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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. from March 23rd, 1911, and the farther sum ux $oU.0v attorney's fees ; and against said defendant on plaintiffs’ third cause ut suit for $666.66, with Interest tbereon at . the tate ut 7 per cent per annum, from Rev. E nmel, former pastor of the March 23, 1911, and the further sum of $50.00 attorney s fees, and against said Meth dist church in this city, visited defendant un plaintiffs' fourth cause ot Prevail ng at the suit for the sum of *1333.32. with interest with friends here from Wednesday thereon at the rate of 7 per cent from evening to Friday morning. He is March 23, 1911, and the further sum ut $100.00 attorney’s fees; and against said now at Kendrick. Idaho. defendant cn plaintiffs' fifth cause of suit PRODUCTS OF THE FAMOUS BLACK DIAMOND MINES for the sum of *1333 32. with Interest Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Newell and son tbereon at the rate of 7 per cent per an Fairbanks Dandy Soap . .................. . 6 bars 25c returned home Tuesday evening Mrs num from March 23rd, 1911, and the fur sum of $100.00 attorney's fees; that Newell and Herbert je. spent the week ther Luncheon Ripe Olives, 9 oz. bottle. They are made in uniform cvbes, dustless, and are abso said defendant be forever barred and fore al Pendleton while Mr. Newell was at closed from any and all right, title, inter- lutely without waste. Alaska Pink Salmon, 1 lb. cans„_. 3 for 40c est, equity and equity of redemption in and Billings and Denver. to the land described in said complaint In Apricots.... ............ ......... ................... .. 20c lb. the said five respective causes of suit and The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. hereinafter described as First Tract. Second Try a load for your next order. We think you will like i Italian Prunes__________________ Mahaffey was taken to the Pendleton Tract, Third Tract. Fourth Tract and Fifth „12c lb. them. respectively, and the said writ com hospital Saturday. Reports the middle Tract, manding me tu make respective sales of the EXTRA SPECIAL of the week were that it was some five following described respective tracts of Coal is practically impossible to buy during the present property, to-wit : some better. Mrs. Mahaffey is with real Morris & Co. first grade sugar cured hams and bacon FIRST TRACT: The E. 12 of the NW. car shortage. 14 of the SE. 14 of the NE. 14 of Sec. 33, the little one. 28c per lb. Tp. 5 N. of Range 29 E. W. M., containing Mayor McKenzie went to Pendleton 5 acres more or less, according to govern All poods priced in proportion to above ment survey, in Umatilla County, State of Wednesday afternoon and took the Oregon. SECOND TRACT. E. 12 of the SE. 1 night train for Portland. His family of the SW. 14 of the NE. 14 of Sec. 33, is doing nicely and he hopes to bring TP of R. 29 E. W M.. containing 5 We also have a good supply of fine big pine wood, well Mrs. McKenzie to her mother in Pen arres more or less according to government survey, in Umatilla County, State of Ore- seasoned. dleton. gen. THIRD TRACT: W. % of the NW. % Mr. and Mrs. H. Scoli and Josephine of the SE. Y of the NE. 1 ut Sec. 33, Tp. N.. of Range 29 E. W. M„ containing 5 Irby, Mrs. Scott’s daughter, of Bronx, 3 acres more or less, according to govern j Wye., are visiting at the J. A. Scott ment survey, in Umatilla County, State of | and H. R. Newport homes. Mrs. Scott Oregon. FOURTH TRACT: The NE. 14 of the Our |slab wood contains no edgings, all is big block and Mrs Newport are sisters and J. A. SW. 1 of the NE. % of Sec. 33, Tp. 5 N„ wood. of Range 29 E. W. M., containing 10 acres and H. Scott are brothers. more or less, according to government sur vey. In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. Free Delivery to ell Parts of the City J. T. Hinkle came home Monday FIFTH TRACT: SW. 14 of the SE. 1 PHONE 411 | from Portland and Salem where he of the NE. 14 of Sec. 33, Tp. 5 N., of Range 29 E. W. M., containing 10 acres more or bad been for two weeks in the interest less, according to government survey. of the Oregon Irrigation congress. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said ex- School District Official* erution. judgment, order, decree and order Directors i C. S. McNaught. Chm. Tuesday morning he went up to Pen- of sale and In compliance with the com Phone Main 33 mand of said writ, I will on the 5th day of ................... J. D. Watson | dleton. Issued Each Saturday by ................................................F. B. Swayze March. 