Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 2012)
FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 1,2012 Chamber Chatter H eppner Wolf Depredation Ad visory Committee: There are still openings for com mittee members. If you are interested, please contact the chamber office to pick up a committee form. Christmas in July Sale: Quilter’s Round-Up annual “Christmas in July” will be held July 17-31. Christmas fabric will be 40% off; pat terns and books that are pre dominately Christmas will be 30% off.; red and green weaving supplies are 40% off. You might want to also check out the class sched ule for Christmas classes offered during this time to get a jump start on the holidays. It’s a great time to take advantage of holiday shopping.. .and the weather is much better too. Large sele c tio n o f books in the I leppner Chris tian Church basement now through Sunday, July 29: With the passing of Pastor Murphy, there are large se lections of the books he had in his office that are now available to the community for a small donation. These include books on humor, photography, writing, his tory, pastoral study books and many others. Port of Morrow Facility Tours: The Port of Morrow will be offering guided bus tours o f its facilities to community, educational and business groups. Unfor tunately, they do not offer tours to young children; the tours will last from 45 minutes to one hour. Please email port@portofmorrow. com or call 541-481-7678 to reserve your seat for one of the scheduled tours. Tours will be as follows; Friday, Aug, 3, 1-2 p.m. and 2-3 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 4, 10-11 a.m. and 11 a.m. to noon. Saturday, September, 29: “Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes is being sponsored by ConAgra Foods - Lamb Weston. It will be a 5K walk to raise funds for the American Diabetes Asso ciation, Richland Chapter. The walking course will be along the beautiful Co lumbia River starting at the Boardman Marina Park. They are asking for $25 donation for each walker/ family. You can donate personally or have a busi ness sponsor your walk; free-t-shirts for all walkers. Pre-registration by Sept. 18; contact Roz Pedro at 541-481-2011, ext. 67310; Maria Richards at 541-481- 2011, ext. 67444 or Tina Livingston at 541-481- 6900, ext. 57300. Sheep, kids get ready for fair Volleyball camp a A View from the success Hill Heppner volleyball players from third through 12"1 grades once again reaped the benefits of professional clinicians Wendy Stammer, Lena Chan and Nicole Kludt during the volleyball camp held at HHS last week. “Thanks to generous support from the Heppner High School Booster Club and Les Schwab Tires, local kids received an opportunity rare in most small communities,” said one local coordinator. -Contributedphoto 4-H contests this Wednesday This is a busy week for Morrow County 4-Hers; Wednesday morning kicks o ff with the M easuring Contest beginning at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Quick & Easy Ground Beef Con test at 9 a.m. Contestants will per form proper m easuring techniques in the measur ing contest in front of their peers and a judge. The Morrow County Livestock G ro w ers p ro v id es one pound of ground beef to contestants in the Quick & Easy Ground Beef Contest; contestants have one hour to prepare and serve a dish with this local commodity. Presentations will also be held on Wednesday, with a full day of present ers starting at 9 a.m. Con testants in this category will have 20-30 minutes to present illustrated talks, demonstrations or public speeches. All o f these contests will be held at the Morrow County Fairgrounds Annex. Check out the website at http://extension.oregon- for more details or follow the Mor row County 4-H program on Facebook to stay current on all program updates. “Come check out these contests and show your sup port for our 4-H members,” says 4-H Extension Agent Ashley Jones. “Hope to see you all there.” Scholarship applications available lone Community 4-H Livestock Club member Matt Orem shows his Morrow County Fair showmanship lamb during the Oregon Trail Livestock Jackpot show on July 14 in Heppner. Matt will be a fifth grader at lone Community School and is the son of Eric and Brandi Orem. -Photo by Erin Heideman City clarities dog license requirements The City o f Heppner reports that it has recently received numerous com plaints of dogs at large in the town. According to City Manager Dave DeMayo, many animals have been captured and taken to Pet Rescue in Hermiston. The Heppner city code requires that all dogs over the age o f six months be licensed. The licensing pe riod covers Jan. 1 o f the li censing year to Jan. 1 of the following year; that is, Jan. 1,2012 to Jan. 1,2013. Li censes cost $7 per year for spayed or neutered animals and $ 15 per year for those that are not. A current rabies immunization certificate is required when applying for a license. The city is in the pro cess o f notifying all dog owners who have not re newed licenses for 2012 or who have been identified as having unlicensed animals on their property. The pet licensing pol icy, says DeMayo, helps the city identify dogs that are lost or picked up; in most cases, the owners can be identified and their pets returned. Anyone with questions can call DeMayo at 541 - 676-9618. Fair clean-up day scheduled Applications are avail able for the Lexington pre cinct and Elizabeth Slottee M em orial scholarships. They may be picked up at Heppner High School, lone High School or online on the Morrow County school website. The deadline for these to be turned in is Sep tember 1, 2012. Questions, call Bill Rietmann at 422 -7296 or Sharon Harrison at 989-8496. The Lexington Voting Precinct Award is given to a sophomore, junior or senior who lives in the Lexington voting precinct. The Slotee Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a junior, senior or graduate student at an accredited four-year college or university. The scholar ship is given annually in order of priority. First, to a student majoring or minor- ing in music and, second, to a student who has been accepted into a school of