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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 2023)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 24, 2023 -FOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY Only $9.00 per week to advertise your business! Call the Heppner Gazette-Times to place your ad: 676-9228 • Text 541-980-6674 • Email Accounting Services Financial Services RITA VAN SCHOIACK Daniel Van Schoiack, CPA FINANCIAL ADVISOR Accounting and Income Tax Services Retirement and Financial Planning Consulting • Investment Management Call 676-9971 (Office/Home/Fax) ~ E-mail Tax Preparation & Planning - Electronic Filing Computer Set Up & Assistance - General Ledger Auto Parts & Repair Heppner Auto Parts Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings - Saws & Mowers Auto & ATV Parts - Small Engine Repair Oil Changes 541-676-5009 186 E May St, Heppner Auto Towing Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Cetera Advisors LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. OFFICE 541.676.5226 430 WEST LINDEN WAY, HEPPNER Health & Nutrition PIONEER MEMORIAL THERAPY SERVICES • Shelley Shelley McCabe, McCabe, D.P.T. D.P.T. Office Hours: • • Krystal Krystal Seitz, Seitz, OTR/L OTR/L • Regi Lazinka, CCC-SLP Mon - Fri 8:00 - 4:00 • Regi Seitz, CCC-SLP 541-676-1123 (541)676-2945 Heppner 150 Rock Street 695 Alfalfa Street, (Next to Pioneer Memorial Clinic) Heating & Cooling PO Box 314 Lexington, OR 97839 541-989-9110 541-571-4260 FOR SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS CALL TRI-CITIES 509-586-0379 LIC# CCECLIPHC847N4 HERMISTON 541-564-1031 LIC# CCB206538 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING • HEAT PUMPS HOT WATER HEATERS • REFRIGERATION GAS • ELECTRIC • OIL On the corner of “C” Street in Lexington Chiropractic Services Holiday/Vacation Rental Tim Dickenson, D.C. Phone: (541) 676-8990 Heppner - M, T, Th and F from 8am-5pm. Condon- Wednesday from 9am-5pm. Coffee Balm Fork Lodge For those interested in a fully furnished quiet home away from home with all the comforts including Wi-Fi, Dish TV, coffee and bathroom amenities To reserve, visit email or call Kaley 541-219-1662 Insurance 471 N Main Street Heppner, Oregon 97836 Luke Swanson ♦ Josh Burns ♦ Anna Wedding PO Box 24 Hermiston, OR 97838 Office: 541-667-7218 Fax: 800-520-6501 CA License Number: 0D64253 Collections Agency A Full Service Collection Agency 461 E. Main St Hermiston,OR (800) 244-9006 Collection Services • Account Analysis Receivable Consulting • Check Verification Oil Products DEVIN OIL CO., INC Monitor Stoves Chevron Products 676-9633 Pre-Collect Services Contracting SILVER CREEK CONTRACTING Michael Duncan Cell: 541-626-2060 email: Heppner, OR SEPTIC – EXCAVATION – CONCRETE Dentistry Services Hayden Dental Matt Hayden, DDS • Tara Kreuger, RDH 1050 W. Elm Ave, Suite 240 (541) 567-8414 Full Range of Dental Services. New patients welcome! Equipment Rental 76-UnoCal Motor Oils Propane • Heating Oil •Diesel • Gasoline Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc 541-989-8221 1-800-452-7396 P.O. Box 367 Lexington, Oregon 97839 Plumbing SERVICES: Blue Mountain Plumbing, LLC Plumbing Repairs Plumbing Installation Riley Wight Cell: 541-429-0848 Email: Remodels, New Construction Commercial & Residential Storage Units STOR - 4 - U Make room in your garage for your car... Hermiston Oregon Fencing FOR ALL YOUR FENCING NEEDS.... S LANCASTER FENCING LLC Cell Phone/Text (360) 953-1318 RENT A MINI-STORAGE Heppner Storage Units • Different Sizes Available Call 541-567-7317 to Rent Pump Service FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC WATER NEEDS... •Pressure Tanks • Irrigation Pumps •Solar Pumping System • All Domestic Water Supplies LEXINGTON PUMP, LLC CCB #199519 John Cell: 541-561-3519 WWW.HEPPNER.NET STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon for only $200. Contract rate dis- counts available upon request. Oregon Classified Advertising Network. A service of Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Contact the Heppner Gazette-Times (541) 676-9228 ADOPTION: California couple promises baby warm loving home, secure future. Devoted grandparents, gentle pet, educational opportunities. Generous living expenses paid.Michael 1(323)250-3679 or attorney 1(310)663-3467. SERVICES: Use Happy Jack Skin Balm on cats & dogs to treat hot spots & skin allergies without steroids! At Tractor Supply ( SERVICES: DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible.503-772-5295. SERVICES: ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 8 FREE Omaha Steaks Burgers! Order The All-Time Grilling Faves! ONLY $99.99. Call 1-844-517-2592 and mention code 73375STH or visit www. SERVICES: FREE high speed internet for those that qualify. Government program for re- cipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet FREE with one-time $20 copay. Free shipping & handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today! 