1917. at ten o’clock A. M.. at the Yard Best Clerk. door of the County Court House In .................... J. H. Young Mr. and Mrs. Belscamper this week front Pendleton, Umatilla County. State of Ore- FRANCIS R. REEVES H. M. STRAW. MGR. moved into town, taking the Wurster gen. make separate sales In the order In which said tracts have been hereinabove de- OREGON HERMISTON place on Main street. They gave up scribed, at public auction, subject to re- the ranch as Mr. and Mrs. James Be- demption. to the highest bidde’r or bidders Entered as second-class matter, December | cash in hand, of all the right, title and the above entitled court in the above en and against said defendant Erle Umatilla dale vili return tomorrow from the for Interest which the above named defendant titled cause to me directed and dated the Fruit Company on plaintiffs' fourth cause 6. 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston. Oregon I east. lad on March 23rd, 1911, the date of the 27th day of January, 1917, upon a judg of suit for the sum of $1333.32, with inter respective mortgages herein foreclosed, or ment and decree rendered and entered In est thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mrs. Briggs was a delightful hos in- e that date. In and to the above de said court on January 26th, 1917, In favor annum from August 24, 1910. and the fur One year $1.50 Miss Virginia Todd was down from scribed respective tracts of property or the of the plaintiffs and against the defendant, Hier sum of $100.00 attorney's fees; and less Wednesday evening, it being the said above described property or any part The Robinson Orchard Company, a corpor Six months .76 Pendleton Sunday against said defendant Erle Umatilla Fruit Subscriptions must be paid in advance. seventeenth anniversary of Mr and thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ation, on plaintiffs’ first cause of suit for Company on plaintiffs’ fifth cause of suit ment. order and decree, interest, costs and the sum of $1333.32 with interest thereon for the sum of $1333.32 with interest there- Mrs. Eriksen was at Pendleton Mrs. Briggs’ wedding. Five tables accruing costs. at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from on from August 24, 1910, at the rate of 7 ADVERTISING RATES] Thursday ol last week. Dated this January 29/1917. were filled at auction bridge. Mr. the 23rd day of March, 1911, and the fur per cent per annum, and the further, sum Display—One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser T. D TAYLOR, ther sum of $100.00 attorney's fees, and of $100 attorney’s fees ; and against all of tions. 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly and Mrs. O. G. Sapper were the guests A. N. Raymond took dinner at the Sheriff of Umatilla County, State of against said defendant on plaintiffs' second the defendants above named that said de rates. 15 cents per Inch per issue. Oregon. cause of suit for the sum of $1333.32 with fendants and each and all of them be for of honor. Readers First insertion, 10 cents per line; each Belscamper home last Sunday. By A. C. Funk. Dep. interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent ever barred and foreclosed from any and subsequent insertion without change of copy, First Issue February 3, 1917. per annum from March 23rd. 1911, and the all right, title. Interest, equity and equity Announcements have been received 5 vents per line. J Wallace Spencer and bride came Last Issue March 3. 1917. ’ further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees, and of redemption in and to the land described by friends in this city telling of the home Saturday morning last. against said defendant on plaintiffs' third in the said five respective causes of suit cause of suit for $1333.32 with interest and hereinafter described as First Tract. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN marriage Feb. 1 at Hoquiam, Wash., Mrs. H. G. Newport is spending the of Miss Louise Wise to Mr. Benjamin IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum Second Tract. Third Tract. Fourth Tract ADVERTISING BY THE OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY from March 23rd, 1911, and the further and Fifth Tract, respectively, and the said week with friends io Portland. sum of $100.00 attorney's fees : and against writ commanding me to make respective Smead, of Oakland. Miss Wise will Lulu Behrmann. Plaintiff. ) I 4 MERICÄN’RESSA 5 Sofi'S said defendant on plaintiff s fourth cause sales of the five following described respec vs. .