education. Criteria used in award ing this scholarship include scholarship, leadership, cit izenship, financial need and probability of success in the student's chosen field. A club for all species By Doris Brosnan The games have begun, and the residents view them with great anticipation. The competitors are nervous but energized. The spectators are eager for the contests and eager to root on the athletes. Are we talking about the World Olympics on satellite TV or the Ter race Olympics live on the Hill in Heppner? Both have been and will continue to be full of upsets and drama as this week progresses. While athletes from 205 countries gather in London to dem onstrate their skills on land and in water, the contestants from the rooms of Willow Creek Terrace will gather to prove their competitive spirit and good-natured attitudes on land and in the common room , concentrating on the Bulls Eye Game, WCT G olf, Bocce Ball, Yard Darts, Shuffle Board, Put ting, Marshmallow Stack ing, Biggest Smile Stretch, and the “ G u ess-H o w - M any-in-the-Jar” Game. The scores will surely con tinue to be close, as in the golf competition, in which one-half point separated gold-medalist Marge Bur gess from silver-medalist Liz Buehler— four points to three-point-five— and another half point from the tie for the bronze by Meg Murray and Velma Felt, each with three points. The morning following each competition will fea ture a count of gold, silver and bronze medals won in the United Kingdom and at the Terrace. The posted list may capture the attention o f all residents and staff even before socializing over breakfast. O ther opportunities for socializing on the Hill abound each w eek, o f course, and the summer has brought an additional nine weeks o f variety— with learning and creativ ity as bonuses— in the per son of Julianne Carlson on Tuesdays. Julianne will continue her weekly offer ings through August 21, bringing new art education or a craft project to the Ter race each time she visits. Participating residents will have the option of entering their individual crafts in the Morrow County Fair this month. The ju ry is out on whether or not garden pro duce will be entry-ready in three weeks, but produc tion has been great and the garden is certainly ready almost daily for some pick ing, pruning or weeding. Already some vegetables have been canned or fro zen, as well as served fresh Open class livestock deadline Aug. 2 Other Open Class entries accepted fair week ,/ake Heideman, son of Deacon and Erin Heideman, and Austin and fyler Carter, sons of Scott and Kim Carter, prepare show pigs for the Morrow County Fair August 15-18 in Heppner. The three boys are members of the lone Community 4-H Livestock Club...a club that welcomes all species. -Photo by Clean-up day for 4-H/FFA kids is August 4; clean-up Erin Heideman begins at 8 a.m. Open Class livestock needs to be pre-registered by August 2 in order to reserve a spot or pen. Other entries will be taken fair week on Monday, August 13, from 1-8 p.m. Flowers, fruits and vegetables are taken on Monday, August 13, from 5-8 p.m. and Tuesday, August 14, from 8-10 a.m. Located In the Rolling Hills near Hardman. \Thls rem ote location Is perfect for your private functions, Magnetic Door Signs! THE TREO LODGE IS AVAILABLE FOR RENT Family Reunions Company Functions Lots of Sizes Nightly or multiple days Bring your own or Full Service * Lots of Colors Prices start at $300.00 per night sleeps 14 Available at Treo: Sporting Clay Course • Rifle Range Pistol Range • Tannerite Range Train Your Hunting Dogs Horse Shoes • Bicycling Hot Tub • Pool Table • Satellite TV Ohre Kathy a call at 541-676-5840 « I almost daily. These are in addition to the fine garden gifts from Carl and Geri Martin, George and Myma Seiler, Allen and Debbie Scott, Jack and Jo Meligan, Shirley George, and Jerald and Leann Rea. Some residents report that they couldn't wish for much more than the won derful fresh fruits and veg etables of summer, but Al ice Buckley made a special wish for her recent birthday and it was granted: To have both of her daughters here for her special day. Man ager Naims made a point of capturing a picture of the three women together early in the visit, and then she had it developed and framed and in Alice’s possession in time for the festivities. On Monday, July 30, Velma Wight celebrated with a fried-chicken lunch, joined by most of her fam ily and several friends, when she turned 95 years young. On W ednesday, more friends acknowledged her special event when she and about four other Terrace neighbors had lunch at the senior center. Only four days later, Virginia Wilkinson had her special day, too. Virginia was also able to request a favorite lunch for Friday, August 3, because she cel ebrated her 91st birthday. That day was to be made all the more special with time spent with her daughter Pam, son-in-law Mark, and husband Dick. All of the residents rec ognize the importance of these special moments in everyone’s life and view them with great apprecia tion, as they do, also, the volunteer visits and activi ties provided each week by so many familiar names and faces. And it probably goes without saying that they view many of this month’s special international and national observances as pretty satisfying, too: Joke Day? “ 1 fo rg o t...” Day. Fireworks and milkshakes together. The birthday of “American B andstand.” Sunday S undae...w hat’s not to like? And Junk Food Day was a pretty good one, maybe on an equal footing with Ice Cream Cone Day and Cheesecake Day Of course, everyone could rem inisce on Fox Trot Day. Yes, from private cel ebrations, to large public events, to fun “Olympic” feats—sharing, caring and fun continue to be watch words at Willow Creek Ter race, and residents and staff continue to view them as critical to their lives. Watermelon # Cantaloupe • Fresh Corn All locally grown in Hermiston, pesticide free. Available at Space Age Travel Center Exit 182, 7 days a week from 9 AM - 6 PM (Available May through November) 541 - 571-2515 johnchris_ I © w w w .fin le y s fre s h p ro d u c e .c o m * Free Quotes Heppner Gazette-Times 541 676-9228 - i