1-877-390-0458. SERVICES: Spring has sprung and it's planting season again. This year Nature Hills, America's largest online plant retailer, has an exclusive offer - French Mani- cure Panicle Hydrangea. Sale price just $24.60 plus s/h. Call for details and order today. Call Nature Hills Plant Nursery 1-844-550-0583 or visit nature- SERVICES: Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-block- ing gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-536-8838. SERVICES: Call LeafGuard and say goodbye to gutter cleaning for good. No cleaning. No leaking. No water damage. No more ladder accidents. Get LeafGuard today and be protected for life. FREE estimate. Financing available. 20% off total purchase (Restrictions may apply.) Call 1-844-345-1537. SERVICES: Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options.Request a FREE Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-557-1912. SERVICES: The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Re- quest a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844-989-2328. SERVICES: Caring for an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care?'s Family Advisors are here to help take the guesswork out of senior care for you and your family. Call for your FREE, no-obligation consultation: 1-855-287-5303. SERVICES: Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium na- tionwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-877-916-0803. SERVICES: Dish Network: Only from Dish- 3 year TV Price Guarantee! 99% Signal Reliability, backed by guarantee. Includes Multi-Sport with NFL Redzone. Switch and Get a FREE $100 Gift Card. Call today! 1-866-373-9175. SERVICES: DIRECTV Stream - Carries the Most Local MLB Games! CHOICE Package, $89.99/mo for 12 months. Stream on 20 devices in your home at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-602-2009. SERVICES: Connect to the best wireless home internet with EarthLink. Enjoy speeds from 5G and 4G LTE networks, no contracts, easy installation, and data plans up to 300 GB. Call 866-857-2897. SERVICES: Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Phy- sicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-833-975-1626 to get a free quote or visit SERVICES: Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim inde- pendence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855-839-0752. SERVICES: Safe Step. North AmericaÂ’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-395-1433. SERVICES: Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844-487-0221. SERVICES: Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844-655-0972. MISCELLANEOUS: Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-866-695-9265 today!MISCELLANEOUS: Gazette-Times CLASSIFIED ADS .50 per word/$5.00 minimum Card of Thanks: $10 (up to 100 words) Deadline: MONDAY at 5 p.m. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Afternoon Teacher: Hep- pner Day Care, Inc. is a licensed certified center focusing on providing car- ing, high quality services to children 3 – 8 years old and we are looking to hire an Afternoon Teacher to lead our afternoon pro- gram. Teacher is responsi- ble for creating and imple- menting lesson plans that engages children ages 3 – 8 years old. We are looking for a consistent, energetic person that can work until 5:30 pm and is qualified to be left alone with children. Position to begin by Sept. at the latest; Full Time op- tion, but could be part time if preferred; year round position. We offer compet- itive wages, supplemental insurance, and variety of training opportunities to increase knowledge and skills. Applicant must be enrolled or be able to be enrolled in the Oregon Central Registry, and have or obtain within 30 days of employment a Child and Adult CPR & 1st Aid card and Food Handlers Card. Please see our website for more detailed description of the position and link to job application. www.heppnerdaycare- 5-10, 17, 24, 31 