-Summons. I —dM ′ . -ed-es —aa - - k rplem ■ d Mr. and Mrs. Siscel wi re at Wasco be remembered by many here, having Walter Harr, Defendant. 1 of suit for the sum of $1333.32, with in tive tracts of real property, to-wit : terest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per FIRST TRACT: The W. 14 of the NE. this week visiting friends. They re- taught in the Hermiston schools five To Walter Harr, the above named defendant. GENERAL OFFICES In the name of th* state of Oregon: You are annum from March 23rd, 1911, and the 1 of the NW. 1 of the NE 14 of Section turned Wednesday afternoon. or six years ago. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO hereby required to appear and answer the com- further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees : 33. T. 5 N.. R. 29 E. W. M. containing 5 plaint in the above entitled suit within six weeks that said defendant be forever barred and acres more or less, according to government Mrs G. A. Hale of Diamond, Wash., Mrs. E. E. Stewart left Tuesday BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPA! from the date of the first publication of this sum- foreclosed from any and all right, title. survey. In Tinatllla County State of Ore- i inons and you will take notice that if you fail to Interest, equity and equity of redemption gon. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Earl Portland to join Mr Stewart. Mr. appear and answer or plead within that time, the in and to the land described In said com The E. 142 of the NE. Carson. Slewart left several weeks ago to look plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the plaint in the said four respective causes of County Official* 1 of the NE. 14 of Section above entitled court for the relief prayed for in suit and hereinafter described as First R. W. M . containing Circuit Judge G W. Phelps ’s complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree Tract. Second Tract. Third Tract. and acres more or less according Rev. and Mrs. Corbett, who were up a locatian but will not decide de- plaintiff to government District Attorney Roscoe 1. K eat or f said court declaring that certain deed from Al. County State of Ore- Judge ......C. H. Marsh guests at the Skinner home for two finitely until Mrs. Stewart joins him. C. Crawford to Walter Harr, purporting to have Fourth Tract respectively, and the said survey, In Umatilla " gen. respective commanding me to make writ Commissioners B. E. Anderson During the year Mr and Mrs. Slewart been executed on September 16, 1916. filed for •ales of the four following described THIRD TRACT : The SE. 14 of the NW. H. M. Cockburn weeks, left Monday for their home in record on October 2, 1916, and recorded in Book 95 Clerk ‘ of the NE. 1, . of - R. T. Brown Canada. were in Hermiston they made many it page 475 of the deed records of Umatilla county pective tracts of real property, to-wit : ............ >3. T. 5 N.. R. Sheriff J. D. Taylor FIRST TRACT The NE. ‘ 9 E. W. M., containing 10 aeres more or tobe void and cancelling the same and friend- who wish them success wher Oregon, Grace Gillian of Sec. 33 ess, according to government survey. In he record thereof, and requiring defendant to ‘1 of the M Superintendent Gunn has been con- ever they may go Assessor C. P. Strain withdraw his claim thereunder and permanently Range 29 E. W. M.. containing 10 acres ’ matilla County, State of Oregon. Surveyor Willard Bradley fined to his home this week on account enjoining and restraining the defendant from more or less according to government sur FOURTH TRACT: The SW. 1, of the School Supt I. E. Young aiming any interest in the land described in said vey. In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. W. 1 of the NE. 1 of Section 33, T. 5 Mrs. G W. Bohn and her brother, deed Coroner J..T. Brown of sickness. During his absence Mrs. and from in any manner interfering with SECOND TRACT: The SE. M of the R. 29 E. W. M.. containing 10 acres, Ben Burroughs Recorder Harold Morrow, came down from the said land or the title thereto and from tres- more or less, according to government sur- passing thereon. County court meets the first Wednesday in each Spencer heard his classes. of Range 29. E. W M.. containing 10 acres vey in Umatilla County, State of Oregon. Walla Walla Tuesday to sell the This summons is published pursuant to an month. FIFTH TRACT: The NW. % of the NW Mr. and