, and for $23.C0 cost and disbursements, which said decree, cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. judgment and order of sale has been docketed and Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said circuit your family. It is more vital than house Insurance. court; and whereas by said judgment, decree and » Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Have order of sale it was directed that the following you had Typhoid?’ telling of Typhoid Vaccine, described real property in Umatilla county, Ore results from us « and danger from Typhoid Carriers. gon, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quar THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL ter of the northeast quarter of section fourteen, vaooucie VACCINES a SEauus UNDER V« s. sov. uictus® the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section fourteen, and all that part of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section fourteen lying north of “A" line ditch as the same is constructed and laid out across said section fourteen containing 36 acres more or less according to government survey thereof, all in township four north, range when you need any twenty-eight E. W M. in Umatilla county, Ore gon; be sold by the sheriff of Umatilla county, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and all costs; I will on the 26th day of February, A. D. ¡917, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house in the city of We are on the job every min | Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest the said Mary C. Teague ute and can take care of any and R. Q Teague had in and to the above describ order. Baggage work a spec- ed property on the 26th day of June. A. D. 1911, or since then has acquired, at public, auction t ialty. the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in satisfaction of said execution and all costs Dated this 24th day of January, A D. 1917. Wanted—Some good milch Sunday school, 10 a. m. Call or write J. O. McCoy, R 1, Echo, Mrs Mumma. Supt. -adv23c Ore. Morning service, 11 o'clock. "The New Life.” A message to new Oral or square picture frames at half agents price. See or write Smith converts. Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m. -ad »23c Pharmacy, Stanfield. Evening service, 7:30 o’clock. Don’t forget the Movie is now at “A Social Message to a Modern Hermiston auditorium. Shows each Wednesday and Saturday evenings, -ad People.” Sermon by pastor. For Sale—All household furniture, The Baptist aid will hold an all day tools, etc. Also Jersey cow and calf. meeting next Wednesday at the home adv23c of Mrs. Chapman. The ladies are re- Mrs. G. W. Bohn. "King Lear,” the wonderful Shakes- qvested to bring lunch. You are invited and a cordial wel- perian production in moving pictures. - adv come is extended to all. Monday evening. 25 and 15c Special music. L. 8. Chapman Read the U. 8. & C. Co. ad, then CATHOUC CHURCH phone your order to 413. Phelps Cash T D. Taylor. Sheriff By A. C. Funk. Deputy Grocery. -ad-23c Hermiston, 10:00 a. m. 19-23 Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Thoroughbred White Wyandoite NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE. Everybody welcome to these ser- cockrels for sale. White Wyandoite In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Umatilla County. _________ eggs. 11 for 15. Leave word at barber vices. The First National Bank of Seattle, a shop. -adv-tf c CHRISTIAN SCIENCE and & Irriga corporation, and Maxwell corporation, Plaintiffs, va. tlon Co., Services held in Civic Center hall. Hogs for sale—My herd of brood sows Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, * torpor Sunday, 10:45 a. m. ation; First National Bank of Hermiston, • soon to farrow, for sale right. Five corporation ; Alfred 8 Johnson and Emma Subject, “Mind.” are Poland Chinas and seven Durocs. Johnson, his vife, Anna E. Ransom, a single Everybody cordially invited. woman ; Ed Also eight sboats. J. D. Watson, Her Keller, his wife: Charles A Keller, a single miston. —adv-23c man, Defendants. EPISCOPAL Help Wanted—Woman or experi enced girl to do housekeeping fur small family in Hermiston. Married woman preferred who can sleep at home, going out to work during day. Leave name at Herald office. - adv-23c atlon, on plaintiffs' first cause of suit, for the sum of $666.66 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from De cember 1910, and the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s fees, and against said de fendant Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corporation on plaintiffs' second cause of suit for the sum of $1386.51 with Interest thereon from December 22. 1910. at the rate of 7 per rent per annum, and the fur then sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and against said defendant Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corporation, on plain tiffs’ third cause of suit for the sum of $73 » with interest thereon from I ecember 1910. at the rate of 7 per cent per annum and the further sum of $75 attorney’s fees; and against said defendant, Anthony Wayre Fruit Company, a corporation on plaintiffs’ fourth cause of suit for the sum of $666.66 with Interest thereon from December 22, 1910, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum and the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s fees, and against all of the defendants above named that said defendants and each and all of them be forever barred and foreclosed from any and all right, title. Interest, equi- ty and equity of redemption to the land described In said four respective causes of suit and hereinafter described ns Tract. Second Tract. Third and Fourth Tract, respectively, and i he said writ, commanding me to make respective sales of the four following described sportive tracts of real property, to wit Department of the Interior, U. S. land office at La Grande. Oregon, December 26th. 1916. Notice is hereby given that Duncan Campbell of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on November 15th, 1913, made Homestead Entry. No. 012551, for Farm Unit °F of SW^ being SE‘ NWY SW sec. 3, township 4 north Range 28 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above of the SE FIRST TH ACT: The N described, before W. J. Warner, U. S. Commis- ‘ of the NE. % of the NE. 11 of Section sioner, at his office in Hermiston, Oregon, on the > Township 4 North. Range 29 East of the 5th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Meyers, Willamette Meridian, containing 5 acres 111 John Casserly, Emon E. Smith and Bert Smith, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. all of Hermiston. Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. NW. 1 of the NW. 1 of Section 4. Town, Horses to trade for cows. Judd Bldg. Phone Main 34 Best of Good Service Epispcopal services Sunday, Febru- ary 25, at 11 a. m at Mack's hall, by Dr. Van Watera. All are welcome The Episcopal guild will aseet Fri day afternoon w|th Mrs. H. R. New- port. By virtue.of an execution, judgment, or der, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court In the above en- titled cause to me directed and dated the 27th day of January. 1017, upon a jude ment and decree rendered and entered „in said court on January 26th, 1017. In favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendant, Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corpor PHONE 262 Draying Hermiston Dray Line C. B. PERCEY Echo Boot4 Shoe Shop All kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair Work done by a skillful workman Only the best of material is used, and ali work is absolutely guaran teed. Send or bring in a trial job Echo, Ore.