June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023 8 c Seeking 2 full-time ex- perienced cooks to join our amazing team. We are looking for people that love to serve, cook, and have a strong work ethic. We offer a fun working en- vironment where your hard work and dedication is ap- preciated and rewarded. You will enjoy the perks of wanting to come to work every day with amazing management, coworkers, and the very best custom- ers around. If this sounds like the perfect fit for you come drop off your re- sume at the Broken Spoke located at 125 W Main St. in Lexington, Oregon (971)444-0946) broken- We can't wait to meet you. May 17, 24, 2023 2 c Summer Help Wanted! If you are a college student home for the summer or if you are looking for some full time or part time em- ployment, Willow Creek HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Terrace Assisted Living is accepting applications for a Resident Care Associ- ate. Position works as part of a great team and duties will include assisting res- idents with their activities of daily living, as well as the care of the facility. For more information, or to get an application, email wc-, or call 541-676-0004. May 17, 24, 2023 2c Job Announcement: City of Ione Temporary Part-time Maintenance OpeningThe City of Ione has a temporary part-time maintenance/grounds keeper position open. This is a 20-25 hour a week po- sition. End date: End of August. Must be at 18 to operate equipment. Wag- es are dependent upon experience.Please contact the City of Ione at (541) 422-7414 or PO Box 361, Ione, OR 97843 for a job application. Closing date: June 5, 2023 at 5:00 pm.City of Ione is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. May 24, 31, 2023 Assistant Cook Part Time - South Morrow Co Senior Meals will be hir- ing a hard-working, team player, and unperturbable person for this 4-hour-a- week job. We are looking for someone who enjoys working with seniors and brings an enjoyable per- sonality to our team. Pay depends on your experi- ence. Please contact Jackie Alleman, 541-667-7865. May 24, 2023 thanks to Pat and Trisha for your unmeasurable care and compassion you give to so many. You work so well with people and our community is blessed to have the two of you. Tripp Finch, your kindness and caring support to our fam- ily will never be forgotten. Our sincerest thanks for all the kind words and the re- flection you did of Vilas’s life at the graveside and the service were wonderful. Thank you to Rick Drake for being the vocalist at the service. With your re- markable voice you did an outstanding job helping to bring us some closure. Thank you to the Heppner ambulance crew and the first responders. Jodi Fer- guson, you are amazing at your job and it was so nice to have a familiar face the morning we lost him. Thank you to The Heppner Elks Lodge for the great venue and the St. Patrick’s Altar Society for prepar- ing the fantastic meal. So many people with your kind gestures have made this difficult time a little easier. Your support made a huge difference.With our sincere thanks, Deb Ropp, Linsey Kellogg Family Ashley Lindsay Family May 24, 2023 1p The St. Pat’s Senior Cen- ter would like to express a huge thanks to all the high school kids that came and worked and did an amaz- ing job! Teacher – Jason Palmer, Daemon Worden, Hailey Wenberg, Hailey Cimmi- yotti, Zac Brown, Jackson Coiner, Nathan Ellsworth, Shad Greenup. May 24, 2023 1p The Berretta Family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for the outpour- ing of sympathy following the passing of Dr. Edward Berretta on April 21, 2023. We truly appreciate the cards, beautiful flowers, tributes, prayers and con- dolences we received. Dr. Ed worked for the Morrow County Health District for over 30 years and our fam- ily was truly blessed to be a part of the Heppner com- munity during that time. He had a true passion for rural health care in gener- It has been said so many times, but we are reminded of what a wonderful com- munity we live in when something major happens in our lives. Our family is humbled and grateful for the outpouring of love, kindness and encourage- ment we received after losing Vilas. The cards, phone calls, meals, visits, as well as the flowers and prayers have been so help- ful as we have dealt with this loss of our husband and father. The words of thoughtfulness during this difficult time have been so comforting and reminds us of what a caring com- munity we have. A special