Mrs. Berl Hiatt are back in household furniture, rder of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the more or less according to government sur- Mr. Bohn, who above entitled court duly made and entered on vey, In Umatilla County. State of Oregon. . of the NE. 1 of Section 33, T. 5 N . R. Hermiston to make their home. At recently went east to investigate a he 9th day of January, 1917, directing that City Official* THIRD TRACT : The SW. Y of the NE "9 E. W. M., containing 10 acres more or publication hereof be made once each week for a 1 of the NE. 1 of See. 33. Tp. 5 N.. of ess, according to government survey, in Mayor F. C. McKenzie present they are at the hotel, but are position, has accepted and will come period of six weeks consecutively, in the Hermis- Range 29 E. W. M.. containing 10 acres ’’mattilla County, Oregon. Recorder C. M. Jensen on Herald and the first publication hereof is more or less according to government sur- Chief of Police C. C. Salser endeavoring to find a house. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said at once for Mrs. Bohn and the child- nade pursuant to such order on the 20th d«y of vey. Treasurer F. A. Phelps execution, judgment, order, decree and or W. J. Warner. Fire Chief W. Beasley While leaving the project, M . January, 1917. Mrs Eraser had in a few iriends for ren FOURTH TRACT: 1 of the NE. der of sale and in compliance with the com. J.T. Hinkle. C. O. Wainscott City Physician 1 i of the NE. 14 of Sec. 33. Tp. 5 N., of mand of said Writ, I will on the 5th day Attorneys for Plaintiff Range City Attorney W. J. Warner an informal evening at cards Saturday. and Mrs. Bohn consider it but tempor- 18-23 29 E. W. M.. containing 10 acres of March. 1917. nt ten o'clock A M . at the S. R. Oldaker Four tables were tilled and a most de ary and will return when the big orch- City Surveyor more or less according to government sur front doer of the County Court House In Councilmen J. D. Watson vey. Pendleton. Umatilla Conntv. State of Ore “ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. 4 ard comes into bearing. ......................... Kennedy lightful evening spent. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said son, make separate sales In the order In ! H. M. Straw In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- execution, judgment, order, decree and order which said tracts have been hereinabove .......... A. L, Larson As for several years past the Or gon gon, for Umatilla County. Rae Skinner, who has been with an of sale and in compliance with the com- described, at public auction, subject to re F R. Reeves The First National Hank of Seattle, a mand of said writ, I will on the 5th day Cemption. to the highest bidder or bidders C. S. McNaught automobile accessory bouse In Port- society of the Sons of the American corporation, and Maxwell Land A Irrigation of March, 1917. at ten o'clock A. M.. at for cash In hand, of all the right, title and 'and, has been made manager of a revolution is offering prizes for essays o., a corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. Indiana- the front door of the County Court House interest which the above named defendants WEATHER REPORT Iregon Fruit Company, a corporation ; First In Pendleton. Umatilla County. State of or either of them had on August 24. 1910. house in Tacoma by the same company. on topics connected with the war for National Bank of Hermiston, a corporation. Oregon, make separate sales in the order the date of the respective mortgages herein The following table shows the high and low tem- American indet endence. First prize Defendants. In which said tracts have been hereinabove foreclosed, or since that date. In and to the perature for the days and nights for the past Mrs. Dodd gave the tirsi of a series By virtue of an execution, judgment, or- escribed at public auction, subject to re- above described respective tracts of property will be $25, second $15 and third 810. of small informal card parties Saturday decree, and order of sale issued out of dempt ion to the highest bidder or bidders or the said above described nroperty or any High The contest is open to any grade or 'er, Date Low Date High Low he above entitled court in the above en- for cash in hand, of all the right, title part thereof, to satisfy said execution, jud™. evening last. Four tables were tilled 54 39 20 ................ 48 26 titled cause to me directed and dated the and Interest which the above named de ment, order, and decree, interest, costs and M high scheol pupil in Oregon. Essays al auction bridge to the delight of all day of January, 1917, upon a judg- fendant had on March 23rd, 1911. the date ceruing costs 17 26 ... 47 28 21 « must contain not more {han 3 000 27th Dated this January 29. 1917. nent and decree rendered and entered in of the respective mortgages herein fore present. 18 19 24 22................. 53 T D TAYLOR. words and be submitted not later than aid court on January 26, 1917, in favor closed, or since that date. In and to the 19 26 Sheriff of Umatilla County. State of above described respective tracts of pro f the plaintiffs and against the defendant. Rev Chapman was called away last April 1. Complete information re ndiana-Oregon Fruit Company, a corpora petty or the said above described property, Oregon. M. D. SCROGGS — By A. r. Funk, Dep. week by the serious illness of his gardiog the contest mav be bad by ad- Ion on plaintiffs' first cause of suit, for or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu Co-operative Observer F rst issue February 3. 1917. tion. judgment, order and decree. Interest, hetsum of $1405.74 with interest tbereon dressing Winthrop Hammond, 127 it the rate of 7 per cent per annum from costs and accruing costs. Last issue March 3. 1917. Dated this 29th day of January. 1917. December 22nd, 1910, and the further sum Sixth street, Portland. T D TAYLOR. f $100 attorney's fees, and against said Sheriff of Umatilla County, State of lefendant, Indiana Oregon Fruit Company, Munday evening the local Odd Pel- i corporation, on plaintiffs' second cause of Oregon. By A. c. Funk, Dep lows lodge received an officia visit wit, for the sum of $573.33 with Interest First Issue February 3. 1917. al the rate of 7 per cent from De from H. J. Taylor of Pendleton, re- thereon Last Issue March 3. 1917. ember 22nd. 1910, and the further sum of presenting the grand master of Ore- 50.00 attorney's fees, and against all of NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. gon. He was accompanied by R. tie defendants above named that said de endants and each and all of them be for- In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- Alexander. Both are past grand mas ver barred and foreclosed from any and right, title. Interest, equity and equity gon, tor Umatilla County. lers and have visited the local lodge ill The First National Bank of Seattle, a f redemption to the land described In said • any times After a short busines wo respective causes of suit and herein ci rporatlon, and Maxwell Land A Irriga- Hermiston, described as First Tract and Second tion Co., a corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. Erie session the doors were thrown oven liter Tract respectively, and the said writ, com l matilla Fruit Company, a corporation; and a delegation of Rebekahs ad- Handing me to make respective sales of the I enn-Oregon Fruit Company, a corporation ; wo following described respective tracts of J. L. Hampel and Jane Doe Hampel, his UNION milted Mr. Tav lor and Mr. Alexan- eal wife; J. C. Pinney and Jane Doe Pinney, property, to-wit : GO NOW PACIFIC der both made good talks to the mem FIST TRACT : The NE. 1 of the NK his wife ; John Dilling and Jane Doe Dil- SYSTEM « of the NE. % of Section 5, Tp. 4 N, Ing. his wife, Defendants. bership urging them to work for a tange . VIA By virtue of an execution, judgment, or- 29 F . W. M. containing 11.81 acres larger lodge, the opoortuniiy for nore or less according to government sur der, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in the above en which is now ripe both with the Old SECOND TRACT The S. 14 of the SE. titled cause to me directed and dated the Fellows and Rebekahs. Following the , of the NE. 1 of the NE. 14 of Section 27th day of January. 1917, upon a Judg- . Tp. 4 N . Range 29. E W. M . containing ment and decree rendered and entered in with whatever kind of a Whip they DIRECT MOTE TO SUNNY visitors several others spoke and re ice acres more or less according to gov said court on January 26, 1917, in favor of mav desire. We have Riding Whips the plaintiffs and against the defendants, ' rnment survey. freshment- were served during asocial CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of Mid 1 rie Umatilla Fruit Company, a corpora and Crops, Driving and Carter’s Whips meeting of ail. xecutlon. judgment, order, decree and order tion* on plaintiffs' first cause of suit for —all of the b-st qualities, durable and PORTLAND f sale and In compliance with the com the sum of $666.66, with interest thereon Taken Up mand of said writ. I will, on the 5th day at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from handsome. Our harness, too, in single 1910, and the further sum of f March. 1917. at 10 o'clock A M . at the August Notice is hereby given that the undersigned and double sets, has made a reputation has taken up and holds at his ranch about 3 ‘ront door of the County Court house in $50.00 attorney’s fees, and against said <le fendant Erle I mat ilia Fruit Company, a .or us, ihe careful workmanship being miles north of Hermiston, the following described Pendleton. Umatilla County. State of Ore stock : gon. make separate sales In the order In corporation on plaintiffs' sorond cause of highly praised by the most competent I buckskin mare, weighs about 950, brand un- which said tracts have been hereinabove suit for the sum of $666.66 with interest certain, unbroken. •escribed, at public auction, subject to re thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum judges. The above described property will be sold at demption to the highest bidder or bidders from August 21. 1910, and the further sum publie auction to the highest bidder for cash in for cash In hand, all the right, title and of $50 attorney's fees, and against said de Shoe and hand Monday, March 5. 1917, at 10:00 o'clock interest which the above named defend fendant Erie Umatilla Fruit Company on a. m at the above mentioned ranch, unless re Hits er either of them had on the 22nd day plaintiffs' third cause of salt for $1333.32. New line men’s, women's and child deemed by owner. W. T. Roberts ren’s shoes st right prices. f December. the date of the mort with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per gage herein foreclosed, or since that date cent per annum, from August 24, 1910. and NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALI HERMISTON In the Circuit Court of the State of ore had tn and to the above described respec the further sum of $100 attorney's fees; EVERYDAY PRICES father Hev. Corbett occupied the Baptist eburrh pulpit Sunday morning and evening. Have You Tried “Black Diamond” Briquets PHELPS CASH GROCERY Wood New Goods Received Every Few Days. New Articles Being Added Constantly Slabs Umatilla Storage & Commission Company Inland Empire Lumber Company The Hermiston Herald " The Quality " of .. LOCAL BRIEFS.. We Whip Everybody omia UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM pe veois Harness Repairing HARNESS STORE Round Trip Fares Direct or via Sait Lake City SAN FRANCISCO Literature, reserv a- tions, and tickets up on application to igon, for t matilla County The First National Bank of corporation, and Maxwell Land Irriga tien Co. a corporation. Plaintiffs, Ohio & Indiana Orchard Company, a I oration. Defendant. By virtue of an execution, judgment I der, decree and order of sale issued ou | the above entitled court In the aho. Sheriff of I matilla County, State of directed and dated the th day ... tur nt and decree LOS ANGELES satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree. Interest costs and accruing costs. Dated this 20th day nt January. 1917 1017, upon a judg rendered and entered In NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. R Burn: ‘Walla Walli the plaintiff« and against the defendant, In the Circuit Court nt the State of Ore thio A Indiana Orchard Company, a cor poration. on plaintiffs' first cause of suit gon. for Umatilla County. The First National Rank of Seattle, a tor the sum of $666 66 with interest there on at the rate of 7 per cent per annum < orporation, and Maxwell Land A Irrica- from March 3rd, 1911. and the further tion Co., a corporation. Plaintiffs, vs. The said defendant on plaintiffs’ second cause of suit for the sum of $666.66 with interest thereon at the rate of T per cent per annum Bob neon Orchard Company, a corporation Defendant. By virtue nf an execution, judgment, or der, decree and order of sale issued out of OTAI I QAO 0 I ALLIUNo AT ALTA STABLES PENDLETON. ORE Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are extra good. Besides other Percheron, Belgian, English Shire and C ydesdales with imported ancestors that are young and good with correct pedigress that are desirable. One pair extra Percheron mares. If you are a cus- tomer and want to save your money, come and see me Remember, Good Stallions and Low Prices. i you have . stallion J that you cannot use longer, I might change 1. J I JSTIGE. IMPORTER, " PENDLETON, ORE.